To First Aid and General Topics
Note.—The Roman numerals I, II, III, IV, V, and VI indicate the volume; the Arabic figures 1, 2, 3, etc., indicate the page number.
Abrasions, I, 64
Abscess, alveolar, II, 58
Acids, burns by, I, 176, 177
poisoning by, I, 140
Acne, II, 145
Adenoids, II, 61
Adulterated food, tests for, V, 91
Adulteration of food, V, 87
Ague, I, 247
cake, I, 254
Air-bath, the, IV, 159
Albumen, IV, 262
Alcohol, use of, IV, 44, 153
Alcoholic drinks, IV, 153
Alcoholism, III, 47, 52
AlgÆ, remedy for, V, 56
Alkalies, burns by, I, 177
poisoning by, I, 140
Amenorrhoea, III, 75
AnÆmia, III, 174
Ankle, sprain of, I, 65, 67, 68
Ankle-joint fracture, I, 115
Antitoxin, II, 77
Apoplexy, III, 49
Appendicitis, III, 256
Arm, fracture of, I, 91
Arteries, systemic, III, 168
Artery, bleeding from an, I, 51, 52
Arthritis, II, 177
Artificial respiration, I, 28
Asthma, II, 104
Astigmatism, II, 26
Athletics, home, IV, 69
Auricles of the heart, III, 168
BABY, bathing the, III, 109
care of the, III, 108
clothing of the, III, 110
diet for the, III, 134
food for the, III, 132; IV, 261
nursing the, III, 114
teething, III, 113
temperature of the, III, 110
weaning the, III, 117
weighing the, III, 112Bacteria, destruction of, V, 238–253
in food, I, 147–154
in soil, V, 135
Baldness, II, 167; IV, 21
forms of, I, 132, 134, 136, 137
for bruises, I, 62–64
for fractures, I, 83–117
for sprains, I, 65–72
for wounds, I, 51–61
Barley water, IV, 263
Bathing, indoor, IV, 19, 155
outdoor, IV, 16
in convulsions, III, 35
in malaria, I, 259
in pneumonia, II, 94
in scarlet fever, I, 197
in skin irritations, II, 140
in smallpox, I, 216
in typhoid fever, I, 231
in yellow fever, I, 266
BATHS, cold, IV, 15
foot, IV, 157
hot, IV, 19, 156
tepid, IV, 19
Turkish, IV, 20, 159
warm, IV, 19
Bed sores, I, 233
Bed-wetting, II, 213
Bee stings, I, 158
Beef, broth, IV, 261
juice, IV, 262
parts of, IV, 198
scraped, IV, 262
tea, IV, 261
Bellyache, III, 247
Bilious fever, I, 247
Biliousness, III, 184
BITES, cat, I, 170
dog, I, 170
flea, I, 162
fly, I, 164
lice, clothes, I, 161
lice, crab, I, 162
lice, head, I, 160
mosquito, I, 155
snake, I, 166
spider, I, 164
tarantula, I, 164
wood tick, I, 159
Black eye, II, 14
Blackheads, II, 145
Black water fever, I, 256
Bladder, inflammation of the, II, 215
stone in the, III, 264BLEEDING, from an artery, I, 51, 52
from a vein, I, 51, 52
from punctured wounds, I, 52, 53
from the lungs, I, 62
from the nose, I, 61
from the scalp, I, 60
from the stomach, I, 62
from the womb, III, 82
Blood, deficiency of, III, 174
oozing of, I, 54
Bloody flux, III, 222
Boils, II, 157
Bottles, milk, III, 128
Bowel, prolapse of the, III, 143
BOWELS, catarrh of the, III, 205
diseases of the, III, 205
inflammation of the, III, 252
obstruction of the, III, 268
passages from the, IV, 247
Bowleg, III, 162
Brain, anatomy of the, III, 22
arteries of the, III, 22
autopsies of the, II, 230
Breasts, care of, after childbirth, III, 105
inflammation of the, III, 140
Breath, holding the, III, 153
Breathing, how to test the, IV, 248
to produce artificial, I, 28, 34, 43, 178, 186
Bright's disease, acute, II, 220
chronic, II, 222BROKEN BONE, I, 80
ankle, I, 115
arm, I, 91
collar bone, I, 85
finger, I, 101
forearm, I, 94
