Abandoned country churches, 126
Absentee landlords, 32-39
Academy,—Old New England, 25
Addams, Jane, 191
Adult Bible Class, 134
Agee, Prof. Alva, 105
Agriculture, teaching of, 167
Amish, 74
Amusement, problem of, 84
Anabaptist, 72
Anderson, Wilbert L., 102
Anti-Saloon League, 183
Apples, marketing of, 175
Augustine, Saint, 82
Austerity, 57
Bailey, L. H., 50
"Bees", 203
Bellona, N. Y., 56
Boll weevil, 143
Bone, R. E., 86
Braddock, Rev. J. S., 58
Breach of contract, 174
Breadwinner, type, 113
Butterfield, Kenyon L., 137
Casselton, N. D., 42
Centralized school, 163
Chaffee, farm, 43
Chester County, Pa., 124
Chesterton, Gilbert K., 115
Christmas play, 203
Church, Budget, 138
Envelope system, 139
Financial system, 130
Records, 172
Clark, John Bates, 80, 111
College athletics, 193
Columbus, Christopher, 112
Community center, 104
Consciousness of kind, 208, 213
Corn Clubs, 206
Country Fair, promoted, 17
Country Life Commission, 171
Cranberry, N. J., church at, 27
Crete, Nebraska, 86
Danish Folk Schools, 52, 169
Delaware, produce exchanges, 154
Demonstration work, 206
Denmark, 51, 147
Desmoulin, 96
Diminishing returns, law of, 88, 110
Donation, system, 27
Dunkers,58, 67
Du Page Church, 106
Eliot, Ex-President of Harvard, 137
Endowment of churches, 136
Exploitation of land, 32-33, 123, 124
Family group, 19
Shrinkage of, 124
Farm laborers, 22
Federation of churches, 135, 209
Foght, Harold W., 97, 160
Fourth of July celebration, 205
Galesburg, Ill., 201
Galpin, Prof. C. J., 94
Giddings, Prof. Franklin H., 208
Gill, Rev. C. O., 195
Gillette, Prof. John M., 188
Gillin, Prof., 57, 58, 67
Greeley, Horace, 108
Group system, 10, 11, 12
Grundtvig, Bishop, 51, 53, 169
Gulick, Dr. Luther H., 197
Haggard, H. Rider, 147
Hanover, N. J., 156
Hays, Willet M., 91
Hernando, Mississippi, 105
Holidays, celebration of, 204
Homestead act, 34
Hood River Valley, Oregon, fruit growers, 176
Hormell, Dr. W. H., 88
Illinois, 126
Survey of, 190
Immigrants, in country districts, 123
Indiana, survey of, 190
Ireland, Christian Brothers, 52
Co-operative organizations, 147-151
Country Life Movement, 80
John Swaney Consolidated School, 165-166
Kentucky, co-operative organizations, 152
Survey of, 190
Lancaster County, Pa., 57
Land values, 34
Leadership, 187
Lewistown, Pa., 198
McNab, Ill., 166
McNutt, Rev. Matthew B., 86, 106
Marginal man, 113
Massachusetts communities, 96
Mennonites, 72
Middle Creek Church, 58
Minimum salary, 161
Missouri, survey of, 190
Money crop, 95
Mormons, 57, 62-78
Morrison, Rev. T. Maxwell, 56
Mountain community, 4
Mountaineers, 6, 8, 16
New England Country Church Asso., 137
New York Central R. R., 177
Oberammergau, 83
Oberlin, John Frederick, 14
Oblong meeting, 71, 172
Ohio, counties less productive, 101
Ottumwa, Iowa, 88
Over churching, 26, 145, 146
Palatinates, 72
Pastor, need of, 13
Passion Play, 83
Penn, William, 72
Penn Yan, N. Y., 40
Pennsylvania Germans, 57, 62-78
Pennsylvania, survey of, 190
Planters, south, 18
Playground, 98
Playground movement, 134, 196
Plunkett, Sir Horace, 51, 147
Polk, Rev. Samuel, 54
Poor, ministry to, 115
Protestantism, 118
Quaker Hill, 70, 94, 155
Quaker meeting, McNab, 168
Quakers, 70, 197, 204
Rankin, David, 41
Recreation, importance of, 139, 194
Retired farmers, 36-38
Retirement from farm, process described, 125
Revivals, 7, 8, 9
Riis, Jacob, 87
Rock Creek, Ill., 156, 164, 205
Ross, Prof. J. B., 2, 21, 29, 32, 184
Rural evangelism, 131
Rural exodus, 87, 97
Rural free delivery, 128
Sag Harbor, L. I., 201
Sage, Mrs. Russell, 201
Schenck, Norman C., 4
School, country, 23, 85, 60, 159
Scientific farming, 48
Scotch-Irish, 30, 57, 62-78
Simmel, 212
Slave-holding churches, 28
Smith, Adam, 5
Smith, John, 112
Socialism, 116
Social service, 110, XVI
Spencer, Herbert, 212
Store, country, 22, 94
Sunday Schools, 131, 134
Swaney, John, 86
TardÉ, Gabriel, 59
Teachers, training of, 161
Team play, ethical value, 99
Telephone, rural, 128, 190
Temperance movement, 46, 117, 183
Tenant farmers, 35
Tenants' lease, 40
Thompson, R. E., 65
Theological seminaries, 119-120
Trolley, inter-urban, 128
Types, economic, 3
Utility, initial, 108
Marginal, 109
Van Alstyne, Edward, 177
Vote selling, 179
Washington County, Pa., 124
Waterloo, Iowa, community church, 68
Wealth, conservation of, 47
West Nottingham, Md., church at, 54
Winnebago, Ill., 58
Young Men's Christian Association, 134, 194
Young People's Societies, 28
The following changes have been made to the text:
Page xi: "IX" changed to "XIII".
Page 2: "are separated form" changed to "are separated from".
Page 6: "langour" changed to "languor".
Page 17: "this be brought" changed to "this he brought".
Page 22: "desti-period" changed to "destination".
Page 29: "estended" changed to "extended".
Page 30: "recorded in out literature" changed to "recorded in our literature".
Page 86: "individiuals" changed to "individuals".
Page 94: "In 1910 every country community" changed to "In 1810 every country community".
Page 105: "embarassed" changed to "embarrassed".
Page 107: Footnote 24: "Willett" changed to "Willet".
Page 116: "proletarean" changed to "proletarian".
Page 123: "Portugese" changed to "Portuguese".
Page 150: "gradiloquently" changed to "grandiloquently".
Page 191: "Addam" changed to "Addams".
Page 192: "elf-expression takes the form" changed to "self-expression takes the form".
Page 197: "inmoral" changed to "immoral".
Page 198: "disintered" changed to "disinterred".
Page 206: "frutiful" changed to "fruitful".
Page 208: "expresssion" changed to "expression".
Page 209: "immaturity of our ecnomic" changed to "immaturity of our economic".
Page 220: "Lewiston" changed to "Lewistown".
Page 221: "XII" changed to "XVI"
Page 221: "Tard" changed to "TardÉ".