An incident of the theatrical season of 1913-’14 which requires passing record here is the revival by Belasco of “The Auctioneer,”—a play which, in all essentials, was original with him and which for this revival he again revised, making it somewhat more closely-knit and effective than it was when first he brought forward David Warfield in it. “The Auctioneer” was acted at the Knickerbocker Theatre, New York, September 30, 1913, with the following cast: Simon Levi | David Warfield. | Mrs. Levi | Mrs. Jennie Moscowitz. | Mrs. Eagan | Marie Bates. | Callahan | Louis Hendricks. | Isaac Leavitt | Harry Lewellyn. | Mrs. Leavitt | Helena Philips. | Meyer Cohen | Harry Rogers. | Mrs. Cohen | Marie Reichardt. | Mo Fininski | Frank Nelson. | Richard Eagan | George LeGuere. | Minnie | Charlotte Leslay. | Dawkins | Horace James. | Customer | John A. Rice. | Helga | Janet Dunbar. | Miss Manning | Frances Street. | | Misses Crompton—— | Margaret Johnson. | Maud Roland. | | Miss Finch | Ethel Marie Sasse. | Mrs. Smith, a shopper | Geraldine de Rohan. | Policeman | George Berliner. | Chestnut Vendor | Tony Bevan. | | Visitors—— | Watson White. | Douglas Farne. | Irving Laudeutscher. | Frank L. Van Vlissingen. | | Man from Hester Street | Michael Levine. | | Newsboys—— | Meyer Howard. | Jess Kelly. |