
Smothering a scream, Penny twisted around to see that it was Old Julia who had seized her arm.

“Oh!” she gasped in relief. “I thought it was Winkey or Father Benedict!”

“You go now!” the old woman urged her. “Please!

“I can’t until I’ve helped whoever is locked in here,” Penny replied, gently prying away Julia’s fingers which were cutting into her flesh. “Tell me, where is the key?”

Old Julia shook her head in a stupid sort of way.

“The key to this door,” Penny explained patiently. “Where is it kept?”

“Father Benedict,” Julia mumbled. “No other.”

“Then it’s impossible to help the girl without bringing police!” Penny exclaimed. “I’ll have to get out of here and drive to Riverview! But can I prove anything?”

Old Julia stared blankly at Penny as if not understanding a word. But she reached out, and taking hold of the girl’s hand, pulled her along the corridor.

Believing that the servant meant to show her a quick means of exit from the building, Penny willingly followed.

However, Old Julia led her only a few yards before pausing beside another door. Opening it, she motioned for Penny to step inside.

The girl saw with some misgiving that Old Julia expected her to enter what appeared to be a rather large, empty storage closet.

“Oh, I don’t want to hide,” Penny explained thinking that the old woman had misunderstood. “I must leave here now.”

“Inside!” bade Julia insistently. “You see! Talk!”

She gave Penny a little shove into the room and closed the door.

Only then did the girl realize that she barely had escaped detection. For, in the corridor, heavy footsteps now were heard. Standing motionless against the closet door, she recognized Father Benedict’s voice as he spoke to Julia:

“What are you doing here?” he asked the servant harshly. “Have I not told you never to come into this section of the building?”

Julia’s reply was inaudible. The monk’s next remark warned Penny that she courted detection if she remained longer in the building.

“I have just come from the refectory,” he said. “I counted the soup bowls. There were ten empty and one barely touched. Who was the eleventh person in this household that was served tonight?

“Don’t ask me,” moaned Old Julia. “I dunno nothing.”

“Sometimes,” said the master coldly, “I am inclined to think you know far more than you let on. Get to the dishes now! Go!”

Evidently Father Benedict struck or kicked the woman, for Old Julia uttered a sharp cry of pain. Her sobs died away as she retreated down the corridor.

After the old woman had gone, Father Benedict unlocked the door of the bedroom and stepped inside. By pressing her ear against the closet wall, Penny was able to hear every word of the ensuing conversation.

“Well, my dear,” said Father Benedict to the imprisoned girl. “Are you ready to come to your senses?”

“If you mean, am I willing to sit quietly by and see you rob my grandmother, the answer is ‘No!’”

“I do not care for your choice of words, my dear,” replied the monk. “You are an impertinent child who must be disciplined.”

“Wait until I get away from here!” the girl challenged. “People will learn exactly what’s going on in this place!”

“Will they indeed? So you propose to make trouble?”

“I’ll tell what I’ve seen. You’re only a cheap trickster! Furthermore, you can’t keep me a prisoner in this room.”

“No?” Father Benedict’s voice crackled with amusement. “In this house I am the law! Since you are in no mood to discuss matters reasonably, I shall leave you here. Your grandmother, I trust, will display a more sensible attitude.”

“You leave my grandmother alone!” the imprisoned girl cried furiously. “You’re only after her gems!”

“If you were to cooperate—”

“I’ll never fall in with your schemes!” the girl exclaimed. “Let me out of here!”

Penny heard a scuffle and knew that an unsuccessful attempt had been made to reach the door. As her own hand groped along the closet wall, it suddenly encountered a small, circular panel of wood. As she pushed against it, a crack of light showed through.

“A peephole!” Penny thought. “Julia knew it was here! That was what she meant when she said I could see and listen!”

Stealthily, so as to make no sound, she slid the piece of wood aside.

Gazing into the semi-dark bedroom, she saw Father Benedict push the struggling girl backwards onto the canopied bed.

“You have settled your own fate!” he said angrily. “Now you’ll stay here until I find a better place! Sweet dreams, my little wildcat!”

Quitting the room, he locked the heavy door. The girl on the bed buried her head in the dusty, scarlet draperies and began to cry.

Penny waited only until she was certain Father Benedict was far down the corridor. Then she rapped softly on the closet wall.

Through the peephole, she saw the girl start violently and look about the room.

“Hist!” Penny whispered. “Over here!”

She rapped again, and this time the girl saw the tiny hole in the wall. Leaping from bed, she came across the room.

“Who are you?” she demanded, unable to see Penny’s face.

“A friend! I’m here to help you.”

“Can you get me out of this room?”

“Father Benedict seems to have the only key,” Penny told her. “I’ll sneak out of here and telephone the police. But first, I must know exactly what case we have against Father Benedict.”

“He’s mean and cruel! He half starves the people who live here and takes all their money and jewels!”

“Why did he shut you up here?”

“Because I’ve opposed him. Though I tried hard to prevent it, he coaxed my grandmother to come to this horrible place.”

“Have either of you been mistreated?” Penny asked.

“Until tonight, Father Benedict favored us above the other cult members. Of course, that was only because as yet he hasn’t been able to get his thieving hands on the star sapphire!”

At mention of the gem, Penny’s pulse leaped. No longer did she doubt that the girl was the missing Hawthorne heiress sought by Mr. Ayling.

“You’re the one I picked up on the road,” she said. “But you’ve never told me your name. Is it possible you’re Rhoda—”

“Rhoda Hawthorne,” the girl completed for her. “I refused to answer your questions before because I distrusted everyone.”

“And now?”

“I realize you’re a true friend—the only one I have. Oh, you must get me out of this room quickly! Please bring police at once!”


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