WANDERERS; BEING A Collection of the Poems of William Winter.


New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. With a Portrait of the Author.

18mo, Cloth, 75 Cents.

Also a Limited Large Paper Edition, printed on English Hand-made Paper. Price $2.50.

"But it has seemed to the author of these poems—which of course are offered as absolutely impersonal—that they are the expression of various representative moods of human feeling and various representative aspects of human experience, and that therefore they may possibly possess the inherent right to exist."—From the Preface.

"The verse of Mr. Winter is dedicated mainly to love and wine, to flowers and birds and dreams, to the hackneyed and never-to-be-exhausted repertory of the old singers. His instincts are strongly conservative; his confessed aim is to belong to 'that old school of English Lyrical Poetry, of which gentleness is the soul, and simplicity the garment.'"—Saturday Review.

"The poems have a singular charm in their graceful spontaneity."—Scots Observer.

"Free from cant and rant—clear cut as a cameo, pellucid as a mountain brook. It may be derided as trite, bornÉ, unimpassioned; but in its own modest sphere it is, to our thinking, extraordinarily successful, and satisfies us far more than the pretentious mouthing which receives the seal of over-hasty approbation."—AthenÆum.


66 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK.



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