
B. = David Belasco.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z.

“About Town” (extravaganza): 9.
“About Town” (play): 9.
Actors: eminent, of the Past, singled out for detraction, 310, et seq.
“Adam in Paradise” (play—Italian): 317.
Adrea” (tragedy): 68; 69; 121; 126; 129;
writing of, 134;
character of—and story of, epitomized, 138, et seq.;
truthfulness of, to nature and to fact, 146;
purpose accomplished in, 147;
an honor to its authors, 148;
first performed—first performed in N. Y.—and original cast of, 150; 151;
B.’s determination to present, in Washington, 180;
reception of, in Washington—and B.’s reminiscence of, 181;
B.’s speech at first performance of, 182;
loss on one week’s performance of—and B.’s speech at first N. Y. performance of, 185;
last new play acted in by Mrs. Carter under B., 186; 247; 336; 423;
sp. performance of, for S. Bernhardt, 451.
Ainsworth, William Harrison (Eng. novelist: 1805-1882): 335.
Alva (or Alba), Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of (1508-1583): 81.
Anderson, Mary (Mrs. Antonio de Navarro: Am. actress: 1859-19—): 423.
Arliss, George (George Arliss-Andrews: Eng. actor: 1868-19—): as Zakkuri, 81.
Arnold, Matthew (Eng. poet, critic, etc.: 1822-1888): re the Theatre, 160; 161.
Arthur, Lee (Lee Arthur Kahn: Am. playwright: 18— - 19—): 11; 12; 325.
Assignation,” “The (play): 313.
Auctioneer,” “The (play): written on B.’s plan and to his order—B.’s designation of—revised by B.—first produced—and Warfield on original quality of, 11;
first produced in N. Y.—described and critically considered—Warfield’s performance in, 12, et seq.;
original cast of, 15;
first N. Y. “run” of—tour—profits from, etc., 16;
abstract of B.’s testimony re, in conflict with Theatrical Trust, 17, et seq.;
“booking arrangement” re, with A. Erlanger, 18; 19; 20; 22; 23;
seasons of—and profits from, 24;
receivership applied for—and granted—Warfield closes tour in, etc., 25, et seq.; 27; 49; 124; 172; 386.
Authorship, dramatic: author’s views of, 314.
“Avare” (play): 217.
Babcock, Winnifred Eaton (Mrs. Bertrand W. Babcock—Onoto Watanna: Am. story-writer: 1879-19—): charges plagiarism against B.—arrested for libel—retracts, 88, et seq.
Bachman, Amelia (amateur Am. playwright): 322; 323.
Bahr, Hermann (Aust. play writer and critic: 1863-19—): 290; 291.
Banker’s Daughter,” “The (melodrama): 319.
Barker, H. Granville (Eng. actor, playwright, th. man., and stage man.: 1877-19—): 247; 248.
Barnes, W. (Am. lawyer): 319; 320.
Barrett, Lawrence P. (Am. th. man. and actor: 1838-1891): 48; 66; 153; 214; 428;
B.’s view of, 449.
Barry, Thomas (Am. th. man. and actor): 153.
Bates, Blanche (Mrs. Milton F. Davis—Mrs. George Creel: Am. actress: 1872-19—):
B. launches as star, 1;
qualities of, 3;
her personation of Cigarette, 5; 48; 49; 51;
her personation of Yo-San, 79;
quality of, as actress, 80; 86;
refutes charge that B. “stole” her services, 87; 94; 108; 112; 114;
telegrams to, by B., re “The Darling of the Gods,” 188;
telegram to, by B. F. Roeder, re same, 189;
telegram to, by B., re same, 190;
letter to, by B., re “benefits,” etc., 193;
letter to, by B., re “The Girl of the Golden West,” 194;
as The Girl, 199;
her performance of The Girl critically considered, 200;
last important performance of—acts in “The Fighting Hope,” 208;
acts in “Nobody’s Widow,” 209;
author’s wish that B. might resume management of, 213; 214;
lays cornerstone of B.’s Stuyvesant Th., 235; 236; 260.
Bates, Mrs. Frank Mark (Frances Marion Hinckley—Mrs. Charles L. Lord: Am. actress: 1848-1908): letter to, by B., re “The Girl of the Golden West,” 192.
Bath Comedy,” “The (novel): 94; 96—and dramatized, see “Sweet Kitty Bellairs.”
Beach, Hon. Miles (Judge, N. Y.): 321.
“Becket” (tragedy): 194.
Beckford, William (Eng. novelist: 1760-1844): 74.
Belasco, Augusta (Mrs. William Elliott):
at laying of cornerstone of B.’s Stuyvesant Th., 236;
marriage of, 294;
removed to Asheville—then to Colorado Springs—and death, funeral, and burial of, 296;
closeness of, and her father—and B.’s recollections of, and the writing of “Peter Grimm.” 297.
