I. A Remarkable Episode, Hitherto Unrecorded, in the Voyage of the “Mayflower” 1
II. The Waddys of Dullish Court, from Whitegift to Our Hero 6
III. In Which Mr. Waddy Reaches Halifax and Meets with a Misadventure 13
IV. A Gentle Lady of Fortune Decides to Face a Storm 24
V. A Wreck and a Rescue 30
VI. In Which Miss Sullivan Finds Many Reasons for Departure 40
VII. A Peppery Invalid Who Dreams Dreams and Brings Bad News 50
VIII. Mr. Waddy Muses upon Fate and Undertakes a Commission 58
IX. The Nabob Re-enters Civilisation 65
X. Our Hero Renews His Youth in the Warmth of an Old Friendship 73
XI. In Which the Reader is Allowed to Worship at the Shrine 88
XII. The Parable of a Humble Beast of Burden and of Lilies that Toil Not 97
XIII. The Reader is Presented to Two Charming Girls, and so is Major Granby 107
XIV. Protective Scandals and Other Diverting Humours of a Fashionable Watering-Place 126
XV. Mr. Waddy Receives a Letter and Gets out His Pistols 148
XVI. In Which Mr. Horace Belden Prospers Certain Plans 163
XVII. Mr. Belden Contemplates Villainies New and Old 177
XVIII. The Brave Prepare for a Race, the Fair for a Picnic 184
XIX. Miss Center’s Birthday Party and What Occurred Thereat 196
XX. Chin Chin and Peter Skerrett Seize the Forelock of Opportunity 220
XXI. The Story of Diana and Endymion 233
XXII. In Which Mr. Belden Reaches the End of His Rope 241
XXIII. A Voyage of Unknown Length 258
XXIV. Mr. Waddy Accomplishes His Return 266



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