[1] "In this series of light rays it is plain that there are two gaps, or unknown regions, regarding which we have to confess total ignorance relative to the part they play in the economy of the universe. May there not exist vibrations still more rapid? That question we are not permitted to answer. Be that as it may, the invisible rays are incomparably more numerous than the visible ones. Our eyes thus see almost nothing of that which exists. Our assumed knowledge is only an insignificant islet in the midst of the ocean of the infinite."—Sir William Crookes.[2] Introduction.[3] Pearl of Great Price, Book of Abraham, Diagram No. 2, Fig. 1. No attempt is made here, nor in other references to this passage of Scripture, to place a limitation to the activities of the Great Creator. It is sufficient to say that He has given us information so far back and no farther.[4] Book of Abraham, 3:1-4, and Diagram No. 2.[5] Doctrine and Covenants 68:12.[6] Great First Cause, Par. 1.[7] Compendium, p. 287.[8] Brown's Metaphysics p. 220.[9] Book of Abraham 3:18.[10] Doctrine and Covenants 93:33.[11] Journal of Discourses, VI., p. 6.[12] 1 Corinthians 15:44.[13] Pearl of Great Price, Book of Moses 3:5-7.[14] Doctrine and Covenants Sec. 29:31, 32.[15] Sermon by Pres. Joseph F. Smith, at the funeral services of Wm. C. Staines, 1881.[16] The late James S. Brown, in telling his experience at the time his leg was amputated, related that his spirit left his body, and, as the spirit hovered above the mutilated and lifeless remains, he could see that, while the leg of flesh and bones had been removed, yet the spiritual body remained whole, and the place from which the leg had been removed was still occupied by the spiritual leg, over which the knife and saw of the surgeon had no power. There was the spirit, the life, hovering above the death bed, there was the spiritual body only partially enveloped by the mutilated remains, and there was the mortal body dismembered and cold in death. The common experience of those who have had any limb amputated, that they, without thinking, try to use the dismembered part, is to the same effect.[17] Book of Abraham 3:18.[18] Journal of Discourses VI., p. 6.[19] Book of Abraham, Diagram No. 2, Fig. 1.[20] Journal of Discourses VI., First Discourse.[21] Pearl of Great Price, Book of Moses 1:30-39.[22] Book of Abraham 3:26.[23] Book of Abraham 3:27, 28.[24] Sec. 29:36, 37.[25] Book of Abraham 3:21-25.[26] Sec. 84:35-40.[27] Sec. 93:33, 34.[28] Alma 11:45.[29] Alma 13:7.[30] Sec. 132:19, 20.[31] Book of Abraham, Diagram No. 2, Fig. 1.[32] Book of Abraham, Diagram No. 2, Fig. 2.[33] Pearl of Great Price, Book of Moses 7:40.[34] Compendium, p. 287.[35] Doc. and Cov. 1:36.[36] Sec. 88:17-26.[37] Doc. and Cov. 130:9.[38] Doc. and Cov. 39:24, 25.[39] Doc. and Cov. Sec. 77.[40] Book of Abraham 3:22, 24.[41] Sec. 107:56.[42] Alma 29:8.[43] 1 Nephi 13:12.[44] Doc. and Cov. 93:33, 34.[45] I Cor. 13:13.[46] Matt. 22:35-39.[47] Ether 12:28-34.