B e l a s c o, D a v i d (American theatrical manager, playwright, stage manager, actor, dramatist, 1853-19—):
plans to star B. Bates—and selects “Under Two Flags,” 1;
employs P. M. Potter—and produces “U. T. F.,” 2;
beauty of that production, 4;
turns his attention to starring Warfield—negotiation of Warfield with—same engaged by, and contract between and same—issue of partnership with, 7;
personal relations of, with Warfield, and early recollection of same, 8;
position of Warfield when B. undertook management of, 10;
plans “The Auctioneer” for Warfield—has it written—rewrites and first produces same, 11;
Warfield on work of B. on that play, 12;
Warfield’s debt to B.—and probable course of, without his direction, 14;
B.’s profits from “The Auctioneer” reduced—beginning of his conflict with “The Theatrical Trust,” 16;
abstract of his sworn testimony re, A. Erlanger, the Trust, et al., 17, et seq.;
compelled to submit to terms of Erlanger—and evidence to substantiate B.’s statements, 19;
irreconcilable contradiction in the testimony of B. and of Erlanger—and same commented on—author’s reasons for accepting testimony of, 20, et seq.;
B. quoted on threat by Erlanger, 22;
decision against, in favor of J. Brooks—same appealed and technical grounds of that decision, 23;
Warfield refuses to act except under management of, 25;
Warfield’s second public statement in support of, 27;
early and characteristic trend of his mind, 28, et seq.;
his selection of du Barry “not surprising,” 29;
seeking a new part for Mrs. Carter—selects Queen Elizabeth—visits England, 30;
meets J. Richepin, through Miss E. Marbury—visits them at Versailles—and his account of the “Du Barry” contract, etc., 31, et seq.;
rejects Richepin’s impracticable play—writes “Du Barry” himself—and his comments on the historic character, 33, et seq.,
quality of his “Du Barry” and that play described and critically examined, 34, et seq.;
B. sued by Richepin—complaint and reply, etc.—and suit at last discontinued, 42;
his reason for not taking “Du Barry” to London, 44;
comment on reconciliation with Richepin, 45;
loving-cup presented to, by “Du Barry” Co., etc., 46;
extraordinary progress of, 47;
position of, 48;
high ambition of—need of his own th.—and danger from Trust, 49;
business proposal to, by O. Hammerstein, 50;
same accepted—leases the Republic Th.—and stipulations of contract, 51;
comment by, re high rent—dangerously hurt, 52;
rebuilds the Republic Th., 53, et seq.;
“smites a rock” and taps a perpetual spring, 54;
interview of, and holder of mortgage on the th.—the first Belasco Th. described, 55, et seq.;
opening of his first th.—speech of, on that occasion, etc., 60, et seq.;
souvenir published by, 66;
disparaged by biographer of Mark Twain and defended by author, 67, et seq.;
“The D. of G.” created by B.—and letter from, to author, quoted, 69;
his plans for Mrs. Carter—reasons for opening with “Du Barry”—and his immense investment in, 70;
“The D. of G.” based on his “The Carbineer”—collaboration with J. L. Long—and “The D. of G.” first produced by, 71, et seq.;
his tragedy of “The Darling of the Gods,” described and critically considered, 73, et seq.;
dramatic effects originated by B., Irving, Daly, etc., 82;
his interesting recollection of creating scenic effect in ‘The D. of G.,” 83, et seq.;
immense cost to, of that play—and his small profit from—seeking an American Gilbert and Sullivan—engages Miss L. Russell, 85;
accused of “stealing” stars, 86;
and vindicated—is accused of plagiarism, 87;
is libelled—his patience exhausted, causes arrest of O. Watanna—sues for $20,000 damages—and contemporary statement by, 88, et seq.;
libel against, withdrawn, 90;
contemptible outrage against, perpetrated by order of A. Hummel, etc., 91;
feeling of, toward C. Frohman—and significant note from same to B., 92;
author’s comment on—and Judge Dittenhoefer’s comment on the Hummel-Frohman-Blair-Gressit outrage, 93;
his agreement with E. and A. Castle—dramatizes “The Bath Comedy”—and engages Miss H. Crosman, 94;
produces his “Sweet Kitty Bellairs”—harassed by Brooks suit—and terse statement by, 95;
his “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” described and critically considered, 96, et seq.;
sued by Grace B. Hughes, alleging plagiarism—gross injustices to B.—suit decided in his favor—author’s comments re same, 104, et seq.;
letters of, to E. Castle, 106, et seq.;
his “The D. of G.” produced in London—mean disparagement of, 109;
glowing tribute to, by H. Beerbohm-Tree, 110;
abortive arrangement to produce “Peter Grimm” in London, 111;
strenuous work of—comment by, on his disposition—statement re policy of, by B. F. Roeder, 112;
“open war” with the “Trust,” 113;
writing of “The Music Master”—B.’s the animating mind in that work, 114, et seq.;
his reminiscence of “The M. M.,” 118, et seq.;
his speech on first night of “The M. M.” in N. Y., 121; letter of, re “The M. M.,” to C. Klein, 122;
author on B.’s impressions re“one-part actors,” etc., 123, et seq.;
subjected to “a peculiarly impudent and contemptible persecution,” 126;
claim of J. Brooks against, disallowed by Judge Leventritt, 127;
his esteem for Warfield—his views re “The M. M.,” 128;
letters of, to B. Bates, to D. James, Jr., 129;
letter of, to P. Robertson, 130;
letter of Robertson to B., 132;
comment re, by author, 133;
his method of collaboration, 134;
letter of J. L. Long to, re “Adrea,” 135;
letter of, to J. L. Long, re “Adrea”—and character of his “Adrea”—and story of, etc., considered, 136, et seq.;
purpose of, in same—and fulfilled, 147;
climax of his conflict with the Syndicate—and custom of B., re first performance of new plays, 151;
and the Theatrical Syndicate, 152, et seq.;
services of, to Public and Theatre, 152;
imperishable record of—and unique service rendered by, 153;
efforts of, to present plays in Washington, 153;
situation of, under Syndicate domination, 169;
treatment of, by Syndicate, in 1904, 170;
S. Untermyer on Erlanger and Syndicate re Belasco, 178;
feeling of, about Washington—and theatres there closed to, 179;
hires Convention Hall there—and converts into a theatre, 180, et seq.;
letter of, to “Washington Post,” 182;
his reminiscence of first performance of “Adrea,” 183;
a card to the public—and speech by, on that occasion, 184;
immense loss on Washington engagement of “Adrea”—and speech by, in N. Y., 185, et seq.;
professional association of, and Mrs. Carter ended, 187;
characteristic messages from, 188, et seq.;
goes to England—1905, 190;
letter from, to “London Referee,” 191;
alliance of, with Mme. Schumann-Heink arranged—and abandoned—his regret re—and letter of, to B. Bates, 192;
letter of, to J. L. Long, 193;
letters of, re “The Girl of the Golden West,” to Mrs. Bates and to B. Bates, 194;
letter of, to F. E. Shrader, 195;
tribute of, to memory of H. Irving, 196;
first production of his “The Girl of the Golden West”—and same critically considered, 197, et seq.;
reminiscence of, and his father, suggesting central incident of “The Girl of the Golden West,” 202, et seq.;
comment on technical merits of his production utlined to, by author, 445;
project enthusiastically adopted by, 447;
temporarily abandoned, because of death of W. W., see ante, 441;
his estimates of old actors—and glowing tribute of, to S. Bernhardt—a letter, 449, et seq.;
brief extracts from his correspondence, 452, et seq.;
produces “Van Der Decken”—and same considered, 459, et seq.;
produces “Polly with a Past,” after revising it, 463;
produces “Tiger Rose,” after revising, with L. Ulric in chief part, 465, et seq.;
Chronology of the Life of David Belasco, 471, et seq.
Belasco, Frederick (Am. th. man.: 1862-19—): 130.
Belasco, Humphrey Abraham (father of D. B.: 1830-1911):
reminiscence by, the origin of chief passage in “The Girl of the
Golden West,” 200, et seq.;
B.’s last visit to, 271; 272;
death of—funeral—and burial, 294.
Belasco, Reina Victoria (Mrs. Morris Gest):
at laying of the cornerstone of B.’s Stuyvesant Th., 236;
wedding of, 298.
