
The very generous reception accorded “Mexico and Her People of To-day,” by both public and press, has led the author to believe that there is a field for a book upon a part of Central America covered by him in his travels, prepared on the same general lines as that book, and treating of the people and their customs, as well as the country, its resources and present state of development. There is also the belief in the mind of the author that the English-speaking people of America are becoming more and more interested each year in the “other Americans,” those who speak the Latin tongues; but who proudly call themselves “Americans” also, and are as proud of the New World as those of Anglo-Saxon birth. This is his explanation, or apology, for giving to the public another book, which he hopes will receive as kindly a welcome as its predecessor.

This book is not the result of hurried preparation, and its faults, whatever they may be, are not the result of hasty compilation. Following a tour through Guatemala and Honduras a careful reading of the available literature upon those countries has been made, and the work of preparation has spread over a period of almost two years. Care has been taken that the statements herein made should be true to the facts, and reliable. The publishers have done their part well in their efforts to make the book attractive and pleasing to the eye, and an ornament to the library. It is hoped that the wide range of subjects will render the volume of interest and value to anyone interested in the countries described.

The author desires to express his acknowledgment of obligation to Mr. I. W. Copelin for the use of a number of photographs taken by him during a recent visit to Guatemala; also to the publishers of the World To-day and Leslie’s Weekly, for permission to use material and photographs which had first appeared in their publications.

Toledo, Ohio, June, 1909.


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