page 586" class="pginternal">586 BARRIONUEVO, FRANCISCO DE, companion of Coronado …479 —, explorations of …510 —, adventure of, at Tiguex …496 BATUCA, Opata settlement in Sonora …537 BEADS found in graves at Sikyatki …519 BEANS, stores of, kept by Indians …584 —, wild, found by Coronado …507 BEAR in pueblo region …518, 560 BEJARANO, SERVAN, testimony of …598 BENAVIDES, A. DE, on methods of building pueblos …520 —, on use of dogs by plains indians …527 BENITEZ, death of …500 BERMEJO, See VERMEJO. BERNALILLO, location of Tiguex at …391, 491 BIBLIOGRAPHY of Coronado expedition …599 BIGOTES, captain of Cicuye indians …490 —, see WHISKERS. BILLEGAS, FRANCISCO DE, agent for De Soto in Mexico …366 —, correspondence of, with De Soto …370 BIRDS of pueblo region …521 BISON first seen by Coronado's force …391 —, description of …527, 541, 543 — described by Cicuye indians …490 — described by Colorado river indians …405 — described by companion of Coronado …570 — described by Coronado …580 — described by Jaramillo …587 —, Alvarado's journey among …576 —, Coronado's army supplied with meat of …577, 581 — killed by plains indians …504 BISON, pile of bones of …542 —, skins of, found by Coronado at Cibola …560 —, stampede of …505 BITUMEN used by indians in making rafts …407 BLANKETS of native American cotton …517 BLIZZARD experienced by Coronado …506 BOCANEGRA, HERNAND PEREZ DE, See PEREZ. BOSTON TRANSCRIPT, translation of Alvarado's report in …594 BOURKE, J.G., on Apache medicine-men …360 BOYOMO, river and settlement of …515 BRABA, pueblo of …525 —, description of, by Alvarado …505 —, village of, visited by Spaniards …511 BRACELETS of Turk indian …493 BREAD of pueblo indians …522 —, use of, among Colorado river indians …485 BRIDGE built by Spaniards across Canadian river …397, 364 — captured by Coronado lvii, 388, 556, 565, 573 —, CastaÑeda's description of …482 —, Diaz' description of houses at …548 —, Coronado's description of …558 —, description of …517, 565, 569, 573 —, description of houses at …520 —, cartographic history of …403 —, see ZUÑI. CICUIC, see CICUYE, PECOS. CICUIQUE, see CICUYE. CICUYE, synonymous with Pecos …391 —, description of …523, 525 — described by companions of Coronado …570, 575 — described by Jaramillo …587 —, indians from, visit Coronado …490 —, Alvarado's visit to …491 —, visit of Coronado to …502 —, treachery of indians at …509 —, siege of, by Spaniards …511 —, cartographic history of …403 —, river of, crossed by Spaniards …504, 510 CINALOA RIVER crossed by Coronado …584 — north of New Galicia …386, 515 CLIMATE of Cibola, Coronado's account of …559 CLOTHING of the Hopi …517 — of indians at Quivira …582 — of indians at Sonora …515 — of indians taken by Spaniards …495 — of plains indians …507 — of pueblo indians …404, 517, 549, 562, 563, 569, 573, 586, 595 CLUBS, indian …498 COAHUILA, a Mexican state …545 COCHIN, letter from, to Mendoza …412 COCHITI, pueblo of …525 COCO, Alvarado's name for Acoma …594 COLIMA, town in western New Spain …385 —, illness of Mendoza at …551 —, ravines of …505 COLONISTS of New Spain, characteristics of R
pginternal">392,394 —, messenger from Mexico to Coronado …533, 534 —, in Corazones …484 —, meets Coronado on his return …537 —, feats of …540 GAME in pueblo region …518, 521, 560 GARCIA, ANDRES, on effect of Marcos' report …365 GARCIA ICAZBALCETA see ICAZBALCETA. GARNETS found at Cibola by Coronado …559 GATSCHET, A.S., on name of Cibola …517 GEESE in pueblo region …521 GEOGRAPHICAL results of Coronado expedition …403 GIANTS, discovery of tribe of …392 —, indian, finding of, by Maldonado …484 —, indian, visit of Diaz among …485 GILA RIVER, possible early visit to …353 GOATS, mountain, in pueblo country …550, 