B.=David Belasco.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z
Abbey, Henry Eugene (Am. th. man.: 1848-1896): plans to produce S. Morse’s “Passion Play” in N. Y., 122.
Abbey’s New Park Th., N. Y., burned, 122.
Academy of Music, N. Y.: Salvini’s first Am. appearance at, 59.
“Across the Continent” (play): B. acts in, 104.
Acting: schools of and teaching of—the subject critically considered, 348, et seq.
Actors: early, in Calif., 131.
Adams, Annie (Asenath Annie Adams—Mrs. James Kiskaden—Mrs. Harvey K. Glidden: Am. actress: 1849-1916): 62.
Adams, Edwin (Am. actor: 1834-1877): in S. F., 90; 204.
Adams, John (actor): 132.
Adams (Kiskaden), Maude (Am. actress: 1872-19—): 62.
“Adolph Challet” (play): 237.
“Adrea” (tragedy): 477.
“Adrienne Lecouvreur” (play): 103.
“Agnes” (play): 105.
“Aladdin No. 2; or, The Wonderful Scamp” (burlesque): 37; 221.
Alberta, Laura (Am. actress): B. acts with, in S. F., 49; 74; 229.
Albery, James (Eng. dramatist: 1838-1889): 336.
Aldrich, Louis (Moses Lyon: Am. actor: 1843-1901): 345;
good acting by, 346;
sketch of, 347, et seq.
Allemany, Archbishop, of S. F.: approves “The Passion Play,” 116.
Allen, Charles E. (actor): 36.
Allen, Charles L. (lawyer): 390.
Allen, Charles Leslie (Am. actor: 1830-1917): 382.
“All the Comforts of Home” (farce): 375.
“Alpine Roses” (play): 279; 280.
Alta California,” “The (S. F. newspaper): notice in, quoted re “Passion Play,” 118.
Amberg, Gustav (Ger.-Am. th. man.): 251.
“American Born” (melod.): written—and produced—cast of, 257, et seq.; 260; 261; 269; 270; 276.
American Theatre, S. F.: Julia Dean, lessee of, 7.
“Amy Robsart” (play): 210.
Anderson, David H. (Am. actor: 1814-1884): 36.
“Andrea” (play): 311.
Andrews, Lillian (Am. actress): 187.
Apostate,” “The (tragedy): 94; 160.
“Armadale” (Collins’ novel): dramatization of, 92.
“Arrah-na-Pogue” (comedy): Boucicault and wife in, 58; 225; 261.
Art, dramatic: suggestion in—instructive comment re, by B., 418.
“Article 47” (play): B.’s version of, 93.
Assommoir,” “L’ (novel): Daly’s view of Fr. dramatization of, 184;
same makes and produces Eng. version—which fails—B. makes version—which succeeds, 185;
cast of B.’s version of, 186;
difficulties during rehearsals of, 187;
run of, 188; 189.
“As You Like It”: 43; 137.
Atkinson, Henry (actor): 135.
Audran, Edmond (Fr. musician: 1840-1901): 396;
writes letter praising Mrs. Carter, 398.
Auctioneer,” “The (play): 139.
Bachelor of Arts,” “A (farce): 344.
Bailey, Philip James (the poet: 1820-1902): 249.
Baker and Farron [theatrical] Company: 88; 89.
Baker, Emily: 87.
Baldwin, Edward J. (“Lucky Baldwin”): builds Baldwin’s A. of M., S. F., 86;
not friendly with T. Maguire, 87;
supports “The Passion Play” in S. F., 115;
withdraws support of Maguire, 183.
Baldwin’s Academy of Music, S. F.: built, 86;
opened with “K. R. III.”—and B. employed at, 87;
Sullivan’s repertory at—and Gates Opera Co. at, 88;
G. F. Rowe at, 92;
farewell engagement of A. Neilson at, 210;
Maguire loses, 253.
Bandmann, Daniel Edward (German-Am. actor: 1840-1905): 133.
Banishment of Catiline,” “The (poem): recited by B., 26.
Banker’s Daughter,” “The (play): re authorship of—and first produced, 125; 126;
resemblance of “The Millionaire’s Daughter” to, 128;
engagement of, in S. F., cancelled, 129; 328.
Banks, Maude: 349.
Barker, H. Granville (Eng. actor, playwright and th. man.: 1874-19—): and “modern” methods of, anticipated by B., 355.
Barnes, George E. (dramatic reviewer in S. F.): 103.
“Baron Rudolph” (melod.): production of—and story—failure of, 321, et seq.;
rewritten by Howard—and by B., 324;
cast of, 326.
Barrett, Lawrence P. (Am. actor and th. man.: 1838-1891): 42;
acts King Henry the Fifth in S. F., 91; 95;
first appearance of, in S. F., 135;
feeling of, toward McCullough—and characters of Cassius, and Antony, 165;
first plays Cassius—and same, in S. F., 166.
Barrett, Hon. George C. (Judge—N. Y.): 122.
Barrows, James O. (Am. actor): schoolboy companion of B.—wins medal in Comedy, 12;
B.’s early friendship with, 27.
Barry, William (actor): 131.
Barrymore, Maurice (Eng.-Am. actor and dramatist: 1848-1905): 309; 427.
Bates, Blanche (Mrs. Milton F. Davis—Mrs. George Creel: Am. actress: 1872-19—): 35; 62; 74;
B.’s first meeting with, 77;
mother’s ambition for—and B.’s promise re, 78;
beauty—qualities—potentialities of, 469, et seq.;
lapse of, into obscurity—and biographical particulars re, 471, et seq.;
first acts under B.’s management in “Naughty Anthony,” 473, et seq.;
as Cora, in same, 474;
same, 475;
her performance of Madame Butterfly, 483; 487.
Bates, Frank Mark (Am. actor: 18—-18—): 75;
murdered, 76.
Bates, Mrs. Frank Mark (Frances Marion Hinckley—Mrs. Charles L. Lord: Am. actress: 1848-1908): 35; 74;
B.’s recollection of, and of her husband, 75, et seq.;
B. acts Armand Duval with, 76;
B.’s promise to, re daughter, 77;
on B.’s facility in adapting plays, 84; 133; 472.
Beauty and the Brigands,” “The (burlesque): 37.
Behne, Harriet (singer): 489.
Belasco, Augusta (Mrs. William Elliott): 469.
Belasco, David (American theatrical manager, playwright, stage manager, actor, dramatist: 1853-19—): qualities of—ancestry
and parentage, 1;
parents go to Calif.—birth of—and removed to Victoria, B. C., 2;
early influences affecting—education of—early years in Roman Catholic monastery, 4;
residence of, in monastery—abiding effect of R. C. influence on—runs away—joins travelling circus—befriended by a clown, 5;
reclaimed by father and taken home—theatrical proclivity of—and “first appearance” of on stage, 6;
his memory of appearing with Julia Dean—his recollections of early actors characterized, 7;
frequent juvenile employment of—appears in “K. R. III.,” with C. Kean and E. Tree—removal of, to San Francisco, 10;
a pupil at the Lincoln Grammar School, S. F.—his teachers—his talent for declamation—recitations by, 11;
“mascot” of the Victoria Fire Department—pupil at Fourth Street School, S. F.—wins Gold Medal in Tragedy—early reading—first places of residence in S. F., 12;
first play by, date of, question about, etc.—boyhood custom of, as writer—recollection of, re his play, “The Roll of the Drum,” 13;
passion of, for stage—letter to, from boyhood friend—recitations of, in boyhood—also early performances participated in by, 14;
recitation by, before Queen Emma of the Hawaiian Islands—removed with parents from Victoria—filial devotion of—and early propensity of, 15;
industry of, in childhood—public recitations—assists parents, 16;
hard early experience of—advancement—reading and recreation in boyhood, 17;
effect of McCullough’s recitation of “The Little Hero” on—becomes a stowaway—his story of his adventures as, 17, et seq.;
leaves school—marriage of, 19;
early record and experience of, as actor, reciter, etc.—payment of (period 1871-1879), 20;
bohemian adventures of, related to author—his mother’s name for, and opinion about, 21;
miscellaneous knowledge accumulated by—tangled chronology of his early life—his “The Story of My Life” examined and estimated by author, 22, et seq.;
incorrect recollections by, rectified, 23;
time, place, etc., of his first formal appearance on stage established, 24;
his first part—billed as “Walter Kingsley” when making first appearance—reason for taking, and for dropping, that name—form of his name in early playbills—childhood appearances of, 25;
appears with C. Kean—early appearances as super, reciter, etc.—appears with Mme. Methua-Scheller (1869) in “Under the Gas-Light”—and with J. Proctor in “The Jibbenainosay”—Proctor’s reason for employing him, 26;
appears in Prof. Hager’s “The Great Republic”—his parts in—appears in amateur performances at Platt’s Hall, S. F.—early association with J. O. Barrows, 27;
smitten with Lotta—appears with amateur actors’ association in S. F. (1871) and is commended by local newspaper—meets J. McCullough, 28;
advantage of McC.’s friendship—early friendship with W. H. Sedley-Smith, 29;
Sedley-Smith’s influence on—same employs, at Calif. Th. and advice of same to, 33;
his actual adoption of stage—acts with J. Murphy, in “Help,” 34;
actors with whom associated in “Help”—date of his association with Chapman Sisters, 35;
at the Metropolitan Th. in ’73, 36;
his parts in various performances at the Metro.—makes “a hit” as Prince Saucilita, in “The Gold Demon,” 37;
earning extra pay, 38;
early acquaintances of—theatrical vagabondage of—and describes
same, 39, et seq.;
early parts played by, 41;
eking out a living—early admiration, etc., of Walter Montgomery, 42, et seq.;
chief recitations by—appearances of, at Platt’s Hall, about 1870—first meeting with future wife—impression of, 44;
serious injury to—near death—marriage of, 45;
travels with Chapman Sisters—returns to S. F.—employed by J. H. Le Roy—suggests “The New Magdalen” for B. Pateman, 46;
his recollections of first performance of that play—and of Miss Pateman—engaged at Shiels’ O. H., 48;
another engagement with Murphy—acts with L. Alberta—with F. Cathcart and G. Darrell—various parts played by, 49;
acts for bft. J. Dunbar—goes to Virginia City, Nev., under management J. Piper, 50;
varied experience in Virginia City, 51;
associated there with Mrs. D. P. Bowers—and regard for same—meeting with Dion Boucicault—confusion about—and facts considered—profound influence on, of Boucicault—B.’s reminiscence of same, 52, et seq.;
author’s opinion re Boucicault’s employment of, in Virginia City—opinion of, about Boucicault—first S. F. appearance of, again mentioned, 57;
not in Virginia City before 1873—disappears from S. F. records—and goes to Virginia C., 60;
concerning, and Boucicault, in Virginia C.—number of engagements there filled by—period of his career, 1873-1876, 61;
