
Aberbrothoc Abbey, 617.
Aberdeen, the Cathedral of St. Machar, Old, 628.
Aberdeen, St Nicholas' Church, 649.
Aberdeenshire, 37, 51, 53, 71, 74, 78, 111, 113, 121, 157, 265, 283, 287, 293, 301, 305, 413, 419, 434, 439, 462, 497, &c.
Aberlemno Stone, 497, 498, 499.
Achir-na-Kyle, Burgh of, 422.
Achnacreebeg, 67.
Adair, John, the Geographer, 578.
Adder-beads, 304.
Adder Stone, 140.
Airswood Moss, 61.
Alaterva. Vide Cramond.
Alauna Fluvius, 384.
Albanic Duan, 468, 478, 479.
Albanich, 195, 472.
Albiones, 195.
Alexander I., 604, 608, 610.
Alexander II., 534.
Alexander III., 618, 679.
Alexander the Great, Coin of, 200.
Alfred the Great, 213.
Alloa, 311, 313, 496.
AllophyliÆ, 161, 205, 343, 701.
Almond, River, 392.
Alvie, Parish of, 142.
Amber, 304.
Ambries, 637.
American Antiquities, 102, 127, 134, 158, 210, 340, 417, &c.
American Crania, 167.
Amulets, 140, 298, 439.
Amusements, 562.
Analyses of Bronzes, 240-249.
Anglo-Saxon Architecture, 584.
Anglo-Saxon Barrows, 58.
Anglo-Saxons, 470.
Angul, 9.
Angus MacFergus, 473.
Angusshire, 262, 495, &c.,
Animal-shaped Sacred Vessels, 556.
Annan Street, 334.
Annandale, 334, 394, 397, 411, 458, 679, &c.
Annular Ornament, 445.
Antimony, 196.
Antiquaries, Danish, 8, 17, 271, 461.
Antonine Wall, 365, 372.
Anwoth Parish, 542.
Applegirth, Jougs of, 691.
ArchÆology, Classification of, 18.
ArchÆology, connexion with Geology, 6, 21, 38, 697.
Archaic Period, 191.
Archaic, the Definition, 339.
Architecture, Historic value of, 408.
Architecture, Medieval Ecclesiastical, 600.
Architecture, Primitive, 74, 103.
Architecture, Primitive Ecclesiastical, 582.
Ardchattan, Cromlech at, 67.
Ardersier Point, 263.
Ardnadam, 67.
Ardoch Camp, 34.
Argyleshire, 63, 67, 71, 76, 122, 129, 132, 253, 262, 266, 270, 309, 316, 410, 448, &c.
Armagh, Bell of, 656.
ArmillÆ, Bronze, 325, 446.
ArmillÆ, Gold, 307, 316, 320, 324, 424.
ArmillÆ, Silver, 443.
Armour, Bronze, 268.
Armour, Iron, 435.
Armour, Medieval, 574.
Arran, 66, 530.
Arrow-heads, Flint, 124, 126, 185, 212, 446.
Arthur, King, 501, 502.
Arthur Seat, 228, 283, 285.
Arthur's Oon, 370, 598.
Asiatic Antiquities, 204, 218, 360, 477, 699.
Aspatria, Cumberland, 312.
Assyrian Antiquities, 204, 255, 282.
Astarte, the Syrian Goddess, 201.
Astronomy, Science of, 4.
Auchindavy, 277, 372.
Auchmacher, Hill of, 293.
Auld Wives' Lift, 66.
Axe-blades, 253.
Axes, Stone, 134, 136.
Ayrshire, 31, 61, 142, 267, 300, 333, 410, 457, 678, &c.
Aztecks, 167, 210.
Badenoch, 413.
Balgone, 279.
Ballat, Moss of, 395.
Ballinasloge, Discovery of Gold at, 207.

Balls, Stone, 138, 563.
Ballutheron, 501.
Balmaclellan, Parish of, 563.
Banca, Island of, 196.
Banchory-Devenich, Parish of, 121, 167, 283.
Banffshire, 61, 142, 311, &c.
Bannockburn, Field of, 39, 437, 685.
Barcly, Moor of, 60.
Barmekyn of Echt, 413.
Barnair, Valley of, 61.
Barnkirk, Moss of, 31.
Barrach, 439.
Barrows, Anglo-Saxon, 58.
Barrows, Classification of Scottish, 44.
Barrows, Classification of English, 43.
Barry Hill, 501.
Basin, Stone, 149.
Basques, 11.
Battle-Axe, Ancient, 685.
Battle-Axe, or Bill, Ancient, 438.
Beaded Torc, 449.
