
Route––from London to Marseilles, about forty-eight hours. Marseilles, HÔtel d’Orient.

Marseilles to Algiers, average passage, three days. Hotels––HÔtel de la RÉgence and HÔtel de Paris, both good.

Algiers to Blidah––horse or diligence––about five hours; Blidah to Medeah––horse or diligence––about eight hours; Blidah to Milianah, about fourteen hours. Blidah––HÔtel de la RÉgence; Medeah––HÔtel du Gastronome; Milianah––HÔtel d’Iffly.

Milianah to Teniet, two days, staying at Oued el Massin, caravanserai; Teniet to Boghar, two days; Boghar to Laghouat, extremity of French frontier in Great Sahara Desert, three days.

From there visit Boussada for Gargelles, thence to Constantine, five days; Constantine to Lake Fetzara and Bona, one day. Bona––HÔtel de France.

Another way, is to return to Algiers and proceed by sea to Bona, passing Boujie, and Djidjelli, and Philippeville, about forty-eight hours.

From Bona to Tunis, by sea, about eighteen hours; or by land, vi Keff, the frontier town of Tunisia and Algeria, about six days; an escort required. Tunis––HÔtel de France.

Tunis to Solyman, four hours; Tunis to Biserta, fourteen hours.

On horseback, take two flannel shirts, one change of boots, and bournouse, &c. Average expense per diem, with horse and servant, twenty-five francs. I had three horses and one interpreter, and my expenses averaged £1 10s. par jour.



Transcriber’s Notes:

Illustrations have been moved closer to their relevant paragraphs. The page numbers in the List of Illustrations do not reflect the new placement of the illustrations, but are as in the original.

Author’s archaic and variable spelling and hyphenation is preserved.

Author’s punctuation style is preserved.

Any missing page numbers in this HTML version refer to blank or un-numbered pages in the original.

Typographical problems have been changed and these are highlighted.

Transcriber’s Changes:

Page 5: Original Table of Contents lists Chapter III as page 17.

Page 8: Was ’unhapy’ (his cutting sarcasm, and the unhappy frivolity which defaces the works of the man)

Page 30: Was ’Kadir’ (Further Experiences:––Abd-el-Kader (but not the Emir)––Difficult Road)

Page 33: Was ’twent’ (The Arab had fired at the brute at twenty paces, but missed his aim.)

Page 85: Was ’mattrass’ (and the mattress––fancy now!––is stuffed with sticks, and is so cursedly hard)


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