hand, I, 101
hip, I, 104
how to tell a, I, 80
jaw, I, 89
kneepan, I, 109
leg, I, 111
rib, I, 83
shoulder blade, I, 91
thigh, I, 106
wrist, I, 99
Bronchial tubes, diseases of the, II, 87
Bronchitis, II, 88, 91Broth, beef, IV, 261
chicken, IV, 261
clam, IV, 263
mutton, IV, 261
oyster, IV, 267
veal, IV, 261
BRUISES, bandages for, I, 63
treatment of, I, 62, 63
Bunion, I, 72
BURNS, I, 171
about the eyes, II, 16
from acids, I, 176
from alkalies, I, 177
from electric shock, I, 45
first class, I, 172
second class, I, 172
third class, I, 173
severe, I, 174
Callus of the skin, II, 156
Camp comfort (See Contents VI)
Camp cookery (See Contents VI)
Camp cure (See Contents VI)
CAMPING, in the North Woods, VI, 195
in the Western Mountains, VI, 214
outfit, VI, 212
Cancer, II, 123
of the breast, II, 124
of the lip, II, 125
of the stomach, II, 125
of the womb, II, 125
Canker, II, 68
Capillaries, systemic, III, 168
Carbuncle, II, 161
Carotid arteries, III, 22
Catarrh, II, 41, 54, 55
of the bowels, III, 205
effect of, on the ears, II, 38, 41
of the stomach, III, 185
Catarrhal deafness, II, 39
inflammation of eye, II, 18
Cat bite, I, 170
Catheter, how to use a, II, 219; IV, 252
Centipede sting, I, 164
Cereals as food, IV, 35, 229
Cerebellum, III, 22
Cerebral arteries, III, 22
Chafing, II, 142
Chagres fever, I, 256
Change of life, III, 70
Chapping, II, 142
Chicken broth, IV, 261
Chickenpox, I, 217
Chilblains, I, 182
Childbed fever, III, 107
Childbirth, after-pains in, III, 105
articles needed during, III, 96
bleeding after, III, 86
care after, III, 103
care in, III, 98
adenoids, II, 61
bed-wetting, II, 213
bowel, prolapse of the, III, 143
bowels, catarrh of the, III, 209
bowleg, III, 162
breath, holding the, III, 153
breasts, inflammation of the, III, 140
chickenpox, I, 217
cholera infantum, III, 211
chorea, III, 155
colic, III, 267
constipation, III, 238
convulsions, III, 34
cord, bleeding of the, III, 142
cough, II, 91
croup, II, 83
diarrhea, III, 208, 209
diphtheria, II, 77
dysentery, III, 213
epilepsy, III, 39
earache, II, 48
fever, III, 146
food for, III, 132–139
foreskin, adhering, III, 141
glands, enlarged, III, 149
hip disease, III, 161
holding the breath, III, 153
knock knees, III, 163
larynx, spasm of the, III, 153
measles, I, 198
German measles, I, 203
membranous croup, II, 79
milk poisoning, III, 209, 211
mumps, I, 235
navel, sore, III, 142
pains, growing, III, 146
Pott's disease, III, 157
rickets, III, 151
ringworm, II, 149
rupture, II, 128
scarlatina, I, 192
scarlet fever, I, 192
scrofula, III, 149
scurvy, II, 182
sore mouth, II, 65
spine, curvature of the, III, 157, 159
St. Vitus's Dance, III, 155
stomach, catarrh of the, III, 209
urine, painful passage of, III, 141
urine, retention of, III, 141
wasting, III, 144
whooping cough, I, 238
worms, III, 240
Chills and fever, I, 247
Cholera, III, 228
infantum, III, 211
morbus, III, 226
Chorea, III, 158
Cinder in the eye, I, 176; II, 13
Circulation, the, III, 168
Circumcision, III, 142
Clam broth, IV, 263
Climacteric, the, III, 70
Clothing, proper, IV, 22
Cochlea, II, 46
Coffee, use of, IV, 43
Cold, exposure to, I, 181
in the head, II, 55
sore, II, 147
gallstone, III, 261
in babies, III, 267
intestinal, III, 249
mucous, III, 219
