The Belasco season at the Herald Square Theatre was ended on March 24, and on April 5, on board the steamship St. Paul, he sailed for England, with Mrs. Leslie Carter and a numerous theatrical company, to present that actress, in partnership with Charles Frohman, in “Zaza,” at the Garrick Theatre, London. That project had been planned by the two managers many months before and it was triumphantly fulfilled on April 16,—Belasco’s version of the French play and Mrs. Carter’s performance in it being received in the British capital with rapturous applause and remaining current there until July 28. The principal persons who seem to have entertained seriously dissenting and dissatisfied views as to Belasco’s treatment of the subject were the authors of the French original, MM. Berton and Simon, whose conceit was great and whose indignation was lively because their noxious drama had not been deemed sacrosanct but had been freely altered. Photograph by Dupont. Belasco’s Collection. GIACOMO PUCCINI Inscription: New York 1910 “Al mio collaboratore e amico Sig. David Belasco: greato ricordo Giacomo Puccini” |