actors associated with, in Virginia C. enumerated—and painful experience of, with demented woman, 62;
freed from control of Piper—returns to S. F.—appears with A. Neilson during her first S. F. engagement—sees the Lingards in “La Tentation,” 63;
sees Raymond in “Led Astray”—consulted re “The Gilded Age”—his recollection of same and J. T. Raymond, 64;
employed by Lingard—and by Barton Hill—plays and actors associated with, summer of 1874, 68;
his admiration for S. W. Piercy, 69;
“barnstorming” ventures by—employed by Mile. Zoe—and appears with—secretary to T. Maguire—appears with J. A. Herne, etc., 70;
the same—and sees Mayo in “Griffith Gaunt”—makes a version of same—again works with J. H. Le Roy, 71;
works with Herne, etc.—assists in revival of “Oliver Twist”—revives and produces “The Enchantress” for A. Bennett—and appears in, with same, 72;
temperamental heedlessness of, re dates—author’s consequent difficulty in making Chronology, 73;
most important event of early life—nature of his experience—“stars” associated with, 74;
his reminiscences of the “minstrel” “Jake” Wallace—and of Frank M., and Mrs. Bates, 75;
admiration of, for J. E. Owens—and writes play for—kindness to, and instruction of, by C. R. Thorne, Sr., 78;
“barnstorming” with a “beautiful school teacher”—friendship with Mary Gladstane—and admiration for “Mary Warner,” 79;
plays produced by, with Miss Rogers—liking of, for “Robert Macaire”—“specialties” of B.—makes wigs, 80;
returns to S. F. to study Hooley Comedy Co., W. H. Crane, etc.—employed by Hooley, 81;
willingness and simplicity of, re labor—employed by Emmet as dresser—and acts with, 82;
studies Daly’s productions—and refused engagement by same—peddles “patent medicines,” 83;
prepares prompt books—marvellous resources of, 84;
first meeting of, with J. A. Sawtell—later association—joins Thorne, Sr., at his Palace Th.—and not paid by, 85;
acted in with Thorne, Sr.—appears with F. Jones, 86;
prompter and assistant stage manager at Baldwin’s Academy of Music, S. F.—associated with B. Sullivan—and others, 87;
plays acted in by, with Sullivan—he returns to Maguire’s New Th., 88;
views of, re difficult parts—interesting reminiscence of Sullivan—goes “barnstorming” again, 89;
acts in bfts.—sees E. Adams—sees G. Rignold in “King Henry V.,” 90;
and sees Barrett in same—diverse activities of—acts with G. F. Rowe—appears again in “Under the Gas-Light”—meets Eleanor Carey, 92;
makes play on “Article 47” for Miss Carey, 93;
period of his life, 1876-1879, et seq.—sees and studies E. Booth—and appears with same at Calif. Th.—his Booth relics—works for Ward and W. Montague, 96;
travels with F. M. Phelps—and joins F. Gardner in “The Egyptian Mystery,” 309;
extraordinary performance for bft. of—cast, etc., 310, et seq.;
returns to N. Y., 311;
engaged at the Lyceum Theatre, 313;
makes “The Highest Bidder” for E. H. Sothern, 314, et seq.;
produces “The Great Pink Pearl” and “Editha’s Burglar”—develops Elsie Leslie, 317;
with Greene, writes “Pawn Ticket 210” for Lotta, 318, et seq.;
productive industry of—produces “Baron Rudolph” (rewritten in style of Howard)—and strives to save Knight from failure in, 321, et seq.;
his recollections of G. Knight and this play (“Only a Tramp”), 325;
commissioned to write second play for the Lyceum, 326;
takes Henry C. De Mille into collaboration—they write “The Wife”—and B.’s recollections of, etc., 327, et seq.;
success of “The Wife” due to scene invented by—method of collaboration of, and De Mille, 334;
he forces “The Wife” into success, 336;
B. and De Mille commissioned to write play for younger Sothern—and B. revises Gillette’s “She,” etc., 337, et seq.;
his work as a teacher of acting—goes to Echo Lake and writes “Lord Chumley” with De Mille, 340;
on actors and their choice of parts—persuades Sothern to act Chumley, 341;
recollections of writing “Lord Chumley,” 343;
varied labors of—and revises “The Kaffir Diamond,” 345, et seq.;
his view of schools of acting, 349;
a master—and wholly exceptional as a teacher of acting, etc., 351, et seq.;
“Electra” revived under his direction—his recollections of, 353;
anticipates G. Barker and “modern methods” by more than a quarter-of-a-century—miscellaneous work of, at Lyceum, 355;
places “Robert Elsmere” on the stage for Gillette—commissioned to write third play for Lyceum, 356, et seq.;
on best subjects for the Drama—and writes “The Charity Ball” with De Mille, 357, et seq.;
association of, with Mrs. Leslie Carter, 361;
first meeting of, and same, 362;
Mrs. Carter seeks, at Echo Lake, 363;
impressed by latent talent of same—and determines to train her, 363;
unable to hold rehearsals for lack of a stage—undertakes to revise and produce “The Prince and the Pauper” in return for use of a stage, 365, et seq.;
quality of, when angered—opinion of Elsie Leslie—and her supporting co., 367;
his bargain for stage of the Lyceum repudiated, 368;
his bitter resentment of—and retires from the Lyceum, 369;
his shackled situation, after twenty years of labor, 370;
desperate resolution of, 371;
training Mrs. Carter—and his situation grows worse, 372;
proposal to, by C. Frohman—and same accepted—“Men and Women” written for C. Frohman, 382;
seeks play for Mrs. Carter—and employs P. M. Potter, 384;
arrangement of, with N. K. Fairbank, to “back” Mrs. Carter—disappointed by Potter, 384;
employs Gordon—and
throws out all his work—revises “The Ugly Duckling”—and produces same, 385;
difficulties in starring Mrs. Carter, 387;
meets Audran and obtains letter of commendation from, 398;
lays aside “The Heart of Maryland” to assist C. Frohman—takes F. Fyles into collaboration—and appreciative remembrance of, 402;
writes “The Girl I Left Behind Me” with Fyles, 403;
shrewd judgment in selecting novel theme for, 404;
his play of “The Girl I Left Behind Me” critically examined in detail, etc., 406, et seq.;
instructive observations of, re suggestion in art, 418;
disregards the principle, 419;
remarks of, re origin of “The Girl I Left Behind Me,” 420, et seq.;
relations of, with C. Frohman, 421;
important letter to, from C. Frohman, 422;
his “dreams”—seeks, and gains, the co-operation of R. M. Hooley, 425;
arrangement with Hooley to produce “The Heart of Maryland”—and that project blocked by sudden death of Hooley—B. extruded from Chicago in favor of Klaw & Erlanger, 427;
adapts “The Younger Son” to assist C. Frohman at the Empire, 428;
comment on failure of, 430;
again revises “The Heart of Maryland”—and interjects “local color,” 431;
significant comment by, re difficulty in producing “The Heart of Maryland,” 432, et seq.;
author’s endorsement of his views thereon—and B.’s desperate straits, 433;
Palmer accepts “The Heart of Maryland,” 434;
same is unable to fulfil contract and produce—B. again defeated, 435;
reminiscence of final efforts to bring out “The Heart of Maryland,” 436, et seq.;
at last produces that play—the turning-point in his career, 437;
comment on his experience in business dealings, 438;
his “The Heart of Maryland” critically examined in detail, 438, et seq.;
his speech on first night of that play in N. Y., 445;
success at last—trial of his suit against Fairbank—revises “Under the Polar Star”—visits S. F.—and buys “The First Born,” 447;
his beautiful presentment of that play in N. Y., 449; 450;
with C. Frohman presents “The First Born” in London, 451;
sails for England—and with same presents “The Heart of Maryland” in London, 452, et seq.;
newspaper injustice to, re that play of his and “Secret Service,” 453, et seq.;
quest of a new play—and reads about “Zaza,” 454;
sees that play—and arranges with C. Frohman to buy and produce—returns to Am., 455;
author’s strictures on his play of “Zaza” and production of same by, 456;
compassionate nature of—and his moral attitude more emotional than rational, 459, et seq.;
first production of “Zaza”—and same in N. Y., 461;
success of Mrs. Carter is due to, 465;
death of his mother—strange experience of, at time—and views
of, on spiritualism, 466, et seq.;
filial affections of—and reminiscence of his mother—and significant letter from, 468, et seq.;
serious purpose of, in “Naughty Anthony,” 475;
his comment on failure of same, and causes thereof, 476;
reads story of “Madame Butterfly”—and writes a tragedy based on—same critically considered in detail, 477, et seq.;
produces that tragedy—and success thereof, 482;
presents “Zaza” in London—and disgust of Fr. authors thereof, 484;
B.’s amusing reminiscence of same, 485, et seq.;
takes “Madame Butterfly” to Eng., 486;
with C. Frohman presents same in London—and achieves memorable success with, 487;
great tribute of audience to, at first Eng. presentation of “Madame Butterfly,” 488, et seq.;
gives operatic rights of, to Puccini, 489;
lends scene models for operatic production of, 490;
meets Lady V. S. Meux—and is invited to abandon Mrs. Carter’s direction and assume that of Mrs. J. B. Potter, 492;
his desire to conduct a London theatre—Lady Meux offers to build one for him—he declines both her proposals—and comment thereon, 493.
Belasco, Mrs. David (Cecilia Loverich): first meeting with B., 44;
marriage of, 45.
Belasco, Frederick (1862-19—): birth of, 3; 447.
Belasco, Humphrey Abraham (father of D. B.: 1830-1911): nationality of—and birth, 1;
goes with wife to Calif.—thence to Victoria, 2;
traces runaway son—affiliations of, with actors, 6;
removes family from Victoria, 10;
removes family to S. F., 15.
Belasco, Mrs. Humphrey Abraham (Reina Martin, mother of D. B.: 1830-1899): nativity of—and birth, 1;
goes with husband to S. F.—birth of first child—goes to Victoria, 2;
children of, born in Victoria, 3;
her early name for B.—and opinion about, 21;
death of—and B.’s strange experience at time of, 466, et seq.
