

Captain Brand Frontispiece
“When the Wind Comes from Good San Antonio” 12
The Pirates Boarding the Brig 26
The Night Chase 38
The Pirate Den 47
The “Panchita” 50
“He Touched the Bell Overhead as He Spoke” 65
A Pirates’ Dinner 85
The Pirate’s Prey 94
“A Supernatural Warning!” 116
Shriving a Sinner 124
“He Crept Forward on Hands and Knees” 141
“A Dull, Heavy, Booming Roar” 156
“See If You Can Not Slip That Pretty Silk Rope Over my Head” 162
Building the Boat 174
The United States Frigate “Monongahela” 183
“Queer Old Stick, That!” Said the Commodore 188
And the Pitch Hot 208
The Stern Chase 217
“His Right Arm Poised with Clenched Hand Aloft,” Etc. 256
The Old Water-Logged Launch 280
“Now Captain Brand Knew What Was Coming” 294


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