The following table gives the area and population of the various states, territories of Tepic, Quintana Roo and Lower California, and the Federal District; also the name of the capital and number of its inhabitants, the figures being for the year 1900:— State. | Sq. Miles. | Population. | Capital. | Inhabitants. | Aguas Calientes, | 2,950 | 101,910 | Aguas Calientes, | 35,052 | Campeche, | 20,087 | 84,218 | Campeche, | 17,109 | Coahuila, | 63,569 | 280,899 | Saltillo, | 23,936 | Colima, | 2,700 | 65,026 | Colima, | 20,698 | Chiapas, | 29,600 | 363,216 | Tuxtla, | 10,982 | Chihuahua, | 87,802 | 327,004 | Chihuahua, | 30,405 | Durango, | 42,200 | 371,274 | Durango, | 31,092 | Guanajuato, | 12,300 | 1,065,317 | Guanajuato, | 41,486 | Guerrero, | 24,996 | 474,594 | Chilpanzingo, | 7,497 | Hidalgo, | 8,917 | 603,074 | Pachuca, | 37,487 | Jalisco, | 31,846 | 1,137,311 | Guadalajara, | 101,208 | Mexico, | 9,247 | 924,457 | Toluca, | 25,904 | Michoacan, | 22,874 | 935,849 | Morelia, | 37,278 | Morelos, | 2,773 | 161,697 | Cuernavaca, | 9,584 | Nuevo Leon, | 23,592 | 326,940 | Monterey, | 62,266 | Oaxaca, | 35,382 | 947,910 | Oaxaca, | 35,049 | Puebla, | 12,204 | 1,024,446 | Puebla, | 93,521 | Queretaro, | 3,556 | 228,489 | Queretaro, | 33,152 | San Luis Potosi, | 25,316 | 582,486 | San Luis Potosi, | 61,019 | Sinaloa, | 33,671 | 296,109 | Culiacan, | 10,380 | Sonora, | 76,900 | 220,553 | Hermosillo, | 10,613 | Tabasco, | 10,072 | 158,107 | San Juan Bautista, | 10,543 | Tamaulipas, | 32,128 | 220,253 | Victoria, | 10,086 | Tlaxcala, | 1,595 | 172,217 | Tlaxcala, | 2,847 | Vera Cruz, | 29,201 | 960,570 | Jalapa, | 20,388 | Yucatan, | 20,203 | 227,264 | Merida, | 43,630 | Zacatecas, | 24,757 | 496,810 | Zacatecas, | 32,856 | Tepic, | 11,257 | 149,677 | Tepic, | 15,488 | Lower California, | 58,328 | 47,082 | La Paz, | 5,046 | Federal District, | 463 | 530,723 | City of Mexico, | 344,721 | Quintana Roo, | 15,000 | 85,000 | Santa Cruz de Bravo, | 2,000 | II The broken character of the surface of Mexico is shown by the many high mountain peaks which are scattered over the country. Most of these peaks are extinct volcanoes, although one of them, Colima, is in constant eruption. The following table gives the name, location and height of all the peaks over ten thousand feet in height:— Mountain. | State. | Elevation. | Popocatepetl, | Mexico, | 17,782 ft. | Orizaba, | Vera Cruz, | 17,362 ft. | Ixtaccihuatl, | Puebla, | 16,060 ft. | Toluca, | Mexico, | 15,019 ft. | Colima, | Jalisco, | 14,263 ft. | Ajusco, | Federal District, | 13,660 ft. | Cofre de Perote, | Vera Cruz, | 13,641 ft. | Zapotlan, | Jalisco, | 12,743 ft. | Tancitaro, | Michoacan, | 12,653 ft. | Zempoaltepec, | Oaxaca, | 11,141 ft. | Pico de Quinco, | Michoacan, | 10,900 ft. |
III SUGGESTIONS FOR TRAVELLERS The visitor to Mexico will find few inconveniences in the way of railway travel. The coaches are, with only occasional exceptions, of American manufacture, and the through trains on most of the railroads have Pullman coaches at fares that are considerably lower than in the United States. It is well to make the trip going and coming to the capital by different routes, choosing the El Paso route for one trip and the Laredo gateway for the other. If the visitor is from the eastern part of the United States, a sea voyage from either New York or New Orleans to Vera Cruz makes a pleasant variation to the monotony of railroad travel. If bound for San Francisco one can travel through the republic to Salina Cruz, and there embark for that city. When the Southern Pacific extension is completed to Guadalajara this will also furnish another good way either to enter or leave Mexico. The Mexican customs examination is a very formal affair and causes very little inconvenience to the traveller, for the officials are usually very courteous. An ignorance of the Spanish language will not cause a great deal of trouble to the experienced traveller in the cities, as it is a very easy matter to find some one who can speak English. In