Belasco Theatre, the first: 52, et seq.;
described, 55, et seq.;
opened with revival of “Du B.”—and B.’s speech on opening night, 60, et seq.;
first programme at, 62.
Belasco Theatre, the second (originally David Belasco’s Stuyvesant Th.):
projected, 234;
cornerstone laid, 235;
address by B. Howard on laying of same, 236;
B.’s recollections re occasion, 237, et seq.;
situation of—and described, 238, et seq.;
cost of, 240;
B.’s studio in, 241, et seq.;
opened, 249;
spirited speech by B. on opening of, 255.
Belleforest, ——: 317.
“Belle Lamar” (melod.): 265.
Belle of New York,” “The (extravaganza): 9.
Belle Russe,” “La (melod.—B.’s): 312.
“BelphÉgor; or, The Mountebank” (melod.): 115; 118.
Benrimo, J. Henry (Am. actor): 188; 189.
Bernhardt, Sarah (Sarah Frances—Mme. Jacques Damala: Fr. actress: 184[4?]-19—): 9;
forced by the Th. Syndicate to act in circus tent, 155;
author on—and views of—disagrees with B. re, 448;
B.’s tribute to—a letter, 449, et seq.;
message to from B.—and reply by, 451; 452.
Berton, Pierre (Fr. journalist and playwright: 1840-1912): 325.
Bickerstaff, Isaac (Eng. dramatist: cir. 1735: cir. 1812): 313.
Bieber, Sidney (fire marshal and politician: 1874-1914): helps B., 178.
Bigelow, Wallis & Colton (architects): 59.
Bimberg, Meyer R. (died, 1908):
Booth, Barton (Eng. actor: 1681-1733): unjustly stigmatized,
Booth, Edwin Thomas (Am. actor and th. man.: 1833-1893): 48; 49;
troublesome experience of, when building Booth’s Th., 54; 153; 161;
unjustly stigmatized, 311.
Boucicault, Dion (Dionysius Lardner Boucicault [originally Bourcicault]: Irish-Am. dramatist, actor, and th. man.: 182[2?]-1890): 153; 265; 268; 313; 314.
Bourchier, Arthur (Eng. actor and th. man.: 1863-19—): 128.
Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth: 325.
Bradley, Alice (Am. playwright:) 325.
Brady, William A—— (Am. th. man.: 1865-19—): 9; 429.
Bronze Horse,” “The (spectacle): 82.
Brooks, Joseph (Am. th. man. and agent: 1849-1916): 19; 20; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26;
suit of, against B. begun, 95; 126; 127.
Brown, John: 216.
Burnham, Charles (Am. theatre prop.: 18— -19—): quoted, re commercialism of the drama, 159.
Burton, William Evans (Eng.-Am. actor, writer, and th. man.: 1804-1860): 151.
Bush Street Th., S. F.: Warfield an usher at, 8.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Lord (the poet: 1788-1824): 35; 318.
Caldwell, James H. (Am. th. man.: 1793-1863): 150.
California Th., S. F.: first attempt in Am. to light stage by electricity made at, 245.
Campbell, Maurice (Am. th. agent): 321.
“Campdown Races” (song): 206.
Cannon, Hon. Joseph Gurney (Congressman: 1836-19—): helps B., 178.
“Caprice” (play): 320.
Carabiniere,” “Il (play—It.): 71.
Carbineer,” “The (play—B.’s) : 71.
Carpenter, E. C.: 68.
Carter, Mrs. Leslie (Caroline Louise Dudley—Mrs. William Louis Payne: Am. actress: 186[4?]-19—): 1; 6; 29; 30; 31;
her performance of du Barry, 37;
her method—developed by B., 38;
B.’s reason for not taking her to London in “Du B.,” 44; 45; 48; 50; 51;
B.’s tribute to, 61;
production of “Kassa” by, 68; 69; 70;
end of extraordinary tour of, under B.’s direction, 90; 91; 112; 114; 126;
her impersonation of Adrea critically considered and qualities of specified, 148, et seq.; 182; 184; 185; 184;
marriage of—professional association of, and B. ended—Adrea her best performance—and qualities of it, 185; 186; 187; 277.
Caruso, Enrico (It. singer: 1874-19—): 214.
Case of Becky,” “The (play): 320; 322;
produced—and writing of, 343;
described and considered, 344;
B.’s recollections re, 345;
cast of—unexpected success of—plagiarism charged in, 346;
B. vindicated re same—decision quoted, 347.
Castle, Agnes (Mrs. Egerton Castle): 94.
Castle, Egerton (Eng. novelist and newspaper man: 1858-19—): 94;
B.’s letters to, re “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” 106, et seq.
“Cataract of the Ganges” (“The Ganges”): 82.
“Catherine” (play): burlesque of, 10.
Catherine the Second, Empress of Russia (1729-1796): 29.
Celebrated Case,” “A: 363;
first produced, 363;
considered, 364;
revived by B. and C. Frohman—cast of, 365.
“Charles I.” (drama): 264.
Children of the Ghetto,” “The (play): 87.
Chimney Corner,” “The (play): 249.
Chester, George Randolph (Am. writer: 1869-19—): 289.
Choice,” “The (play): 323.
Chronicle,” “The S. F. (newspaper): 133.
Cid,” “Le (play—Fr.): 317.
City Directory,” “The (farce): 9.
Civinni, C. (It. librettist): 213.
Claire, Ina (Am. actress and mimic): B.’s attention directed to—and first appearance under, 464;
quality of, revealed in Polly Shannon, 465.
Clarke, John Sleeper (Am.-Eng. actor and th. man.: 1833-1899): 153.
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain: Am. author: 1835-1910): 67.
“Coal Oil Tommy” (song): 206.
Cohan, George M. (Am. actor, th. man., and playwright: 1878-19—): 430.
Cohan & Harris (Am. th. mang’s.): 289.
Collins, William Wilkie (Eng. novelist and dramatist: 1824-1889): 164; 234;
comment on his “No Name,” 286.
Colman, John (Eng. th. man. and dram.: 1732-1794): 313.
Comedy of Errors,” “The: 317.
Concert,” “The (farcical comedy): adapted by L. Ditrichstein and produced by B., 289;
theme of—and critically considered, 290, et seq.;
cast of, 290.
Congreve, William (Eng. dramatist: 1670-1729): 313.
Conners, “Chuck”: 395; 396; 397; 398.
Convention Hall, Wash., D. C.: converted by B. into a theatre, 178, et seq.
Cooper, James Fenimore (Am. novelist: 1789-1851): 164.
