AT first, Connie and Vevi could not guess what the lifeguard was trying to do. They saw him push hard against the cabin door. When it did not open, he brought forth a small metal tool from inside his bathing trunks. “Why, he must have a deep pocket inside his bathing suit!” Vevi exclaimed in amazement. “How funny!” “Imagine trying to swim with a heavy piece of metal,” added Connie. “I never heard of such a thing before!” As the girls watched from behind the curtains, they were shocked to see the lifeguard deliberately break the door lock of the nearby cruiser. “He shouldn’t have done that!” Vevi declared. “The owner of Miss Lady won’t like it.” Connie gave the Brownie sign for complete silence. Vevi realized then that something was dreadfully Unaware that anyone was near, Raymond Curry had entered the cabin of Miss Lady. Vevi and Connie could see him going hurriedly through drawers and boxes. Most articles he threw on the floor. But the girls saw him stuff two small items into the inner pocket of his bathing trunks. Vevi no longer could remain silent. “Connie, he’s a thief!” she whispered tensely. “He’s taking something that doesn’t belong to him!” “And last night we saw him trying car doors,” added Connie. “He must have been trying to get in.” “He’s been doing his stealing at our beach, so no one would suspect him! Oh, Connie, I’ll bet he was the one who took Miss Gordon’s wrist watch!” “We saw him swimming on our beach that day! He may have been the one who took Mrs. Allison’s purse too!” By this time the girls were so excited they scarcely could contain themselves. In trying to see, Vevi accidentally scratched her hand against the window glass. Though the noise was slight, it was heard on the next boat. Mr. Curry whirled around, seeing the The lifeguard came quickly out of the cruiser, closing the door behind him. “He’s going to go away with all that stuff he took!” Vevi cried. “Let’s stop him, Connie.” Both girls remembered that once at the circus when a pickpocket had tried to get away, all the Brownie Scouts had surrounded him. But now there was no one to help them. Without stopping to think, Vevi ran out of the cabin. “Stop!” she shouted at Mr. Curry, who had leaped off the Lady. “You’re a thief! We saw you take something from that boat.” Mr. Curry paused. He looked up and down the waterfront, not seeing anyone. Then he came over to where the Adventurer was tied up. He was smiling, but not in a friendly way. “So I’m a thief, am I?” he asked pleasantly. “You saw everything?” “Yes, we did!” Vevi retorted. “You put back what you stole or we’ll tell the police! You took Miss Gordon’s watch too!” “Well, well, what clever little girls you are!” Mr. As the lifeguard talked, he bent down by the dock post. Vevi and Connie did not realize what he was doing until it was too late. Then they saw that the man deliberately had untied the rope which held the Adventurer fast. “You’ll not tell the police anything for an hour or so,” said Mr. Curry. “You’re taking a little ride out into the bay.” As he spoke, he gave the cruiser a hard shove. It shot several feet away from the wharf, barely clearing another boat tied on the other side. “You’ll not be carried too far out,” Mr. Curry called. “The drifting boat will be sighted eventually by the lighthouse keeper or from shore. So relax and have a nice time, kiddies. You’ll not be seeing me again!” Mr. Curry stood a moment, watching the boat drift slowly away. Then he turned and was lost to view behind another cruiser. Connie and Vevi were so frightened that for a moment or two they could not speak. Already the cruiser was so far from the wharf that they could not leap ashore. The water was “What’ll we do?” Vevi wailed. “Scream for help!” Connie advised. “Yell as loudly as you can.” Both girls called for help, over and over again. Although it now was nearly seven o’clock, no one seemed to be on the beach. Captain Tarwell was not in sight either, nor were any of the Brownies. “Oh, Connie, we’re being carried out to sea!” Vevi gasped. “And Mr. Curry will get away from Silver Beach with everything he’s stolen,” added Connie in “Oh, we’ve got to do something—quick! Let’s yell for help again.” Cupping hands to their lips, the girls shouted until they were nearly hoarse. Although the cruiser had not as yet drifted far from shore, no one was abroad to hear or see them. “It’s no use,” moaned Vevi, grasping the Adventurer’s railing for support. “We’re going to be Big tears splashed down the little girl’s cheeks. Running into the cabin, she flung herself on the cushioned seat and buried her head in a pillow. |