560 —, mountain, seen by Spaniards …516 GOLD, discovery of, Suya …533 — found by Coronado at Cibola …503 —, reports of, from Quivira …503, 501, 512 — found at Quivira by Coronado …582 —, use of, in indian trade …472 GOMARA, F.L. de, on Chichimecas …524 —, on clothing of pueblo Indians …517 —, description of bison by …513 —, on illness of Coronado …531 —, on return of Coronado …539 —, on capture of Cibola …483 —, on stories told by Turk indian …492 —, on Quivira and Padilla …529 GOOSE, see GEESE. GORBALAN, FRANCISCO, companion of Coronado …477 GOURD used by Estevan as sign of authority …360 —, use of, for carrying water …490 GOVERNMENT of pueblo indians …356, 518, 561 — of Sonora indians …513 GRANADA, Coronado's name for Hawikuh …389, 558, 564 —, see HAWIKUH, CIBOLA. GRAND CANYON, see COLORADO RIVER. GRAPES, introduction of, into pueblo country …550 —, wild, found by Coronado …507, 510, 528, 582, 389 —, legend of Estevan's death at …361 K´IAPKWAINAKWIN, location of …358 KILLIKINIK, see TOBACCO. KIVA, Coronado's description of …558 —, described by Colorado river indians …405 —, see ESTUFA. KNIVES, stone, of plains indians …528 LACHIMI RIVER mentioned …553 —, see YAQUI, YAQUIMI. LAGUNA, pueblo of …525 LA NATIVIDAD, arrival of Alvarado at …409 LAND assigned to Spanish settlers …374 LANGUAGE, diversity of, among plains indians …582 —, difficulties of interpreting indian …394 LA PAZ, colony at, under Cortes …352 LARA, ALONSO MANRIQUE DE, companion of Coronado …477 LENOX LIBRARY, acknowledgment to …339, 413 LEON, JUAN DE, copy of evidence made by …598 LEOPARD, see WILDCAT. LEYVA, FRANCISCO DE, on effect of Marcos' report …366 LINGUISTICS, see LANGUAGE. LINO, RIO DEL, reference to …554, 555 LIONS, native American …517 — in pueblo region …518 —, mountain, found by Coronado at Cibola …560 LITTLE VALLEY, settlement of …515 LLAMA, former habitat of …549 LOPEZ, DIEGO, appointment of, as captain …477 —, appointment of, as army-master …508 —, Samaniego succeeded by …480 —, horse of, killed at Cibola …557 —, adventure of, at Tiguex …496 —, visit of, to Haxa …505 LOPEZ DE CARDENAS, G., see CARDENAS. LOS MUERTOS, excavations at, in Arizona …518 LOWER CALIFORNIA, early name of …351 —, colony in, under Cortes …351 —, Cortes' colony recalled from …369 LUCAS, native companion of Padilla …400, 535 LUIS, a Franciscan friar …556, 565, 579 LUIS DE ESCALONA, settlement of, at Cicuye …592 LUIS DE UBEDA remains at Cicuye …401, 534, 535 MACAQUE, a pueblo settlement …517 —, see MATSAKI. MAGO, Opata word for poisonous plant …538 MAGUEY, use of, for clothing by indians …569 MAIZE, description of …518 —, see CORN. MAKYATA, see MARATA, MATYATA. MALDONADO, ALONSO DEL CASTILLO, survivor of Narvaez, expedition …529, 534 PAEZ, JUAN, report of Cabrillo's voyage by …411 PAHOS, reference to …573 PAINT found in graves in Sikyatki …519 PAINTING of pueblo Indians …558 PALMOS, RIO DE, probable identification of …346 PANIAGUA, JUAN, miraculous recovery of …500 PANICO, see PANUCO. PANUCO, reference to …592 — bay, location of …346 PAPA, title of, given to priests at ZuÑi …518 PASQUARO, visit of Mendoza to …478 PATEATLAN, see PETATLAN. PAWNEE mode of hair dressing …394 PEACE ceremonies at Tiguex …496 —, form of making, at Acoma …491 PEACHES, introduction of, into pueblo country …550 PEARLS on coast of Gulf of California …350 PECOS, labors of Friar Descalona at …401 — visited by Spaniards …391 —, see CICUYE. PECOS RIVER crossed by Spaniards …504 PEMMICAN used by plains tribes …528 PENNYROYAL, native American …517, 528 PEREZ, ALONSO, companion of Coronado …597 PEREZ, MELCHOR, mention of slave of …592 PEREZ DE BOCANEGRA, HERNAND, testimony of …596 PEREZ DE RIBAS, ANDRES, see RIBAS. PERU, Alvarado's