Beads, Glass, 303.
Beads of Shale, 179.
Bear, Cave, 23.
Beauly, Frith of, 63.
Beaver, 24, 193.
Bede, 594.
Belt Clasp of Shale, 300.
Beltane, Scottish Festival of, 418.
Beregonium, 63.
Berwickshire, 245, 437, 444, &c.
Bill, Ancient, 438.
Bilton, Yorkshire, 231.
Bell Barrow, 54.
Bell, Kilmichael-Glassrie, 652.
Bell of Ballynaback, 656.
Bell of St. Columba, 654.
Bell of St. Fillan, 662.
Bell of St. Kenanach, 663.
Bell of St. Kentigern, 659.
Bell of St. Kessogius, 661.
Bell of St. Lolanus, 661.
Bell of St. Meddan, 661.
Bell of St. Ninian, 660.
Bell of St. Ternan, 662.
Bell, Perthshire, 658.
Berkshire, 213.
Birrens, 368, 396, 397, 400.
Birrenswork Hill, 277, 397, 457.
Black Knowe, 55.
Black Moss, 63, 76.
Blackadders of Tullyallan, 279.
Blackerne, 443.
Blair Drummond Moss, 33, 70, 129, 152, 222.
Blatum Bulgium, 368, 370, 396, 400.
Boadicea, 392.
Boar, Wild, 144.
Bodkins, Bone, 143, 219.
Bodkins, Bronze, 515.
Bodkins, Gold, 328.
Bodkins, Silver, 515.
Bog Iron Ore, 359.
Bogheads of Kintore, 301.
Bone Arrow-heads, 184.
Bone Bodkins, 143, 219, 433.
Bone Dagger, 141.
Bone Implements, 83.
Bone Lance, 33, 142.
Bone Ornaments, 155.
Bonnington Mains, Cromlech at, 67.
Bookan, Ring of, 45.
Boots, the Scottish, 689.
Borthwick, Parish of, 285.
Bos Longifrons, 24, 382.
Bos Primigenius, 23, 25.
Boss Cairns, 60.
Boss of Shield, 436, 440, 441, 456, 553.
Bothwell, Collegiate Church of, 625, 627.
Bouchard, M., 5.
Bowes, Yorkshire, 311.
Bowl Barrow, 54.
Braccata, Gallia, 337.
Bracelets, Bronze, 325, 446.
Bracelets, Gold, 307, 316, 319, 322, 324.
Bracelets, Silver, 252.
Celtic Arts, 220, 559.
Celtic Brass, 239.
Celtic Brooch, 219, 504, 559, 560.
Celtic Cranium, 163, 172.
Celtic Dialects, 472, 695.
Celtic Manners, 219, 504.
Celtic Metallurgists, 215.
Celtic Metallurgy, 406.
Celtic PalÆography, 529, 534.
Celtic Pipes, 679.
Celtic Use of Runes, 528, 532, 534, 535.
Celts, Bronze, 224, 228, 242, 251, 255, 257.
Celts, Stone, 35, 106, 129, 135, 251.
Ceres, Parish of, 293.
Cetacea, Fossil, 24, 33.
Chain, Gold, 318.
Chain, Silver, 448.
Chairs, Stone, 531.
Chalice, Golden, of Iona, 669.
Chalice, Kirkwall, 667.
Chappelerne, 265.
Chariot, War, 455.
Charioteer, Tomb of a British, 456, 460.
Charlemagne, Chessmen of, 571.
Charlemagne, The Sword of, 211.
Charms, 140, 298, 439.
Cheese Wring, Cornwall, 272.
Chepman, Walter, 634, 636.
Chess, Game of, 565.
Chessmen, Lewis, 567.
Chesterlees Station, 318.
Chevron Ornament, 284, 289, 340, 608.
Child, Axelvold, 452.
Christian Period, 467.
Christiansborg, Palace of, 18, 311, 577.
Chroniclers, Medieval, 13.
Chronology, 2, 19.
Cinerary Urn, 69.
Cists, 69, 122, 179, 224.
Cists, Incised, 332, 334.
Cists, Oaken, 461-464.
Clach Bhuai, 140.
Clach Stein, 97.
Clachan of Inches, 114.
Clackmannanshire, 312.
Clasp of Belt, Shale, 300.
Classernish, Temple of, 115, 150.
Claymores, Ancient, 682.
Clerk, Sir John, 32, 61, 255, 261, 270, 315, 317, 458, 578.
Clog beanuighte, 656.
Clontarf, Battle of, 589.
Closeburn, 122.
Closeburn Hall, 278.
Cluinmore, 449.
