
Page 20. Line 13. for comma after says, place semi-colon.

P. 61. L. 7. for Morte read Morto.

P. 83. Note, for Bernoue read Bernoull.

P. 94. L. 3. after Nature add a colon—after flat add it.

P. 105. L. 10. dele Lucian, Ep. I.

P. 166. Note f. instead of ??. ?. v. 230. read ?. v. 163.

P. 181. L. 13. for on read in.

P. 189. L. 20. for or read on.

P. 197. Note d. for adv. read ad v.

P. 227. L. 12. for the read her.

Transcriber’s Note

The errata have been corrected. The notes referenced above are, with the new numbering in this e-text, notes 26, 160 and 206.

List of other changes made to the text:

Page 5, repeated “a” removed (Take a Spartan youth)

Page 48, “hindred” changed to “hindered” (as much water as hindered)

Page 62, “barenness” changed to “barrenness” (’Tis an abhorrence of barrenness)

Page 89, “celelebrated” changed to “celebrated” (his celebrated Carton of the Pisan war)

Page 174, “Parrhabasius” changed to “Parrhasius” (Parrhasius, compared with himself)

Page 187, “Rembrant” changed to “Rembrandt” (some pieces of Rembrandt and Vandyke)

Page 229, “born” changed to “borne” (Spain is borne down by the current)

Page 259, repeated “a” removed (though a few only find it)

Page 270, repeated “the” removed (in the temple of art and genius)

Footnote 7, “Barnini” changed to “Bernini” (Vita del Cav. Bernini)

Footnote 329, “si” changed to “sur” (Rousseau Disc. sur le Retabl. d. A. S. &c.)

Archaic spellings remain as printed. Amendments to punctuation are not otherwise noted.


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