* Mask used by Topeng-players I
* Batik-freme for the exclusive use of ladies of quality V
A "brownie" of that enchanted garden that men call Java 2
* Batik-pattern 3
"Fishing-praos, their diminutive hull almost disappearing under the one tall whitish-brown sail, shaped like a bird's wing and flung back, as if ready for a swoop and rake" 6
"The ship lay still and we trod the quay of Tandjong Priok" 7
* Sekin. (Interior of Sumatra) 11
* Four-armed Çiva 12
* Lamp.—Garuda the Sun-Bird in the shape of a winged woman 14
* Landing of a Hindoo Ship.—Relief to Boroboedoer (Java) 15
"A seller of fruit and vegetables his baskets dangling from the end of a bamboo yoke" 17
"Pine-apples and mangosteen, velvety rambootan and smooth-skinned dookoo" 19
"The big kalongs hanging from the topmost branches in a sleep from which the sunset will presently awaken them" 21
* Ivory Mortar and Pestle, decorated with representations of scenes from the Life of Krishna 26
* Mask used by Topeng-players 28
* Wayang "bÈbÈr", drawing, representing the story of Djaka Prataka. (Vide: Vreede Catalogue of Javanese and Madurese MS. Leiden 1892, page 196) 29
"A triple row of branching tamarinds" 32
"The idyllic Duke's park, very shadowy, fragrant and green" 33
The business quarter of Batavia 36
A footsore Klontong trudging wearily along 37
+ The Chinese Quarter 39
"The West-monsoon has set in, flooding the town" 40
+ "The Kali Batawi on its way through the Chinese Quarter" 41
+ Entrance to a rich Chinaman's House 43
"A glimpse of the river as it glides along between the bamboo groves of its margins" 45
+ Procession at the funeral of a rich Chinaman 50
+ Funeral procession on its way to the Chinese Country 51
+ Burning of symbolical figures at a Chinese Funeral 53
"The deliberate stream sauntering along at its own pace on its way from the hills to the sea" 55
* Bamboo case. (Java: Preanger Regencies) 60
* Batik-pattern 61
"Compound" of a Batavia House 62
+ The servants' kitchen 67
+ Native servants 71
+ Native gardener 75
+ Native footboy 77
+ Sacred gun near the Amsterdam-gate, Batavia 78
* 299
Peasant ploughing 300
Rice on the swampy plains 301
"The produce of the fields is equally divided amongst them as they equally divide the labour and the toil" 303
Flooded rice-fields 306
+ "The men, with the father of the bride at their head, had come for the bridegroom, to conduct him to the mosque" 308
+ "With measured steps the two advanced towards each other, and whilst yet at some distance paused" 309
+ "Humbly kneeling down, the bride proceeded to wash the bridegroom's feet, in token of loving submission" 310
+ Bride and bridegroom sitting in state 311
+ The wedding-guests on their procession through the village 312
+ "The men sat down to a repast" 315
Native Policeman 316
* Mandou (S. E. Borneo) 317
* Vishnu the preserver, four-armed, standing on a lotos-cushion, lotos-plants to his right and left, under which two women standing: Laksjmi and Satiavana the Consorts of the God. (Java) 318
* Javanese Type 320
* Crease. (Java) 321
A seller of Peruvian bark 325
Crease. (Java) 329
A Malay 330
Crease. (Java) 331
* Kartakeya Çiva's Son, the War-God, seated on a pea-cock 331
Cock-fighting 332

The illustrations marked * are taken from originals in the Leyden Ethnographical Museum, those marked + from the Haarlem Colonial Museum.

Vide also: H. H. Juynboll, "Das Javanische Maskenspiel" in: Intern. Archiv. fÜr Ethn. XIV 41.

L. Serrurier, De Wayang PoerwÂ. Eene ethnologische studie. Leiden 1896.

Crease. (Java)

A Malay

Crease. (Java)


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