Transcriber's Note: This book did not have the frontispiece. 1. Portrait—Joseph T. Wilson Frontispiece. 2. Death of Crispus Attucks Face Page 26 3. Battle of Bunker Hill 34 4. On Picket 52 5. Naval Battle 77 6. Unshackled 90 7. Portrait—Robert Smalls 96 8. "—William Morrison 96 9. "—A. Gradine 96 10. "—John Smalls 96 11. Quarters for Contrabands 103 12. Driving Government Cattle 104 13. Scene in and Near a Recruiting Office 110 14. Teamster of the Army 112 15. Headquarters of Superintendent of the Poor 116 16. Provost Guard Securing Conscripts 123 17. New Recruits Taking Cars 126 18. Scene at New Berne, N. C. 134 19. Mustering Into Service 138 20. Organizing and Drilling 142 21. Fortifications at Hilton Head 148 22. Building Roads 154 23. Off For the War 160 24. Portrait—Major Martin R. Delaney 166 25. Portrait—Capt. O. S. B. Wall 172 26. Portrait—Capt. P. B. S. Pinchback. 176 27. "—Lt. James M. Trotter 176 28. "—Surgeon A. T. Augusta 176 29. "—Lt. W. H. Dupree. 176 30. Portrait—Serg't W. H. Carney 180 31. Washing In Camp 184 32. Cooking in Camp 191 33. Point Isabel, Texas 199 34. The Recruiting Office 200 35. Battle of Milliken's Bend 204 36. Unloading Government Stores 211 37. Charge of the Phalanx at Port Hudson 214 38. Presentation of Colors (1) 223 39. Repelling an Attack 231 40. Cavalry Bringing in Prisoners 236 41. Capturing Battery of Artillery 242 42. The Wooden Horse 249 43. At Fort Wagner 255 44. Brilliant Charge of the Phalanx 270 45. River Picket Duty 277 46. Changed Conditions 286 47. Serving Refreshments to Union Troops 306 48. Scouting Service 312 49. Fighting Bloodhounds 320 50. Negroes Feeding Escaping Union Prisoners 342 51. Massacre at Fort Pillow 350 52. Phalanx Regiment Receiving Its Flags (2) 377 53. Parade of the 20th Regiment U. S. C. T. in New York 378 54. Scene in the Army of the Potomac 391 55. At Work On River Obstructions 401 56. Phalanx Charge At Petersburg, Va. 402 57. In the Trenches 411 58. Before Petersburg, Burying Dead Under Flag of Truce 425 59. A Government Blacksmith Shop 445 60. General Grant and the Negro Sentinel 446 61. Abraham Lincoln Entering Richmond 452 62. On Duty For the Confederates 484 63. A Confederate Sharpshooter 499 64. "Paying Off" 506