renal, III, 263
Collar-bone fracture, I, 85
Complexion, the, IV, 20
Confinement, III, 97
Congestion of the eyelid, II, 17
Conjunctivitis, II, 16, 18
Constipation, in adults, III, 233
in children, 238
Consumption, II, 96
fresh-air treatment for, II, 102
outdoor life for, VI, 72
prevention of, II, 104
Contagion, in cholera, 229
in conjunctivitis, II, 19
in diphtheria, II, 80
in eruptive fever, I, 191–220
in gonorrhea, II, 199
in grippe, II, 108
in mumps, I, 236
in syphilis, II, 206, 209
in whooping cough, I, 238
Convalescence (See Contents VI)
Convulsions, in children, III, 34
in adults, I, 188
COOKING (See Contents IV)
baking, IV, 171
boiling, IV, 180
braising, IV, 182
broiling, IV, 172
camp, VI, 220
cereals, IV, 229
eggs, IV, 184
entrÉes, IV, 219
fish, IV, 188
frying, IV, 175
game, IV, 202
poultry, IV, 202
roasting, IV, 171
sauces, IV, 216
sautÉing, IV, 174
shellfish, IV, 195
soups, IV, 207
stewing, IV, 181
time of, IV, 177
utensils, IV, 232
vegetables, IV, 223
Copper sulphate method, V, 52
Copper vessels, use of, V, 67
Cord, bleeding of the, III, 142
Corns, II, 154
Costiveness, III, 233
COUGH, acute, II, 87, 91
whooping, I, 238
Cricoid cartilage, II, 70
Cross eye, II, 33
Croup, membranous, II, 79
ordinary, II, 83, 92
Curvature of the spine, III, 157, 159
Cystitis, II, 215
Dandruff, II, 167
Deafness, catarrhal, II, 39
chronic, II, 36
temporary, II, 33
Delirium tremens, III, 50
DIARRHEA, acute, III, 205
chronic, III, 217
of children, III, 208, 209
DIET, IV, 26, 107, 123, 138, 153
animal, IV, 39
details of, IV, 146
errors of, IV, 107
for babies, III, 132
for brain workers, IV, 126
for long life, IV, 107
for the aged, IV, 112
proper, IV, 138
relation to climate, IV, 108
rules for, IV, 110, 123
simplicity of, IV, 138
vegetable and animal, IV, 39
Digestion, effect of dress on, IV, 42
hygiene of, IV, 26
processes of, IV, 28
Diphtheria, II, 77
DISINFECTANTS, chemical, V, 243
physical, V, 240
solutions for, V, 247
Disinfection, V, 238
of rooms, V, 249
DISLOCATIONS, elbow, I, 125
hip, I, 129
jaw, I, 118, 120
knee, I, 119
shoulder, I, 122
Dog bite, I, 170
Doses of drugs, IV, 255
Dressings, for bruises, I, 63, 64
for wounds, I, 53, 57
surgical, I, 131
Drink, nutritious, IV, 118
Drinking, steady, III, 52
DROWNED, arousing the, I, 27
producing respiration in the, I, 28, 34
restoring the, I, 27
saving the, I, 36
Drowning person, death grasp of a, I, 37
saving a, I, 36
swimming to relief of a, I, 36
Drugs, doses of, IV, 255
Drum membrane, II, 33, 43, 45, 46, 48
Dysentery, in adults, III, 222
in children, III, 213
Dysmenorrhea, III, 71
causes of, IV, 27
nervous, III, 190
EAR, anatomy of the, II, 33, 37, 46
diseases of the, II, 33
foreign bodies in the, I, 78; II, 39
water in the, II, 42
wax in the, II, 35
Earache, II, 40
moderate, II, 48Eating, proper mode of, IV, 140–149
Eczema, II, 163
climatic, II, 164
occupation, II, 164
seborrheic, II, 164, 165, 167
Eggnog, IV, 268
Eggs, as food, IV, 33, 184
soft-boiled, IV, 266
Egg water, IV, 262
Elbow, dislocation of, I, 125
Enteric fever, I, 221
Enteritis, catarrhal, III, 205
Entero-colitis, III, 209
Enteroptosis, IV, 43
Environment, importance of, III, 65
Epiglottis, II, 70
Epilepsy, III, 39
spasms in, III, 39
without spasms, III, 40