Clyde, River, 34.
Cockenzie, 134, 142, 168.
Cockernonie, 452.
Coffin, Stone, 651. Vide Cists.
Coffins, Wooden, 176, 464.
Coil, King, 333.
Coilsfield, Incised Cist at, 332.
Coins, Anglo-Saxon, 443, 521.
Coins, British, 198, 213, 353.
Coins, Cufic, 521, 558.
Coins, Egyptian, 200.

Coins, Gaulish, 198, 353.
Coins, Greek, 200.
Coins of Comius, 353, 375.
Coins of Cunobeline, 198, 213, 353.
Coins, Parthian, 200.
Coins, Primitive, 199, 353, 519.
Coins, Roman, 199, 383, 384, 387, 390.
Coins, Scottish, 433, 519.
Collessie, 454.
Combs, Bone, 424, 554.
Combs, Bronze, 300.
Comrie, 76.
Conigsburgh, 427.
Copenhagen, Museum of, 18.
Copper, 196, 202, 338.
Copper, Tools of, 203.
Corbiehall, 440.
Corn-crushers, 139.
Cornwall, 194, 197, 217, 360.
Coronation Stone. Vide Lia Fail.
Corrie Knows, 437.
Corslet, Gold, 272.
Corstorphine Church, 622.
Craig Phaidrick, 134.
Craigdarroch, 268.
Crakraig, 285.
Cramond, 366, 370, 383, 386, 390, 392.
Crania, 12, 160, 227.
Cranial Measurements, 165.
Crawfurd, Abbot, 611.
Crawfurd Moor, 216, 295.
Cree, Moss of, 252.
Cremation, 49.
Crinan, Abbot of Dunkeld, 491, 492, 603.
Cromdale, Parish of, 315.
Cromlech, 66, 271, 272.
Cromlech, Origin of, 65, 68.
Cromlix, 68.
Crosier, Bishop Tulloch's, 667.
Crosier, Fortrose Cathedral, 666.
Crosier of St. Fillan, 664.
Crosier of St. Molocus, 665.
Crosses, Stone, 497, 498, 509, 514.
Crosses, Stone, Isle of Man, 537.
Crossmichael, Parish of, 255, 265, 298.
Crowned Barrow, 56.
Cruden, 51, 157, 293.
Cruithne, 59, 430, 468, 470, 474, 477.
Cufic Coins, 521, 558.
Culbin, Sand Hills of, 446.
Culdees, 603.
Culloden, Field of, 63.
Culsalmond, Parish of, 462.
Culswick, Burgh of, 45.
Cummertrees, Parish of, 437, 454.
Cunobeline, 198, 213.
Cupar-Angus, Parish of, 263.
Cups, Drinking, 281.
Cups, Incense, 281.
Curia, 383, 390.
Currie, 383, 390.
Cymri, 477.
DÆdalus, 210.
Dagger, Iron, 433.
Daily, Parish of, 676.
Dalgenross, 76.
Dalmeny Church, 577, 613.
Dalpatrick, 132, 138.
Dalriads. Vide Scoti.
Dalry, Parish of, 419.
Dalrymple, Parish of, 678.
Dalrymple, Valley of, 410.
Danes' Pipes, 679.
David I., 604, 606, 610, 616.
David II., 88, 676.
Decorated Style, Scottish, 617.
Deer's Horns in graves,
142, 463.
Deil's Dike, 404.
Dentated Bronze Ring, 393.
Dia dioghaltus, 655.
Dick, Sir Alexander, 225.
Dirks, Celtic, 505.
Divinities, Local, 277, 375, 398.
Dog, remains of, found in tumuli, 51, 53, 552.
Dolphinton, Parish of, 318.
Donald Bane, 479.
Donside, Monolithic circle at, 111.
Doo-Cave, 88.
Doon, Loch of, 31.
Douglas, Archibald, fourth Earl of, 632.
Down, Hill of, 61.
Dragon Ornament, 356, 447, 448, 541.
Dranandow, Moor of, 60.
Draughtsmen, 562.
Dream of the Holy Rood, 548.
Dress, Remains of Ancient, 328.
Drimnamucklach, 266.
Druid stone, 334.
Druidical Patera, 148.
Druidical Theories, 109.
Druids, 104, 109, 345.
Druid's beads, 304.
Drum of Knockman, 61.
Drumandruin, Fingal's Cave at, 88.
Drumduan, Moss of, 38.
Drumlawhinnie, 60.
Drumselch Forest, 583.
Dublin, 573.
Dublin, Phoenix Park, 67.
Duddingstone Loch, 225, 245.
