| PAGE | Captain Brand | Frontispiece | “When the Wind Comes from Good San Antonio” | 12 | The Pirates Boarding the Brig | 26 | The Night Chase | 38 | The Pirate Den | 47 | The “Panchita” | 50 | “He Touched the Bell Overhead as He Spoke” | 65 | A Pirates’ Dinner | 85 | The Pirate’s Prey | 94 | “A Supernatural Warning!” | 116 | Shriving a Sinner | 124 | “He Crept Forward on Hands and Knees” | 141 | “A Dull, Heavy, Booming Roar” | 156 | “See If You Can Not Slip That Pretty Silk Rope Over my Head” | 162 | Building the Boat | 174 | The United States Frigate “Monongahela” | 183 | “Queer Old Stick, That!” Said the Commodore | 188 | And the Pitch Hot | 208 | The Stern Chase | 217 | “His Right Arm Poised with Clenched Hand Aloft,” Etc. | 256 | The Old Water-Logged Launch | 280 | “Now Captain Brand Knew What Was Coming” | 294 |