Erysipelas, I, 244
Eustachian tube, II, 37, 38, 41, 46, 49, 50
Exhaustion, mental and nervous, VI, 91–145
EXERCISE, IV, 48, 66
corrective, IV, 57
effect of, IV, 51
excessive, IV, 52
for all-round development, IV, 59, 101
for boyhood, IV, 69
for children, IV, 67
for elderly men, IV, 79
for everyone, IV, 66
for girls, IV, 73
for middle-aged men, IV, 77
for women, IV, 76
for young men, IV, 71
for youth, IV, 69
home, IV, 57
regular, IV, 53, 58
results of, IV, 98
without apparatus, IV, 57
EYE, anatomy of the, II, 30
astigmatism of the, II, 26 black, II, 14
catarrhal inflammation of the, II, 18
cinder in the, I, 76
cross, II, 33
diseases of the, II, 13
farsighted II, 21
foreign bodies in the, I, 76; II, 13
hyperopic, II, 22
lens of the, II, 30
muscles of the, II, 30
nearsighted, II, 25
pink, II, 19
retina of the, II, 30
sore, II, 16
strain, II, 21
wounds and burns of the, II, 16
Eyelid, congestion of the, II, 17
stye on the, II, 15
twitching of the, II, 15
Eye muscles, weakness of the, II, 28
Eye-strain, II, 21
Facial, neuralgia, III, 28
paralysis, III, 25
FAINTING, I, 185; III, 45
Farsightedness, II, 21
Fat as a food, IV, 35
Fatigue, causes of, IV, 50
Felon, I, 74, 75
FEVER, bilious, I, 247
black water, I, 256
Chagres, I, 256
chills and, I, 247
enteric, I, 221
gastric, III, 179
intermittent, I, 247
marsh, I, 247
remittent, I, 247
rheumatic, II, 169
scarlet, I, 192
swamp, I, 247
typhoid, I, 221
yellow, I, 261
Fever blister, II, 147Fevers, eruptive contagious, I, 191
Fish as food, IV, 188
Finger, fracture of, I, 101
FIT, I, 188
Flea bites, I, 162
Fly bites, I, 164
Food, adulteration of, V, 87
containing parasites, I, 152
elements of, IV, 29
for babies, III, 132; IV, 261
for the sick, IV, 261
infected, I, 150
laws, V, 88
poisoning, I, 147
preparation of, IV, 171
pure, selection of, V, 89
Foods, advertised, IV, 116
Foot gear, IV, 24
Forearm fracture, I, 94
FOREIGN BODIES, in the ear, I, 78; II, 39
in the eye, I, 76; II, 13
in the nose, I, 79; II, 53
Foreskin, adhering, III, 141
Fourth-of-July accidents, I, 56
FRACTURE (See Broken Bone)
Colles', I, 99
compound, I, 80, 116
how to tell a, I, 81
simple, I, 80
Freckles, II, 150
Freezing, I, 178
FROSTBITE, I, 178, 180
Gallstone colic, III, 261
Ganglion, I, 75
Garbage, disposal of, V, 171
Gastric fever, III, 179
Genito-urinary diseases, II, 199
Germs (See Bacteria)
Girls, exercises for, IV, 73
physical training for, IV, 72; VI, 39
Glands, enlarged, III, 149
Gonorrhea, II, 199
in women, II, 203; III, 90
Gout, common, II, 183
rheumatic, II, 177
Grippe, la, II, 56, 108
Growing pains, III, 146
Hair, the, IV, 21
Hallucinations, II, 232
Hand, anatomy of the, III, 30
arteries of the, III, 30
fracture of the, I, 101
nerves of the, III, 30
tendons of the, III, 30
HEADACHE, constant, II, 120
due to disease, II, 117
due to eye strain, II, 29
due to heat stroke, II, 120
due to indigestion, II, 115
due to poisoning, II, 118
nervous, II, 117
neuralgic, II, 117
sick, II, 113
sympathetic, II, 116
Head gear, IV, 24, 160
Head injuries, III, 46
HEART, anatomy of the, III, 167, 168
enlargement of the, III, 169
palpitation of the, III, 171
Heart disease, III, 167
Heat exhaustion, I, 39, 40
Heating, cost of, V, 254
methods of, V, 161
HEAT STROKE, I, 39, 41