Cope, John W. (Am. actor: —— - 19—): 233.
“Coriolanus”: 318.
Corneille, Pierre (Fr. dramatist and poet: 1606-1684): 313; 317.
Couldock, Charles Walter (Eng.-Am. actor: 1815-1896): 249.
Courtleigh, William (Am. actor: 1869-19—): 190.
Cowl, Jane (Mrs. Adolph Klauber: 18— - 19—): B. comments on, 283.
Crabbe, George (Eng. poet and clergyman: 1754-1832): 318.
Crews, Laura Hope (Am. actress): excellent performance by, 406.
Cricket on the Hearth,” “The (play): 123.
Criticasterism, “eunuchs of”: Goldsmith quoted re, 304;
author on, and authorship of “Peter Grimm,” 305.
Crosman, Henrietta (Mrs. Maurice Campbell: 1865-19—): 35;
engaged by B., 94;
her personation of Kitty Bellairs, 100, et seq.; 103; 108; 321.
Crushed Tragedian,” “The (satirical farce): 123.
Daly, Augustin (Am. journalist, th. man., dramatist, and stage man.: 1838-1899): 48; 49; 61;
opponent of the Th. Syndicate, etc., 154; 161; 244; 269.
Dampier, Captain William (Eng. buccaneer and explorer: 1652-1712): 317; 318.
Darling of the Gods,” “The (tragedy): 68;
its existence due solely to B., 69;
founded on B.’s early adaptation of “Il Carabiniere,” 71;
first productions of—and original cast of, 72;
described and critically considered, 73, et seq.;
beauties in production of, 80;
fine acting, 81;
B.’s recollection of creating scenic effects in “The D. of G.”—the River of Souls, etc., 83, et seq.;
Tree’s impression re same, on reading description, 84;
B. accused of plagiarism in connection with, 88, et seq.;
186th performance of, 90; 91; 94;
produced in London, 108, et seq.;
B. breaks with Syndicate over—and presents independently in St. Louis, 113; 129; 170; 181; 247; 312; 333.
Davenant, Sir William (Eng. soldier, th. man.: 1605-1668): 419.
Davenport, Edward Loomis (Am. actor and th. man.: 1815-1877): 214.
“David Garrick” (comedy): 123.
Dean, William (gen. st. man. for B.: 1868-1913): 222; 223; 224.
de Belleval, Comte ——: on character and person of du Barry, 34.
de Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano (Fr. novelist, dramatist, duellist, soldier, and poet: 1620-1655): 317.
Defoe, Daniel (Eng. author: 1659 [or 60?]-1731): 318.
“Delicate Ground” (satirical farce): 290.
De Mille, Cecil Blount (Am. actor and playwright: 1881-19—): 306.
De Mille, Henry Churchill (am. Playwright: 1850-1893): 260; 320; 321; 325.
De Mille, William Churchill (Am. playwright: 1878-19—): 260;
B.’s production of his “The Woman,” 306, et seq.; 322.
Destinn, Emmy (Aust. singer: 18— - 19—): 214.
de Valois, Marguerite (1492-1549): 29.
Dewey, George (Admiral of the Navy, U. S.: 1837-1917): at first performance of “Adrea,” 183; 185.
Dickens, Charles, Sr. (the novelist and dramatist: 1812-1870): 162.
Discovery,” “The (play): 313.
Ditrichstein, Leo (Aust.-Am. actor and playwright: 1867-19—):
his adaptation of “Die ThÜr ins Freie,” 281;
adopts “The Concert,” 289;
his adaptation, “The Concert,” critically considered, 291, et seq.
Dittenhoefer, Hon. Abram Jesse (Am. lawyer: 1836-19—): 51;
statement by, r e outrage at Belasco Th., 93; 320.
“DivorÇons” (comedy): 290.
“Dolce” (play): 68.
“Don Juan” (poem): 35.
Dragon-Fly,” “The (play): 68.
Dramatic Mirror,” “The N. Y. (th. newspaper): H. G. Fiske’s arraignment of Th. Syndicate in—and Syndicate suit against, 175, et seq.; 320.
Dryden, John (Eng. poet, dramatist, etc.: 1633-1701): 313.
“Du Barri” (play—Richepin’s): produced in London—and a failure, 44.
du Barry, Countess (Marie Jeanne BÉcu: Fr. courtesan: 1746-1793): 29;
influence of—slaughtered, 30; 31;
B. on character of—author on same, 33;
Voltaire on—and Comte de Belleval on character and person of, 34; 35;
execution of, 36; 42.
Du Barry” (play—B.’s): 32;
quality of—and described and critically considered, 34, et seq.;
first produced—and same in N. Y., 38;
C. Frohman refuses “a half-interest” in—B., and author, on production of, 39;
splendid setting of—and original cast of, 40;
Richepin’s lawsuit against B. re, 42, et seq.;
that lawsuit discontinued, 44;
ceremonies, and speech after New Year’s performance of, 45, et seq.; 47; 48;
reason for presenting at Criterion Th., 50; 52;
revived for opening of the first Belasco Theatre, 60;
souvenir programme of, 62;
souvenir book about, 66;
immense investment in, 70; 89; 91; 108; 181; 320; 321.
Dunlap, William (Am. th. man. and historian: 1766-1839): 150.
Dunn, Emma (Am. actress): in “The W. of V.,” 265.
Easiest Way,” “The (play): quality of, 267;
critical strictures on, 268;
author’s attitude toward, 269;
perfection of production of, 270; 423.
Edwardes, George (Eng. op. and th. man.: 18— - 19—): 128.
Effects, dramatic: creation of—and representative, cited, 82;
B. on, in “The M. M.,” 119.
Elliott, William (Am. actor and th. man.: 18— - 19—): meeting of, and B.’s daughter—their marriage, 294;
same at first opposed by B., 295.
Elizabeth, Queen of England (1533-1603): 245.
Hayman, Al. (Am. spec. th. man. and th. proprietor: 18[52?]-1917): 19; 156;
Fiske’s allegation against, 176; 191; 429.
Heart of Maryland,” “The (melod—B.’s) : 47; 67; 151.
Heart of Mid-Lothian,” “The (play): 253.
Heart of Wetona,” “The (melodrama): 368; 369;
produced and critically considered, 372;
cast of, 373.
“Hearts of Oak” (melod.): 312.
Heir-at-Law,” “The (comedy): 123.
Henry the Eighth, King of England (1457-1547): 242.
Herald,” “The N. Y. (newspaper): 158.
Herne, James A[lfred] (James Ahearn: Am. actor, playwright, and stage man.: 1839-1902): 325.
