CHAPTER I Jessie and the Wizard. CHAPTER II. Jessie's Two Cousins. CHAPTER IV. Jessie's Great Sorrow. CHAPTER VI. The First Slide of the Season. CHAPTER VII. Jessie's First Great Victory. CHAPTER VIII. Farewell to the Cousins. CHAPTER IX. The Wizard in the Field Again. CHAPTER XI. Madge Clifton's Mother. CHAPTER XII. Little Impulse beaten again. CHAPTER XIII. The Skating-Party. CHAPTER XIV. The Watch-Pocket finished. Jessie Talking to Rover. Front GLEN MORRIS STORIES. JESSIE CARLTON; THE Story of a Girl who fought with little Impulse, the Wizard, AND CONQUERED HIM. BY FRANCIS FORRESTER, ESQ., AUTHOR OF “GUY CARLTON,” “DICK DUNCAN,” “MY UNCLE TOBY’S LIBRARY,” ETC. BOSTON: BROWN & TAGGARD. NEW YORK: HOWE & FERRY. 1861. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, By HOWE & FERRY, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. RENNIE, SHEA & LINDSAY, Stereotypers and Electrotypers, 81, 83 & 85 Centre-street, New York. R. CRAIGHEAD, Printer, 81, 83 & 85 Centre-st. NOTE TO PARENTS, GUARDIANS, AND TEACHERS. The purpose of the “Glen Morris Stories” is to sow the seed of pure, noble, manly character in the mind of our great nation’s childhood. They exhibit the virtues and vices of childhood, not in prosy, unreadable precepts, but in a series of characters which move before the imagination as living beings do before the senses. Thus access to the heart is won by way of the imagination. While the story charms, the truth sows itself in the conscience and in the affections. The child is thereby led to abhor the false and the vile, and to sympathize with the right, the beautiful, and the true. To every parent, teacher, and guardian, who has affinity with these high purposes, the “Glen Morris Stories” are most respectfully inscribed by their fellow-laborer in the field of childhood. Francis Forrester. ORDER OF THE GLEN MORRIS STORIES.
PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY. Jessie Carlton, only daughter of a New York merchant residing at Glen Morris Cottage, Duncanville, a village near New York. Emily and Charlie Morris, Jessie’s two cousins, visiting at Glen Morris Cottage. Madge Clifton, Jessie’s protÉgÉ. Carrie Sherwood, one of Jessie’s companions. Mrs. Moneypenny, a poor widow, and her son Jack. JESSIE CARLTON |