Hemorrhage (See Bleeding)
Hemorrhoids, II, 135
Heredity, III, 57
in consumption, II, 97
Hernia, II, 128 (See Rupture)
strangulated, II, 129
umbilical, II, 128
ventral, II, 128
Hiccough or hiccup, III, 21
Hip disease, III, 161
Hip, dislocation of, I, 129
fracture of, I, 104
Hives, II, 143Hoarseness, II, 80
Hornet stings, I, 158
"Horrors," the, III, 50
House, proper construction of, V, 141
Housemaid's knee, I, 72
Hypodermic syringe, the, IV, 250
Hysteria, VI, 20
INDIGESTION, acute, III, 178
a result of errors, IV, 130
chronic, III, 185
intestinal, III, 202
not disease, IV, 134
Infants, bathing, III, 109
care of, III, 108
clothing for the, III, 110
feeding of, III, 118
Infection, V, 238
in erysipelas, I, 244
in malaria, I, 247
in typhoid fever, I, 221
in yellow fever, I, 261
Influenza, II, 108
Ingrowing toe nail, I, 184
Injections, III, 238, 239
Insane, criminal, II, 234
delusions of the, II, 233
illusions of the, II, 231
sanitariums for the, II, 245
Insanity, II, 229; VI, 164
causes of, II, 239
false ideas regarding, II, 241
physical signs of, II, 235
prevention of, II, 240
types of, II, 236
Insensibility, III, 44
Insomnia, III, 23
Intermittent fever, I, 247
Invalids, care of, VI, 155
Itching, II, 139
Ivy poison, II, 152
Jaundice, III, 180
Jaw, dislocation of, I, 118, 120
fracture of, I, 89
Joint, injury of a, I, 65, 69
Junket, IV, 266
Kerosene, extermination of mosquitoes by, V, 77
Kidneys, inflammation of the, II, 220
Bright's disease of the, II, 219
stone in the, III, 265
Knee, dislocation of, I, 119
sprain of, I, 67, 70
Kneepan fracture, I, 109
Knock knees, III, 163
Laryngitis, II, 80
Larynx, anatomy of the, II, 70
spasm of the, III, 153
Leeches, use of, II, 43
Leg bones, fracture of, I, 111, 116
Leucorrhoea, III, 86
Lice, body, I, 161
clothes, I, 161
crab, I, 162
head, I, 160
Life-saving service, U. S., I, 27
Lightning stroke, I, 43
Limewater, IV, 268
Long life, rules for (See Contents IV, Part III)
Lotions, II, 145, 151, 152, 155, 166
Lues, II, 206
Lumbago, II, 173
LUNGS, bleeding from the, I, 62
diseases of the, II, 87
inflammation of the, II, 93
tuberculosis of the, II, 96
chronic, I, 253
mosquito as cause of, I, 157, 247
pernicious, I, 255
remittent, I, 254Malt soup, IV, 267
Marasmus, III, 144
Marketing, hints on, IV, 232
Marriage relations, II, 197
Marsh fever, I, 247
Measles, common, I, 198
German, I, 203
Meat as food, IV, 32
Median nerve, III, 30
Medicine chest, contents of the, IV, 243
antiphlogistine, II, 258
belladonna plasters, II, 257
dangers of, II, 260
hamamelis, II, 255
headache powders, II, 262
Listerine, II, 256
Platt's Chlorides, II, 259
Pond's Extract, II, 255
proprietary, II, 246
Scott's Emulsion, II, 257
vaseline, II, 254
witch-hazel, II, 255
Medulla oblongata, III, 22
Membranous croup, II, 79
Menopause, the, III, 70
Menstruation, III, 67
absence of, III, 75
arrest of, III, 79
cessation of, III, 78
delayed, III, 79
painful, III, 71
scanty, III, 79
Metals, poisoning by, I, 141
Miliaria, II, 148
MILK, as food, IV, 33
curd, IV, 266
mixtures, III, 124
peptonized, IV, 264
poisoning, III, 209, 211
porridge, IV, 267
Mind cure, VI, 31
disorder of the, II, 229
Miscarriage, danger of, III, 80
MOSQUITO bites, I, 155, 158; V, 71
destruction of the, I, 258; V, 75
