CHAPTER IHealth and Purity Duties of Parents—Abuse of the Sexual Function—False Teachings—Criminal Neglect—Secure the Child's Confidence—The Best Corrections—Marriage Relations. Every individual should know how to care for the sexual organs as well as those of any other part of the body, providing that the instruction be given by the proper person and at the proper time and place. Such information should be imparted to children by parents, guardians, or physicians at an early age and, if this is neglected through ignorance or false modesty, erroneous ideas of the nature and purpose of the sexual function will very surely be supplied later by ignorant and probably evil-minded persons with correspondingly bad results. There is no other responsibility in the whole range of parental duties which is so commonly shirked and with such deplorable consequences. When the subject is shorn of the morbid and seductive mystery with which custom has foolishly surrounded it in the past, and considered in the same spirit with which we study the hygiene of the digestion and other natural functions, it will be found possible to give instruction about the sexual function in a natural way and without exciting unhealthy and morbid curiosity. Damage is also wrought by exciting local irritation, congestion, and inflammation of the sexual organs which result in impairment of the proper functions of these parts and in local disorders and distress. It is unnecessary further to particularize other than to state that abuse of the sexual organs in the young is usually owing to the almost criminal neglect or ignorance of the child's parents. But so far from increasing alarm in the patient it is almost always possible to enable the child to be rid of the habit by This often leads to temporary physical and mental suffering and is very prejudicial to the morals, but does not commonly result in permanent injury except in the degenerate. Children at an early age—three to four years—should be taught not to touch, handle, rub, or irritate their sexual organs in any way whatsoever except so far as is necessary in urination or in the course of the daily cleansing. If there seems to be any inclination to do so it will usually be found that it is due to some local trouble to which a physician's attention should be called and which may generally The reticence and disinclination of parents to instruct their children in matters relating to sex cannot be too strongly condemned. It is perfectly natural that the youth should wish to know something of the origin of life and how human beings come into the world. The mystery and concealment thrown around these matters only serve to stimulate his curiosity. It is a habit of most parents to rebuke any questions relating to this subject as improper and immodest, and the first lesson the child learns is to associate the idea Evasive replies with the intent of staving off the dreaded explanation do no good and may result in unexpected evil. By securing the child's confidence at the start, one may not only keep informed of his actions but protect him from seeking or even listening to bad counsels. At the age of ten or twelve it is well that the family physician or parent should give instruction as to the special harm which results from unnaturally exciting the sexual nature by handling and stimulating the sexual organs and also warning the child against filthy literature and improper companions. At the age of puberty he should be warned against the moral and physical dangers of sexual intercourse with lewd women. The physical dangers refer to the great possibility of infection with one or both of the common diseases—syphilis and gonorrhea—acquired by sexual contact with one suffering from these terrible disorders (p. 199). It is usually quite impossible for a layman to detect the presence of these diseases in others, or rather, to be sure of their absence, and the permanent damage which may be wrought to the sufferer and to others with whom he may have sexual relations is incalculable. It is generally known that syphilis is a disease to be dreaded, but not perhaps that it not only endangers the life It may be of interest to readers to know that but recently an association of American physicians, alarmed by the fearful prevalence of sexual diseases in this country, has been taking measures to inform youths and adults and the general public, through special instruction in schools, and by means of pamphlets and lectures to teachers and others, of the prevalence and great danger of this evil. When young adult life has been attained it is also desirable for the parent, or the family physician, to inform the young man or woman—especially if either is about to enter a marriage engagement—that close and frequent personal contact with the opposite sex, especially when the affections are involved, will necessarily, though involuntarily, excite local stimulation of the sexual organs and general irritability and exhaustion of the entire nervous system. Long engagements—when the participants are frequent companions—are thus peculiarly unfortunate. It is only when the sexual functions are normally exercised in adult life, as in sexual intercourse, that sexual excitement is not harmful. Young women