Hoadley, Rev. John (Eng. dramatist: 1711-1776): 313.
Holinshed, Raphael (Eng. historian: 1520-1580): 317; 318.
Holland (Joseph, Jr.) Benefit: 193.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (Am. poet, author, physician, lawyer: 1809-1894): 36; 62.
Holt, Hon. Henry Winston (Am. judge, 18th Jud. Dist., Va.: 1864-19—): 322.
“Home” (comedy): 123; 221.
Homer: 317.
Hopwood, Avery (Am. playwright: 1884-19—): 207; 325.
Horace: 317.
Howard, Bronson (Am. dramatist: 1843-1908): speech of, at laying cornerstone of B.’s Stuyvesant Th., 236; 319; 325.
Howe & Hummel (attorneys): 42.
Hughes, Grace B. (Mary Montague): suit of, against B.—and decision against her, 104, et seq.; 321.
Hummel, Abraham (lawyer): attorney against B.—and imprisonment—disbarment of, 42; 44; 91; 92; 93.
Hurlbut, William J. (Am. playwright): 206; 325.
Illington, Margaret (Mrs. Daniel Frohman—Mrs. Edward J. Bowes: Am. actress: 1881-19—): 90.
“In Gay New York” (extravaganza): 9.
Inspector,” “The (play): 9.
Iroquois Theatre, Chicago: destruction of—and lawsuit growing out of comment thereon, 173, et seq.
Irving, Sir Henry (kt., cr. 1895: Eng. actor and th. man.: 1838-1905; originally, John Henry Brodribb): 82; 161;
B.’s tribute to memory of, 196, et seq.; 216;
unjustly stigmatized, 311; 428; 429.
Is Matrimony a Failure?” (farcical comedy): produced by B.—and, critically considered J
“Jack Sheppard” (novel):
Jackson, Helen Hunt (Helen Maria Fiske, Mrs. Edward Bissell Hunt, Mrs. William S. Jackson: Am. novelist and poet: 1831-1885): 226.
James, David, Jr. (Eng. actor): letter of B. to, 128; 129.
Japanese Nightingale,” “A (story): 88;
dramatization of, produced, 90.
Jefferson, Joseph (the fourth: Am. actor, playwright, and stage manager: 1829-1905): 14;
performances by, 123; 124; 214.
Jerome, Jerome Klapka (Eng. novelist and dramatist: 1859-19—): injustice of, to B., 257; 258; 259.
“Jesse Brown; or, The Relief of Lucknow”: 312.
Jilt,” “The (play): 221.
Journal of a Modern Lady,” “The (satire): 316.
“Just a Wife” (play): 281;
authorship of—and critically considered, 287, et seq.;
cast of, 289.
Justinian (Roman Emp.: 483-565): 144.
Kadelberg, Gustav (Ger. dramatist: 1851-19—): 281.
Kahn, Otto Hermann (Am. banker and th. patron: 1867): 216.
“Kassa” (play): 68.
Kean, Charles John (Eng. actor, th. man., and st. man.: 1811-1868): 420.
Keenan, Frank (Am. actor): 203;
in “The W. of V.,” 265.
Kemble, John Philip (Eng. actor, th. man., and dramatist: 1757-1823): unjustly stigmatized, 310; 419.
Kendal, Madge (Margaret Robertson, Mrs. William Hunter Kendal [Grimston]: Eng. actress and th. man.: 1849-19—): 268.
Kendal, William Hunter ([Grimston] Eng. actor and th. man.: 1843-1917): 268.
“King Henry VIII” (play—S.’s): 318.
Klaw & Erlanger (Am. speculative th. mang’s. and booking agents): 17; 18; 19; 20; 22; 23; 24;
accusation against, by Warfield, 26; 89;
they produce “A Japanese Nightingale,” 90; 126; 156; 157; 172;
libel suit of, against “Life”—cause of—lost by—and significance of decision against, 174; 175; 176; 191; 275.
Klaw, Marc (Am. spec. th. man.: 1858-19—): 22; 429.
Klein, Charles (Am. dramatist: 1867-1915): engaged by B. to work on “The Auctioneer,” 11; 12;
engaged by B. to work on “The M. M.,” 114;
letter of B. to re “The M. M.,” 122; 325; 341.
Knoblauch, Edward (Am.-Eng. dram.: 1874-18—): B.’s pride in producing his “Marie-Odile”—and that play considered, 356, et seq.
Lacombe, Hon. Emile Henry (Judge, U. S. Cir. Ct: 1846-19—): decision by, for B., in G. B. Hughes’ “plagiarism” suit, 104; 105; 321; 324.
“Lalla Rookh” (poem): 74.
Lancashire Witches,” “The (novel): 336.
“Lend Me Five Shillings” (farce): 123.
Leroux, Gaston (Fr. dramatist): 283.
Leslie, Henry (Eng. dramatist: 1829-1881): 312.
Leventritt, Hon. David (Judge, N. Y. Sup. Ct.: —— -19—): grants receivership for “The Auctioneer,” 25;
refuses mandate against Warfield, 27; 28; 90;
decision of, in favor of B., 127.
Levinsky, Arthur L.: 274.
Liebler & Co. (Am. spec. th. mang’s.): 87.
“Life” (N. Y. weekly): cartoon in, re burning of Iroquois Th.—and lawsuit against, by K. & E., 172.
Lily,” “The (play): 281;
adapted from Fr. by B.—produced—and critically considered, 283, et seq.;
cast of, 287.
Lincoln Grammar School, S. F.: 271; 272; 273.
Little Lady in Blue,” “The (play): story of—and produced, 413;
letter about, by W. W., 414;
cast of, 416.
Livy: 317.
Locke, Edward (Am. playwright): 325; 343; 347.
LÖhr, Marie (Mrs. Anthony Leyland Val Prinsep: Eng. actress: 1890-19—): acts Yo-San in London, 109.
Long, John Luther (Am. novelist and playwright: 1861-19—): 67;
a collaborator with B.—and plays associated with, 68; 69;
collaboration with, in a Japanese tragedy proposed by B., 71; 89;
writes “Adrea” with B., 134;
letter of, to B., re “Adrea,” 135; 185;
letter to, by B., 193; 325.
Longson, Lila: 323.
“Lord Dundreary” (“Our American Cousin”): 123.
Louis the Fifteenth (King of Fr.: 1710-1774): 29; 30; 35.
Lucretius, 317.
Ludlow, Noah Miller (Am. th. man.: 1795-1886): 152.
“Lycidas” (poem): 314.
