The brother to his dear sister spake;
“Wilt thou not quickly a husband take?”
“Dear brother, I’ll do no such thing,
I’m far too young for marrying.”
“Then why so oft do I hear it said
That thou preparest thee to wed?”
“Ah! folks such store of scandal say,
That only fools attention pay.”
“Who was that gallant knight, that rode
This morning early from thy abode?”
“A very gallant knight, indeed,
It was my page upon his steed.”
“What might that pair of shoes betide,
That lately stood by thy bedside?”
“If pair of shoes stood ever there,
That pair of shoes my slippers were.”
“Those children small, how came they, say,
The other day in thy bed that lay?”
“No children small I ween were they,
But pups with which I’m wont to play.”
“How happ’d this morn that baby scream.
Which from thy chamber broke my dream?”
“O babes in that guise seldom squall,
My maid cried for her keys so small.”
“What might that splendid cradle mean,
Which hidden here I oft have seen?”
“It was no cradle met thine eyes,
But my silk woof about that lies.
“Brother if thou hast questions more,
I’ve other answers still in store.”
When women for answers are at stop,
There’ll be in the main no water drop.