about to marry should receive instruction from their mothers as to the sexual relations which will exist after marriage. Most girls are al Any excess in frequency of sexual intercourse after marriage is followed by feelings of depression and debility of some sort which may be readily attributed to the cause and so corrected. Any deviation from the natural mode of intercourse is pretty certain to lead to physical disaster; thus, unnatural prolongation of the act, or withdrawal on the part of the man before the natural completion of the act in order to prevent conception, often results in deplorable nervous disorders. In conclusion, it may be said that parents must take upon themselves the burden of instructing their children in sexual hygiene or shift it upon the shoulders of the family physician, who can undertake it with much less mental perturbation and with more intelligence. Otherwise they subject their offspring to the possibility of incalculable suffering, disease, and even death—largely through their own inexcusable neglect. CHAPTER IIGenito-Urinary Diseases Contagious Disorders—Common Troubles of Children—Inflammation of the Bladder—Stoppage and Suppression of Urine—Causes and Treatment of Bright's Disease. GONORRHEA.—Gonorrhea is a contagious inflammation of the urethra, accompanied by a white or yellowish discharge. It is caused by a specific germ, the gonococcus, and is acquired through sexual intercourse with a person suffering from this disease. Exceptionally the disease may be conveyed by objects soiled with the discharge, as basins, towels, and, in children, diapers, so that in institutions for infants it may be thus transferred from one to the other, causing an epidemic. The mucous membrane of the lower part of the bowel and the eyes are also subject to the disease through contamination with the discharge. The disease begins usually three to seven days after sexual intercourse, with symptoms of burning, smarting, and pain on urination, and a watery discharge from the passage, soon followed by a yellowish or white secretion. Swelling of the penis, frequent urination, and painful erections are also common symptoms. The disease, if uncomplicated and running a favorable Treatment.—Rest is the most important requisite; at first, best in bed; if not, the patient should keep as quiet as possible for several days. The diet should consist of large quantities of water or milk, or milk and vichy, with bread, cereals, potatoes, and vegetables—absolutely avoiding alcohol in any form. Sexual intercourse is harmful at any stage in the disease and will communicate the infection. Aperient salts should be taken to keep the bowels loose. The penis should be soaked in hot water three times daily to reduce the inflammation and cleanse the organ. A small wad of absorbent cotton may be held in place by drawing the foreskin over it to absorb the discharge, or may be held in place by means of a bag fitting over the penis. All cloths, cotton, etc., which have become soiled with the discharge, should be burned, and the hands should be washed after contact with the discharge; otherwise the contagion may be conveyed to the eyes, producing blindness. It is advisable for the patient to take one-half teaspoonful of baking soda in water three times daily between meals for the first four or five days, or, better, fifteen grains of potassium citrate and fifteen Injections or irrigations with various medicated fluids constitute the best and most efficient measures of local treatment. They should be used only under the advice and management of the physician. No greater mistake can be made than to resort to the advertising quack, the druggist's clerk, or the prescription furnished by an obliging friend. Skillful treatment, resulting in a complete radical cure, may save him much suffering from avoidable complications and months or years of chronic trouble. At the same time the first medicines advised are stopped and oleoresin of cubebs, five grains, or copaiba balsam, ten grains—or both together—are to be taken three times daily after meals, in capsules, for several weeks, unless they disturb the digestion too much. A suspensory bandage should be worn throughout the continuance of the disease. The approach of the cure of the disease is marked by a diminution in the quantity and a change in the character of the discharge, which becomes thinner and less purulent and reduced to merely a drop in the passage in the early morning, but this may continue for a great while. Chronic discharge of this kind and the complications cannot be In this connection it may be said that most patients have an idea that the subsidence or disappearance of the discharge is an evidence of the cure of the disease. Experience shows that the disease may lapse into a latent or chronic form and remain quiescent, without visible symptoms, during a prolonged period, while susceptible of being revived under the influence of alcoholic drinks or sexual intercourse. It is important that treatment should be continued until all disease germs are destroyed, which can only be determined by an examination of the secretions from the urethra under the microscope. The more common complications of gonorrhea are inflammation of the glands in the groin (bubo), acute inflammation of the prostate glands and bladder, of the seminal vesicles, or of the testicles. The latter complication is a most common cause of sterility in men. Formerly it was thought that gonorrhea was a local inflammation confined to the urinary canal and neighboring parts, but advances in our knowledge have shown that the germs may be taken up into the general circulation and affect any part of the body, such as the muscles, joints, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, etc., with results always serious and often fatal to life. One of the most common complications is gonorrheal arthritis, which may affect one or several joints and result in stiffness or complete loss of move GONORRHEA IN WOMEN.