Lys,” “Le (play): 283—and see Lily,” “The.
McBride, J. J.: 274.
McCullough, John Edward (Ir.-Am. actor and th. man.: 1832-1885): 48; 153; 420; 428.
McKay, George L.: 322; 323.
“Macbeth”: 162; 318.
Mack, Willard (Am. actor and playwright): 325.
Mackaye, James Steele (Am. actor, th. man., playwright, inventor, etc.: 1842-1894): 244.
“Madame Butterfly” (tragedy—B.’s):
68; 71;
effect in, devised by B., 82.
“Magda” (play): 268.
Maguire, Thomas (Calif. th. man.: died, 1896): 319.
Man Inside,” “The (play): 387;
reason of B.’s interest in, 389;
critically considered, 392, et seq.;
produced—and cast of, 393.
Managers, theatrical: accomplishment by early, 152.
Mansfield, Richard (Am. actor: 1854-1907): 48; 82; 268.
Mapes, Victor (Am. journalist and playwright: 1870-19—): 323.
Marbury, Elisabeth (Am. play broker): suggests part for Mrs. Carter—and brings B. and Richepin together, 31; 259.
Margaret, Queen of Scotland: 29.
Marie-Odile” (play): method of lighting used in, by B., 248;
produced—and critically considered, 356, et seq.
Mariner’s Compass,” “The (melodrama): 312.
Marks, Prof. Bernhard: 272; 274.
Matthews, Fannie Aymar: 320.
Maude, Cyril (Eng. actor and th. man.: 1862-19—): 128.
“May Blossom” (melod.): 67; 320.
Mayer, Hon. Julius M. (Judge U. S. Dist Ct: 1865-19—): 322; 323.
Merry Whirl,” “The (extravaganza): 9.
Middleton, George (Am. playwright): 325.
Miller, Charles A.: 274.
Millionaire’s Daughter,” “The (melod.): 319.
Milton, John (the poet: 1609-1674): 314; 317.
“Mr. Bluebeard” (extravaganza): 172.
Modjeska, Mme. Helena (Helen Opid—Mrs. Gustave S. Modrzejewska—Mrs. Charles [Karol] Bozenta Chlapowska: Polish-Am. actress: 1840-1909): 268; 431;
B.’s view of, 449.
MoliÈre, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin de (Fr. actor, th. man., and dramatist: 1712-1763): 239; 313; 314; 317.
Molineux, Roland Burnham (chemist and playwright: 18— -1917): charged with murder, 387;
trials of—and acquitted, 388;
B. appealed to by his parents and agrees to read play by, 389;
revises his play—and distressing experience with, 390;
creates disturbance—and ordered out of th.—death of, 391; 392; 395.
Moore, Eva (Mrs. Henry V. Esmond [Henry V. Jack]: Eng. actress: 1870-19—): 103.
Moore, Thomas (Ir. poet: 1779-1852): 74;
quoted, re “plagiarism,” 311.
Morse, Salmi (Samuel Morse: Ger.-Am. playwright: 1826-1883): 247.
Morton, Paul (Secy. Navy, U. S. A., railroad man): 183.
Murphy, Mark (actor): 9.
Murphy, Thomas (dramatist): 313.
Music Master,” “The (play): 8;
B. employs C. Klein to work on, 114;
first produced—authorship of—and described and critically considered, 115, et seq.;
B.’s recollections re writing and early performances of, etc., 118, et seq.;
original cast of, 120;
B.’s speech on first night of, in N. Y., 121;
letter by B. about, 122;
amazing record of, 125; 126;
Brooks’ claim re—and decision in favor of B., 127;
B.’s feeling about, and Warfield, 128; 192; 254.
New Magdalen,” “The (play): 312.
Newnes, Sir George (bart. cr. 1895: publisher: 1851-19—): 128.
Nicholson, Donald G. (Am. journalist): 160.
Nickinson, John (Can. actor): 249.
Nirdlinger, Samuel Frederick (known as S. F. Nixon: Am. spec. th. man.: 1848-19—): 19; 156; 429.
Nixon & Zimmermann (Am. spec. th. mang’s.): 191.
Nixon, S. F.: see Nirdlinger.
Nobody’s Widow” (farce): produced—and cast of, 207;
critically considered, 209, et seq.
“No Name” (novel): 286.
Nutmeg Match,” “A (farce): 9.
“Ode on Immortality,” etc. (Wordsworth’s): 314.
“O’Dowd’s Neighbors” (farce): 9.
Olcott, Hon. William Morrow Knox (Am. lawyer: 1862-19—): made receiver for “The Auctioneer,” 25; 27.
“Old Dog Tray” (song): 206.
“Old Friends”: literary recollections by W. W., 314.
“Olivia” (play): 253.
O’Neil, Nance (Gertrude Lamson: Am. actress: 1874-19—): characterized, as actress—and her performance in “The Lily,” 286.
Only Levi,” “The (title): 11;
see Auctioneer,” “The.
Opera Singer,” “The (play, unfinished by B.): 192.
Paine, Albert Bigelow (Am. writer: 1861-19—): disparagement of B. by—and comment thereon by author, 67, et seq.
Palmer, Albert Marshall (Am. th. man.: 1839-1905): 48; 61; 268; 319; 320.
Parisian Romance,” “A (play): 268.
Parsons, Theophilus (Am. lawyer: 17— -18—): expounds Swedenborgian views re death, to author, 299.
Passing of the Third Floor Back,” “The (play): B. causes to be written, 257, et seq.
Passion Play,” “The: in S. F., 247.
“Patrie” (melod.): 81.
Payne, William Louis (th. agent): marriage of, and Mrs. Carter, 187.
“Peter Grimm”: see Return of Peter Grimm,” “The.
Phantom Rival,” “The (play): 248; 402;
critically considered, 403, et seq.;
produced—and cast of, 406.
Phelps, Pauline (Am. playwright): 249; 256; 259; 325.
Pickford, Mary (motion picture perf.): 266.
“Pizarro” (tragedy): 82.
Placide, Henry (Am. actor: 1810-1870): 14; 249.
Plagiarism: decision re, for B., 104;
charges of, against B.—and whole subject thereof examined in detail, 310, et seq.;
C. Reade quoted re, 315, et seq.
Plautus: 317.
Plutarch: 318.
Polk, Willis: 274.
Polly with a Past” (farce): 325;
considered, 462;
first produced, 463;
cast of—performances in, 464.
Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson Le Normant D’Étioles, Marquise de (Fr. courtesan and political intrigante: 1721-1764): 29.
Poor Gentleman,” “The (comedy): 124.
