GOOD-BY Winter had fully set in when Jonitza and his parents returned to their home city of Galatz. It was intensely cold, for the winds from Russia's vast steppes meet no hindrance in striking the great plains along the lower part of the Danube River. The snow lay heavy on roads and houses, while sprays of icicles hung low from the trees and bushes and even from the noses of toiling cattle. The Danube itself was frozen and would remain so for at least three months. Even the Black Sea further away was ice covered for several miles' distance from shore. A warm welcome, however, awaited them indoors. The tall brick stove threw out great Friends added the warmth of welcome, and Jonitza was surprised to find how many boys there were of his own age right in his neighborhood. He stared at them as if he had never seen them before and they stared in equal surprise at him. "The fact is," Mr. Popescu confided to the Doctor, "we have brought back a new son." There was one very bright boy in particular to whom Jonitza was attracted largely because of some physical resemblance to Nicolaia, and this boy's opinion came to have quite an influence over him. For instance when the question of resuming his studies under his former tutor came up, Jonitza objected. "I want to go to the same school as Dimitri," he said. Dimitri was the name of his new friend. "There's a teacher there that knows all sorts of things. Besides, I want to study and work "I'm afraid I am bringing up a democrat!" his father exclaimed half jokingly when he had given his consent. He had reason to think so in earnest before the winter was over for his son took part in all kinds of sports and picked his associates without regard to the class to which they belonged. Some of Mrs. Popescu's relatives and friends did not hesitate to voice their disapproval. Once they made Mr. Popescu think that he must interfere, but fortunately before he did he ran across his friend the Doctor. "Your advice has done wonders for our boy," he said to him, "but—" and in a lowered tone he repeated some of the criticisms. The Doctor gave his cheery laugh. "Let them criticize," he said. "Be thankful that your son acts as a normal boy should act; that three boys with something under a sheet "SOMETHING CAREFULLY COVERED WITH A SHEET WAS CARRIED MYSTERIOUSLY INTO JONITZA'S ROOM" Jonitza had made up his mind that Nicolaia must spend the Christmas holidays with them, and Mrs. Popescu was anxious to gratify this wish. But at first it seemed that this would be impossible. It was fortunate perhaps that Mr. Popescu had a business trip to make to Bukurest and so could use a little of his personal influence. That this had some weight was shown when he returned on December 22 accompanied by Nicolaia. Jonitza had given up all hopes of having his friend with him and so was doubly pleased. He resolved to do everything he could to make "Will your parents let you join me in carol singing?" was Dimitri's first question. "Mother will, if Nicolaia would like it," replied Jonitza with confidence. "Then," said Dimitri, "I'll come to your house this afternoon and we'll plan things." When Dimitri came he was told that Mrs. Popescu had given her consent and the boys retired to a shed to work secretly at the preparations. They were evidently quite elaborate, for Jonitza visited the house for supplies several times. By supper time something carefully covered with a sheet was carried mysteriously into Jonitza's room where a hiding place was found for it. On Christmas Eve Dimitri was invited over for supper. Maritza herself prepared a special dish called turte for the occasion. This After the meal the boys hurried to Jonitza's room. When they came out it was hard to recognize them. Each had on a mask, a long gown, and a high hat of colored paper. Nicolaia held a wooden star adorned with little bells. The center of this star was a representation of the manger, and was illuminated from behind. They took their stand in the hallway where they sang Christmas carols, some of which ended by wishing much prosperity to the household, "For many years, For many years." Then Dimitri led the way to other homes, where he knew they would be welcomed. Before the Christmas festivities came to an end, Jonitza and Dimitri planned something far more elaborate. It was to act out a peculiar The name of the drama was Irozi, showing that it had something to do with the time of Herod. There were seven boys besides Jonitza, Nicolaia and Dimitri who took part in it. The principal characters were a grumbling Herod, some Roman officers, and three Magi in Oriental costumes, a child, a clown, and an old man. The plot is quite simple. A Roman officer brings news to Herod (who was impersonated by Jonitza), that three men have been caught going to Bethlehem to adore the new-born Christ. Entering, they hold a long dialogue with Herod, who at last orders them to be cast into prison. They, however, implore God to punish their persecutor. As they do so, strange noises are heard. These frighten Herod who begs forgiveness and lets the men go free. Later a child comes in and prophesies the future of the Messiah. As the child proceeds, Herod's rage increases until he strikes the child dead. At this all present unite in reproaches until Herod sinks to his knees and implores forgiveness. The success of the play was largely due to two characters whose antics pleased the little ones. One of these was the clown (Nicolaia) and the other was an old man who was in everybody's way (Dimitri). This latter had a mask with a long beard on his face, a hunched back, and wore heavy boots and a sheepskin mantle with the wool on the outside. When the much applauded play came to an end, refreshments were passed around and afterwards the children sent home with their hands filled with gifts of various kinds. In such gayeties the holidays soon passed. On the very last day of the year Nicolaia left for home, and as Jonitza and Dimitri saw him "May you live and flourish like the trees of the garden and be blessed like them with all things plentiful." THE END Selections from The Page Company's Books for Young People THE BLUE BONNET SERIES Each large 12mo, cloth decorative, illustrated, per volume $1.50 A TEXAS BLUE BONNET By Caroline E. Jacobs. "The book's heroine, Blue Bonnet, has the very finest kind of wholesome, honest, lively girlishness."—Chicago Inter-Ocean. BLUE BONNET'S RANCH PARTY By Caroline E. Jacobs and Edyth Ellerbeck Read. "A healthy, natural atmosphere breathes from every chapter."—Boston Transcript. BLUE BONNET IN BOSTON By Caroline E. Jacobs and Lela Horn Richards. 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