—Gonorrhea in women is a much more frequent and serious disease than was formerly supposed. The general impression among the laity is that gonorrhea in women is limited to the prostitute and vicious classes who indulge in licentious relations. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There is perhaps more gonorrhea, in the aggregate, among virtuous and respectable wives than among professional prostitutes, and the explanation is the following: A large proportion of men contract the disease at or before the marrying age. The great majority are not cured, and the disease simply lapses into a latent form. Many of them marry, believing themselves cured, and ignorant of the fact that they are bearers of contagion. They transmit the disease to the women they marry, many of whom, from motives of modesty and an unwillingness to undergo an examination do not consult a physician, and they remain ignorant of the existence of the disease until the health is seriously involved. In women, gonorrhea is not usually so acute and painful as in men, unless it involves the urethra. It usually begins with smarting and painful urination, with frequent desire to urinate and with a more or less abundant discharge from the front passage. In the majority of Treatment.—Rest in bed, the use of injections of hot water, medicated with various astringents, by The social danger of gonorrhea introduced after marriage is not limited to the risks to the health of the woman. When a woman thus infected bears a child the contagion of the disease may be conveyed to the eyes of the child in the process of birth. Gonorrheal pus is the most virulent of all poisons. A single drop of the pus transferred to the eye may destroy this organ in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours. It is estimated that from seventy-five to eighty per cent of all babies blinded at birth have suffered from this cause, while from twenty to thirty per cent of blindness from all causes is due to gonorrhea. While the horrors of this disease in the newborn have been mitigated by what is called the CrÉdÉ method (instillation of nitrate of silver solution in the eye immediately after birth), it still remains one of the most common factors in the causation of blindness. Another social danger is caused by the pus being conveyed to the genital parts of female children, either at birth or by some object upon which it has been SYPHILIS; THE POX; LUES.—Syphilis is a contagious germ disease affecting the entire system. While commonly acquired through sexual intercourse with a person affected with the disorder, it may be inherited from the parents, one or both. It is often acquired through accidental contact with sources of contagion. Syphilis and tuberculosis are the two great destroyers of health and happiness, but syphilis is the more common. Symptoms.—Acquired syphilis may be divided into three stages: the primary, secondary, and tertiary. The first stage is characterized by the appearance of a pimple or sore on the surface of the sexual organ not usually earlier than two, nor later than five to seven, weeks after sexual intercourse. The appearance of this first sore is subject to such variations that it is not always possible for even the most skillful physician The second stage appears in six to seven weeks after the initial sore, and is characterized by the occurrence of a copper-colored rash over the body, but not often on the face, which resembles measles considerably. Sometimes a pimply or scaly eruption is seen following this or in place of the red rash. At about, or preceding, this period other symptoms may develop, as fever, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, and sleeplessness, but these may not be prominent. Moist patches may appear on the skin, in the armpits, between the toes, and about the rectum; or warty outgrowths in the latter region. There is sore throat, with frequently grayish patches on the inside of the cheeks, lips, and tongue. The hair falls out in patches or, less often, is all lost. Inflammation of the eye is sometimes a symptom. These symptoms do not always The third stage comes on after months or years, or in those subjected to treatment may not occur at all. This stage is characterized by sores and ulcerations on the skin and deeper tissues, and the occurrence of disease of different organs of the body, including the muscles, bones, nervous system, and blood vessels; every internal organ is susceptible to syphilitic change. A great many affections of the internal organs—the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, brain, and cord—which were formerly attributed to other causes, are now recognized as the product of syphilis. The central nervous system is peculiarly susceptible to the action of the syphilitic poison, and when affected may show the fact through paralysis, crippling, disabling, and disfiguring disorders. Years after cure has apparently resulted, patients are more liable to certain nervous disorders, as locomotor ataxia, which attacks practically only syphilitics; and general paresis, of which seventy-five per cent of the cases occur in those who have had syphilis. Inherited Syphilis.