“Pop Goes the Weasel” (song): 206.
Porter’s Knot,” “The (play): 249.
Post,” “The Washington (newspaper): letter to, by B., 180.
Potter, Mrs. James Brown (Cora Urquhart: Am.-Eng. actress and th. man.: 1859-19—): produces “Du Barri” in London—and fails in same, B.’s study of—and influence on, 245;
in “Peter Grimm,” 247.
Star Dreamer,” “The (novel): 94.
Starr, Frances Grant (Am. actress: 1886-19—): 212; 294;
birth—first appearance of, on stage—first seen by B., 221;
B.’s recollection of—and his engagement of, 222, et seq.;
first appearance of, under B., 224;
performance of, in “The R. of R.,” 232, et seq.; 235;
presented in “The Case of Becky”—and B.’s recollections re, 345;
method used by, in, 346;
B. casts, as Gabrielle, in “The Secret,” 352;
her performance of, 355;
as Marie-Odile, 360; 416.
Steele, Sir Richard (Eng. dramatist: 1672-1729): 313.
Stevenson, Charles A. (Am. actor): presents loving cup to B., on behalf of “Du Barry” Co., 46.
Stuart, Mary, Queen o’ Scots (1542-1587): 28.
Stuyvesant Theatre, David Belasco’s: name changed to Belasco (q.v.), 289.
Sudermann, Hermann (Ger. dramatist and novelist: 1857-19—): 268.
Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour (Eng. musical composer: 1842-1900): 85.
“Sweet Jasmine” (play): 331.
Sweet Kitty Bellairs” (comedy—B.’s): first produced—and in N. Y., 95;
described and critically considered, 96, et seq.;
original cast of, 102;
various productions of, 103;
B. accused of plagiarism in connection with—trial of suit—and B. vindicated, etc., 104, et seq.;
letters re, 106, et seq.; 111; 320; 321.
Swift, Jonathan (Dean of St. Patrick’s, Dublin: satirist: 1667-1745): 316.
Syndicate, The Theatrical (or “Trust”): beginning of B.’s conflict with, 16;
abstract of B.’s testimony re A. Erlanger and, in lawsuit by J. Brooks, etc., 17, et seq.;
membership of, 19;
menace of, to B., 49;
same, 50; 112;
B. breaks with, over “The D. of G.,” 113; 128; 129; 130; 133;
climax of B.’s conflict with, reached, 151;
an examination of the whole subject of, 152;
value of B.’s opposition to, 153;
fight against, by Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Fiske—Daly opposed to, 154;

B. opposed by—Mrs. Fiske, Mme. Bernhardt, and—strove to exclude B. from Washington—and general ignorance concerning, 155;
what it was—composition—methods, 156;
substance of pretensions of, epitomized, 157;
A. L. Erlanger on, re early th. mang’s., actors, etc., quoted, 158;
author begins to be conscious of oppugnant influence of, in “N. Y. Tribune,” 161;
provisions of the covenant binding members of, 167, et seq.;
specific instance of oppression of B. by, 170;
divergent views of, set forth, 172, et seq.;
H. G. Fiske’s arraignment of, in “N. Y. Dramatic Mirror”—and sues Fiske for libel, claiming $100,000 damages, 175;
Fiske’s answer to that suit, 176;
accusations made against not proved—and reasons for believing Fiske’s accusations true, 177, et seq.;
Washington closed against B. by, 179;
denounced by B. in speech, 185; 189; 191; 195;
surrenders, 274;
arrangement of, and Fiske and B., 275;
author’s view, re, 276; 277.
“Tainted Philanthropy” (play): 309; 322.
Taylor, James J.: 274.
Taylor, Howard P. (Am. journalist, playwright, etc.): 320.
Temperamental Journey,” “The (satirical farce): produced—theme of—and critically considered, 383, et seq.;
cast of, 385.
Tennyson, Alfred, first Lord (the poet: 1809-1892): 29; 239.
Thackeray, William Makepeace (Eng. novelist: 1811-1863): 162.
Theatre: first lighted by electricity, 245.
Theodora (Rom. Empress): 144.
Ticket-of-Leave Man,” “The (play): 8.
Tiger Rose” (melod.): 325;
how written—first produced, 465;
story of, 466, et seq.;
L. Ulric in, 469.
Tosca,” “La (melod.): 81; 319.
Toscanini, Arturo (It. musical conductor: 18— -19—): 213; 214; 215.
Tree (Sir Herbert Beerbohm-Tree, kt.: Eng. actor and th. man.: 1853-1917): produces “The D. of G.” in London—and acts Zakkuri, 109;
speech of—and tribute to B., 110;
arranges to produce “The Return of Peter Grimm” in London—sudden death of, 111; 138.
Tribune,” “The N. Y. (newspaper): author begins to be conscious of power of Th. Syndicate in, 161.
Tully, Richard Walton, (Am. actor, playwright, and th. man.: 18— - 19—): 224; 325.
“Twelfth Night”: effect in, devised by A. Daly, 82.
Tyler, George Crouse (Am. sp. th. man.: 1867-19—): 429.
Ulric, Lenore (Am. actress: 189- - 19—): 325;
B.’s opinion re, 366;
birth—childhood—early appearances of, 367;
impression made by, on B., at rehearsal, 368;
in “The Girl,” 369;
“The Heart of Wetona” produced with, 370;
her performance of Wetona, 372;
her performance of Rose Bocion, in “Tiger Rose”—and qualities of, 469; 470.
“Under Two Flags” (melod.): B. determines to revive, 1;
quality of—and B.’s production of, 2, et seq.;
cast of, 6; 204.
Untermyer, Samuel (lawyer: 1858-19—): on contradictory testimony of B. and Erlanger, 21;
his arraignment of Erlanger and the Th. Syndicate—and author’s opinion thereof, 178, et seq.; 179.
Valentinian (Rom. Emp.: 321-375): 146.
“Van Der Decken” (drama—B.’s): 67; 124.
Vanishing Bride,” “The (play): 373;
produced—and B.’s reasons for discarding, 374;
cast of, 375.
“Vathek” (“The History of the Caliph Vathek”: romance): 74.
Very Minute,” “The (play): author’s comments re, 416;
first produced—and cast of, 417.
Villiers, Barbara (—— - ——): 29.
Virgil: 317.
Voltaire, Jean FranÇois Marie Arouet (Fr. philosopher, dramatist, etc.: 1694-1778): on du Barry, 34; 316.
Wallace, Hon. William James (Judge, U. S. Cirt. Ct.: 1837-19—): 174.