Duich, Loch, 561.
Dumbartonshire, 72, 138, 454, &c.
Dumfriesshire, 30, 57, 61, 62, 200, 276, 278, 313, 354, 395, 437, 448, 457, 543, 680, &c.
Dun Dornadil, 421.
Dunadeer, 414.
DunbarrÉ, 385.
Flail-Stone, 132.
Flanders Moss, 301.
Flint Arrow-heads. Vide Arrow-heads.
Flint Flakes, 120, 185.
Floor Tiles, 652.
Fordun, 482.
Forfarshire, 67, 77, 79, 127, 295, 300, 309.
Forfar, Witches' Bridle at, 693.
Forge-Tongs, Iron, 407.
Forges, Ancient, 224, 405, 407.
Forres Stone, 498, 502.
Forth, Frith of, 305, 383, 387, 511.
Fortrose Cathedral, 635, 666.
Forts, Hill, 409.
Forts, Ring, 409.
Forts, Vitrified, 413.
Fowlis, Village of, 59.
Freemasonry, 534, 638.
Frette Ornament, 446.
Frier's Carse, 395.
Frith of Forth, 305, 383, 387, 511.
Fusion of Rocks, 415.
Gadeira, 197.
Galant. Vide Weland.
Galgacus, 39, 471.
Galloway, 61, 123, 138, 235, 252, 258, 265, 315, &c.
Games, 562.
Garthland, 271.
Gaskhill, 454.
Gateside, 432.
Gaulish Coinage, 198.
Gauls, 11.
Gavr' Innis, 331.
Geology, 6, 21, 25, 38, 336, 455, 697.
Geometric Style, Scottish, 617.
Ghost's Knowe, 271.
Gigantic Remains in Tumuli, 48.
Gladsmuir Parish, 152.
Glasgow, 34.
Glasgow Cathedral, 614, 617.
Glass Beads, 303.
Glass Vessel, 307.

Glencoe, 419.
Glenelg, 421.
Glenelg, Burgh of, 421, 423.
Glenholm, Parish of, 325.
Glenkens, 564.
Glenkindrie, 78.
Glenlyon Brooch, 220, 560.
Glenorchy, 407.
Glenquicken, Moor of, 131.
Glenroy, 156.
Glenshiora, 413.
Gold, 204, 207, 214, 216, 291.
Gold Corslet, 272.
Gold Relics, 204.
Gold Rings, 307-317.
Gold Vessels, 271.
Golden Age, 204, 210.
Graitney Mains, 57.
Greek Coins found in Britain, 200.
Greek Inscriptions, 201.
Greek Sepulchral Rites, 50.
Greek Vases, 230.
Green Cairn, 311.
Greenlaw, 444.
Gregory, Donald, 173, 527.
Grey Cairn, 61.
Gristhorpe, Remarkable Tumulus at, 461.
Guanora's Tomb, Queen, 501.
Guilloche Ornament, 445.
Guise Palace, Edinburgh, 637.
Guttorm, 490.
Haco, King, 323, 525, 527, 530.
Haddington, Abbey Church, 623, 633, 652.
Hadrian, Legionary Inscription to, 396.
HÆmatite, or Specular Iron, 359.
Haer Cairns, 92.
Hailes, Lord, 14.
Hair-Pins, 328, 551, 554.
Halkirk, Parish, 139.
Hallivich, Cornwall, 197.
Hall, Sir James, 415.
Hammers, Stone, 134.
Hare Stane, 92.
Harlaw, 93.
Harlaw, Battle of, 649, 651.
Harold Harfager, 429, 487.
Harold the Fair-Spoken, 429.
Harpoon, Primitive, 33.
Harray, Loch of, 106.
Hatchet, Stone, 129.
Hatlock, 301.
Havard, Earl, 112.
Havardsteigr, 112.
Hawkhill, 496.
Hawking Craig, Hunterston, 524.
Hawk-Stane, 94.
Hawthornden, Ancient Sword at, 683.
Hawthornden, Caves at, 88.
Head-Rings, Bronze, 326, 450, 451.
Heather Ale, 76.
Hebrides, 19, 323, 488, 489, 493, 598, 648.
Helmet, Bronze, 266, 454.
Helmet, Iron, 438, 552.
Hercules, the Tyrian, 201.
Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh, 647.
Herlaw, 64.
Hiberni, 195, 468.
Hibbert, Dr. Samuel, 109, 315, 328, 414, 417.
Hieroglyphics, Egyptian, 5.
Hill Forts, 409.
Hirdmane Stein, 95.
Historical Sculptures, 503.
Hoare Stones, 92, 594.