—Children born with syphilis of syphilitic parents show the disease at birth or usually within one or two months. They present a gaunt, wasted appearance, suffer continually from snuffles or nasal catarrh, have sores and cracks about the lips, loss of hair, and troublesome skin eruptions. The syphilitic child has been described as a "little old man It is to be noted that syphilis is not necessarily a venereal disease, that is, acquired through sexual relations. It may be communicated by kissing, by accidental contact with a sore on a patient's body, by the use of pipes, cups, spoons, or other eating or drinking utensils, or contact with any object upon which the virus of the disease has been deposited. Any part of the surface of the body or mucous membrane is susceptible of being inoculated with the virus of syphilis, followed by a sore similar to what has been described as occurring upon the genital parts and later the development of constitutional symptoms. The contagiousness of the disease is supposed to last during the first three years of its existence, but there are many authentic cases of contagion occurring after four or five years of syphilis. Diagnosis.—The positive determination of the existence of syphilis at the earliest moment is of the utmost importance in order to set at rest doubt and that treatment may be begun. It is necessary to wait, however, until the appearance of the eruption, sore throat, enlargement of glands, falling out of hair, etc., before it is safe to be positive. Results.—The majority of syphilitics recover wholly under treatment and neither have a return of It is possible for a child to inherit syphilis from the father—when the germs of syphilis are transmitted through the semen of the father at the time of The chief social danger of syphilis comes from its introduction into marriage and its morbid radiations through family and social life. Probably one in every five cases of syphilis in women is communicated by the husband in the marriage relation. There are so many sources and modes of its contagion that it is spread from one person to another in the ordinary relations of family and social life—from husband to wife and child, from child to nurse, and to other members of the family, so that small epidemics of syphilis may be traced to its introduction into a family. Syphilis is the only disease which is transmitted in full virulence to the offspring, and its effect is simply murderous. As seen above, from sixty to eighty per cent of all children die before or soon after birth. One-third of those born alive die within the next six months, and those that finally survive are blighted in their development, both physical and mental, and affected with various organic defects and deformities which unfit them for the battle of life. Syphilis has come to be recognized as one of the most powerful factors in the depopulation and degeneration of the race. It is a very common disorder of children and young persons, and in some cases no cause can be found; but in many instances it is due to masturbation (p. 193), to a narrow foreskin and small aperture at the exit of the urinary passage, to worms in the bowels or disease of the lower end of the bowels, such as fissure or eczema, to digestive disorders, to retaining the urine overlong, to fright, to dream impressions (dreaming of the act of urination), and to great weakness brought on by fevers or other diseases. In old men it is often Children may recover from it as they approach adult life, but they should not be punished, as it is a disease and not a fault. Exception should be made in case children wet their clothing during play, through failure to take the time and trouble to pass water naturally. It is more common among children at night, leading to wetting of the bed, but may occur in the day, and often improves in the spring and summer, only to return with the cold weather. Children who sleep very soundly are more apt to be subject to this disorder. Treatment.—In the case of a disorder depending upon one of so many conditions it will be realized that it would be folly for the layman to attempt to treat it. Children who are weak need building up in every possible way, as by an outdoor life, cold sponging daily, etc. If there is in boys a long foreskin, or tight foreskin, hindering the escape of urine and natural secretions of this part, circumcision may be performed to advantage by the surgeon, even in the infant a few months old. Sometimes a simpler operation, consisting of stretching or overdistending the foreskin, can be done. A somewhat corresponding condition in girls occasionally causes bed-wetting and other troubles. It can be discovered by a physician. Children who wet their It is a very difficult disorder to treat, and physicians must be excused for failures even after every attempt has been made to discover and remove the cause. Even when cure seems assured, the disorder may recur. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER (Cystitis).—The condition which we describe under this head commonly causes frequent painful urination. Primarily there is usually some agency which mechanically or chemically irritates the bladder, and if the irritation does not subside, inflammation follows owing to the entrance of germs in some manner. The introduction into the bladder of unboiled, and therefore unclean, instruments is a cause; another cause is failure to pass urine for a long period, from a feeling of delicacy in some persons when in unfavorable surroundings. Nervous spasm of the urinary passage from pain, injuries, and surgical operations constitutes another cause. Inflammation may extend from neighboring parts and attack the bladder, as in gonorrhea, and in various inflammations of the sexual organs of women, as in childbed infection. Certain foods, waters, and Among the causes of chronic cystitis, in men over fifty, is obstruction to the outflow of urine from enlargement of the prostate gland, which blocks the exit from the bladder. In young men, narrowing of the urethra, a sequel to gonorrhea, may also cause cystitis; also stone in the bladder or foreign bodies, tumors growing in the bladder, tuberculosis of the organ. Paralysis of the bladder, which renders the organ incapable of emptying itself, thus retaining some fermenting urine, is another cause of bladder inflammation. Symptoms.—The combination of frequency of and pain during urination, with the appearance of blood or white cloudiness and sediment in the urine, are evidences of the existence of inflammation of the bladder. The trouble is aggravated by standing, jolting, or active exercise. The pain may be felt either at the beginning or end of urination. There is also generally a feeling of weight and heaviness low down in the belly, or about the lower part of the bowel. Blood is not frequently present, but the urine is not clear, if there is much inflammation, but deposits a white and Treatment.—The treatment of acute cystitis consists in rest—preferably on the back, with the legs drawn up, in bed. The diet should be chiefly fluid, as milk and pure water, flaxseed tea, or mineral waters. Potassium citrate, fifteen grains, and sweet spirit of nitre, fifteen drops, may be given in water to advantage three times daily. Hot full baths or sitz baths two or three times a day, and in women hot vaginal douches (that is, injections into the front passage), with hot poultices or the hot-water bag over the lower part of the abdomen, will serve to relieve the suffering. If, however, the pain and frequency attending urination is considerable, nothing is so efficient as a suppository containing one-quarter grain each of morphine sulphate and belladonna extract, which should be introduced into the bowel and repeated once in three hours if necessary. This treatment should be employed only under the advice of a physician. In chronic cystitis, urotropin in five-grain doses dissolved in a glass of water and taken four times daily often affords great relief, but these cases demand careful study by a physician to determine their cause, and often local treatment. Avoidance of all source of irritation is also essential in these cases, as sexual excitement and the use of alcohol and spices. The diet should consist chiefly of cereals and vegetables, with an abundance of RETENTION, STOPPAGE, OR SUPPRESSION OF URINE.—Retention refers to that condition where the urine has been accumulating in the bladder for a considerable time—over twelve hours—and cannot be passed. It may follow an obstruction from disease, to which is added temporary swelling and nervous contraction of some part of the urinary passage; or it may be due to spasm and closure of the outlet from nervous irritation, as in the cases of injuries and surgical operations in the vicinity of the sexual organs, the rectum, or in other parts of the body. Overdistention of the bladder from failure to pass water for a long time may lead to a condition where urination becomes an impossibility. Various general diseases, as severe fevers, and conditions of unconsciousness, and other disorders of the nervous system, are frequently accompanied by retention of urine. In retention of urine there is often an escape of a little urine from time to time, and not necessarily entire absence of outflow. Treatment.—Retention of urine is a serious condition. If not relieved, it may end in death from toxÆmia, caused by back pressure on the kidneys, or from rupture of the bladder. Therefore surgical assistance is demanded as soon as it can be obtained. Failing this, begin with the simpler methods. A hot sitz bath, or, if the patient cannot move, hot applications, as A medium-sized catheter is most generally suitable, as a No. 16 of the French scale, or a No. 81/2 of the English scale. BRIGHTS DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS.—Bright's disease of the kidneys is acute or chronic, and its presence can be definitely determined only by chemical and microscopical examination of the urine. Acute Bright's disease coming on in persons previ ACUTE BRIGHT'S DISEASE; ACUTE INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS.—Acute Bright's disease is often the result of exposure to cold and wet. Inflammation of the kidneys may be produced by swallowing turpentine, many of the cheap flavoring extracts in large amounts, carbolic acid, and Spanish flies; the external use of large quantities of turpentine, carbolic acid, or Spanish flies may also lead to acute inflammation of the kidneys. It occurs occasionally in pregnant women. The contagious germ diseases are very frequently the source of acute Bright's disease either as a complication or sequel. Thus scarlet fever is the most frequent cause, but measles, smallpox, chickenpox, yellow fever, typhoid fever, erysipelas, diphtheria, cholera, and malaria are also causative factors. Symptoms.—Acute Bright's disease may develop suddenly with pallor and puffiness of the face owing to dropsy. The eyelids, ankles, legs, and lower part of the belly are apt to show the dropsy most. There may be nausea, vomiting, pain and lameness in the small part of the back, chills and fever, loss of appetite, and often constipation. In children convulsions sometimes appear. The urine is small in amount, perhaps not more than a cupful in twenty-four hours, instead of the normal daily excretion of three pints. Occasionally Treatment.—The failure of the kidneys to perform their usual function of eliminating waste matter from the blood makes it necessary for the skin and bowels to do double duty. The patient should remain in bed and be kept very warm with flannel night clothes and blankets next the body. The diet should consist wholly of milk, a glass every two hours, in those with whom it agrees, and in others gruels may be substituted to some extent. The addition to milk of mineral waters, limewater, small amounts of tea, coffee, or salt often makes it more palatable to those otherwise disliking it. As the patient improves, bread and butter, green and juicy vegetables, and fruits may be permitted. An abundance of pure water is always desirable. The bowels should be kept loose from the outset by salts given in as little water as possible and immediately followed by a glass of pure water. A teaspoonful may be given hourly till the bowels move. For treatment of convulsions, see Vol. I, p. 188. Vomiting is allayed by swallowing cracked ice, single doses of bismuth subnitrate (one-quarter teaspoonful) once in three hours, and by heat applied externally over the stomach. Recovery is hastened by avoiding cold and damp, and persisting with a liquid diet for a considerable period. A course of iron is usually desirable after a few weeks have elapsed to improve the quality of the blood; ten drops of the tincture of the chloride of iron taken in water through a glass tube by adults; for children five to ten drops of the syrup of the iodide of iron. In either case the medicine should be taken three times daily after meals. CHRONIC BRIGHT'S DISEASE.—This includes several forms of kidney disease. The symptoms Causes.—Chronic Bright's disease often follows and is the result of fevers and acute inflammation of the kidneys. It is more common in adults. Overeating, more especially of meat, and overdrinking of alcohol are frequent causes. Gout is a frequent factor in its causation. The disease has in the past been regarded as a local disease of the kidneys, but recent research makes it probable that there is a general disorder of the system due to some faulty assimilation of food—especially when the diet itself is faulty—with the production of chemical products which damage various organs in the body as well as the kidneys, notably the heart and blood vessels. Symptoms.—The symptoms are most diverse and varied and it is not possible to be sure of the existence of the disease without a careful physical examination, together with a complete examination of the urine, both made by a competent physician. Patients may be afflicted with the disease for long periods without any symptoms until some sudden complication calls attention to the underlying trouble. Symptoms sug Outcome.—While the outlook as to complete recovery is very discouraging, yet persons may live and be able to work for years in comparative comfort in many cases. When a physician pronounces the verdict of chronic Bright's disease, it is not by any means equivalent to a death warrant, but the condition is often compatible with many years of usefulness and freedom from serious suffering. Treatment.—Medicines will no more cure Bright's disease than old age. Out-of-door life in a dry, warm, and equable climate has the most favorable influence upon the cause of chronic Bright's disease, and should always be recommended as a remedial agent when available. Proper diet is of great importance. Cereals, vegetables, an abundance of fat in the form of butter and cream—to the amount of a pint or so a day of the latter, and the avoidance of alcohol and meat, fish and eggs constitute the ideal regimen when this can be carried out. Tea and coffee in much modera |