- Acre, territory of, 179, 254, 348.
- Agassiz, Louis, 187.
- Agriculture, 126, 354.
- Agricultural colleges, 225.
- Alagoas, state of, 42.
- Alta da Serra, 80.
- Amazon, the, 7, 164 et seq., 354, 375.
- Amazonas, state of, 6, 188, 333.
- Ambition of Brazilians, 209.
- Americans, 115, 209, 222, 225, 240, 245, 253, 342, 344, 356, 360.
- Americanos, 1.
- American Ambassador, 82, 324.
- American Bible Society, work of, 297.
- American colony, 134.
- Anchieta, JosÉ, 292.
- Andes, the, 4, 378.
- Anglican Church, 301.
- Ants, 173.
- Ant hills, 111.
- Ant-bear, 169.
- AracajÚ, 42.
- Araguary, 244.
- Architecture, 231-4.
- Area of Brazil, 371.
- Argentina, Republic of, 281.
- Arid land, 43-4.
- Aristocracy, 206.
- Army, the, 277-9.
- Ascuncion, capital of Paraguay, 163.
- Automobiles, 66, 111.
- Avenida Central, 53, 63, 277.
- BagÉ 249.
- Bahia, city of, 20, 28-36, 194, 293, 308, 323;
- bay of, 30;
- state of, 39.
- Bamboos, 84.
- Baptist Church, 301.
- 49.
- Fortaleza, 45, 253.
- France, 205.
- Fruits, 60, 126.
- Gambling, 117.
- Germans in Brazil, 147, 152, 159, 366.
- German Lutheran Church, 301.
- Gold Mining, 100-2.
- GonÇalves Diaz, 53.
- Goyaz, state of, 244.
- Graft, 204, 327.
- Granberry College, 223, 300.
- Grass, 71.
- Great Western Railway, 252.
- Guayra, falls of, 11.
- Guianas, the, 4.
- Hermes da Fonseca, Marshal, 351.
- Hevea rubber, 183.
- History, 58, 98, 118, 304 et seq.
- Holidays, 211.
- Hospitals, 59.
- Hotels, 380.
- Houses, 32, 34.
- Huguenots, the, 20, 308.
- Humming birds, 86, 171.
- IguassÚ, falls and river of, 9, 248.
- Ilex Paraguayensis, 148-50.
- Illiteracy, 214.
- Immigration, 120, 353.
- Imports, 358, 362.
- Import duties, 355.
- Independence, 317.
- Indians, 176, 190, 192;
- religion of, 287-291.
- Infants, hospital for, 59.
- Insects, 119, 172.
- Instituto Agronomico, 126.
- Inspectors, 209.
- Iquitos, 8, 179.
- Iron, 102.
- Italians, 111, 122.
- ItajahÝ, 77.
- Itapura, 9.
- I
ref="@public@vhost@g@html@files@59764@59764-h@59764-h-2.htm.html#Page_92" class="pginternal">92, 192 et seq.
- Pernambuco, 20, 25-7, 33, 252, 306;
- state of, 27, 260.
- Peru, 254.
- Petropolis, 78-81, 91, 300.
- Pianos, 65.
- Piauhy, 45.
- Pine, 147.
- Piracicaba, 246.
- Plains, 6.
- Politics, 203-6, 352.
- Police, 66.
- Polytechnic School, 220.
- Ponta Grossa, 10, 146, 248.
- Population, 371.
- Portugal, 50, 304.
- Portuguese, the, 20, 198.
- Porto Alegre, 153, 159, 249.
- Presbyterian Church, 301.
- Press, the, 230.
- Protestant churches, 299 et seq.
- Protestant Episcopal Church, 301.
- Purus River, 376.
- Railways, 161, 236 et seq., 379.
- Rain, 69, 177.
- Rainfall, 7.
- Recife, 25-7.
- Red soil, 128.
- Religion, 191, 287 et seq.
- Revolution, 146.
- Revenue, sources of, 263-5.
- Rhododendrons, 81.
- RiberÃo Preto, 125, 128.
- Rice, 146.
- Rio de Janeiro, 11, 41, 48 et seq., 234, 283, 301, 309, 311;
- state of, 77, 251;
- bay of, 77, MAP OF BRAZIL
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