Madame fulfilled her promise, and in a few days we had the inexpressible satisfaction of sitting by the rude couch of the captain, and hearing his broken exclamations of happiness and delight. It seemed sufficient pleasure to him to watch us as we went about our various duties, and smiles mixed with tears often covered his poor thin face as the little ones vied with each other in nursing him. But he was too weak yet to enter into much conversation, and his nurse was very careful not to let him over-exert himself, for fear of a relapse. In fact, nature seemed to speak for him, as in reply to our anxious queries whether we could do anything for him, he would reply, "Nothing, nothing, but let me look at you, God be praised." In these few days of exquisite happiness we forgot all about the pirates. Nobody watched them, nobody thought of them, though we have reason to suppose that they made a diligent search for their prisoners, and even persevered in it to the top of the large cavern. This we had deserted for some time on account of the dead body, and we now lived in the smaller ones lower By degrees the captain told us a more coherent story than Smart had been able to give us, and said within a fortnight of their leaving us they were made prisoners by the pirates; that they dragged out lengthened days of misery, want, and ill-usage, only held up by the knowledge that our future deliverance depended upon their escape. And when time went on, and he thought it was almost impossible such a helpless party of women and children could survive and bear up under such an unhappy fate, he was almost reduced to despair, and they were both determined to do something desperate when they were put on board the pirates' vessel and brought here. And when brought up on deck, and Smart's exclamation awoke his mind to the fact that he was looking upon the lovely bay in which he had left us with hopes of a speedy and happy return, his brain turned with inward emotion, his heart seemed to These could, as we knew, be only so very faint they could leave no clue to our destiny. The first ray of hope that shot through him was finding one of our little notes, though, for some time, they thought it was but the writing of ancient days, and not meant for them now. But when they found another, and when the pirates picked more up, and turned them round and round to make out their meaning, a conviction shot through them they had some kind person interested in their fate on the island. But they had some difficulty in managing about the light, as burning it steady would have been forbidden by the pirates. A wild hope had now and then crossed their minds, but had each time been driven away as impossible, and it was not until they felt the soft smooth female hands in that dark but happy night that they gave up their minds to hopeful anticipations, mixed with some fears. How their fondest wishes were realized almost in the first flash of the torch had been already detailed, and while the weakened frame and overwrought mind of the captain sunk under the weight of so much happiness the buoyant Smart recovered his own character at once, and became all and everything he had ever been to us, with a double portion of strength, energy, and sense to assist and help us. And now a fortnight had passed, and we found the And now we found out what the pirates had been so busy about during the last fortnight, namely, building a perfect village of huts at the old house by the plantation. The captain shook his head as he mournfully said, "the whole colony are coming to settle here," while Smart coolly declared, "he was mighty glad thereat, as he would not die happy unless he could settle 'em all, big and little." And forthwith persuaded everybody but Madame and Hargrave to take to ball practice as he called it, that the army might be ready in case of any emergency. We thought it no harm to practice with our neighbours' goods, though we meant to turn them against themselves. But Smart knew where their magazine was, and in a most unprincipled manner we abstracted whatever we could that would not be immediately discovered. Smart, who always had had a secret admiration for Schillie's sang froid and man-like propensities, treated her as his favourite pupil; and after she had hit the mark seventeen times running, held her up to us as worthy of imitation. Smart.—"I used to always be a-telling our cap'in they'll do well if they mind Mrs. E, she has the soul of a man and the wits of a king; and it's my belief even if they hadna gotten us back, she'd a outwitted them ere——rascallion divildims." Nothing delighted the boys so much as to put Smart into a rage, talking about the pirates. The dooms they were all to meet with, if once he got them into his power, would have done for Foxe's book of Martyrs. But much as we enjoyed this time we were not idle; we were making constant preparations for the great struggle that must, we knew, inevitably take place between us and the pirates. And, calculating that they would arrive with their colony a short time before the wet weather, to get settled in their houses before it commenced, we should have that time to mature our plans, besides settling what had best be done. |