exterminating the, V, 70
malaria due to the, I, 248
yellow fever due to the, I, 261; V, 70
Motor nerve, III, 38
Mouth-breathing, II, 60
Mouth, inflammation of the, II, 64
sore, II, 64
Mumps, I, 235
Muscular action, IV, 48
development, by will power, IV, 63
Mushrooms, edible, V, 115
how to tell, V, 114
poisonous, V, 124
Mutton broth, IV, 261
Myalgia, II, 173
Myopia, II, 25
Narcotics, poisoning by, I, 142
Nasal cavity, II, 54
Navel, sore, III, 142
Nearsightedness, II, 25
Nervous debility, III, 13
diseases, III, 13
exhaustion, III, 13; VI, 70, 167
remedy for, VI, 70, 167; III, 20
Nervous system, reflex action of the, III, 38
Nettlerash, II, 143
Neuralgia, III, 27
facial, III, 28
of the chest, III, 29
Neurasthenia, III, 13
NOSE, anatomy of the, II, 54
bleeding from the, II, 51
catarrh of the, II, 55
diseases of the, II, 51
foreign bodies in the, I, 79; II, 53
obstructions in the, II, 60
septum of the, II, 51, 54, 61Nosebleed, I, 61; II, 51
Nostrum, II, 248
Nurse and patient (See Contents VI)
Nurse, selection of the, VI, 150
Nursing, VI, 146
Oatmeal water, IV, 263
Olfactory nerves, III, 22
Oozing of blood, I, 54, 55
Optic nerves, III, 22
OUTDOOR LIFE (See Contents VI)
for consumption, VI, 72
for nervous exhaustion, VI, 70, 167
Overworked, hints for the, VI, 91
Oyster broth, IV, 267
Palmar arch, III, 30
Pains, growing, III, 146
Palpitation of the heart, III, 171
Paralysis, facial, III, 25
Paranoia, II, 237
Parasites, malarial, I, 247
yellow fever, I, 261
Paresis, II, 237
Patent medicines, II, 247
Peritonitis, III, 252
Petit mal, III, 40
Pharyngitis, II, 69
Phthisis, II, 96
Pigeon breast, II, 63
Piles, external, II, 135
internal, II, 136
Pimples, II, 145
Pink eye, II, 19
Plumbing, connections, V, 194
defects in, V, 231
drains, V, 206
fixtures, V, 216
joints, V, 194
pipes, V, 191, 206
tests, 233
traps, V, 198
Pneumonia, II, 93
POISONING (See Poisons)
by canned meats, I, 150
by fish, I, 148
by meat, I, 148, 150, 151
by milk, I, 148, 150, 151
food, bacterial, I, 147
food, containing parasites, I, 152
food, infected, I, 150
mushroom, V, 112
potato, I, 154
Poison ivy, II, 152POISONS, acetanilid, I, 146
acid, carbolic, I, 140
acid, nitric, I, 140
acid, oxalic, I, 140
acid, sulphuric, I, 140
acids, I, 140
aconite, I, 142
alcohol, I, 143
alkalies, I, 140
ammonia, I, 141
antidotes, I, 139
antimony, I, 142
arsenic, I, 141
belladonna, I, 142
bichloride of mercury, I, 141
blue vitriol, I, 141
bug poison, I, 141
camphor, I, 142
caustic soda, I, 141
chloral, I, 143
cocaine, I, 145
copper, I, 141
corrosive sublimate, I, 141
digitalis, I, 142
ergot, I, 142
Fowler's solution, I, 141
headache powders, I, 146
hellebore, I, 142
ivy, II, 152
knockout drops, I, 143
laudanum, I, 144
lobelia, I, 142
lye, I, 141
matches, I, 142
mercury, I, 141
metals, I, 141
morphine, I, 144
narcotics, I, 142
nux vomica, I, 145
opium, I, 144
paregoric, I, 144
Paris green, I, 141
phenacetin, I, 146
phosphorus, I, 142
potash, I, 141
"rough on rats," I, 141
silver nitrate, I, 141
sleeping medicines, I, 143
soothing sirup, I, 144
strychnine, I, 145
tartar emetic, I, 142
tobacco, I, 144
unknown, I, 139
verdigris, I, 141
washing soda, I, 141
white precipitate, I, 141
Polypi, II, 54, 62
Pons Varolii, III, 22
