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/> Bull of demarcation, 22, 252, 339.[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] Bull of extension, 305. Button, Sir Thomas, 650. Bylot, Robert, 650. Cabot, John, in England, 167, 340; sails on a voyage of discovery, 340; earliest engraved map of his discoveries, 341; great circle sailing, 341; discovers land, 341; question of his landfall, 341; returns to Bristol, 342; question of his going to Seville, 343; his second voyage, 344; its extent, 344; lack of knowledge respecting these voyages, 345; authorities on, 346; was his voyage known to Columbus? 386; and the Ruysch map, 533; his explorations, 624. Cabot, Sebastian, his observation of the line of no variation, 201; on Columbus's discovery, 248; his participancy in his father's voyages, 344; his papers, 345; alleged voyage, 427; voyages, 555; his mappemonde, 341, 345, 624, 626, 627; returns to England, 639; portrait, 642. Cabral, Pedro Alvarez, on the South American coast, 377. Cabrero, Juan, 161. Cabrillo, 611. Cacique, 231. Cadamosto, his voyage, 98. Cado, Fermin, 285. California, peninsula of, 610; its name, 611; map, 611; mapped as an island, 652; Drake on the coast, 644, 645. Cam, Diogo, 134. Camargo on the coast of Chili, 577. Camers, Johann, 585. Canaries, their history, 86; map of, 194. Cannibals, 225, 227, 230, 268, 270, 281. Canoes, Carvajal, Alonso Sanchez de, factor of Columbus, 430. Carvajal, Bernardin de, 248. Casa de Contratacion, 481. Casaneuve. See Colombo the Corsair. Casanove, 71. Casoni, F., annals of Genoa, 32, 154. CasteÑeda, Juan de, 238. Castellanos, Elegias, 491. Castillo, 611. Catalan seamanship, 94. Catalina, DoÑa, 9, 276. Cathay, 224, 457; early name of China, 90; map of, 113, 114; as found by the Portuguese, 509. Cazadilla, 150. Chanca, Dr., his narrative, 29; goes to the new world, 262, 282. Charles V., portrait, 519. Chaves, Alonso, his map, 561, 621; at the Seville Conference, 604. Chesapeake Bay, Spaniards in the, 633. Chili discovered, 565, 577. China, early known, 90. See Cathay. Chronica Delphinea, 9, 11. Chronometers, 260, 603. ChytrÆus, 627. Cibao, 232; its mines visited by Ojeda, 279. Ciguare, 447. Cipango, 125; map, 113. Circourt, Count, 46. Clavus, Claudius, 140, 141. Clemente, Claudio, Tablas, 214. Climatic lines, 601. Codex Flatoyensis, 146. Coelho's voyage, 410. Colombo, Balthazar, 525, 527. Colombo, Bernardo, 525, 527. Colombo, Corsair, 71, 72, 83, 84. Colon, Cristoval (bastard son of Luis, grandson of Columbus), 526. Colon, Diego (brother of Columbus), born, 77; in Spain and in Columbus's second expedition, 262; his character, 285; placed by Columbus in command at Isabella, 290; goes to Spain, 311; quarrels with Fonseca, 318. Colon, Diego (son of Columbus), 106; page to the Queen, 181; at Court, 478, 479; receives letter from Columbus, 478; his illegitimate children, 513; receives what was due to his father, 513; urges the King to restore his father's privileges, 513; his suit against the Crown, 514, 553; wins, 515; marriage, 515; denied the title of Viceroy, 515; Governor of EspaÑola, 515, 516; in Spain, 519; lends money to Charles V., 520; his income, 520; Viceroy, 520; builds a palace, 520; its ruins, 520; in Spain pressing his claims, 522; dies, 522; his children, 522. Colon, Diego (great-grandson of Columbus), marries and becomes Duke of Veragua, 525, 526; his connection with the Historie of 1571, 44. Colon, Luis (grandson of Columbus), succeeds his father, 522; makes compromise with the Crown, 522; holds Jamaica, 523; made Duke of Veragua, 523; governs EspaÑola, 523; his marriages, 523; imprisoned and dies, 523; his children, 526. Colon. See Columbus. Columbia River, 658. Columbus, Bartholomew (brother of Columbus), born, 77; in Portugal, 104; affects Columbus's