There’s no living, my boy, without plenty of gold,
But gold to obtain you must ever be bold.
The Diver will never who feareth the shark
Bring up precious pearls from the sea caverns dark.
O think not you’ll change what on high is designed,
Though you lift up your hands and to heaven you shout;
The Angel will grieve not, who governs the wind,
Though a gust should the lamp of the widow blow out.
Load not thyself with gold, O mortal man, for know
No strength thou’lt have for loads when summon’d hence away.
Avoid excess of meat, it maketh gross, I trow,
And gross thou must not be when summon’d hence away;
For through the narrow gate thou’lt find it hard to go
Of death, if thou art gross when summon’d hence away.
* * * * *
Printed for Thomas J. Wise, Hampstead, N.W.
Edition limited to Thirty Copies.