Belasco, Israel (1861——): birth, 3.
Belasco, Walter (1864-19—): birth, 3.
“Belle Lemar” (melod.): 439.
Belle Russe,” “La (melod.): object of B. in writing, 230;
story of, 231, et seq.;
produced—and success of, 236;
original cast of, 237;
B. takes to N. Y., 241;
desired by various managers, 241;
sold outright—and produced in N. Y., 243;
B. Howard’s opinion of, etc., 244; 246; 268; 298; 432.
Bellew (Higgin), Harold Kyrle (Eng.-Am. actor: 1845-1911): 298;
admirable performance of, as Challoner, 303.
Bellows, Charles: 349.
Bells,” “The (melod.): 168; 170; 172; 247.
Bells,” “The (poem): 43.
Belot, Adolph (Fr. novelist and dramatist: 1829-1890): 238.
“Ben Battle” (poem): 43.
Bennett, Amy (Am. actress): B. revises and directs revival of “The Enchantress” for, 72.
Bennett, Julia (Mrs. Jacob Barrow: 1824-18—): 153.
Bergere, Valerie (Am. actress): 491; 492.
“Bernardino del Carpio” (poem): 11; 20; 44.
Bert, Frederick W. (Am. th. agent and man.): 91.
Berton, Pierre (Fr. journalist and playwright: 1840-1912): 456; 484; 485; 486.
Bernhardt, Sarah (Sarah Frances—Mme. Jacques Damala: Fr. actress, sculptor, and th. man.: 184[4?]-19—): 151.
Big Bonanza,” “The (play): produced in N. Y., 80; 82.
Billings, Arthur D. (Am. actor: 18——1882): 46; 47; 62; 87;
bft. to, 100.
Bishop, Charles B. (Am. actor, and M.D.: 18—-1889): 105.
Black Hand; or, The Lost Will,” “The (melod.): B. acts in, 86.
Blaine, Mrs. James G., Jr. (Mary Nevin): 340.
Blake, William Rufus (Am. actor: 1805-1863): 157.
“Bleak House” (dramatization of): Mme. Janauschek in—and B. makes version of, 84.
Bleiman, Max: 436; 437; 447.
Blinn, Holbrook (Am. actor: 1872-19—): 11.
Boker, George Henry (Am. poet and dramatist: 1823-1890): 9.
Booth, Edwin Thomas (am. Actor and Th. Man.: 1833-1893): early S. F. “hit” by, in mimicry, 38;
returns to S. F.—and B. meets, 93;
repertory of, at Calif. Th.—and B. appears with, 94;
B.’s recollections of—and relics of, 95, et seq.; 132; 151; 168; 170; 171; 273.
Booth, Junius Brutus, Sr. (Eng.-Am. tragedian: 1796-1852): as King Lear, 32.
Booth, Junius Brutus, Jr. (Am. actor and th. man.: 1821-1883): 131.
Booth’s Theatre, N. Y.: “Daddy O’Dowd” first produced at, 58.
Boston Museum: 8.
Boucheron, Maxime (Fr. librettist): 397.
Boucicault, Dion (Dionysius Lardner Boucicault [originally Bourcicault]: Irish-Am. dramatist, actor, and th. man.: 182[2?]-1890):
first meeting of, with B.—confusion regarding—profound influence of, on B.—his “Led Astray”—B.’s reminiscence of, etc., 52, et seq.; 54;
and Mrs. (Agnes Robertson) return to Am. and appear in “Arrah-na-Pogue”—tour by—many projects of—first appearance of, as Daddy O’Dowd, 58;
at first Am. appearance of T. Salvini—author on first production of his “Led Astray,” 59;
author on methods of—first appearance of, in S. F., 60; 69; 106;
effect of, on B., 160; 165; 169; 173; 174;
imitates Jefferson’s Rip, 175; 255; 276; 293; 294;
designations of dramatic forms by, 377; 412; 419; 439.
“Boucicault in California” (entertainment): 60.
Bowers, Mrs. David P. (Elizabeth Crocker—Mrs. —— Brown—Mrs. James C. McCollom: 1830-1895): 51;
B. acts with—and his regard for, 52; 133; 136.
Bowery Theatre, N. Y. (old): Julia Dean makes first N. Y. appearance at, 8.
“Box and Cox” (farce): 372.
Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth: 279.
Bozenta, Charles (Charles [Karol] Bozenta Chlapowski: Polish-Am. journalist and th. man.: 1838-1914): 310.
Bradley, A. D. (Am. stage man. and actor): 230.
Brady, William A. (Am. th. man.: 1865-19—): 446; 451.
“Brass” (play): 92.
Bridge of Sighs,” “The (poem): 43.
Broadway Theatre, N. Y. (old): Julia Dean at, 8; 9.
Brooke, Gustavus Vaughan (Irish actor: 1819-1867): 131.
Brooks, Joseph (Am. th. agent and man.: 1849-1916): 196; 251; 438.
Brougham, John (Irish-Am. actor, dramatist, and th. man.: 1810-1880): his designation of Lotta, 27; 43; 132; 177.
Brown, Henry (Am. actor and stage man.): 104; 115.
Bruce,” “The (poem): 43.
Buchanan, McKean (Am. actor and th. man.: 1823-1872): 131.
Buckland, Wilfred (Am. th. designer): 349.
Buckley, Edward J. (Am. actor: 18—-18—): 87; 89; bft., 92; 135.
Buckley (Uhl), May (Am. actress: 1875-19—): 449.
Buckley, Mrs. Edward J.: 135.
Bulletin,” “The San Francisco Evening (newspaper): on B.’s
“Not Guilty,” 110;
on acting of Daly’s Co., 159.
Bullock, William (Am. journalist): 357.
Burgess, Neil (Am. actor: 1846-1910): 375.
Burke, Charles St. Thomas (Am. actor: 1822-1854): 172; 173; 341.
Burnett, Mrs. Frances Hodgson (Frances Eliza Hodgson) (Am. novelist and playwright: 1849-19—): 317.
Burr, —— (school teacher): 4.
Burroughs, Claude (Am. actor: 18—-1876): —.
Burroughs, W. F.: 135.
Burt, Frederick W. (Am. th. agent and man.): 207.
Burton, William Evans (Eng.-Am. actor and th. man.: 1804-1860): 158.
Bush Street Theatre, S. F.: B. acts at, with O. D. Byron, 104.
Bustle Among the Petticoats,” “A (farce): 375.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Lord (the poet: 1788-1824): 120; 412.
Byron, Henry James (Eng. dramatist, actor, and th. man.: 1835-1884): 36; 106; 220; 343.
Byron, Oliver Doud (Am. actor: 1842-19—): B. acts with, in S. F., 105.
“Cain” (poem—Byron’s): 120.
Caldwell, W. (actor): 135.
California (State of): “gold fever” in, 2.
California Theatre, S. F.: Boucicault’s first Calif. appearance made at, 60;
A. Neilson’s first Calif. appearance made at, 63;
L. Barrett at, in “K. Henry V.,” 91;
opened—and dramatic co. there, 135;
eng. of L. Wallack at, 180.
Call,” “The San Francisco (newspaper): 103.
“Called Back” (melod.): 290; 291, et seq.; 293; 294.
Callender’s Negro Minstrels: 255.
Calvert, Charles (Eng. actor and th. man.: 1828-1879): 90;
trains G. Rignold, 91;
his revival of “K. Henry V.,” 92.
“Camilla’s Husband” (play): 179.
“Camille” (play): 458.
Campbell, Bartley (Am. dramatist: 1844-1888): 80;
version of “Ultimo” by, 81; 221; 348.
Carey, Eleanor (Am. actress): first appearance of, in S. F.—and B. meets, 92;
reopens Grand O. H., S. F., 97;
B. makes play for, on “Article 355.
Crook, General George, U. S. A., (1828-1890): 420.
Crook, Mrs. George: relates interesting reminiscence to B., 420, et seq.
Crow, “Jim” (negro slave): 38.
“Cupid’s Lawsuit” (farce): 176.
“Curfew Must Not Ring To-Night” (poem): 11; 44; 442.
Curse of Cain,” “The (melod.): 248;
story, 249, et seq.;
cast of, 252.
Curtis, Maurice Bertram (Maurice Bertram Strelinger: Am. actor: 18— ——): 104; 295.
Custer, General George Armstrong (1839-1876): 404.
“Cymbeline”: 137.
“Dakolar” (melod.): 296; 311.
Daly, Augustin (Am. journalist, th. man., dramatist, and stage man.: 1838-1899): 56; 70;
production of his “The Big Bonanza,” 80;
the same, forestalled in S. F., 82;
not to be excluded from S. F., 83; 92; 127;
begins management—his co. in S. F., 158;
acting of same described, 159; 180;
“Life” of, by his brother—and opinion of, re “L’Assommoir,” 184;
produces revision of same, 185; 228; 306; 392;
fails with “Heart of Ruby,” 482.
Daly, Hon. Joseph Francis (Judge—N. Y.: 1840-1916): 184.
Danicheffs,” “The (melod.): 179.
Danites,” “The (play): 105.
“Dark Deeds” (melod.): 49.
“Darling” (melod.): 36.
Darling of the Gods,” “The (tragedy): 162; 470; 477.
Darrell, George (Australian actor and th. man.): 49; 229.
Daughter of the Nile,” “A (play): 227.
Dauvray, Helen (Am. actress and th. man.): 312; 337.
Davenport, Edward Loomis (Am. actor and th. man.: 1815-1877): 72; 153; 197.
Davenport, Louise (Mrs. William E. Sheridan: actress): 225.
“David Copperfield” (novel): B. makes dramatization of, 84.
Davis, Phoebe (Mrs. Joseph R. Grismer: Am. actress: 1864- ——): 254.
Davis, “Rellie” (actress): 261.
Dawn of Freedom,” “The (melod.): B. in, 86.
Dean, Julia (Hayne) (Mrs. Arthur Hayne—Mrs. James Cooper: Am. actress and th. man.: 1830-1868): B. in childhood, appears with—and sketch of, 7, et seq.; 313; 326;
becomes collaborator with B., 327, et seq.; 336; 337; 340; 343; 356; 373; 377; 378; 380; 383.
Denin, Kate (Mrs. John Wilson: Am. actress: 1837-1907):
acts with B. and Thorn, Sr., 86; 132.
“Denise” (melod.): 458.
