
This foot warmer is so constructed that two bricks may be heated and placed inside of the stool.

Oak is the most suitable wood to use, and the following pieces will be needed:

  • 4 legs, 1-1/4 by 1-1/4 by 8 in., S-4-S.
  • 4 side rails, 7/8 by 3 by 8-1/2 in., S-2-S.
  • 4 top pieces, 7/8 by 1-1/2 by 12 in., S-2-S.
  • 1 bottom piece, 7/8 by 8-1/2 by 8-1/2 in., S-2-S.
  • 1 piece asbestos, 8-1/2 by 8-1/2 in.
  • 4 pieces asbestos, 2 by 8-1/2 in.
  • 1 sheet of brass, 13 by 13 in., 17 gauge.
  • 2 hinges, 1 elbow catch, 3 doz. ornamental tacks.

The work may be started by shaping the four legs and cutting the mortises for the rails. Tenons are cut on the ends of the rails to fit in the mortises made in the posts. They are then glued together, care being taken to get the stool perfectly square.

The top frame can now be made and covered with the sheet of brass. The frame has mitered corners and the inside of the frame must be even with the inside of the rails. This in turn is fastened to the stool with the two hinges on the back and the elbow catch on the front side to keep it closed.

The design on the brass can be made by tacking it on a board, laying out the design and piercing the background with some sharp-pointed tool. This leaves the design raised with a smooth surface.

The brass can now be removed from the board, placed on the frame and fastened with the ornamental tacks.

Turn the stool bottom side up and line the inside of the rails with asbestos; then place the bricks on the inside of the stool. Both should fit up tight to the brass when the bottom is in place.

Oak Stool with Brass Cover Oak Stool with Brass Cover

The stool is now ready for the finish, which can be of some stain to match the other furniture in the room where it is to be used.



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