expedition to …352 PETATES, or mats, used for houses …515 PETATLAN or PETLATLAN, Indian settlement in New Galicia …355 —, description of …514, 538 —, description of, by Jaramillo …584 —, description of indians of …568, 572 —, indian from, captive and interpreter at Cibola …563 —, friendly indians at river of …548 —, river of, in Sinaloa …348 PETRATLAN, see PETATLAN. PHILIP, King of Spain …474 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS …545 PICONES, native American fish …517 PICURIS, pueblo of …519 —, name for Acoma among …492 —, name of Taos among …575 PIMA, cultivation of cotton by the …350 —, Friar Marcos among the …356 PINE NUTS, use of, as food …517, 518 PIÑON NUTS, use of, as food …517, 522 PIPES found at Sikyatki …519 PITAHAYA, native Ameri
DRO BAY visited by Ferrel …412 — RIVER in Arizona …387 — VALLEY visited by Niza …359 SANTA ANA, pueblo of …525 SANTA BARBARA, visit of Ferrel to …412 SANTA CLARA, visit of Ferrel to …412 SANTA CRUZ, colony at, under Cortes …351 — ISLAND, visit of Ferrel to …412 — RIVER in Arizona …387 SANTA CRUZ, ALONSO DE, early map of city of Mexico by …363 SANTIAGO, use of, as war cry …388, 483, 565 SANTO DOMINGO, pueblo of …525 SAVAGE, JAMES, on natural products of Nebraska …528 SCARAMOIO, name for a Spanish grass …555 SEBASTIAN, native companion of Padilla …400, 535 —, negro slave of Jaramillo …592 SEDELMAIR, PADRE, on indian giants …485 SEÑORA, see SONORA. SERI, Coronado's account of …554 —, use of poison by …538 SERRANO, FRANCISCO, on effect of Marcos' report …366 SERRANO DE CARDONA, ANTONIO, testimony of …597 SERVANTES, see CERVANTES. SEVEN CITIES, stories and legends concerning …363, 553 —, expedition to, under Guzman …473 —, see CIBOLA, ZUÑI. —, see MEDICINE-MEN. SHAWANO or SHAWNEE, migrations of the …345 SHEA, J.G., on Cabeza de Vaca's route …348 —, on possible conjunction of Coronado and De Soto …371 SHEEP given to friars by Coronado …592 —, merino, imported by Mendoza …375 —, mountain, description of, by CastaÑeda …487 —, native American …516 — taken by Spanish soldiers for food …501, 535, 542 —, see MOUNTAIN GOAT. SHOSHONI, linguistic affinity of the …525 SHRINES of Sonora Indians …515 SIA, pueblo of …525 — mentioned by Jaramillo …587 —, see CHIA. SIBOLA, see CIBOLA. SIBU´LOD?´, Isleta name for buffalo …517 SIGNS, use of, by plains Indians …504, 527 SIKYATKI, excavations at …519 SILVER found by Coronado at Cibola …563 — found by Spaniards at Yuqueyunque …511 —, reports of, from Quivira …503, 504, 522 URREA, LOPE DE, companion of Coronado …477 —, Indians interviewed by …499 UTE linguistic affinity …525 VACAPA, identification of …355 VACAPAN, province crossed by Coronado …487 VALLADOLID, Spanish name for Braba …511, 525 VALLE DE LOS VELLACOS, see VALLEY OF KNAVES. VALLECILLO, settlement of …515 VALLEY OF KNAVES, rebellious Indians in …502 VARGAS, LUIS RAMIREZ DE, companion of Coronado …477 VEGETATION of great plains …527 — of pueblo country …586 VERA CRUZ, port of New Spain …348 VERMEJO, RIO, crossed by Coronado …586 —, identified with Colorado Chiquito …482 VERMEJO, HERNANDO, companion of Coronado …565 —, see VERMIZZO. VERMIZZO, HERNANDO, companion of Coronado …556 —, with Coronado at Cibola …388 VETANCURT, A. DE, on date of Padilla's martyrdom …401 VIGLIEGA, horse of, killed at Cibola …557 VILLALOBOS, R.G. DE, voyage of, across Pacific …412, 526, 539 —, expedition, reports of, to Council for the Indies …370, 371, 373 VILLAGRA, G., on marriage of pueblo indians …520 VIRGINS among the Tahus …514 —, treatment of, among pueblo indians …522,523 WALNUTS, wild, found by Coronado …507 WATER, worship of, by pueblo indians …581 WATERCRESS, native American …517 WATERMELONS, introduction of, into