Densmore, Gilbert S. (Am. journalist):
his version of “The Gilded Age”—and B.’s recollection of, 64;
Clemens on same, 65;
Raymond on, 66.
Detraction: of eminent persons, author on, 129, et seq.
Dickens, Charles, Sr. (the novelist and dramatist: 1812-1870): 43.
Dickson, James B. (Am. th. man. and actor): 196; 251.
Dillon, John (actor): 261.
Dillon, Louise (actress): 355.
“Diplomacy” (play): 189, 237; 299.
Dithman, Edward Augustus (Am. journalist: 1854-1917): 245.
Dittenhoefer, Hon. Abram Jesse (Am. lawyer: 1836-19—): 389.
“Divorce” (play): revived in S. F., 70;
B. on same, 181.
Dockstader’s Minstrels: 375.
Doll Master,” “The (melod.): 418.
“Dombey & Son” (novel): B. makes dramatization of, 84.
“Don CÆsar de Bazan” (play): 69; 87.
Don, Laura (Anna Laura Fish—Mrs. Thomas B. McDonough—Mrs. George W. Fox: Am. actress: died, 1886): 224;
B.’s recollection of, 225, et seq.
“Donna Diana; or, Love’s Masque” (play): 51.
Donnelly, see Murphy, Joseph.
“Dora” (play): adapted and directed by B., 84.
Dorr, Dorothy (Mrs. H. J. W. Dam: Am. actress: 1867-19—): 349.
Douglas, Mrs. Belle (actress): 87.
Doyle, W. F. (actor): 261.
Drake, Samuel (Eng. actor: 1872-1847): grandfather of Julia Dean, 8.
Drake, Julia (Mrs. Thomas Fosdick—Mrs. Edmund Dean—Mrs. Samuel Drake: Eng.-Am. actress): 8.
Drew, Mrs. John (Louisa Lane—Mrs. Henry Hunt—Mrs. George Mossop: Eng.-Am. actress and th. man.: 1820-1897): 206; 207.
“Drifting Apart” (play): 198; 199.
Dudley, Mrs. Caroline: 392.
Dudley, W. C. (Am. actor): 35.
Duff, John (Am. speculative th. man.: 18— -1889): 184.
Dunbar, James: 50.
Dunn, John (Am. actor): 131.
Dunning, Alice (Mrs. William Horace Lingard: Eng.-Am. actress: 18— -1897): 133.
Duret, Marie (“The Limpet”—actress): 131.
“Easiest Way,” “The (play): 456.
“East Lynne” (play): 7; 52; 79; 261.
Eaves, Albert G. (th. costumer): 375.
Eberle, Robert (Am. actor and stage man.): 217.
Eddy, Edward (Am. actor: 1822-1875): 193.
“Editha’s Burglar” (play): 317; 318; 365.
Edmonds, Charles (actor): 47.
Edmonds, Mrs. Charles (actress): 48.
Edouin, “Willie” (Eng. actor: 1845-1908): 135.
Edwards, Charles (actor): 69.
Edwards, Henry (Am. actor, stage man., and naturalist: 1824-1891): 36; 135, et seq.;
acts Antony, 166; 298.
Edwards, R. M. (play agent): early friend of B., 39.
Egyptian Hall, S. F.: 98; 99; 100.
Egyptian Mystery,” “The (illusion, etc.): B. associated with—and described by B., 97, et seq.
“Electra” (tragedy—of Sophocles): revival of, under B.’s direction, 353, et seq.
Ellsler, Effie (Am. actress): 254.
Emanuel the First, King of Portugal (1495-1521): 1.
Emery, Samuel (Eng. actor: 1818-1881): 153.
Emily, “Virgie” (actress): 261.
Emmet, J. K. (Am. actor: 1841-1891): B. works for—and acts with, 82; 168; 192.
Emma, Queen of the Hawaiian Islands: recitation of B. and others before, 15.
Empire Theatre, N. Y.: origin of, 400, et seq.;
opened with “The Girl I Left Behind Me,” 405.
Enchantress,” “The (musical play): revised and directed by B., 72.
“Enoch Arden” (play—on the poem): 202.
ÉtÉ de St. Martin,” “L’ (comedy): 450.
Ethel, Agnes (Mrs. Francis W. Tracy—Mrs. —— Rondebush: Am. actress: 1853-1908): 299.
Eustace, “Jennie” (actress): 349.
Evans, Charles (Am. th. man.): 436; 492.
Eviction,” “The (melod.): 227.
Ewer, Rev. Ferdinand Cartwright (1820-1883): funeral sermon of Julia Dean preached by, etc., 10.
Eytinge, Rose (Mrs. David Barnes—Mrs. George H. Butler—Mrs. Cyril Searle: Am. actress: 1835-1911): 53.
Eyre, Gerald (actor): 235; 237; 298.
Fairbank, N. K. (capitalist): agrees to “back” B. and Mrs. Carter, 385;
withdraws support and repudiates obligations, re Mrs. Carter’s tour—sued by B., 389;
defeated by B., 390;
B.’s kindly feeling toward—and admits he was “badly advised,” 391; 446.
“Fairfax” (play): 221.
Falconer, Edmund (Eng. dram.: 1815-1879): 28.
Fall of Tarquin,” “The (tragedy): 94.
Famille Benoiton!” “La (farce): adapted by B., 125.
Fast Family,” “A (farce—same as preceding): 125.
“Faust” (play): 98; 249.
“Faustus” (spectacle): B. in, 86.
Fawcett, George (Am. actor: 1860-19—): 349.
“Fazio” (tragedy): 9; 160.
“Featherbrain” (play): 336.
Fechter, Charles Albert: (French actor and th. man.: 1824-1879): Stuart’s Park Th. opened with performance by, 59; 69.
“Fedora” (melod.): 292.
“Fernande” (comedy): 299.
“FerrÉol” (play): 355.
“Festus” (poem): 249.
Feuillet, Octave (Fr. dramatist: 1821-1890): 24; 53; 59; 63.
Field, Edward Captain: 227.
Fifth Avenue Theatre, N. Y.: the second, “The Big Bonanza,” produced at, 80.
Figaro,” “The San Francisco (th. news sheet): early notice of B. in, 28;
commendation of same in, 37.
Fire-Fly Social and Dramatic Club,” “The, of S. F.: B.’s association with, 28.
First Born,” “The (tragedy):
B. buys—and in association with C. Frohman, produces in N. Y., 447;
story of, 448, et seq.;
cast, 450;
produced in London—forestalled there, and failure of, 451.
Fischer, Alice (Mrs. William Harcourt [King]: Am. actress: 1869-19—): 349.
Fisher, Charles (actor: 1816-1891): 204.
Fisk, James, Jr. (capitalist, etc.): 272.
Fiske, Harrison Grey (Am. journalist and th. man.: 1867-19—): 288; 289.
“Flies in the Web” (farce): 474.
Florence (Conlin), William James (Irish-Am, actor and th. man.: 1831-1891): 133;
a delicate artist, etc., 158; 321.
Florence (Conlin), Mrs. William James (Malvina Pray—Mrs. Joseph Littell—Mrs. George Howard Coveny: Am. actress: 1831-1906): 133.
Flynn, Thomas (actor: 17— -1849): the first Rip Van Winkle, 173.
Fool’s Revenge,” “The (tragedy): 86; 94; 222; 247.
Foote, Samuel (Eng. actor and mimic: 1720-1777): 38.
“Forbidden Fruit” (play): 57.
Ford, Harriet: 349.
“Forget Me Not” (play): 221; 231.
Forrest, Edwin (Am. actor: 1806-1872): 132; 134;
death of, as Hamlet, 150; 151.
Fortesque (Finney), May (Eng. actress): 313.
Forty Thieves,” “The (burlesque): 86.
Francoeur, Joseph W. (actor): 252; 261.
Franks, Frederick (actor): 135.
Franks, Mrs. Frederick (actress): 135.
Frawley, Timothy Daniel (Am. actor and th. man.: 18— -19—): 471; 472.
Frayne, Frank I. (Am. actor and th. man.: 18— -18—): 74; 104.
Freedom of the Press,” “The (play): B. appears in, 27.
French, Samuel (’s Standard Drama): 39.
French Spy,” “The (play): 70.
Frohman, Charles (Am. speculative th. man.: 1860-1915): “Life” of—B. associated with—and B.’s recollections of, 269, et seq.; 292; 311;
proposal of, to B.—same accepted—and “Men and Women” written for, 373, et seq.; 383;
suggests a venture with B., 395;
buys “Miss Helyett” on B.’s advice, 396;
“Life” of, 401;
relations of, with B., 421;
important letter from, to B., 422; 425;
B. adapts “The Younger Son” for, 428; 435; 447;
with B., presents “The First Born” in London, 451;
with same, presents “The Heart of Maryland” in London, 453; 454;
arranges with B. for Am. presentation of Mrs. Carter in “Zaza,” 455;
with B. presents “Zaza” in London, 484; 487.
Frohman, Daniel (Am. th. man. and moving picture operative: 1853-19—): 254;
engages B. as stage manager of Mad. Sq. Th., N. Y., 260; 271; 275; 312;
engages B. as stage manager, playwright, etc., of the Lyceum Theatre, N. Y., 313; 328; 329;
commissions B. to write a second play for Lyceum, 312; 326; 336; 340;
B.’s bargain with, re use of a stage and “The Prince and the Pauper,” 366;
same repudiated, 368;
B.’s resentment of unfair treatment by—and letter to, 369;
suggests name of “The Girl I Left Behind Me” for B.’s play, 403.
Frohman, Gustave (Am. speculative th. man. and agent: 185[1?]-19—):
associated with B., 254; 255; 260;
B. leaves S. F. in employment of, 261; 269; 281; 292.
“Frou-Frou” (play): 80.
Fyles, Franklyn (originally, Franklin Files) (Am. journalist and playwright: 1847-1911): 401;
collaborates with B. in “The Girl I Left Behind Me,” 403; 405.
Gaboriau, Émile (Fr. novelist: 1833-1873): 113.
Galley Slave,” “The (melod.): 221.
Gambler’s Fate,” “The (melod.): 346.
Gamester,” “The (play): 88; 252.
Gannon, Mary (Mrs. George Stevenson: 1829-1868): 153.
Gardner, Frank (th. man, and capitalist): B. associated with, in “The Egyptian Mystery,” etc., 97, et seq.
Garrick, David (Eng. actor, th. man., and dramatist: 1716-1779): 137; 151; 154.
“Gaspardo; or, The Three Banished Men of Milan” (melod.): B. in, 86.
