="pginternal">248 Cromwell and Fox, 249-51 Cruickshank and O’Neill, 209 Pope and Partridge, 221 and Savage, 230 Portraits of naval officers at Greenwich, 219 Pounds, John, begins teaching poor children, 153, 154 birth and childhood, 152, 153 gratitude of his old scholars, 156 his death, 157 his workroom described, 153, 154 kindness to his scholars, 156 memorials of, in Portsmouth, 158 method of teaching, 155-157 the roasted potato, 155 Pressgang, 53 “Purgatory of suicides,” 179, 183 Purver, Anthony, 226 “Quarterly Review,” 227, 243 on Baptist Missionary Society, 141, 142 Quarterlies, the Edinburgh and London, 75, 83, 84 Ragged schools, John Pounds a founder of, 151, 152 Raikes, Robert and Sophia Cooke start first Sunday-school, 66 Reading, growth of about 1790; Lackington’s remarks on, 43 Rigby, Richard, ballad-writer, 227, 228 Robinson, Henry Crabb, Diary, 206, 257, 266 Rousseau, Jean Baptiste, 209 Rowe, J. B., 228 Russell, Admiral, 22 Sachs, Hans, the Nightingale of the Reformation, 203-205 Sandon, Lord, and Thomas Cooper, 188 Savage, Richard, 230 Scott, Rev. Thomas, the Commentator, and Carey, 113, 114 Service, David, 242 Sheaf, Mr., Shoemaker and artist, and John Pounds, 151, 157 Sheffey, Daniel, of Virginia, 276 Shenstone and Woodhouse, 228 Sherman, Roger, 274, 275 Shillitoe, Thomas, 251, 255 Shoemakers and literature, 75 Shoemaker’s holiday, the, 227 Shoemakers, large proportion of eminent men, 189, 190 Shovel, Captain, knighted by William III., 22 Shovel, Cloudesley, made captain, 21THE END. |