| | * | Mask used by Topeng-players | I | * | Batik-freme for the exclusive use of ladies of quality | V | | A "brownie" of that enchanted garden that men call Java | 2 | * | Batik-pattern | 3 | | "Fishing-praos, their diminutive hull almost disappearing under the one tall whitish-brown sail, shaped like a bird's wing and flung back, as if ready for a swoop and rake" | 6 | | "The ship lay still and we trod the quay of Tandjong Priok" | 7 | * | Sekin. (Interior of Sumatra) | 11 | * | Four-armed Çiva | 12 | * | Lamp.—Garuda the Sun-Bird in the shape of a winged woman | 14 | * | Landing of a Hindoo Ship.—Relief to Boroboedoer (Java) | 15 | | "A seller of fruit and vegetables his baskets dangling from the end of a bamboo yoke" | 17 | | "Pine-apples and mangosteen, velvety rambootan and smooth-skinned dookoo" | 19 | | "The big kalongs hanging from the topmost branches in a sleep from which the sunset will presently awaken them" | 21 | * | Ivory Mortar and Pestle, decorated with representations of scenes from the Life of Krishna | 26 | * | Mask used by Topeng-players | 28 | * | Wayang "bÈbÈr", drawing, representing the story of Djaka Prataka. (Vide: Vreede Catalogue of Javanese and Madurese MS. Leiden 1892, page 196) | 29 | | "A triple row of branching tamarinds" | 32 | | "The idyllic Duke's park, very shadowy, fragrant and green" | 33 | | The business quarter of Batavia | 36 | | A footsore Klontong trudging wearily along | 37 | + | The Chinese Quarter | 39 | | "The West-monsoon has set in, flooding the town" | 40 | + | "The Kali Batawi on its way through the Chinese Quarter" | 41 | + | Entrance to a rich Chinaman's House | 43 | | "A glimpse of the river as it glides along between the bamboo groves of its margins" | 45 | + | Procession at the funeral of a rich Chinaman | 50 | + | Funeral procession on its way to the Chinese Country | 51 | + | Burning of symbolical figures at a Chinese Funeral | 53 | | "The deliberate stream sauntering along at its own pace on its way from the hills to the sea" | 55 | * | Bamboo case. (Java: Preanger Regencies) | 60 | * | Batik-pattern | 61 | | "Compound" of a Batavia House | 62 | + | The servants' kitchen | 67 | + | Native servants | 71 | + | Native gardener | 75 | + | Native footboy | 77 | + | Sacred gun near the Amsterdam-gate, Batavia | 78 | * | 299 | | Peasant ploughing | 300 | | Rice on the swampy plains | 301 | | "The produce of the fields is equally divided amongst them as they equally divide the labour and the toil" | 303 | | Flooded rice-fields | 306 | + | "The men, with the father of the bride at their head, had come for the bridegroom, to conduct him to the mosque" | 308 | + | "With measured steps the two advanced towards each other, and whilst yet at some distance paused" | 309 | + | "Humbly kneeling down, the bride proceeded to wash the bridegroom's feet, in token of loving submission" | 310 | + | Bride and bridegroom sitting in state | 311 | + | The wedding-guests on their procession through the village | 312 | + | "The men sat down to a repast" | 315 | | Native Policeman | 316 | * | Mandou (S. E. Borneo) | 317 | * | Vishnu the preserver, four-armed, standing on a lotos-cushion, lotos-plants to his right and left, under which two women standing: Laksjmi and Satiavana the Consorts of the God. (Java) | 318 | * | Javanese Type | 320 | * | Crease. (Java) | 321 | | A seller of Peruvian bark | 325 | | Crease. (Java) | 329 | | A Malay | 330 | | Crease. (Java) | 331 | * | Kartakeya Çiva's Son, the War-God, seated on a pea-cock | 331 | | Cock-fighting | 332 | The illustrations marked * are taken from originals in the Leyden Ethnographical Museum, those marked + from the Haarlem Colonial Museum. Vide also: H. H. Juynboll, "Das Javanische Maskenspiel" in: Intern. Archiv. fÜr Ethn. XIV 41. L. Serrurier, De Wayang PoerwÂ. Eene ethnologische studie. Leiden 1896. Crease. (Java)
A Malay
Crease. (Java)