Gates, Daniel Virgil (actor): 131.
Gatti, Messrs. (Eng. th. man.): 451.
Gautier, Mme. Judith (Fr. dramatist): 482.
Genest, Rev. John (Eng. th. historian: 1764-1839): 163.
Giddens, George (Eng. actor: 1845-19—): 62.
Gilbert, John Gibbs (Am. actor: 1810-1889): 153; 177; 298.
Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck, kt. (Eng. dramatist and poet: 1836-1911): 313.
Gilded Age,” “The (story): Densmore’s dramatization of, produced—and B. on, 64;
Clemens to Howells on, quoted, 65, et seq.;
Raymond’s letter about—and Twain’s version of, 66, et seq.;
author on worth of—and Raymond’s performance in, 67, et seq.;
acted in N. Y., 68; 165.
Gillette, William Hooker (Am. actor and playwright: 1855-19—): 317; 337; 339; 356; 375; 70;
acts Rip Van Winkle—and Solon Shingle, 71;
acts Bambuno—and
Sikes—version of “Charles O’Malley” by—and in “The Sphinx,” 72;
at Baldwin’s A. of M., 87;
B. on, as Rip, 168;
as Rip—and inferior to Jefferson, 176;
with B., writes play for R. Coghlan, 179;
plan of, to go East, 180;
meeting with future wife, 181;
bft. to, and B., 182; 183;
with B., writes “Chums,” 189; 191;
goes East with wife and B., 191, et seq.;
unjust complaint of, to B., 195;
birth—and sketch of his life, 197, et seq.;
principal plays of, 198;
share of, in making “Hearts of Oak,” 199;
death of, 201; 205;
unjust treatment of B. by, 207; 208.
Heron, Matilda (Mrs. Henry Herbert Byrne—Mrs. Robert Stoepel: Am. actress: 1830-1877): 132; 151.
Hidden Hand,” “The (novel): B.’s dramatization of, 103.
Highest Bidder,” “The (farcical comedy): B. makes, 314, et seq.;
cast of, 316; 321; 325; 432.
Hill, Charles John Barton (Am. actor, playwright, th. man. and stage man.: 1830-1911): acts Mercutio with Neilson, 63;
employs B. at Calif. Th., 69; 92;
gives trial to Modjeska, 101, et seq.; 133; 218.
Hill, James M. (Am. th. man.): B. employed to write play for, etc., 111, et seq.; 400.
Hill, Richard: 400.
Hinckley, George (Am. actor): 35; 62.
Hinckley, “Sallie” (Am. actress): 35;
in “The New Magdalen,” 69; 74; 133.
Hoey, Mrs. John (Am. actress): 153.
Hoitt, Dr. Ira G. (educator): 11.
Holbrook, Mrs. “Nelly” (Am. actress and dram. teacher): 11.
Holmes, E. B.: 135.
Holmes, Dr. Oliver Wendell (the poet, etc.: 1809-1894): 287.
Honeymoon,” “The (comedy): 32.
Hood, Thomas (the poet: 1799-1845): 43.
Hooley, Richard Martin (Am. th. man.: 1822-1898): 80;
his th. co. in S. F.—B.’s interest in, 81;
success of “Ultimo” produced by, 82; B. arranges with, for production of “The Heart of Maryland,” 426;
death of, 427.
Hopper, De Wolf (Am. actor: 1858-19—): 290.
Howells, William Dean (Am. novelist and playwright: 1837-19—): letter to, by Clemens re “The Gilded Age,” 65.
Howard, Bronson (Am. dramatist: 1843-1908): 125; 244;
his opinion of “La Belle Russe,” etc., 245;
recognition of, helps B., 279; 328;
influence of his example, 329; 373; 439.
Hunchback,” “The (comedy): Julia Dean remembered in, 8;
performance of same in, perfection, 9; 63; 372.
Hurlburt, Alvin (hotel keeper): 192.
“Ici on Parle FranÇais” (farce): 36.
Illustrious Stranger,” “The (play): B. in, 37.
Ince, Annette (Am. actress): acts Nancy, in “Oliver Twist,” 72; 135.
Ingoldsby, Thomas (Richard Harris Barham: Eng. poet: 1788-1845): 43.
“Ingomar” (play): 372.
“In Spite of All” (melod.): 311.
“Ireland and America” (melod.): 49.
“Ireland As It Was” (play): 50.
Irving, Sir Henry, kt. (John Henry Brodribb: Eng. actor, th. man., and stage man.: 1838-1905): 140; 168; 170; 171; 222;
his revival of “K. Louis XI.,” 223;
performance in, 224.
Irving, Washington (Am. man. of letters: 1783-1859): 169; 175.
Isherwood, William (actor): 173.
“Itinerant,” Ryley’s (dram. biography): 40.
“Ixion; or, The Man at the Wheel” (burlesque): 177.
Jackson, Hart (Am. playwright: died, 1882): 300.
James [Belasco], David (Eng. actor and th. man.: 1839-1893): uncle of B., 6.
James, Louis (Am. actor: 1843-1910): 87; 89.
James, Miss (school teacher): 11.
“Jane Shore” (melod.): 458.
Jarrett & Palmer (Am. th. managers): bring G. Rignold to Am., 90;
dissension between, and same—their transcontinental express train, 91.
Jealous Wife,” “The (play): 52; 160.
Jefferson, Elizabeth (Mrs. Samuel Chapman—Mrs. Augustus Richardson—Mrs. Charles J. B. Fisher: Am. actress: 1810-1890): 153.
Jefferson, Mrs. Joseph (wife of the third J. J.—Cornelia Frances Thomas—Mrs. Thomas Burke: Am. actress: 1796-1849: mother of J. J., 1829-1905): 153.
Jefferson, Joseph (the fourth: Am. actor, playwright, and stage manager: 1829-1905): effect of, as Rip, 69; 155;
B. on his Rip, 168;
and as Rip Van Winkle, 172, et seq.;
Herne impressed by, and emulative of, 200.
Jeffreys-Lewis, Mary (Eng.-Am. actress: 18— -19—): 70; 230; 238; 242.
“Jesse Brown; or, The Relief of Lucknow” (melod.) : 412; 419.
Jerome, Jerome Klapka (Eng. author and playwright: 1859-19—):
Jibbenainosay,” “The (melod.): B. appears in, with J. Proctor, 26.
“Jim Black; or, The Regulator’s Revenge”: first(?) play by B., 13.
Johnson, Dr. Samuel (Eng. dramatist and man of letters: 1709-1784): quoted, re accuracy, 23; 306.
“Jones’s Baby” (farce): 60.
Jones, Frank (actor): B. acts with, 86.
Judah, Mrs. Emanuel (Marietta Starfield—Mrs. John Torrence: Am. actress: 1829-1883): 131; 135.
“Julius CÆsar”: Montgomery, Barrett, McCullough, etc., in cast of, 42; 43;
Booth, McCullough, etc., in, at Calif. Th., 94.
Kaffir Diamond,” “The (melod.): revised by B.—contents and quality of, 345, et seq.;
cast of, 347; 353.
“Katharine and Petruchio”: 137.
Kean, Charles John (Eng. actor, th. man., and stage man.: 1811-1868): farewell tour of—and B. appears with, in childhood, 10;
the same, 26; 132; 164.
Kean, Edmund (Eng. actor: 1787-1833): 40;
“quiet acting” of, 154.
Keene, Laura (Lee?—May Moss?—Mrs. John Taylor—Mrs. John Lutz: Am. actress and th. man.: 1820-1873): 153; 172.
Keene, Thomas W. (Am. actor: 18— -18—): 94, 95;
and B., acts in Petaluma, 103.
Keepers of Lighthouse Cliff,” “The (“The Lighthouse Cliff”: melod.): 200.
Kelcey (Lamb), Herbert (Eng.-Am. actor: 1856-1917): 335;
performance of, in “The Charity Ball,” 360.
Kellerd, John (Am. actor: 1863-19—): 444.
Kemble, Ella: acts Rose Maylie, 72.
Kemble, John Philip (Eng. actor, th. man., and dramatist: 1757-1823): 151.
“Kenilworth” (burlesque): 90.
Kennedy, Michael A. (actor): 87;
B. acts in bft. for, 90; 261.
“Kerry” (play): 59.
Kimball, Grace: 349.
King, Charles A. (th. man.): 131.
King, H. (actor): 135.
“King Henry V.”: Rignold in, 90;
Barrett in, 91;
Calvert’s presentment of, 92.
“King Henry VIII.”: 43.
“King John”: 43; 44; 137; 247.
“King Lear”: 88; 137.
“King Louis XI.” (tragedy): 222; 223.
King of the Opium Ring,” “The (melod.): 346.
“King Richard III.”: B., in childhood, appears in, with C. Kean, 10;
the same, 26; 43;
horseback combat in, 79;
Baldwin’s A. of M. opened with, 87; 88; 100; 137; 249; 348.
Kingsley, Walter (circus clown): befriends B., 5;
dies; his name adopted by B., 25;
same, 217.
Kingsley, Walter: adopted name of David Belasco, q.v.
Kiss in the Dark,” “A (farce): 37.
Klaw & Erlanger (th. booking agents and speculative th. managers): 427.
Knight, George (George Washington Sloan: Am. actor: 1850-1892): 321, et seq.;
failure of, in “Baron Rudolph” (“Only a Tramp”)—and death of, 325.
Knowles, James Sheridan (Eng. actor, dramatist, and preacher: 1783-1862): 9; 327.
Knowlton, Prof. Ebenezer (school teacher and public reader): 11.
Kotzebue, Augustus Frederick Ferdinand von (German dramatist: 1762-1819): 7.
Krehbiel, Henry Edward (Am. critic of music: 1854-19—): quoted, re “Madame Butterfly,” 490, et seq.
“Lady Madge” (play): 71.
Lady of Lyons,” “The (comedy): first Am. appearance of Mary Wells made in, 23; 46; 63; 69; 103; 209; 309.
Lamont, “Jennie” (actress): 261.
Lander, Jean Davenport (Mrs. Frederick West Lander: Eng.-Am. actress: 1829-1903): 133.
Lawlor, Frank (actor): 131.
“Leah the Forsaken” (melod.): 202; 228; 261.
“Leatherstocking” (play): 92.
Leclercq, Carlotta (Mrs. John Nelson: Eng. actress: 1838-1893): 133.
“Led Astray” (play): first produced—B.’s reminiscence of, etc., 53, et seq.; 54; 55; 56; 57;
author on, when first produced, 59; 61; 63.
