Introduction v
1761. British Victories—Mr. Burke Horace Walpole 1
1761. Honours for Mr. Pitt Correspondence of Chatham 2
1766. The State of the Prisons Goldsmith 7
1767. Townshend’s Contumacy Correspondence of Chatham: Shelburne and Burke 10
1768. Wilkes Riots Home Office Papers 13
1768. Riots in the North Home Office Papers 14
1769. Petition to George III. Letters of Junius 15
1770. City of London and Chatham: Parliamentary Reform Letters of Junius 20
1770. Comments on Parliamentary Events Letters of Junius 22
1771. Letters of Thomas Hutchinson, Governor of Massachusetts Bay Home Office Papers 23
1771. Advice to Parliamentary Reformers Letters of Junius 30
1772. Distress caused by High Prices Home Office Papers 37
1773. Weavers’ Petition to George III. Home Office Papers 38
1773. Destruction of Tea at Boston Home Office Papers 43
1774. War Material for America Home Office Papers 46
1775. American Expedition to Canada Home Office Papers 48
1775. Conciliation with America Burke 51
1777. The Armies under Howe and Clinton Gentleman’s Magazine 54
1778. Chatham’s Last Letter and Speech Correspondence of Chatham and “London Magazine” 62
1779. George III.’s Message to the Houses and the Spanish Manifesto Gentleman’s Magazine 65
1779. Society at Brighthelmston J. A. Erredge 69
1780. Gordon Riots Horace Walpole 71
1781. Surrender of Cornwallis Gentleman’s Magazine 72
1783. Preliminaries of European Peace Gentleman’s Magazine 73
1784. A Violent Election Contest Cowper’s “Letters” 76
1785. The Country Post Cowper’s “Task” 77
1787. George III.’s Speech to the Houses of Parliament Annual Register 79
1788. Characteristics of the East India Company Burke 80



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