views, 117; with Diaz on the African coast, 151, 303; sent to England, 167, 303, 339; in France, 168, 303; reaches EspaÑola, 303; made Adelantado, 304; left in command by Columbus, 323; confirmed by the Crown as Adelantado, 328; portrait, 329; attacks the Quibian, 451; sees Columbus for the last time, 488; survives him, 513; goes to Rome, 516; takes a map, 516, 533; goes to EspaÑola, 516; dies, 518; reputed descendant, 527. biographers, 30; his prolixity and confusion, 1; his writings, 1; Libro de las Proficias, 1; facsimile of his handwriting, 2; his private papers, 2; meets with a new language, 232; seeks gold, 232; shipwrecked, 232; builds a fort, 233; names it La Navidad, 235; hears of Jamaica, 235; of Amazons, 235; fears the Pinzons, 235; sees mermaids, 236; sails for Spain, 236; meets a gale, 237; separates from the "Pinta," 237; throws overboard an account of his discoveries, 238; makes land at the Azores, 238; gets provisions, 238; his men captured on shore, 239; again at sea, 240; enters the Tagus, 240; reason for using the name Indies, 240; goes to the Portuguese Court, 241; leaves the Tagus, having sent a letter to the Spanish Court, 242; reaches Palos, 242; the "Pinta" arrives the same day, 242, 244; his Indians, 244, 259, 272; summoned to Court, 244; at Barcelona, 245; reception, 245; his life there, 246, 247, 249, 256; his first letter, 248; the egg story, 249; receives a coat-of-arms, 249, 550; his family arms, 251; his motto, 251; receives the royal seal, 256; leaves the Court, 256; in Seville, 256; relations with Fonseca begin, 256; fits out the second expedition, 257, 258, 261; embarks, 263; sails, 264; his character, 265; at the Canaries, 265; at Dominica, 266; at Marigalante, 266; at Guadaloupe, 457; goes to Jamaica, 457; strands his ships, 458; sends Mendez to Ovando, 458, 461; writes a letter to his sovereigns, 459; Lettera rarissima, 459; his worship of gold, 461; Porras sails away, 464; but returns to the island and wanders about, 464; predicts an eclipse of the moon, 465; Escobar arrives, 467; and leaves, 468; negotiations with Porras, 468; fight between the rebels and the Adelantado, 469; Porras captured, 469; the rebels surrender, 470; Mendez sends to rescue him, 471; leaves Jamaica, 471; learns of events in EspaÑola during his absence, 472; reaches Santo Domingo, 475; relations with Ovando, 475; sails for Spain, 475; arrives, 476; in Seville, 477; his letters at this time, 477; his appeals, 477; fears Porras, 478, 479; appeals to Mendez, 479; his increasing malady, 480; sends a narrative to Rome, 482; suffered to ride on a mule, 483; relations with the Bank of St. George in Genoa, 483; his privileges, 484; doubtful reference to Fonseca, 484; later relations with Vespucius, 484; his property sold, 486; goes to Segovia, 486; Deza asked to arbitrate, 486; makes a will, 487; at Salamanca, 487; at Valladolid, 488; seeks to propitiate Juana, 488; makes a codicil to his will, 488; its doubtful character, 488; ratifies his will, 489; Eric the Red, 139, 140, 144, 146. Escobar, Diego de, sent to Jamaica by Ovando, 467. Escobar, Roderigo de, 451. Escoveda, Rodrigo de, 235. EspaÑola, discovered and named, 228, 229; its divisions, 305; Charlevoix's map, 306; Ramusio's map of, 369; Ovando recalled, 515; Diego Colon governor, 515; sugar cane raised, 520. Esquibel, Juan de, 474. Estotiland, 635. Evangelista, 297. Everett, A. H., on Irving's Columbus, 56. Everett, Edward, possessed a copy of Columbus's privileges, 3. Faber, Jacobus, Meteorologia, 546. Faber, Dr. John, 540. Fagundes, 566. Faria y Sousa, Europa Portuguesa, 241. Farrer, Domina, her map, 652, 654, 655. Ferdinand of Spain, his character, 159; his unwillingness to embark in Columbus's plans, 178; his appearance, 245; grows apathetic, 327; his portrait, 