Legion of Honor,” “The (play): 217.
Leighton, Adele (histrionic novice): 71.
Lemon, E. F. (boyhood friend of B.): letter from, 14.
Le Moyne, William J. (Am. actor: 1831-1905): 286; 335; 476.
“Leonor de Guzman” (play): 9.
Le Roy, James H. (actor, stage man., and playwright): employs B.—and makes dramatization of “The New Magdalen” at suggestion of same, 46, et seq.; 71; 231.
Leslie (Lyde), Elsie (Mrs. [William] Jefferson Winter: Am. actress: 1880-19—): developed by B.—eminence of, 317;
success of, in “Little Lord Fauntleroy”—and suggests dual appearance in “The Prince and the Pauper”—that suggestion adopted, 367;
B.’s opinion of, 367.
Leslie, Henry (Eng. dramatist: 1829-1881): 193; 199.
Lever, Charles James (Irish novelist: 1806-1872): 72.
Lewis, Leopold (Eng. playwright): 172.
Lewis, Matthew Gregory (poet: 1775-1818): 11; 15.
“Liberty Hall” (play): 424; 428; 430.
Lincoln, Abraham (President U. S. A.: 1809-1865): death of, m., 13; 164.
Lincoln Grammar School, the, in S. F.: B. a pupil at, 11; 12;
B. at, 14; 23; 26; 27.
Life’s Revenge; or, Two Loves for One Heart,” “A (melod.): B. acts in, 28.
Lights o’ London,” “The (melod.): 250.
“Lillian’s Lost Love” (play): 129.
Lindsay, —— (actor): acts Fagin, 72.
Lingard Combination,” “The: 24;
acts “La Tentation” in S. F., 63.
Lingard, William Horace (actor): employs B., 68; 133.
Lioness of Nubia,” “The: no such play exists, 23.
Lion of Nubia,” “The (play): B.’s first formal appearance on stage made in, 24.
Lipsis, “Carrie” (actress): 35.
“Little Don Giovanni; or, Leperello and the Stone Statue” (burlesque): 36; 37.
“Little Em’ly” (play): 92; 202.
Little Hero,” “The (“The Stowaway”—poem): effect of McCullough’s recitation of, on B., 17, et seq.
“Little Jim, the Collier’s Lad” (poem): recital of, to music, by B., 99.
“Little Katy; or, The Hot Corn Girl” (melod.): 49.
“Little Lord Fauntleroy” (play): Elsie Leslie in, 365.
Lone Pine,” “The (play): 108; B. rewrites for D. Thompson, etc., 111, et seq.
Lonely Man of the Ocean,” “The (melod.): 346.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (the poet: 1807-1882): monition of, to author, 370.
Long, John Luther (Am. novelist and playwright: 1861-19—): 477.
Long Strike,” “The (melod.): 100.
“Lord Chumley” (comedy): 432;
written for Sothern, 340;
Sothern dissatisfied with—and production of, 341;
quality, and story of, 342;
B.’s recollections of its origin, 343;
performance and success of, 344;
cost of, 345.
“Lost in London” (melod.): prompt book of, by B., 84.
Lotta (Charlotte Mignon Crabtree: Am. actress: 184[5?]-19—): as Fire-Fly in “Under Two Flags”—and S. F. amateur’s society named for, 28; 133; 188; 189;
“Pawn Ticket 210” written for—and success of, in same, 317, et seq.;
sensible view of “criticism,” 320.
Loverich, Cecilia: see Belasco, Mrs. David.
“Love’s Penance” (play): Stuart’s Park Th. opened with, 59; 69.
“Love’s Sacrifice” (play): 9.
“Lucretia Borgia” (play): 52.
Lyons Mail,” “The (melod.): 222.
Lyster, Frederick: B. acts with, at Shiels’ O. H., 49; 110.
McCabe, James H. (old-time actor and th. agent): early friendship of, with B., 39; 71; 130.
McCarthy, Justin Huntly, Jr. (Irish-Eng. dramatist and novelist: 1860-19—): 482.
McCullough, John Edward (Irish-Am. actor and th. man.: 1832-1885): his recitation of “The Little Hero”—and effect of same on B., 17, et seq.; 42; 92; 95;
approves Modjeska and engages her, 102;
first appearance of, in S. F., 134; 136;
feeling between, and L. Barrett, 165;
acts in “J. C.” with Barrett and Montgomery, 167.
McDonough, Thomas B. (th. agent and man.): 226.
McDowell, Gen. Irwin: 227.
McDowell, Henry B.: 227.
McGuire, Father (Roman Catholic priest): takes B., in childhood, to dwell with him, 4; 5.
McGuire, J. C. (Am. actor): gist of—and cast, 127;
compared with “The Banker’s Daughter”—similar scene in, 128; 176; 328.
Milton, John (the poet: 1609-1674): 120.
Millward, “Jessie” (Eng. actress: 1861-19—): 291.
“Mimi” (play): 53;
produced in S. F., 61.
Miser’s Daughter,” “The (melod.): B. in, 86.
“Miss Decima” (farce with music): 398.
See also “Miss Helyett.”
“Miss Helyett” (farce with music): rewritten by B.—produced—story, and performance, of, 397, et seq.;
cast of, 399; 421; 422.
“Miss Hobbs” (comedy): 437.
Modjeska, Mme. Helena (Helen Opid—Mrs. Gustave S. Modrzejewska—Mrs. Charles [Karol] Bozenta Chlapowska: Polish-Am. actress: 1840-1909): settles in Calif.—forced to return to stage, 100;
obtains hearing by B. Hill—and author’s account of same, 101;
approved by McCullough,
B. sees first Am. performance of, 103; 133; 151; 309.
MoliÈre, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin de (Fr. actor, th. man., and dramatist: 1712-1763): 157; 330.
Montague, Winnetta (Leleah BurphÉ Bigelow—Mrs. Arnold W. Taylor: died, 1877): 96;
marriage of, and W. Montgomery—death of, 167.
Montgomery, Walter (Richard Tomlinson: Am. actor: 1827-1871): B.’s early admiration of—extraordinary performance of, supported by Barrett, McCullough, etc.—and last appearances in Calif., 42;
programmes of his “Royal Recitals,” 43; 95; 130; 132; 164; 165;
not enamoured of R. Massey, 166;
marriage and suicide of, 167.
Montrose, James Graham, Marquess of (1612-1650): philosophy of, 371.
Moonlight Marriage,” “The (play): 179;
produced, and cast of, 180; 182; 185.
Moore, “Maggie” (Mrs. James Cassius Williamson: Am.-Australian actress): 107; 182.
“Mora” (play): produced in N. Y., 58.
“More Blunders than One” (farce): 49.
Mordant, Frank (Am. actor: 1841-19—): 382;
fine performance by, 415.
Mordaunt, Marian (Mrs. —— Strickland: Am. actress): B. acts in bft. for, 36.
Moreto, Augustin (Spanish dramatist: 1618-1661): 51.
Morning Call,” “A (farce): 36.
Morse, Salmi (Samuel Moss: Ger.-Am. playwright: 1826-1883): his “Passion Play,” 114, et seq.;
reads same to author and others, 117;
same—and on his purpose in writing, 120;
his “Temple Theatre,” 374; 375.
Morris, Clara (Clara Morrison, Mrs. Frederick C. Harriott: Can.-Am. actress and writer: 1848-19—): first appearance of, in S. F., directed by B., 108.
Morris, William (Am. actor: 1861-19—): 382.
Morrison, Lewis (Am. actor and th. man.: 1845-1906): acts Romeo with A. Neilson, 63; 110; 132; 178; 179; 189.
Morrison, Hon. Robert Francis (Judge—in S. F.): 117.
Morrison, R. W. (lawyer): 388.
Morton, John Maddison (Eng. dramatist: 1811-1891): 313.
Moser, Gustav von (Ger. dramatist: 1825-1903): 80.
“Moths” (novel): dramatization of, 30.
“Mr. and Mrs. Peter White” (entertainment): 69; 80.
“Much Ado About Nothing”: 137.
Murdock, Frank (Am. actor and playwright): 200.
Murdock, James Edward (Am. actor: 1813-1893): 132.
Murphy (Donnelly), Joseph (Am. “negro minstrel” and actor: 1832-1915): Belasco acts with, in “Help,” 34; 35;
B. acts with, at Shiels’ O. H., in various plays, 49.
“Musette” (play): 188.
Music Master,” “The (play): 139.
“My Neighbor’s Wife” (farce): 474.
“My Partner” (play): 348.
Mysterious Inn,” “The (melod.): 98.
“My Turn Next” (farce): 103.
“Nancy & Co.” (farce): 306.
“Natural” acting: early great exemplars of, 153.
“Naughty Anthony” (farce): 113; 469;
first production—and in N. Y.—contents and quality of, 473; 474;
serious purpose of B. in—and performances in, 475;
comment on, 476; 491.
Neilson, Lilian Adelaide (Elizabeth Ann Bland—Mrs. Philip Lee: Eng. actress: 184[6?]-1880): her first S. F. engagement—B.
appears with, during, 63; 133; 209;
her farewell engagement, 210;
last appearance of—and B.’s reminiscence of, 211, et seq.; 214.
Newstader, Rabbi: marries B. and Cecilia Loverich: 45.
New Babylon,” “The (melod.): 125.
New Magdalen,” “The (novel): Le Roy’s version of, 46;
Collins’ characterization of dramatizations—Bella Pateman acts in—Collins’ dramatization of, produced, 47; 48; 84; 231; 254.
New Way to Pay Old Debts,” “A (tragedy): 87; 222; 224.
“Nick o’ the Woods” (“The Jibbenainosay,” q.v.—melod.): 69.
Nickenson, John (Can. actor): 157.
Night Off,” “A (farce): 306.
Night Session,” “A (farce): 450.
“Ninon” (play): 221.
“Nita; or, Woman’s Constancy” (melod.): 70.
“Nordeck” (melod.): 312.
Norton, “Emperor”: mimicry of, by B., 37; 38.
“Not Guilty” (melod.): B.’s version of, produced in S. F.—cast—success of—and B.’s reminiscences of, 109; 453.
“Not Such a Fool as He Looks” (comedy): 343.
“Notre Dame”: Wheatleigh’s dramatization of, 69.
Nunnemacher, Jacob (th. man.): 196.
Oates, Mrs. James A. (Alice Merritt: singer and th. man.: 1849-1887): her opera co. at Baldwin’s A. of M., 88.
