KATIE ROBERTSON. CHAPTER I. A NEW DEPARTURE. CHAPTER IV. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL. CHAPTER VII. STRIFE AND VICTORY. CHAPTER XXI. THE DO GOOD SOCIETY. CHAPTER XXII. THANKSGIVING DAY. CHAPTER XXV. OUT INTO THE WORLD. Title: Katie Robertson A Girls Story of Factory Life Author: Margaret E. Winslow Language: English Produced by Roger Frank and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net KATIE ROBERTSONA GIRLS STORY OF FACTORY LIFEBy MARGARET E. WINSLOW A. L. BURT COMPANY, PUBLISHERS NEW YORK———————————————————————————————————— Copyright, 1885, ———————————————————————————————————— To the many boys and girls who are in early years earning an honorable support for themselves, or else assisting their parents by working in factories; to the multitudes of young church members, who may be glad of some practically helpful suggestions in surmounting the difficulties and resisting the temptations incident to their new lives; to mill-owners, who feel their solemn responsibility, as in the sight of God, for the intellectual and spiritual welfare of their operatives; and chiefly to the young Christian manufacturer who has been the model from which the picture of "Mr. James" has been copied,—this story, whose incidents are mostly true ones, is dedicated. That the Holy Spirit may make use of it to inculcate in young hearts a sense of honorable independence, a conviction of the dignity of faithfully performed work, and, above all, an earnest and irrevocable choice of God's blessed service and an entire committal of their ways to him, is the sincere prayer of THE AUTHOR.SAUGERTIES, July 1, 1885. ———————————————————————————————————— |