pueblo county …550 WEAPONS, indian …498 —, lack of, in New Spain …540 — of pueblo indians …404, 548, 563 WEAVING, see MATS. WELL dug by besieged indians …499 WHISKERS, name given to Cicuye indian …490, 497 — taken prisoner by Alvarado …493 —, release of …503 WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE RESERVATION traversed by Niza …359 — crossed by Coronado …387 WICHITA, KANSAS, location of Quivira near …397 WICKER BASKETS among pueblo indians …562 WILDCAT, native American …517 —, in pueblo region …herein after the endnotes. There are five accented letters in the printed version that have no Unicode equivalents. These are shown as images herein: “LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH MACRON”—latin small r with macron; “LATIN SMALL LETTER Q WITH TILDE”—latin small q with tilde above; “LATIN SMALL LETTER Q WITH MACRON”—latin small q with macron; “LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH TILDE”—latin small r with tilde above; and “LATIN SMALL LETTER P WITH TILDE”—latin small p with tilde above. These glyphs, and words containing them, will not be found by a simple search in a browser. The spanish section is full of macrons and tildes, and it was sometimes difficult to distinguish them in the scanned images available to the transcribers; some mistakes of transcription are likely. Page 380. Full stop was changed to comma in this phrase: “A month later. September 7, 1538, the representative”. Page 396. Full stop was removed from the phrase “to select 30 of the best equipped horsemen. who should go”. Page 407. Changed obaining to obtaining, in “without obaining any news, he was”. Page 444. Changed “bio entre aquellag ente” to “bio entre aquella gente”. Page 465. In “querido se sepan tambien las que agora dire”, the que assumed herein was not printed clearly. Page 523 first footnote. In “former name of the pueblo was Aquiu”, a smudge atop the A might have hidden an accent mark. There was also a big smudge atop the G in “Gilded Man”. Page 564. The first footnote had no anchor in the printed text, but probably should be anchored to the chapter title—as shown herein. Page 570. There was a missing phrase between “the third about” and “These three are like”. Nine spaces are included herein to indicate this, as in the printed version. Page 601, under heading Barcia, Andres Gonzales. The phrase “1512 hasta 1722, escrito por Don Gabriel de Cardenas z Cano.—Madrid, CIROMAN NUMERAL REVERSED ONE HUNDREDIROMAN NUMERAL REVERSED ONE HUNDREDCCXXIII” includes a scarcely supported glyph, U+2183 ROMAN NUMERAL REVERSED ONE HUNDRED—rendered herein as an image. Page 609. The phrase “November, 1895, and Febuary, 1896” was changed to “November, 1895, and February, 1896”. Page 627. Index entry “MATYATA, forioer New Mexican pueblo” was retained despite the obvious spelling issue. In the entry “MENOOZA, ANTONIO DE, Cabeza de Vaca entertained by”, “MENOOZA” was changed to “MENDOZA”. Page 628. Two consecutive entries read “MONTCALM, Menomini at fall of … 16 MONTEJO, —, feats of, in Tabasco … 540” The first entry pertains to an essay outside the scope of this book, but has been retained so that the em dash in the second entry may be interpreted properly. The transcriber hopes that the reader of this book makes better sense of it than the transcriber has. Likewise, the em dash in “MUÑOZ, —, copy of Alvarado's report by … 594” does not seem to make sense. Again, on page 629, the meaning of the em dash is not clear in “NAVARRETE, —, cited on date”. Page 636. “TUTHEA-NÂY” was changed to “TUTHEA-UÂY” to agree with the reference in the note on page 492; the last A has been rendered with a circumflex, but this is not clear in the scanned pages. |