Octoroon,” “The (play): B.’s alteration of, 106; 254;
revived by B. and G. Frohman—cast of, 255, et seq.; 257; 261.
Ohnet, Georges (French novelist and dramatist: 1848-19—): 296.
“Olivia” (play): produced, 106;
cast of—and contents, 107.
“Oliver Twist” (play): revival of, by Herne, etc., 72; 198; 372; 390.
“One Hundred Years Old” (play): 105.
“One of Our Girls” (comedy): 312.
O’Neill, James (Irish-Am, actor: 1849-19—): 85;
succeeds Cathcart as Richmond, 88; 105;
success of, in “Proof Positive,” 108; 114;
impersonates Jesus Christ, in “Passion Play,” 115;
arrested and imprisoned, 117;
fined, 118; 123;
B.’s opinion of his Jesus Christ, 125; 132; 178; 179; 180; 186; 188; 190; 473.
“One Thousand Milliners” (farce): 90.
“Only a Tramp” (melod.): 321;
failure of, 325;
cast of, 326.
See also “Baron Rudolph.”
Osborne, George (actor): 261.
“Othello”: 137; 247; 249; 332.
“Ouida” (Mlle. Louise de la RamÉe: Eng. novelist: 1839-1908): her “Under Two Flags,” mentioned, 28; 308.
“Our American Cousin” (play): 51.
“Our Boys” (comedy): 261.
“Our Mysterious Boarding House” (farce): 98.
“Ours” (play): 180.
“Out at Sea” (melod.): 49.
Owens, John Edmond (Am. actor and th. man.: 1823-1886): B.’s recollections of—and same writes a play for, etc., 78; 132; 153.
Paine, Albert Bigelow (Am. author and ed.: 1861-19—): his “Mark Twain, a Biography,” quoted, 65.
Palmer, Albert Marshall (Am. th. man.: 1839-1905): 55; 56; 126; 128; 129;
friction with B., 293; 294;
B. negotiates with, 368;
places theatres at disposal of B., for rehearsals, 369;
agrees to produce “The Heart of Maryland,” 432;
forced to abandon that project, 435.
Palmer, “Minnie” (Mrs. Daniel Edward Bandmann: actress): 133.
“Paradise Lost”: 120.
Park Theatre, N. Y.: “The Gilded Age” at, 68.
Parlor Match,” “A (farce): 436.
Parts, dramatic: all sorts of, played by B., 137;
list of more than 170 of B.’s, 140, et seq.
Partridge, William Ordway (Am. sculptor: 1861-19—): 349.
Passion Play,” “The (Morse’s): produced in S. F.—and examination and account of, 114, et seq.
Pateman, Bella (Mrs. Robert Pateman: actress: 1844-1908): first appearance of, in S. F., 46;
“The New Magdalen” dramatized for, at B.’s suggestion, 47;
estimates of, as actress, 48.
“Paul Arniff” (melod.): 214; 215;
cast of, 216.
Paul, Logan (actor): 261.
“Pauline” (play): B. appears in, with the Keans, 10.
“Pawn Ticket 210” (melod.): written for Lotta—produced, etc., 317, et seq.;
cast of, 320.
Pearson, A. Y. (th. man.: 186[2?]-1903): 400.
Pell, Katie (actress): 74.
People’s Lawyer,” “The (play): 78; 103.
“Peril; or, Love at Long Branch” (play): 81.
Persecuted Traveller,” “The (farce): 98.
Pettitt, Henry (Eng. playwright: 1848-1893): 227; 258.
Phelps, Charles (M.D.: 18— -19—): 120.
Phelps, Fanny Morgan (actress): 74; 97.
Phillips, Watts (Eng. dramatist: 1829-1874): 108; 110; 179.
Piatt, Don (Am. writer): on Rip and Fanchon, 169.
Piercy, Samuel W. (Am. actor and playwright: 18— -1882): death of—and B.’s admiration for, 69; 217.
Pilar-Morin, Mile. —— (Fr. actress): 492.
Pinero, Sir Arthur Wing (kt., cr., 1909: Eng. actor and dramatist: 1855-19—): 73; 246; 344.
“Pink Dominos” (farce): 189.
Piper, John (Ger.-Am. th. man.: 1830-1897): engages B., 50;
B.’s experiences under management of, 51, et seq.;
his stock co., 62;
B. freed from, 63.
Piper, Mrs. John: B.’s painful experience with, 62.
Piper’s Opera House, Virginia City: particulars about—and B. engaged at, 50.
Pixley [Shea], Annie (Mrs. Robert Fulford: Am. actress: 1858-1893): 74.
“Pizarro” (play): 6;
in J. Dean’s repertory, 7.
Placide, Henry (Am. actor: 1800-1870): 153.
Platt, George Foster: 349.
“Playing with Fire” (farcical comedy): 474.
Plays: altered and adopted by B.—and Mrs. Bates on B.’s felicity in such work, 84;
acted in by B.—more than 170 enumerated, 141, et seq.
“Pluto” (burlesque): 37.
Plympton, Eben (Am. actor: 1853-1915): 132; 312.
Poe, Edgar Allan (the poet, etc.: 1809-1849): 43.
Polish Jew,” “The (play): 171.
Pond, Anson (Am. playwright): 348.
Ponisi, Mme. James (Elizabeth Hanson—Mrs. Samuel Wallis: Eng.-Am. actress: 1818-1899): 177; 298.
Poole, Mrs. —— (actress): 132.
“Poor Richard’s Almanac”: 4.
Post of Honor,” “The (play): 106.
Potter, Mrs. James Brown (Cora Urquhart: Am.-Eng. actress and th. man.: 1859-19—); 492<
/a>; 493.
Potter, Paul Meredith (Am. journalist and playwright: 1853-19—): 383; 433.
Potter, John S. (th. man.): 131.
Powers, Francis (Am. actor and playwright): 447; 448.
Powers, “Harry” (Am. th. business ag’t.): 426; 427.
Prescott, Marie (Am. actress: died, 1893): 242.
Pretty Housebreaker,” “The (play): 70.
Price, Edward D. (Am. th. agent): 383.
Price, “Lizzie” V. (Mrs. W. Wintle—Mrs. Charles Albert Fechter: Am. actress: 18— -18—): 69.
“Priestess” (play): 9.
Prince and the Pauper,” “The (novel): play on, suggested by Elsie Leslie, 365;
B. revises same, when made, 366;
B. rehearses—and is successfully produced, 367; 368.
Proctor, F. F. (Am. man. of varieties theatres): 373; 375.
Proctor, Joseph B. (Am. actor and th. man.: 1816-1897): B. appears with, in “The Jibbenainosay,” 26.
Prodigal’s Return,” “The (play): 98.
“Proof Positive” (play): B. makes, for R. Wood, 108.
Puccini, Giacomo (Italian musical composer: 1858-19—): 75; 488;
B. gives him operatic rights of “Madame Butterfly,” 489;
his opera of “Madama Butterfly” considered, 490, et seq.
“Raising the Wind” (farce): 32.
Rajah; or, Wyndcot’s Ward,” “The (play): 279; 280.
Raleigh, Cecil (Eng. playwright): 317.
Raven,” “The (poem): 43.
Raymond (O’Brien), John T. (Irish-Am, actor: 1836-1887): appears in S. F. in “Led Astray,” 63;
first produces Densmore’s version of “The Gilded Age”—and B.’s recollections of, 64;
B.’s account of not accurate, 65;
his performance of Colonel Sellers, 68; 135; 168.
Rea, Frank (actor): 24; 35.
Rea, Mrs. Frank (actress): 35.
Reade, Charles (Eng. novelist, dramatist, and th. man.: 1815-1884): Mayo’s version of his “Griffith Gaunt,” 71; 185; 257.
Reece, Robert (Eng. dramatist: 1838-1891): 313.
Rehan, Ada (Ada Crehan: Irish-Am. actress: 1860-1916): first appearance of, under Daly, 185; 307; 392; 470.
“Rev. Griffith Davenport” (melod.): derivation of, 199.
Rice, Edward E. (Am. th. man.: 18—-18—): 196.
Rice, Thomas D. (Am. “negro minstrel”: 1808-1860): 38.
Rice, Isaac B. (Am. th. man.: 1827-1908): 337; 387.
Rich & Harris (th. man’s.): 242; 243.
“Still Waters Run Deep” (melod.): 344.
Stone, Amy (actress): 74.
Storm of Thoughts,” “A: 98.
Story of My Life,” “The (autobiography): B.’s, examined and estimated by author, 22, et seq.;
B.’s, re Boucicault and B., quoted, 55;
critically examined by author, 148.
Strakosch, Max (Moravian-Am. opera man.: 1835-1892): 375.
Stranglers of Paris,” “The (novel): 237;
B.’s dramatization of, 238;
cast of, 240.
Stranger,” “The (play): 9; 89; 94; 458.
Streets of New York,” “The (melod.): 103.
Stoeples, Mrs. Richard: see Wells, Mary.
“Struck Blind” (story): B.’s dramatization of, 84.
“Struck Oil” (play): 107.
Stuart’s Park Th., N. Y.: opened, 58.
Stuart, William (Edmund C. O’Flaherty: Irish-Am. journalist and th. man.: 1821-1886): Boucicault visits, 58.
Sullivan, Barry (Irish actor and th. man.: 1823-1891): 132;
opens Baldwin’s A. of M., S. F., 87;
repertory of, at same, 88;
B.’s recollections of, 89.
Sun,” “The New York (newspaper): letter of Raymond to, 66.
Sutter, —— (dramatist): 28.
Swain, Caroline (Mrs. Frank Gardner: actress): 97.
Swartz, Edward J. (Am. playwright): 345.
“Sweethearts” (comedy): 312.
“Sweet Lavender” (comedy): 344; 353.
Swift, H. (actor): 35.
Synge, J. M. (playwright): 357.
Szamosy, Elza (Hungarian singer): 489.
Taber, Robert (Am. actor: 1865-1904): 349;
B.’s instructive reminiscence
of, 352, et seq.;
death of, 351.
Taylor, Howard (Am. journalist and playwright): 288; 289.
Tearle, (George) Osmond (Eng. actor and th. man.: 1852-1901): 237; 240.
Tennyson, Alfred, first Lord (the poet: 1809-1892): 43.
Tentation,” “La (play): see also “Led Astray”: 24;
acted in S. F., 63.