Hoddam, Ancient Church of, 400, 550.
Hoddam Castle, 396.
Holm in Orkney, 44.
Holy Island, 89, 530.
Holyrood, Abbey of, 582, 586, 610, 622.
Holyrood, Seal of, 582.
Holy Rood, Dream of, 548.
Horse Collars of Stone, 156.
Horse-Furniture, 454, 456, 458, 552.
Horse-Shoes, Ancient, 437.
Horse, Wild, 455.
Horses, Skeletons of, found in Tumuli, 455, 456, 552.
Horus, Statuette of, 198.
Houstoun, Parish of, 292.
Hoxay, How of, 425.
Huly Hill, 56.
Hunterian Museum, 36.
Hunterston, Runic Brooch, 521; Pref. xxiv.
Hunthills, 435.
HyÆna spelÆa, 25.
Iberians, 11.
Iceland, 8, 484, 556, 575.
Identification, ArchÆological, 335, 427, 527, 532, 546.
Imitation, Absence of, in primitive art, 340.
Inch Colm, Monastery of, 599, 610.
Inches, Temple of, 60.
Inchinan, Parish of, 298.
Inchture, Parish of, 94.
Incised Axe-Blades, 253.
Incised Celt, 257.
Incised Sepulchral Slabs, 651.
Incised Spear-heads, 261.
Infibulation, 310.
Inhumation, 50, 53.
Interlaced Knotwork, 445, 538, 550.
Inveresk, 369, 386, 388.
Invergowrie, Sculpture at, 524.
Inverness, 38, 443.
Inverness-shire, 74, 87, 114, 142, 263, 315, 341, &c.
Inverury, 419.
Iona, 173, 483, 488, 506, 650, 654.
Iona, Abbot John of, 508.
Iona, Cross of Lauchlan M'Fingon, 503.
Iona, Golden Chalice of, 668.
Iona, Inscribed Tombs at, 506.
Iona, Tomb of the Prioress Anna, 500.
Iona, Tomb of Bishop Patrick, 507.
Iona, Tomb of Eogain, 507.
Iron Foundries, 405.
Iron, Introduction of, 347.
Ironmacaunnie Moor, 563.
Iron Period, 347.

Iron, Personal Ornaments of, 351.
Iron Relics, 432, 435, 436, 437, 440, 454, 552.
Iron, Source of, 349, 357.
Iron, Superstitions regarding, 439.
Iron Swords, 348, 352, 356, 435, 552.
Isis, Bifrontal Bust of, 197.
Islay, Island of, 316, 323, 407.
James I., 638.
James II., 633.
James III., 634.
James IV., 580, 634, 636.
James V., 581.
Jet, Ornaments of, 155, 258, 292, 330.
Jet Rings, 298.
Job, Era of, 2.
Jougs, The, 690.
Jura, Island of, 206.
Kaimes Hill, 75.
Kells, Book of, 497.
Kells, Parish of, 118.
Keltnie, Pass of, 54.
Kenneth MacAlpin, 474.
Kent's Hole Cave, 397, 398.
Lochaber Axes, 685, 686.
Lochar Moss, 30, 276, 395, 448.
Lochleven, Monastery of, 604.
Lochwinnoch, 32.
Logie, Parish of, 300.

Logie, Three Laws of, 299.
Long Barrow, 48, 54.
Longside, Parish of, 462.
Lollius Urbicus, 365, 373.
Lorn, Brooch of, 220, 560.
Lumphanan, Parish of, 132, 327, 491.
Lunar Ornaments, Silver, 444.
Lundin, Stones of, 91, 512.
Luntrethin, Church of, 662.
Lymphad, 509.
Macbeth, 492, 600.
Macbeth's Stane, 94.
Machairodus Latidens, 22.
Magnetite, Iron Ores, 359.
Magnus, Erlendson. Vide St. Magnus.
Magnus, Prince of Man, 670.
Maiden Coronet, 452.
Maiden Stone on Bennochie, 501.
Maiden, The Scottish, 689.
Malacca, Mines of, 196.
Malcolm I., 491, 529.
Malcolm II., 606.
Malcolm Canmore, 468, 479, 492, 601, 607.
Malcolm's Grave-Stone, King, 500.
Manillas, 309.
Man, Isle of, 488, 489, 528, 536, 537.
Manx Runic Alphabet, 528.
Margaret, Queen, 602, 605, 607, 609.
Margaret of Norway, 618.
Mar's Hill, 314.
Martin's Stone, 501.
Mason-marks, 534, 640.
Masonry, Anglo-Saxon, 584.
Masonry, Roman, 368.