Wallack, James William (the Elder: Eng.-Am. actor and th. man.: 1795-1864): 150.
Wallack, Lester (John Johnstone Wallack: Am. actor, th. man., and dramatist: 1820-1888): 48; 49; 61; 151; 159; 268; 420.
Walter, Eugene (Am. journalist and playwright: 1876-19—): 267;
writes “Just a Wife”—and preoccupation of mind of, 287; 325;
his “The Easiest Way,” 268.
Warfield, David (Am. actor: 1866-19—): 6;
engaged by B.—and stipulations of their contract, 7;
B.’s recollections of, in youth—birth of, and sketch of career of, 8, et seq.;
probable standing of, without B.’s direction, 10;
“The Auctioneer” written for—and appearance of, in same, 11;
comment on, by B., 13;
B.’s estimate of, and author’s, as an actor—immense obligation of, to B.—as Simon Levi, 14; 16; 17; 18; 19; 22; 24;
refuses to act in “The A.,” except under management of B.—statements by—and judicial cognizance of same taken, 25, et seq.;
mandatory injunction to, denied, 27;
long period of idleness through fidelity to B., 28; 48; 49; 51; 86;
refutes charge that B. “stole” his services, 87; 112;
B. engages C. Klein to work on “The Music Master” for, 114;
wisdom of devising von Barwig for, 117;
his performance of that part, 118; 119; 120;
B. on, as von Barwig—not a “one part” actor, 123;
plays acted in by, 124;
amazing record of, in “The M. M.,” 125;
B.’s feeling about, and “The M. M.,” 128; 172; 192; 235;
felicitous vehicle for, 250;
his treatment of situations in “A G. A. M.,” 253;
his impersonation in “A G. A. M.”—and quality of, as actor, 254; 255;
“The Passing of the Third Floor Back” for, 257; 258; 259;
his only approaches to realm of imagination, 300;
his personation of Peter Grimm, 302;
quality of that performance, 303; 306.
Warren, William, Jr. (Am. actor: 1812-1888): 14; 249.
Warren, William, Sr. (Eng.-Am. actor and th. man.: 1767-1832): 152.
Warrens of Virginia,” “The (melod.): first produced—story of—and critically considered, 260;
cast of, 266;
B.’s recollections of, 267.
“Washington Life” (play): 321.
Weber & Fields (Am. vaudeville mang’s.): 7; 10; 87.
Wemyss, Francis Courtney (Eng.-Am. th. man.: 1797-1859): 152.
“What’s Wrong” (play): 373;
produced, 374;
cast of, 375.
Wife,” “The (play—Knowles’): 320.
Wife,” “The (play—B.’s): 321.
Wills, William Gorman (Ir.-Eng. poet, dramatist, and novelist: 1830-1891): 93; 264.
Winthrop, Henry Rogers: 216.
Wood, William B. (Am. actor, th. man., and th. historian: 1779-1861): 152.
“Woodcock’s Little Game” (farce): 124.
Woodes, —— (explorer): 317; 318.
Woods, Al. H. (Am. spec. th. man.: 18— -19—): 430.
Wolff, Pierre (Fr. dramatist: 18— -19—): 283.
Woman,” “The (melod.): B. works on—and produces, 306;
characterized—described—critically considered, 307, et seq.;
cast of—and A. Goldknopf’s charge of plagiarism in, 309; 320; 322.
Wooing of Wistaria,” “The (story): 88.
Woolsey, Col. Charles W.: 296.
Wordsworth, William (Eng. poet: 1770-1850): 314.
Worthing, Frank (George Francis Pentland: Scotch-Am. actor: 1866-1910): admirable performance by, 282.
Wycherley, William (Eng. dramatist: cir. 1640-1716): 313.
Yaco (or Yakko), Mme. Sada (Mrs. Otto Kawakani: Japanese actress): 109.
Years of Discretion” (satirical farce): produced—and theme of, 281;
cast of, 282.
“Young April” (novel): 94.
Young, Waldemar: 274.
Young, William (Am. dramatist): 325
Zangarini, G. (It. librettist): 213.
“Zaza” (play—B.’s): 43;
revival of—and outrage on first night of, 91, et seq.; 92; 269; 270; 423.
Zimmerman, J. Frederick, Sr. (Am. spec. th. man.: 18— -19—): 19; 156;
H. G. Fiske’s allegation against, 176; 429.


[1] And, preËminently, William Winter, who was not only the friend but in many instances the guide, adviser, and assistant of all those managers, as well as of many others: no other single person has ever, directly and indirectly, exerted a greater or more unselfish influence for the good of the Theatre than that of Winter.—J. W.

[2] Whence derived I do not know: obviously, it was not written by Mr. Winter,—but it is accurate.—J. W.

[3] The first recorded instance of a theatre lighted throughout by electricity is that of the Savoy, in London, 1882,—but I think it probable that practical stage lighting by electricity had been achieved in this country at an earlier date. Electric light was used to illumine a cyclorama in Paris, France, as early as 1857,—but that, of course, was light from a primitive arc lamp.

[4] At which time Mr. H. Granville Barker was two years old!—J. W.

[5] In the original cast: this character was cut out of the play before the New York opening.

[6] Several other names could appropriately be added to that list—notably, those of Willard Mack (whose play of “Tiger Rose” owes its extraordinary success entirely to the revision and stage management of Belasco and the remarkably interesting and sympathetic acting of Miss Lenore Ulric), George Middleton, and Guy Bolton. Messrs. Middleton and Bolton figure as authors of “Polly with a Past,”—which, though it is an extremely slender farce, was one of the few substantial successes of the current (1917-’18) theatrical season: it was entirely reshaped and made practicable by Belasco.—J. W.

[7] Lester Wallack’s last appearance on the stage occurred May 29, 1886, at the Grand Opera House, New York, and Wallack’s Company was then disbanded. He was born January 1, 1820, and died September 6, 1888. He surrendered his theatre into the hands of Theodore Moss in 1887, being then sixty-seven years old. Moss had a considerable part in the management of Wallack’s Theatre for several years before that.

Beerbohm-Tree, referred to above as “Belasco’s only competitor,” died, July 2, 1917, in his sixty-fourth year. He was five months younger than Belasco was at that time.

[8] At Wallack’s Theatre, March 19, 1896, by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taber (Julia Marlowe): see “Shakespeare on the Stage—Third Series,” page 370.—J. W.


April 19, 1906. A special performance in honor of Mme. Sarah Bernhardt. David Belasco presents Mrs. Leslie Carter in “Adrea.”


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