The desk shown in the illustration was made of plain-sawed white oak. The copper lighting fixtures were made by the amateur as were the hinges and the drawer pulls. The doors are fitted with art-glass panels. The following stock list is needed: - 1 top, 3/4 by 22-1/2 by 41 in., S-2-S.
- 4 posts, 2 by 2 by 31 in., S-4-S.
- 2 rails, 3/4 by 6-1/4 by 19 in., S-2-S.
- 2 rails, 3/4 by 6-1/4 by 35 in., S-2-S.
- 2 rails, 3/4 by 3-1/4 by 19 in., S-2-S.
- 1 stretcher, 3/4 by 3-1/4 by 35 in., S-2-S.
- 2 drawer fronts, 3/4 by 4-1/4 by 14 in., S-2-S.
- 4 drawer sides, 1/2 by 4-1/4 by 19 in., S-2-S.
- 2 drawer backs, 3/8 by 4 by 14 in., S-2-S.
- 2 drawer bottoms, 3/8 by 19 by 14 in., S-2-S.
- 4 slides, 3/4 by 2-1/2 by 19 in., S-2-S.
- 8 guides, 3/4 by 2 by 10 in., S-2-S.
- 2 cabinet posts, 1 by 1 by 16 in., S-4-S.
- 4 cabinet posts, 1 by 1 by 11 in., S-4-S.
- 1 back, 3/4 by 16 by 35 in., S-2-S.
- 1 shelf, 3/4 by 8 by 35 in., S-2-S.
- 2 shelves, 3/4 by 8 by 15 in., S-2-S.
- 4 door pieces, 5/8 by 1 by 15 in., S-2-S.
- 8 door pieces, 5/8 by 1 by 4 in., S-2-S.
Square the legs to length and lay out and cut the mortises thereon. Lay off the tenons on the rails, after having squared the rails to length and width, and cut them. Work up the top of the table and then the drawer stock and cabinet. Assemble the ends of the frame first, using good hot glue and enough clamps to hold the parts together properly. After the glue has hardened on these, the clamps may be removed and the front, back rails and the stretcher assembled. Writing Desk Made of Plain-Sawed Oak Writing Desk Made of Plain-Sawed Oak While the glue is hardening on the main frame the top cabinet may be built and assembled. This cabinet is detachable from the table proper and is to be held in place by means of cleats upon the back. These cleats are not specified in the bill; they may be obtained from scrap stock. Detail of the Writing Desk Detail of the Writing Desk For a piece of woodwork of this style some of the softer browns of the mission stains will be most appropriate. After all parts have been thoroughly cleaned by scraping and sandpapering, a stain may be applied. Allow this to dry, then sand it lightly and apply a thin coat of shellac. Sand the shellac lightly and apply a filler of a color to match the stain, but darker in tone, of course. Clean off the surplus in the usual manner and then apply a coat of shellac. Sand this lightly and apply several coats of some good polishing wax.