Masonry, Scottish, 598.
Mazer-Cups, 674.
Mazer found at Castle Merdon, 672.
Mazer of the fourteenth century, 673.
Mazers, 671.
Mazers, King Robert the Bruce's, 671.
Mearns, The, 482.
Medicine Stamp, Roman, 393.
Medieval Arms and Armour, 682.
Medieval Crania, 175.
Megaceros Hibernicus, 22.
Meigle Cross, 498.
Meigle Stone, 502.
Meiklewood Moss, 129.
Melbrigda TÖnn, 490, 528.
Melford, 453.
Melrose Abbey, 621, 623, 635.
Memorial Stones, 91.
Memsie, 265, 287, 434.
Menes, Era of, 2.
Menzie, Cairn of, 122.
Merlsford, 393.
Merton Mere, 31.
Metals, Introduction of, 191.
Metals, Names of, 162, 350.
Middleby, 458.
Mid-Lothian, 67, 71, 325, 327, 389, 433, 441.
Minerva, Roman Bronze of, 389.
Mines, Ancient Copper, 206, 219.
Mines, Ancient Gold, 206, 207, 216.
Mines, Ancient Iron, 219.
Mines, Ancient Lead, 206, 219.
Mines, Ancient Tin, 196.
Minniegaff, 60.
Mirror and Comb, The Symbol of the, 500.
Moffat Parish, 394.
Monogram of the Virgin, 638.
Monolithic Art, 103.
Mons Meg, 686.
Montrose, 169, 284.
Monumental Character of Tumuli, 52.
Monymusk, Cufic Coin found at, 521.
Monymusk, Culdee House of, 604.
Monzie, Parish of, 77.
Moray House, Branks found at, 693.
Morayshire, 254, 261, 443, 446.
Morningside, Village of, 681.
Mortars, Stone, 139, 426.
Mortlach, Church of, 606.
Mortonhall, 441.
Moss-Side, 270.
Mos Scotorum, 480, 482.
Moulds, Celt, 223.
Moulds, Stone, 223.
Moulds, Spear, 223.
Mousa, Burgh of, 420, 429.
Mythology, Scandinavian, 9.
Nairn, River, 63.
Names of Metals, 162, 350.
Necklaces of Shells, 158.
Necklaces of Jet, 292, 330.
Nectan, King, 482, 594.
Needles, Bronze, 328.
Nether Urquhart Cairn, 169.
Netted Garments, 328, 330.
Newbattle, 56.
Newstead, 87, 171, 370, 380, 401.
Newgrange, Cairn of, 149, 332.
Newton of Tillicairn, 319.
Newton in Garioch, Inscribed Stone at, 506.
Newton-Stewart, 31.
Nicholas, Bishop of Man, 532.
Nidung, King, 361.
Niebelungen Lied, 213.
Nillson, Professor, 10, 12, 25.
Nisbetmuir, Field of, 437.
Norici, 349, 358.
Noricum, 360.
Norrie's Law, Silver Relics of, 499, 511.
North-Berwick, 133.
North-Berwick Abbey, 580, 650.
North-Berwick Law, 389.
North-western Migration, Physical Causes of, 699.
Nuada Neacht, King, 323.
Nuraghes, 423.
Oculist's Stamp, Roman, 393.
Odin, Black Stone of, 101.
Odin, Stone of, Stennis, 99.
Ogham Inscription, 506.
Olave, King, 322.
Old Liston, 56.
Orwell Parish, 141.
Orkney, 44, 51, 55, 70, 81, 95, 99, 135, 138, 286, 307, 310, 325, 424, 442, 487, 521, 551, 588.

Ornaments. Vide Annular, Guilloche, Dragon, Serpentine, Chevron, Spiral, Frette.
Orphir, Parish of, 598.
Orvar Odd's Saga, 125.
Oval Brooch. Vide Brooch, Oval.
Paisley Abbey, 618, 621, 622, 625.
Pallas Armata, Roman Bronze of, 389.
Palstave, 254.
Palstave, Looped, 256.
Papa, Application of the term, 486.
Papey, Holm of, 82.
Parthian Coin, 200.
Patella, Roman, 242, 395.
Patera, Inscribed Tin, 197.
Patera, Stone, 148.
Patrick, Tomb of Bishop, at Iona, 507.
Pear-shaped Weems, 87.
Pech's Knife, 128.
Peeblesshire, 132, 317, 325.
Pelasgi, 11.
Penicuick, 61.
Penicuick House, 256, 261, 270, 458, 578.
Pentland Hills, 129, 207.
Perforated Stones, 99.
Perpendicular Style, 634.
