Accidents, 10;
from loaded weapons, 21, 160;
how to prevent, 26, 33, 58;
on the stage, 282, 291
Africa, shooting in, 261
Alcohol, danger from use of, 4, 95, 140, 145
Allowance, 93, 243
Ammunition, 44, 251, 262;
blank, 282;
Eley, 334, 340, 346;
U. M. C., 335, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347
Animals, killing wounded, 305
Art of Revolver Shooting, The, quoted, iii., 17, 81, 135, 191, 297;
changes made in, 25
“Au Commandemant,” shooting, 227
Author, duelling championship of, 61;
running deer championship of, 87;
snap shooting score of, 106;
member of London Royal Academy, 159;
author’s trotting horses, 210;
Sika deer shot by the, 271;
gold medals won by, 275;
trophies modelled by the, 317;
sights designed by the, 324;
world’s record scores by the, 333-350
Automatic pistol, accuracy of the, 1;
the Colt regulation, 2, 45, 80, 84, 133, 200, 212, 231, 233;
dangerous to handle, 3, 46, 129;
sole weapon in the U. S., 17;
how to hold the, 21, 286;
inventors of the, 22;
danger from recoil, 59;
the civilian, 84;
the police, 84;
the Savage, 84;
the Smith & Wesson, 84;
the German military, 84;
recoil of the, 59, 84, 96, 97;
shooting with the, 97, 113;
the safety bolt of the, 99;
powerful cartridge of the, 109, 251;
the U. S. army, 109;
description of the, 113, 118;
faults of the, 125;
the Colt new safety, 128;
cleaning and care of the, 152;
military automatics, 231, 248;
proper ammunition for, 251;
the Mauser, 252;
use on horseback, 258
Automatic gallery pistols, 260;
the Winans model, 263;
.22 long barrel Colt, 265;
.22 target Colt, 296;
capable of improvement, 329;
graceful lines of the Colt, 330
Balance, 50, 80
Balderston, John Lloyd, quoted, vi.
Barrel, length of, 48
Bavaria, alcohol tests in, 147
Bear, shooting, 261
Bell, Dr. Louis, 317
Big game shooting, 23, 213, 250;
in England, 154
Bisley, shooting at, 16, 94, 156, 209, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 348, 349
Boar, shooting wild, 228, 250, 261
Brains, shooting requires, 163
“Brandishing and Flourishing,” 3, 29, 59, 282, 330
Breech, the, 118
Bridge, playing at, 55, 140
Brookhart, Major S. W., quoted, 148
Bulleted caps, 50, 51, 52, 56
Bullets, soft lead, 72;
drop of, 247;
Devilliers, 300, 315
Burglars, frightening, 28;
shooting at, 214
Butt, the, 55
Byron, Lord, quoted, 34, 188
Carpentier, 188
Cartridges, obsolete types of, 45;
the proper, 97;
ejection of, 130;
cordite used in, 262;
duelling pistol, 264
Chantry Bequest, the, 159
Clay pigeons, shooting at, 73, 90
Cleaning, 27, 127, 152
Clip, cartridges in a, 120
Clubs, shooting, 75
Cocking, trials at, 42, 241
Colds, danger from, 218, 228
Colt, the regulation .45, 80, 84, 133, 200, 212, 231, 233;
the civilian, 84;
the police, 84;
new safety, 128;
the Derringer, 203;
.25 cal. automatic, 205;
.22 long-barrelled automatic, 265;
.22 target automatic, 296;
graceful lines of the, 330
Competitions, the way they are conducted, 9, 78, 266, 313;
entering for, 43;
Gastinne-Renette, 73, 313;
mounted pistol, 256;
duelling, 303;
police, 317
Condy’s fluid for colouring, 278
Cordite, cartridges of, 262
Crane, R. Newton, quoted, 192
Cuirass, a bullet-proof, 2
Daily Mail, letter to the, 151
Daily Mirror, the, quoted, 191
Deer-stalking, 71, 157, 260
Derringer, the Colt, 203, 252
Devilliers bullet, the, 300, 315
Devonshire, red deer in, 154
Disconnector, the, 128, 238
Distance, judging, 243
Don Juan quoted, 34, 188
Dress, 207
Drinking, harm done by, 4, 95, 140, 145
Duelling, practised on the Continent, 16;
position to stand in, 78;
distance in, 108, 182, 274;
question of, 171;
remarks on, 176, 180, 185, 189;
swords used in, 177;
penalties for, 184;
laws on, 192;
preparations for, 194;
competitions in, 313
Duelling pistols, 16, 47;
the Flobert, 49;
the Gastinne-Renette, 50, 123, 263, 274;
the regulation French, 52, 62, 182;
author’s championship with, 61;
balance of, 80;
sights on, 234, 264;
recoil of, 239;
.44 used for rabbit stalking, 249;
cartridges for the, 264;
Sika stag shot with a, 271;
use of Devilliers bullet in the, 300
Ears, guarding the, 5, 215;
Elliott’s Protector for the, 217, 219
Ejection of cartridges, 130
Elliott, J. A. R., Ear Protector, 217, 219
England, revolver in use in, 17, 231;
shooting in, 154;
duelling in, 191;
open air ranges in, 227, 266;
law regarding firearms in, 360
English National Rifle Assn., 16, 156
Euclid quoted, 3
Exhibition shooting, 135, 291, 297
Eyes, protecting the, 215
Eyesight, 222
Falling bullets, danger from, 10
Faults, correcting, 165
Fencing, 59
Field, the, quoted, vi.
Flanneled Fools, 6
Flobert pistol, the, 36, 49
Francis, W., chauffeur, 234
Furlong, Dr. W. V., letter from, 151
Game shooting, 249;
rifle used in, 260, 287
Games, pistol shooting and, 13
Gastinne-Renette, duelling pistols by, 50, 123, 182, 263;
gallery of, 54, 267, 270;
competitions, 37, 313;
prizes, 73, 137, 170, 271, no longer used, 56, 242, 318, 333;
the .32 pocket, 239;
world’s records with the, 333;
.45 Colt cavalry, 334;
.44 Smith & Wesson, 335, 343, 348, 349;
.45 Smith & Wesson, 340, 341, 342, 344, 345, 346, 347;
the .38 Smith & Wesson, 349
Ricochets, danger of, 279, 304
Riding, benefit from, 7;
expert, 322
Rifle, right kind of, 23;
pistol compared with, 111;
the military automatic, 119, 125;
shooting clubs, 158;
in game shooting, 260;
modern improved, 261;
the .44 Winchester, 262;
the .22 automatic Winchester, 265;
author’s record at shooting the, 275
Roebuck, shooting the, 157, 246
Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 311
Running deer, the, 93, 95, 125, 156
Running shots, 86, 92
Safety bolt, the, 98, 133, 238
Savage, the, 84
Savory & Moore, 217
Scotland, shooting in, 154, 198
Seer, damage to the, 42
Self-defence, shooting for, 132, 212;
pistols for, 200, 206
Shooting galleries, 9;
the unpopular, 14, 53, 64, 225, 267;
the Gastinne-Renette, 54, 267, 270;
pistols for, 263<
24" class="pginternal">324, 345
Winans, Ross, 120
Winchester, the .44 rifle, 262, 294;
the .22 automatic rifle, 265, 298
Wind, shooting in the, 226
World’s record scores, 333
Zeiss glasses, 223