Terry, Edward O’Connor (Eng. actor and th. man.: 1844-1912): 344.
Teuton, Stella: 416.
Thayer, Edward N. (actor: 1798-18—): 104;
Theatre Royal, Victoria: B. appears at, in childhood, 10.
Theatres: in S. F.—and elsewhere in Calif., 130, et seq.
Theatrical managers: early, in Calif., 131.
Theatrical Syndicate (or Trust): 161.
“This Picture and That” (play): 471.
Thomas, Augustus (Am. dramatist: 1859-19—): 317.
Thompson, Charlotte (Mrs. Lorraine Rogers: actress: 1843-18—): 133.
Thompson, Denman (Am. actor, playwright, and th. man.: 1834-1911): B. writes play for—and attitude of, toward it, 111, et seq.
Thompson, Slason (Am. playwright): 247.
Thompson, William H. (Scotch-Am, actor: 184—-19—): 415.
Thorne, Charles Robert, Sr. (Eng.-Am. actor and th. man.: 1823-1893): 74;
early teacher of B.—and kindness of, to same, 78;
B. and, fight on horseback in “K. R. III.,” 79;
employs B.—and unable to pay, 85; 131.
Thorne, Charles Robert, Jr. (Am. actor: 1841-1883): 53.
Thorne’s Palace Th., S. F.: 85.
Thorpe, Rose Hartwick (Am. poet: 1850-19—): 11.
Three Guardsmen,” “The (play): 473.
Three Singles; or, Two and the Deuce,” “The (farce): 474.
Ticket-of-Leave Man,” “The (play): B. acts Mrs. Willoughby in, 104.
“To Oblige Benson” (farce): 474.
Torrence, John (actor): 135.
“Trade” (play): 313.
See also “The Highest Bidder.”
Tribune,” “The New York (newspaper): 59; 225.
“True to the Core” (melod.): B.’s version of—and cast, 220.
Trowbridge, John Townsend (poet: 1827-1916): 11.
“Twelfth Night”: 137.
Twenty-third Street Theatre (Proctor’s), N. Y.: account of—and “Men and Women” acted at, 373, et seq.
“Twice Saved; or, Bertha the Midget” (melod.): 49.
Two Orphans,” “The (melod.): 96.
Tyler (Kirkland), Odette (Mrs. Robert D. McLean [Shepherd]: Am. actress: 1869-19—): 416.
Ugly Duckling,” “The (melod.): 383; 384;
revision of, by B.—and produced—story of, 385;
cast of, 387;
end of career of, 388; 389.
“Ultimo” (play): 80;
run of, in S. F., 82.
“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (melod.): L. Alberta and B. in, 49; 258.
“Under the Gas-Light” (melod.): B. appears in, with Mme. Methua-Scheller, 26; 92.
“Under the Polar Star” (melod.): revised by B., 446.
“Under Two Flags” (novel): Falconer’s dramatization of, 28; 470.
Unequal Match,” “The (comedy): 69.
Union Square Th., N. Y.: first performance of “Led Astray” at, 39.
Union Square Theatre Co. (of N.
Y.): directed in S. F. by B., 105;
tribute of, to B., 106.
Unofficial Patriot,” “The (novel): 200.
Upper Crust,” “The (comedy): 220.
“Used Up” (farcical comedy): 59.
Vagabonds,” “The (poem): 11; 44.
Valasco: early form of name Belasco, 1.
“Valerie” (comedy): B. writes, for Wallack, 298, et seq.;
cast of, 304.
Vane, Alice (actress): in “Rip Van Winkle,” 71.
Varian, Nina (Am. actress: died, 1880): 179.
“Venice Preserved” (play): 160.
Venua, Wesley (th. man.): 130.
Vernon, Mrs. George (Jane Marchant Fisher: Am. actress: 1792-1869): 153.
Vicar of Wakefield,” “The: B.’s dramatization of, 106.
Vie de BohÈme,” “La: 53.
Vinson, James H. (Am. actor and stage man.): 35; 217.
Vulgar Boy,” “The (poem): 43.
Wade’s Opera House, S. F.: Rignold in “K. Henry V.” at, 90.
Wagnalls, Lincoln (th. man.): 349.
Walcot, Charles Melton, Sr. (Eng.-Am. actor: 1816-1868): 153.
Wallace, “Jake” (old-time Calif. “minstrel”): 74;
B.’s recollections of—dramatic character copied from, 75.
Wallack, James William, the Elder (Eng.-Am. actor and th. man.: 1795-1864): 167.
Wallack, James William, the Younger (Eng.-Am. actor and th. man.: 1818-1873): 72; 132;
his Fagin, 167; 197.
Wallack, Lester (John Johnstone Wallack: Am. actor, th. man., and dramatist: 1820-1888): 56; 153;
offer of, to buy play, rejected, 182;
wishes to employ B., 205, et seq.; 237; 241; 242; 243; 244; 245; 246;
B. writes “Valerie” for, 298, et seq.;
excellent quality of his acting, 303;
note of, to B., 304;
offers B. employment—and B.’s view of, 305.
Wallack’s Lyceum, N. Y.: 8.
Wallack’s Theatre, N. Y.: “Forbidden Fruit” at, 57;
“Mora”—and “Mimi,” produced at—Boucicault at, in “Kerry” and “Used Up,” 58.
Waller, Daniel Wilmarth (actor and th. man.): 131.
Wallet of Time,” “The (dramatic history, etc.): 68.
Wall Street Bandit,” “A (play): 311.
Walsh, Blanche (Am. actress: 18—-19—): 349.
Walter, Eugene (Am. journalist and playwright: 1876-19—): 456.
Walters, Clara Jean (Am. actress): 48.
“Wanted, a Divorce” (play): 97.
Ward, Artemus (Charles Farrar Browne: Am. humorist: 1835-1867): 148.
Ward (Mary Augusta), Mrs. Humphry (Eng. novelist: 1851-19—): 356.
Ward, James W. (actor): B. works for, 96.
Warfield, David (Am. actor: 1866-19—): 113;
B. on ambition of, to act Shylock, 139.
Warner, Charles (Eng. actor and th. man.: 1847-1909): 185.
Warner, Charles Dudley (Am. man of letters: 1829-1900): 64; 66.
Warner, Neil (actor: 1830-1901): 133.
Warwick, James H. (actor): 131.
“Watson’s Art Journal”: 18.
Watson, Mary (Am. actress): 74.
Webster, Daniel (the statesman: 1782-1852): 9.
“Wedded by Fate” (melod.): 227; 228.
Wellington, Duke of: 131.
Wells, Mary (Mrs. Richard Stoeples: Eng.-Am. actress: 1829-1878): first appearance of, in Am., 23;
same, in S. F.—and B.’s first formal appearance on stage not made with, 24.
Wells, Minnie (singing actress): B.’s first formal appearance on stage made with, 24; 25.
Wheatcroft, Nelson (Am. actor): 360; 415.
Wheatleigh, Charles (Am. actor and th. man.: 18—-18—): 69; 132; 261.
Wheelock, Joseph, Sr. (Eng. actor: 183[8?]-1908): 286.
Whiffen, Thomas (actor): 71; 72.
Whitney, Fred. C. (Am. th. man.): 436
Whittlesey, White (Am. actor): 349.
“Who Killed Cock Robin?” (burlesque): B. in, 86.
Widmer, Henry (musician and orchestra conductor: 1845-1895): music for “Passion Play” by, 115.
Wife,” “The (drama—Knowles’): 46; 87; 92; 103.
Wife,” “The (comedy—by B. and De M.): 321;
B.’s recollection of writing of, 327, et seq.;
quality, and story, of, 329, et seq.;
success of, due to B.’s invention—and cast of, 334;
ordered withdrawn—and forced by B. to success, 336; 337; 355; 432.
“Wild Oats” (comedy): 90.
Williams, Barney (Irish-Am, actor and th. man.: 1823-1876): 133.
Williams, Mrs. Barney (Irish-Am. actress: 18—-18—): 133.
Williamson, James Cassius (Am.-Australian actor and th. man.: 1846-1913): 36; 107.
Willing Hand,” “The (melod.): 96.
Willow Copse,” “The (melod.): 69.
Wills, William Gorman (Irish-Eng. poet, dramatist, and novelist: 1830-1891): 107.
Wilson, John (actor): 132; 135.
Wilson, Primrose & West Minstrel Co.: 113.
Wilson, R. A. (Am. actor): 35.
Wilton, Ellie (Am. actress): 74.
“Wine, Woman, and Cards” (melod.): 98.
Winter, E. Wales (th. agent): 349.
“Within an Inch of His Life” (story): B.’s dramatization of—success of same—and “effects” in, 113;
cast of, 114; 189.
Woman in Red,” “The (melod.): 49; 261.
Woman in White,” “The (play): J. Dean in, 8.
Woman of the People,” “A (melod.): adapted by B., 107.
“Won at Last” (play): 189; 190; 272.
Wonder,” “The (comedy): 88.
Wonderful Scamp,” “The: see “Aladdin No. 2.”
Wood, Col. J. H. (th. man.): 86.
Wood Rose (actress): 105;
B. makes play for, 108.
Woodard, John R. (Am. actor, stage man., and th. man.): 24; 25; 35; 36; 131.
Woodard, Mary (actress): 131.
Woods, Rev. T. C.: 4.
World,” “The (melod.): 239; 250.
Worthing, Frank (Francis George Pentland: Scotch-Am. actor and playwright: 1866-1910): 471;
performance of, in “Naughty Anthony,” 474;
same, 475.
Wren, “Fred” (Am. actor): 192.
Wyndham, Sir Charles, kt. (1837-19—): 395; 396; 398; 399.
Yankee,” “The (play): B. writes for Owens—and rejected, 78.
Yates, Frederick Henry (actor): 173.
Young Widow,” “The (play): 103.
Younger Son,” “The (play): adopted by B., 428;
produced—story, and cast, of, 429;
failure of, 430.
“Youth” (melod.): 246.
Zangwill, Israel (Eng. novelist: 1864-19—): 473.
“Zaza” (play): 454;
author’s strictures on, and on production of, by B., 456, et seq.;
production—contents—and significance of, 461, et seq.;
Mrs. Carter’s performance in, 464;
cast of, 465; 466;
B. and C. Frohman present, in London—disgust of the Fr. authors thereof, 484;
and B.’s amusing account thereof, 485, et seq.
Zoe, Mlle. Marie (Cuban dancer): B. engaged to assist, 70.
Zola, Émile (Fr. playwright): 184.