328; his distrust of Columbus, 393, 427, 479, 486; sends Bobadilla to Santo Domingo, 394; dies 520, 555. Ferdinando, Simon, 646. Fernandina, 221. Ferrelo, 612. Ferrer, Jayme, letter to Columbus, 349. Fieschi, G. L., 9. Fiesco, B., 462. FinÆus, Orontius, his map, 607-609. Flamsteed, 648. Floating islands, 190. Flores discovered, 88. Florida coast early known, 424; discovered, 558; English on the coast, 632. Fonseca, Juan Rodriguez de, relations with Columbus begin, 256; his character, 256, 257, 316; quarrel with Diego Colon, 318; allowed to g EspaÑola. Heimskringla, 140, 147. Helleland, 145. Helps, Arthur, on the Spanish Conquest and Columbus, 58. Henry the Navigator, Prince, death, 82, 100; his navigators, 88, 97; his relations to African discovery, 91; his school, 92; en, 305. Marigalante, 266. Mariguana, 216. Marin, on Venetian commerce, 9. Marine atlases, 649. Markham, Clements R., his Hues, 191. Markland, 145. Martens, T., printer, 16. Martines, his map, 616. Martinez, Fernando, 108. Martyr, Peter, has letters from Columbus, 19; account of, 34; knew Columbus, 35; his letters, 34; De Orbe Novo, or Decades, 35; on Isabella, 160; on Columbus's discovery, 247; his map, (1511), 422, 556, 557; fails to notice the death of Columbus, 491. Massachusetts Bay, 616. Mastic, 225. Matheos, Hernan Perez, 347. Mayobanex, 364. Mauro, Fra, his world map, 99, 101, 116. Medina, Pedro de, Arte de Navegar, 630; map, 628, 629. Medina-Celi, Duke of, 173; entertains Columbus, 169. Medina-Sidonia, Duke of, 173. Mela, Pomponius, 107; his world-map, 584; Cosmographia, 585. Mendez, Diego, his exploits, 451, 452, 456, 458; sails from Jamaica for EspaÑola, 461; arrives, 466; sends to rescue Columbus, 470; goes to Spain, 471; appealed to by Columbus, 479, 487; denied office by Diego Colon, 516. Mendoza, Hurtado de, 610, 612. Mendoza, Pedro Gonzales de, 159, 176. Mercator, Gerard, pupil of Gemma, 603; his earliest map, 621-623; his globe of 1541, 554, 621, 625; his projection, 636; his map (1569), 638; portrait, 652, 656, 658. Paesi novamente retrovati, 417. Palos, 182. Panama founded, 565. Papal authority to discover new lands, 252. Paria, Gulf of, map, 353; land of, 354. Parmentier, Jean, 556. html@files@42059@42059-h@42059-h-7.htm.html#Page_162" class="pginternal">162. Salcedo, Diego de, goes to Jamaica, 471. Samaot, 221. San Jorge da Mina, 134. San Salvador, 211, 215. Sanarega, Bart., 21, 30. Sanchez, Gabriel, letter to, 11. Sanchez, Juan, 451; killed, 470. Sanchez, Rodrigo, 209. Sandacourt, J. B. de, 540. Santa Cruz, Alonso de, 203. Santa Cruz (island), 271. Santa Maria de la Concepcion, 220. Santa Maria de las Cuevas, 25. Santangel, Luis de, 11, 175, 178. Santo Domingo, archives, 26; founded, 360; cathedral at, 492, 493. Sanuto, Livio, Geographia, 201. Sanuto, Marino, his diary, 421; cartographer, 86. Sargasso Sea, 204. the Colombos of, 74. Saxo Grammaticus, 147. SchÖner, Johann, his globe, 551, 572; his charges against Vespucius, 554; Opusculum geographicum, 555, 567, 607; Luculentissima descriptio, 587; portrait, 588; De insulis, 589; his alleged globe, 589, 590; his variable beliefs, 607. Schouten defines Tierra del Fuego, 577. Sea-atlases, 603. Sea of Darkness, 86, 243; fantastic islands of, 111. Sea-manuals, 630. Seamanship, early, 92. Seneca, his Medea, 118. Servetus, his Ptolemy, 555. Seven Cities, Island of. See Antillia. Sevilla d'Oro, 471. Seville, archives at, 23; cathedral of, 171; cartographical conference at, 603. Shea, J. G., on the Historie, 46; on the canonization of Columbus, 54; onColumbus, 504. Ships (fifteenth century), 82; speed of, 373. Venice, cartographers of, 629. Veradus, 17. Veragua, map, 446; characteristics of its coast, 447; its abortive settlement, 456; Duke of, title given to Columbus's grandson, 523. Verde, Simone, 283, |