We were up, had had our shower bath after careful examination, had breakfasted, and yet there lay our enemies in stupid and heavy sleep still. "Now then," said Gatty, "now is our time." "Yes," said Otty, "I'll engage to kill them all." "With my help," said Master Felix consequentially. "No, no, children, don't be so absurd," said I, "drunken people are not so helpless as you imagine, and, besides, they may not be all so. Some may be watching elsewhere, some others may still be in the ship; they will soon be tired of looking for us, and leave us in peaceable possession of our dear little island." Schillie.—"I am not quite sure if it would not be a good plan to pick them off one by one, when we can find them at an advantage." Mother.—"For heaven's sake don't be mad. The report of a gun would bring them all on us, and the smoke betray us." Sybil.—"Besides, little Mother, they may after all be good people, and we have no right to kill them until they have tried to hurt us." Hargrave.—"Oh Miss Sybil, whatever can you go for to say they 'ave not 'armed hus. I never, no never saw such wickedness! My mistress's best lace dress! I shall never forget it to my dying day, no nor never forgive it. The 'eathens, the monsters, I am willing to 'old any hinstrument for my young master while he shoots the dreadful scrummagers." Gatty.—"You don't say so! Hargrave, then take hold of this." Hargrave shuddered as she grasped the gun, but she resolutely held it at arms length. Gatty having put her to the proof, applauded her, and we went on with our conversation. Mother.—"I can never feel sufficiently grateful to you, Madame, for your forethoughts and wisdom. We are now at all events our own mistresses and masters, but no one knows what would have become of us, had we gone open-armed to meet these people." Madame.—"They look capable of any wickedness, Madam, and I really begin to think from all I can make out that they are pirates, and then they would have had no scruples in carrying us all off, and selling us for slaves." Schillie.—"Or worse, they might have turned us into wives, a thing I could by no means consent to, even to be Queen of the Pirates." Serena (our best Spanish Scholar).—"I heard them talking a great deal about the snake, and it seemed they were afraid to land at first for fear of it, but wanted water very much. And it was only on Gatty.—"What owls we were to leave the skin there. However I think it great fun to dodge them in this way." Madame.—"Fun did you say, my dear child? Poor deceived child." Gatty.—"Not deceived at all, Madame, and, besides, we all think it fun." Sybil.—"Yes, Madame, I think it very amusing to feel so safe and secure, and yet to be able to watch them so well." Serena.—"And you know, Madame, it gives us such advantage; we know all about them, and they know nothing about us." Schillie.—"Also, Madame, we have now something to do, and June cannot thrust any more of her inventions upon us for want of some other amusement." ZoË.—"And you know, Madame, we cannot have any lessons while we are so busy watching." Winny.—"Yes, Madame, and it is so nice to feel so useful, and have you all running up to ask us, 'Well! what do we see now? What's going on at present?'" Lilly.—"And to see them all running about here and there looking for us, and all too in the wrong places." Oscar.—"And what fun it will be to shoot them." Felix.—"Yes! right and left shots." Jenny.—"Oh, Master Felix, how pleased I should be to see you do that." Hargrave.—"Nobody more so than hi, I make bold to say." Madame turned from one to another in sad dismay, and then looked at me. "Well! Madame, it is better they should all think thus than be as wretched as we were yesterday," returned I. "So let us make the best of it, hope the best, and ardently pray for it." "I should like just to kill a few before they leave," said Gatty. Mother.—"For what possible reason, my dear child?" Gatty.—"Because, because, it will be then a real good downright adventure, and we shall be able——" Here we were interrupted by a great noise. Every heart jumped into every mouth, at least mine did, so I suppose every other person's did. We flew to our hiding places. By and by there was a great smell of smoke. I telegraphed Schillie, and we crept from our corners, and went to the spy place. Oh sight of horror, what did we see but our beloved house, that matchless building, all in flames! Not being able to speak, Schillie shook her fists at them, until I thought she would shake them off. The dear little house, our pride and delight, built with such labour, inhabited with such pleasure, was fast consuming under the hands of these robbers. It seems that having guessed all our stores were there, and having made every effort to find us, and not succeeding, they had resorted to this method in the hope of forcing us to appear. But, such a In the meantime they shouted and called to us in every part of the island, offered us every inducement they could think of to make us appear. But, not even the bribe of a promise to take us away from the island moved us one bit. We kept closer and more quiet the more furious they became. This lasted two days. We had not much more food left, and it was absolutely necessary we should get to the gardens to obtain something, or to the other house. This was a dreadful idea. At one time I half thought it would be better to starve altogether. But, could I bear to see the little ones die before my face? It makes me shiver when I think of that hour, and the settling who was to go. It must be Schillie or I, one to go, one to stay for fear of accidents. The lot fell on her. I would not let her have her way, but would draw lots. I did not know which was the worst fate of two, to go or stay. Jenny offered to go, Otty would go, and the lot fell on Serena of the three girls. Gatty groaned aloud in disappointment. The hour fixed on was just before night, when they would all be carousing. Well! we let them out. Ah! how horrible it was to see them withdrawn from the shelter of the secret cavern. I sprang to recall them my feelings were so dreadful. But they disappeared like lapwings. |