The Conservation of Natural Resources in the United States,
Chas. R. Van Hise, The Macmillan Co.
The Rural Life Problem of the United States,
Sir Horace Plunkett, The Macmillan Co.
Principles of Rural Economics,
Thomas Nixon Carver, Ginn and Company
The Country Life Movement in the United States,
L. H. Bailey, The Macmillan Co.
Ireland in the New Century,
Sir Horace Plunkett, E. P. Dutton
The American Rural School,
Harold W. Foght, The Macmillan Co.
The Country Town. A Study of Rural Evolution,
Wilbert L. Anderson, The Baker & Taylor Co.
Descriptive and Historical Sociology,
Franklin H. Giddings, The Macmillan Co.
Rural Denmark and Its Lessons,
H. Rider Haggard, Longmans, Green & Co.
Quaker Hill, A Sociological Study,
Warren H. Wilson, Privately printed
G. Stanley Hall, D. Appleton & Co.
The Presbyterian Church in the United States,
Robert E. Thompson, Chas. Scribner's Sons
Chapters in Rural Progress,
Kenyon L. Butterfield, The University of Chicago Press
The Country Church and the Rural Problem,
Kenyon L. Butterfield, The University of Chicago Press
The Story of John Frederick Oberlin,
Augustus Field Beard, The Pilgrim Press
The Church of the Open Country,
Warren H. Wilson, Missionary Education Movement
The Day of the Country Church,
J. O. Ashenhurst, Funk & Wagnalls Co.
The Distribution of Wealth,
John Bates Clark, The MacMillan Co.
Articles Referred to in the Text
The American Journal of Sociology, March, 1911,
Statement by John L. Gillin.
The American Journal of Sociology, March, 1911,
The Drift of the City in Relation to the Rural Problem,
John M. Gillette.
Modern Methods in the Country Church,
Matthew B. McNutt, Missionary Education Movement
A Method of Making a Social Survey in a Rural Community,
C. J. Galpin, University of Wisconsin
Circular of information No. 29
Bulletins of International Institute of Agriculture,
Rome, Italy
The Political Science Quarterly, December, 1910,
The Agrarian Changes in the middle West,
J. B. Ross