Capitulo deÇimo como el campo salio de la uilla de senora quedando la uilla poblada y como llego a Çibola y lo que le a uino en el camino a el capitan melchior dias yendo en demanda de los nabios y como descubrio el rio del tison
Segunda parte en que se trata de los pueblos y prouincias de altos y de sus ritos y costumbres recopilada por pedro de castaÑeda ueÇino de la Çiudad de Naxara
Tercera parte como y en que se trata aquello que aconteÇio a francisco uasques coronado estando inbernando y como dexo la jornada y se bolbio a la nueba espaÑa
Chapter 10, of how the army started from the town of SeÑora, leaving it inhabited, and how it reached Cibola, and of what happened to Captain Melchior Diaz on his expedition in search of the ships and how he discovered the Tison (Firebrand) river
Chapter 11, of how Don Pedro de Tovar discovered Tusayan or Tutahaco and Don Garcia Lopez de Cardenas saw the Firebrand river and the other things that had happened
Second Part, which treats of the high villages and provinces and of their habits and customs, as collected by Pedro de CastaÑeda, native of the city of Najara
Chapter 9, which treats of the direction which the army took, and of how another more direct way might be found if anyone was going to return to that country