Pott's disease, III, 157
Poultry as food, IV, 201
Pox, II, 206
Pregnancy, III, 91
diet during, III, 91
exercise during, III, 91
mental state during, III, 95
signs of, III, 80, 93
Prickly heat, II, 148
Proprietary medicines, II, 248
Pruritus, II, 139
Pulse, how to feel the, IV, 247
Punctured wound, bleeding from, a, I, 52, 53
Pure food bill, II, 249
canned articles, V, 107
cereals, V, 98
chocolate, V, 107
cocoa, V, 107
coffee, V, 104
flavoring extracts, V, III
meat, V, 92
meat products, V, 95
olive oil, V, 110
shellfish, V, 94
spices, V, 108
sugar, V, 108
tea, V, 104
vegetables, V, 96
vinegar, V, 110
Purifying water supply, V, 52
Quinsy, II, 75
Radial nerve, III, 30
Recipes, for babies, IV, 261
for the sick, IV, 261
Reflex action illustrated, III, 38; IV, 49
Remittent fever, I, 247
Renal colic, III, 263
Respiration, to produce artificial, I, 28, 34, 43, 178, 186
Respirations, counting the, IV, 248
Rest cure, III, 20
Reversion, III, 59
Rheumatic fever, II, 169
gout, II, 177
RHEUMATISM, acute, II, 169
chronic, II, 175
effect on the heart, II, 170
inflammatory, II, 169
muscular, II, 173
of the chest, II, 174
Rhinitis, II, 77
Rib, broken, I, 83
Rice water, IV, 264
Rickets, III, 151
Ringworm, of body, II, 149
of scalp, II, 149
RUN-AROUND, I, 73Rupture, II, 128
Salt rheum, II, 163
Sanitariums for the insane, II, 245
SANITATION (See Contents V)
Sarcoma, II, 124SCALDS, I, 171
Scalp wounds, I, 60
Scarlatina, I, 192
Scarlet fever, I, 192
Sciatica, III, 31
Scorpion sting, I, 164
Scrofula, III, 149
Scurvy, common, II, 180
infantile, II, 182
Seasickness, III, 195
Self-abuse, II, 192
Semicircular canals, II, 46
Sensory nerve, III, 38
Septum, II, 54
deviation of the, II, 60
Serum, antivenomous, I, 169
Sewage, V, 170
disposal of, V, 172
Sewer gas, V, 187
Sewers, V, 182
Sexual organs, care of the, II, 191
diseases of the, II, 199
Sexual relations, II, 194
Shingles, III, 29
Shoulder, dislocation of, I, 122
sprain of, I, 67
Shoulder-blade fracture, I, 91
Sick, food for the, IV, 261
Sick room, the, VI, 150
SKIN, callus of the, II, 156
chafing of the, II, 142
chapping of the, II, 142
cracks in the, II, 156
discolorations of the, II, 150
diseases of the, II, 139
irritation of the, II, 142
itching of the, II, 139
Sleeplessness, III, 23
Sling, how to make a, 87, 88
Smallpox, I, 206
Snake bite, I, 166, 168
Soap, use of, IV, 32
Soil, bacteria in, V, 135
constituents of, V, 131
contamination of, V, 136
diseases due to, V, 139
Soil, improving the, V, 140
influence of, V, 137
Sore mouth, aphthous, II, 66
gangrenous, II, 67
simple, II, 65
ulcerous, II, 67
Sore eyes, II, 16
Sore throat, II, 69
Soup, malt, IV, 267
Soups, IV, 207
Spider bite, I, 164, 165
Spinal cord, III, 38
Spine, curvature of, III, 157, 159
Spleen, enlargement of, II, 254
Splinters, removing, I, 54
Splints, I, 61, 71, 93, 97, 102, 107, 110, 111, 114, 128
SPRAINS, bandages for, I, 65, 67
treatment of, 65, 66
Sprue, II, 66
Squint, II, 33
St. Vitus's Dance, III, 155
Stiff neck, II, 174
STINGS, bee, I, 158
centipede, I, 164
hornet, I, 158
scorpion, I, 164
wasp, I, 158
Stitching a wound, I, 58
STOMACH, bleeding from the, I, 62
catarrh of the, III, 185, 209
diseases of the, III, 178
neuralgia of the, III, 251
Stomachache, III, 247
