Exhausted by our many emotions, and the agony of the last twenty-four hours, we slept until very late. But our first words on awaking were, "Is the ship gone?" Yes! she was gone from her mooring; nevertheless she was lying to, and the boat came off to shore with about ten men in it. They lost no time, but hurried about in every direction to find what we were certainly not going to lose sight of again. We heard them wrangling and grumbling as they searched all about Cartref Pellenig. A gun recalled them to the ship after they had spent many fruitless hours in the search. Ere sunset arrived, the low black hull of the evil ship was hardly to be traced on the horizon. Then we questioned the three heroines as to their adventures. Schillie.—"Odious beasts." Mother.—"Is that all you have to say about them?" Schillie.—"Wretches." Mother.—"But, Serena, what do you say?" Serena.—"They are shocking people." Mother.—"Well, I must try Jenny, for you did only tell us what we guessed before." Jenny.—"Oh, Ma'am, they are such a wicked lot!" Finding we could not get any news out of them, we waited until they had sufficiently relieved their feelings by abusing them, and then gleaned the following information by fits and starts. To use Schillie's words they were audibly and horribly elated at having captured such notable prisoners. Also they were questioned very much about themselves, and Schillie's friend, the King of the Pirates, asked if they belonged to a party of ladies and children supposed to be lost in a yacht about two years ago. To this she replied in the affirmative, hoping to hear news from home. Then they told her that many people were employed in the search after them, and that very large rewards were offered to any one who could give information. "Then," said Schillie, "if you take us all home you shall receive rewards beyond your greatest wishes." This conversation was held in French. He went and retailed it to his companions in Spanish, not deeming that Serena understood them. They then had a dispute amongst themselves as to whether they would retain possession of the prisoners or claim the promised reward. The dispute ran so high that they all agreed to defer it till they got to sea, having too much to do to waste the time at present. When Serena interpreted this to Schillie she was wrath beyond expression, and vowed she would jump overboard and be swallowed by a shark ere she went to sea and leave it undecided as to what their future fate must be. Then the captain asked her where all the others were? "Well, Schillie," said I, "I don't think I should have objected to go with them so much, for they are generally such needy people these pirates that money would surely have tempted them to give you up." Schillie.—"Brutes!" Mother.—"And then you could have made arrangements to come for us." Schillie.—"Villains!" Mother.—"Now do be rational, why don't you listen to what I say, instead of vituperating in this manner?" Schillie.—"It is you that want reason. I tell you what, June, I had rather stay here all the days of my So the subject was dropped, and, though we might have had some misgivings that we had not acted with great courage, and that we had lost an opportunity of being restored to the world which we might not have again, yet we were not worse off than we had been ten days ago. Moreover, we had escaped a great and serious misfortune, namely, being separated. Also we knew the extent of what we had suffered, and we could not tell what we might have had to endure. Also we had the heartfelt satisfaction of knowing that we were not given up as lost, that kind hearts and active energies were being employed in our behalf. Were we wrong to be so hopeful that these exertions would meet with a due reward? These thoughts gave us food for many a conversation, though we made very few allusions to the pirates themselves. Once, indeed, on remarking a few cooking utensils, and a great big bottle that were now in use among us, and which I had never seen before, "Oh," Jenny.—"Indeed, Ma'am, it is quite true. Look at our old saucepans. Past mending, even if there was a tinker next door." Schillie.—"Very sensible brat! I did not think she had such nous in her." Mother.—"Really I think we ought to give you a vote of thanks, Gatty." Madame.—"But surely, my dear Madam, the want of principle Gertrude has shewn ought to be reproved. It was (pray do not think me unkind) but I am afraid I can call it nothing but a theft on her part." Hargrave (bursting into the conversation nolens volens).—"I beg pardon, ladies, but I must say Miss Gertrude has hacted in a manner surprisingly delightful. Them 'orrifying hannimals 'as destroyed 'eaps of our best dresses and millineries; and hif Miss could but 'ave tossed their best suits hoverboard my mind would be hat rest, and my 'eart heased." So Gatty got applauded on all sides, for Madame was reminded if it had not been for her thieving propensities she would never have had the nice quantities of warm water we could now heat for her bath. Therefore she pocketed her principles at the shrine of her baths, at least to a certain extent. |