Prologue 11
I. A General Demoted 32
II. Morgan la Fee 42
III. A Sporting Proposition 54
IV. Heads! I Win! 66
V. A Marriage of Convenience 78
VI. Where the Desert Had Been 94
VII. Maid Marian Grown Up 103
VIII. Getting Down to Business 112
IX. Behind Prison Bars 123
X. The Get-away 140
XI. Jim Banker Hits the Trail 153
XII. A Reminder of Old Times 162
XIII. At Wallace’s Ranch 174
XIV. Ready for Action 182
XV. The Sheriff Finds a Clew 189
XVI. In the Solitudes of the Canyon 203
XVII. The Secret of the Lost Mine 217
XVIII. Telltale Bullets 236
XIX. The Finding of Sucatash 247
XX. Louisiana! 259
XXI. Gold Seekers 271
XXII. Vengeance! 283
XXIII. To the Vale of Avalon 298



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