Stone, in the bladder, III, 265
in the kidney, III, 263
Strabismus, II, 33
Stye, II, 15
SUFFOCATION, from gas, I, 186
Sunstroke, I, 40
Surgical dressings, I, 131
Swamp fever, I, 247
Syphilis, II, 206, 212
Syringe, the bulb, III, 239
the fountain, III, 238
the hypodermic, IV, 250
Tan, II, 150
Tapeworm, I, 152
Tarantula bite, I, 164
Tea, use of, IV, 43
Teeth, artificial, IV, 119
care of the, IV, 26
Teething, III, 113
Temperature, how to tell the, IV, 246
proper, IV, 161, 162
Tetter, II, 163
Thermometer, clinical, use of the, IV, 246
Thigh-bone fracture, I, 106
THROAT, diseases of the, II, 51,
sore, II, 69
Thrush, II, 66
Tic douloureux, III, 28
Toe nail, ingrowing, I, 184
Tongue, noting appearance of the, IV, 249
Tonsilitis, II, 71
Tonsils, enlarged, II, 63
Tooth, ulcerated, II, 58
Toothache, II, 58
Training, physical, IV, 124; VI, 38
Trichiniasis, I, 153
Truss, use of the, II, 130
Tuberculin, II, 101
Tuberculosis of the bones, III, 157
of the lungs, II, 96
Turbinates, enlarged, II, 60
Typhoid fever, I, 221
complications of, I, 228
Ulcerated tooth, II, 58
Ulnar nerve, III, 30
due to drunkenness, III, 47
due to epilepsy, III, 48
due to fainting, III, 45
due to head injuries, III, 46
Unconsciousness, due to kidney disease, III, 48
due to opium poisoning, III, 48
due to sunstroke, III, 48
Underclothing, proper, IV, 22
URINE, incontinence of, II, 213
involuntary passage of, II, 213
painful passage of, III, 141
retention of, II, 218; III, 141
stoppage of, II, 218
suppression of, II, 218
Urticaria, II, 143
Vaccination, I, 211–215
Varicocele, II, 134
Varicose veins, II, 132
Varioloid, I, 211
Veal broth, IV, 261
Vegetables as food, IV, 34, 223
Vein, bleeding from a, I, 51, 52
Veins, systemic, III, 168
VENTILATION, artificial, V, 157
forces of, V, 148
methods of, V, 150
natural, V, 151
Ventricles of the heart, III, 168
Vision, defects of, II, 21–33
Vocal cords, II, 70
of blood, III, 200
of indigestion, III, 199
of pregnancy, III, 196
Wakefulness, III, 23
Warming, V, 160
Warts, flat, II, 154
moist, II, 154
seed, II, 153
threadlike, II, 153
Wasp stings, I, 158
Wasting, III, 144
WATER, barley, IV, 263
egg, IV, 262
lake, V, 27
lime, IV, 268
oatmeal, IV, 263
pure, V, 21, 52
rain, V, 26
rice, IV, 264
spring, V, 29
well, V, 31–37
wheat, IV, 264
Water cure, for nervous exhaustion, III, 20
Water distribution, V, 39
engines for, V, 42
hydraulic rams for, V, 40
pressure systems for, V, 47
storage tanks for, V, 46
windmills for, V, 41
Water supply, laws of, V, 37
plants which pollute, V, 54
pollution of, V, 22
purifying the, V, 52
sources of, V, 19
system for country, V, 47
Wax in the ear, II, 34
Wear and tear (See Contents VI)
Weaning, III, 117
Wen, II, 126
Wheat water, IV, 264
Whey, mixtures, IV, 265
wine, IV, 266
Whites, III, 87
Whitlow, I, 74, 75
Whooping cough, I, 238
Womb, hemorrhage from the, III, 82
Women, exercises for, IV, 76
Wood tick, bite of, I, 159
WORMS, pin, III, 243
round, III, 242
tape, III, 245
about the eyes, II, 16
caused by pistols, I, 56
caused by firecrackers, I, 56
cleansing, I, 59
foreign bodies in, I, 54, 56
scalp, I, 60
stitching, I, 58
treatment of, I, 50, 57
Wrist, fracture of the, I, 99
sprain of the, I, 65, 67
Yellow fever, I, 261
mosquito as cause of, I, 157, 261, 265