Personal Ornaments, 144, 291, 442, 677.
Perthshire, 54, 57, 59, 68, 115, 263, 264, 311, 324, 436, 447, 642, &c.
Pettycur, 259.
Phoenicians, 197, 198, 217, 248, 305, 349.
Piccardach, 367, 470, 474, 477.
Pictish Runes, 534.
Pictish Towers. Vide Burghs.
Picts, 367.
Picts' Houses, 83, 142.
Picts' Kilns, 75.
Picts, Northern. Vide Cruithne.
Picts, Southern. Vide Piccardach.
Pier-o-waal, Links of, 551.
Pitalpin, 446.
Pitcaithly, 264.
Pit-dwellings, 74.
Pitlessie, 512.
Pitlochrie, Standing Stones at, 115.
Pitlour House, 151.
Pittenweem, Coins found at, 519.
Poisoned Weapons, 266.
Pond-Barrow, 75.
Port Ellen, 122.
Port Seaton, 48.
Portpatrick Parish, 138, 297.
Pot Querne, 152.
Pot Quernes, Irish, 153.
Potters' Stamps, Roman, 401.
Potters' Wheel, 280, 281, 289, 292.
Pottery, American, 290, 340.
Pottery, Glazed, 433, 434.
Pottery, Medieval, 678.
Pottery, Ornamented, 339.
Pottery, Primitive, 27955, 306.
Ruthwell Cross, 534, 543.
SacÆ, 477.
Sacramental Rings, 302.
Samian Ware, 385, 401.
Samoyedes, 11.
Sanday, 70.
Sandwick, 66, 143, 551.
Sarcophagus, St. Andrews, 503.
Savrock, Weem at, 82.
Saxon Conquest, 601, 605.
Scabbard, Bronze Sword, 441.
Scales, Bay of, 143.
Scalloway, Bay of, 588.
Sceptre-head, Gold, 317.
Schehallion, The mountain, 447.
Scuir-na-fion, Glencoe, 419.
Scandinavian Antiquities, 355, 461, 522, 541, 551, 559.
Scandinavian Mythology, 9.
Scoti, 469, 473, 476, 477, 593.
Scoto-Scandinavian Relics, 522.
Sculpture, Primitive, 331.
Sculptured Standing Stones, 495.
Sculptures, Historical, 503.
Seals, Value of Ancient, 574, 582, 599, 613.
Seamhill Moat, 142.
Segmental Arch, Use of, 626.
Semicircular Arch. Vide Round Arch.
Sepulchral Memorials of the Bronze Period, 331.
Sepulchral Memorials of the Iron Period, 495.
Sepulchral Memorials of the Stone Period, 41.
Sepulchral Rites, 41, 48, 73, 280, 453, 456, 460.
Sepulchral Tablet, Roman, 400.
Sepulchral Vessels, 271.
Sepulchres of the Bronze Period, 331.
Sepulchres of the Iron Period, 453.
Sepulchres of the Stone Period, 41.
Serpentine Ornament, 356.
Seton, Collegiate Church of, 623, 625.
Seton, Sir Christopher, 684.
Severus, Sculptured Head of, 386.
Severus, Septimius, 366, 379, 386, 403.
Shafts, Roman, 381.
Shale, Ornaments of, 155, 179, 292, 300.
Shapinshay, Parish of, 81, 310.
Sheal Loch, 285.
Shell-shaped Brooch. Vide Brooch, Oval.
Shetland, 129, 146, 149, 536, 588.
Shields, Bronze, 267.
Shields, Kite-shaped, 572.
Ship, Ancient, 234.
Ship Barrow, 57.
Shoeing Horses, Antiquity of, 438.
Shotts, Parish of, 200.
Sidla, Hill of, 67.
Sigurd, 489, 490, 589.
Silbury Hill, 41, 43.
Silver, 204, 208, 291, 442.
Silver Armour of Norrie's Law, 511.
Silver Relics, 442, 499, 511.
Siward, Earl of Northumberland, 492, 601.
Skara, 143.
Skene, Parish of, 74, 113.
Skye, Isle of, 126, 157, 269, 578.
Slate, Plates of, 144, 184.
Slateford, Parish of, 325.
Slave's Collar, Scottish, 691.
Sling Stones, 140.
Sluie, Moor of, 254, 261.
Smiths, Celtic, 406.
Snake Bracelets, 446.
Snake Ornament. Vide Dragon.
Spain, Ancient Mines of, 207.
Spear-heads, Flint, 127.
Spear-heads, Bronze, 226, 232, 241, 260.
Spear-heads, Iron, 382, 435, 436, 437, 453.