the remoter districts more trouble will be encountered, so that one should have at least a few stock phrases to use. The money of Mexico is easy for one to familiarize himself with, as the peso is equal to fifty cents in American money. The only inconvenience at times is the trouble of carrying so many of these pesos, each of which is the size of one of our American silver dollars. The minor coins are all on the decimal system, the peso counting as one hundred centavos. Hotel accommodation in the cities is fair, although it will take the traveller some time to get used to the large rooms that he will oftentimes be placed in. The charges are generally based on the European plan, but occasionally one will find a hotel on the American plan, and the charges are reasonable. On arriving at a hotel the guest is usually shown a room, and, if it is accepted, he may then register and his name is written on a blackboard with his room number. The cab charges are usually reasonable. In the City of Mexico there are three classes of cabs, indicated respectively by blue, red and yellow flags, the latter being the cheapest class. The driver always expects a small fee in addition to the regular fare. Good stores will be found in the cities, and the prices are not excessive. Most people are interested in things that may be purchased as souvenirs of the country. The famous drawn work can be bought to the best advantage in northern Mexico, and especially at Aguas Calientes. Mexico is also noted for her onyx, opals and the turquoise. The proper clothing to be worn is that used in the United States for spring or fall in the higher altitudes, and a light coat should be a part of the wardrobe. In the lower levels lightweight summer clothing can be worn at all seasons of the year. Most people visit Mexico during the winter months, but summer, which is the rainy season, is likewise delightful. IV BIBLIOGRAPHY Ballou, M. M.: Aztec Land. Boston, 1890. Bancroft, H. H.: History of Mexico. 6 vols. San Francisco, 1888. Bandelier, A. F.: Report of an Archeological Tour. Boston, 1885. Beart, Lucien: The Aztecs, their History, Manners and Customs. From the French. Chicago, 1900. Bishop, W. H.: Old Mexico and Her Lost Provinces. New York, 1883. Brooks, N. C.: History of the Mexican War. Philadelphia, 1849. Charnay, DesirÉ: Ancient Cities of the New World. Translated from French. New York, 1887. Conklin, Howard: Mexico and the Mexicans. New York, 1883. Creelman, James: Diaz: Master of Mexico. New York, 1910. Diaz del Castillo, Bernal: The True History of the Conquest of Mexico. Written in 1568. Translation. New York, 1803. Edwards, William Seymour: On the Mexican Highlands. Cincinnati, 1906. Flandrau, C. M.: Viva Mexico. New York, 1908. Gadnow, Hans: Through Southern Mexico. New York, 1908. Gooch, Fannie C.: Face to Face with the Mexicans. New York, 1887. Griffin, S. B.: Mexico of To-day. New York, 1886. Hale, Susan: Story of Mexico. New York, 1889. Haven, Gilbert: Our Next Door Neighbor: A Winter in Mexico. New York, 1875. Humboldt, Alexander von: Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain. London, 1822. Kirkham, Stanton Davis: Mexican Trials. Boston, 1909. Lumholtz, Carl: Unknown Mexico. 2 vols. New York, 1902. Lummis, Charles F.: The Awakening of a Nation. New York, 1899. Martin, Percy F.: Mexico of the Twentieth Century. London, 1907. Mayer, Brantz: Mexico as It Was and Is. London, 1844. Noll, A. H.: A Short History of Mexico. Chicago, 1903. Ober, Frederick A.: Travels in Mexico. Boston, 1885. Prescott, W. H.: Conquest of Mexico. 1843. Romero, Matias: Mexico and the United States. New York, 1898. Smith, F. H.: A White Umbrella in Mexico. Boston. 1889. Starr, Frederick: In Indian Mexico. Chicago, 1908. Stephens, John L.: Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. New York, 1843. Stevenson, Sara: Maximilian in Mexico. New York, 1899. Tweedie, Mrs. Alec: The Maker of Modern Mexico: Porfirio Diaz. London, 1906. Wallace, Dillon: Beyond the Mexican Sierras. Chicago, 1910.