Spiked Axe, 253.
Spiral Ornament, 445.
Springfield, Glasgow, 36.
St. Andrew's Cathedral, 615.
St. Andrews, Priory of Canons Regular of, 604, 613.
St. Andrews, Sarcophagus, 503.
St. Anthony, Chapel of, 585, 598.
St. Blane, 614.
St. Blane, Church of, Bute, 615.
St. Columba, 150, 469, 483.

St. Columba, Bell of, 654.
St. Columba, Mound of, 57.
St. Cuthbert, 531, 608, 654.
St. Cuthbert's Beads, 701.
St. Donnan, Burial Place of, 147.
St. Erth, Parish of, Cornwall, 197.
St. Fillan, Bell of, 662.
St. Fillan, Crosier of, 664.
St. Fillan, Pool of, 663.
St. Finan, 480, 608.
St. Finnian, 150.
St. Giles's Arm-bone, 633, 649.
St. Giles's Church, Edinburgh, 628, 629, 630, 649.
St. Kentigern, 592, 659.
St. Kentigern, Bell of, 659.
St. Kieran, Cave of, 483.
St. Rule, 483.
St. Rule, Cave of, 89.
St. Rule, Church of, 611.
St. Magnus, 592, 668.
St. Magnus, Cathedral of, 536, 571, 592, 593, 611, 667.
St. Magnus, Egilshay. Vide Egilshay.
St. Madoes, Parish of, 94, 542.
St. Maoliosa. Vide St. Molio.
St. Margaret, 603, 605, 607, 609.
St. Margaret, Chapel of, Edinburgh Castle, 388, 609.
St. Marnan, 531.
St. Michael's Church, Linlithgow, 623, 628, 633.
St. Molio, 89, 531.
St. Mungo. Vide St. Kentigern.
St. Ninian, 480, 485.
St. Ninian, Bell of, 660.
St. Olaf, 557, 588.
St. Oran, 484.
St. Oran, Chapel of, 484.
St. Orland's Stone, 499.
St. Palladius, 481, 592.
St. Patrick, 469, 481, 657.
St. Ringan. Vide St. Ninian.
St. Serf, 481, 592.
St. Serf, Monastery of, Lochleven, 604.
St. Servanus. Vide St. Serf.
St. Vigeans, Inscribed Cross of, 501, 505.
St. Woloc, 531.
Standing Stones, 91.
Standing Stones, Sculptured, 495.
Steeds' Stalls, The, 87.
Stennis, Cromlech at, 66.
Stennis, Loch of, 106.
Stennis, Stones of, 44, 102, 105, 109.
Stevenston, Parish of, 300.
Stirling, Carse of, 39.
Stirlingshire, 33, 66, 70, 271, 395, 530.
Stitchel, Village of, 451.
Stone Balls, 138.
Stone Basin, 149.
Stone Chairs, 531.
Stone Coffins, 651.
Stone Horse-Collars, 156.
Stone Implements, 120, 206.
Stone of Odin. Vide Odin.
Stone Period, 21.
Stone Urn, 146.
Stone Vessels, 146.
Stonehenge, 353.
Strachur, Parish of, 129, 253.
Stranraer, 235.
Strathblane, Parish of, 72.
Strathdon, Parish of, 78.
Strathfillan, 662.
Stromness, 51.
Strongholds, 408.
Sturla the Skald, 525.
Sunderland, Islay, 316.
Sutherlandshire, 269, 285, 422, &c.
Suttee System, 51.
Swenedrow, 436.
Sword, Silver Hilt of, with Runic Inscription, 550.
Swords, Bronze, 226, 228, 242, 245, 247, 264.
Swords, Iron, 348, 352, 356, 435, 436, 437, 441.
Swords, Medieval, 682.
Swords, Two-handed, 683.
Sword-Sheath, Bronze, 441.
Symbols, Christian, 499, 500, 504.
Symbols, Pagan, 499.
Tablemen, 565, 567, 581.
Table-stones, 562.
Tanist Stones, 97.
Tealing, Parish of, 77.
Teeth, State of, in Tumuli, 186.
Tellve Castle, 421.
Temple, The, Largo, 320.
Terrnavie, 57.
Teutonic Period, 347.
Thane Stane, 502.
Theodosia, 388.
Thor, Stone of, 110.
Thor, Temple of, 110.
Thorfinn, 491, 594, 601.
Thorstein, The Red, 490.
Thrumster, 319.
Thumbkins, 689.
Tiger, Cave, 26.
Tiles, Floor, 652.
Tin, 195.
Tin, Vessels of, 197.
Tings, Law, THE END.


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