Credit Points 5 WHAT MAKES MOTORS RUNWhat makes an electric motor run? Can you make an electric motor that will run? Certainly you can, and by doing so you'll learn why it runs. It won't be mysterious any more and you'll be ahead of all the millions of people who use motors every day and never know why or how the motor converts electrical energy into useful power. Motors Are MagnetsYou know how one end of a compass needle always points to North. No matter how you turn the compass, the same end of the needle always swings to the North. The earth itself and that small compass are both magnets (Figure 1). Each has a North pole and a South pole. Around the poles of each there are magnetic fields, invisible lines of force that attract and repel. Figure 1. The same end of the compass needle always points to the earth's magnetic North Pole. The N poles repel each other and so do the S poles. The N and S poles attract each other. In other words, opposite poles attract; poles that are alike repel each other. Lay 2 bar magnets on a table side-by-side. If both N poles are at one end, they'll repel each other and almost flip around until there's a N pole lying next to a S pole (Figure 2). Figure 2. Small bar magnets laid side by side move so that the North pole of one is near the South pole of the other. Now suppose we place one of the bar magnets on the table. The other, we'll fix on a pivot so it can spin around. This one we'll move so its N pole almost touches the fixed magnet's N pole. As soon as we release it, the movable magnet will spin around so its S pole will be near the N pole of the Figure 3. A movable bar magnet pivots so its South pole is near the North pole of a stationary magnet. It's not quite a motor because the rotating magnet will just move as far as it has to in order to get the opposite poles together. You might be able to cause the movable bar magnet to make turn after turn. You could do this by turning the fixed magnet quickly end for end. This wouldn't be very practical as a motor. We Can Improve ItIf we could change the pole on one end of the rotating magnet just as soon as it reaches the attracting pole, it could make a complete circle. In doing that, the pole at the near end of the rotating magnet would be repelled by the stationary magnet and pushed away. As soon as the opposite end of the rotating magnet would come into the magnetic field, it would be drawn to the stationary magnet. In order to keep the "motor" running, we would have to constantly change the poles at each end on every half revolution. We Need An ElectromagnetWe can't reverse the poles on simple bar magnets, but we can on electromagnets. We can make one by wrapping a wire several times around an iron core to form a coil. This magnet will also have a N and a S pole when connected to electrical current. The big difference is that the poles can be changed instantly by reversing the current in the wire. Switching Poles AutomaticallyThe rotating electromagnet will have to be connected to the 2 wires through which we pass the current. Since it's rotating on a center shaft, we can't have a solid connection. Instead we have to extend the wires from the coil out along the shaft and let the electric contact be made with brushes which touch the wires along the shaft. Figure 4. A rotating electromagnet changes poles as contacts are made first one way, then the other. This is a simple way to reverse the current in the coil of the electromagnet. Increasing EfficiencyInstead of using only one pole of a stationary magnet, we can use both. This is done by shaping the stationary magnet around the path of the rotating electromagnet. This way we have the benefit of the attracting and repelling forces from both poles. The effect is doubled. We can also wrap wires around this circular iron and make an electromagnet of it. But when we wire this magnet we use no brushes because we want the current to flow in one direction only. The stationary electromagnet is called the field. The rotating electromagnet is the armature. WHAT TO DO: Make A MotorTools Needed: Pocket knife, hammer, vise (or 2 pairs of pliers). Materials Needed: 1 roll of No. 24 enameled wire 1 roll of electrician's tape 3 - 4" (20-penny) nails 4 - 2-1/2" (8-penny) nails 4 - 3" brads (10 penny) Wood board for motor base 2 staples or 4 small brads 2 tacks 2 - 3 volt dry cell batteries (or a 6 volt transformer). Step No. 1-ArmatureWrap about 1-1/2" of a 4" nail with two layers of tape. This will be the shaft. The iron core will be made of two pairs of 2-1/2" nails. Wrap tape around each pair with heads and points alternated. Center both pairs on each side of the shaft. Place them about 1" from the head of the shaft nail. Wrap them together with two layers of tape from tip to tip. Start at the shaft and wind No. 24 enameled wire to one end and back. Then do the same on the other end. Always wind in the same direction. Leave 6" of spare wire at start and finish. Step No. 2-CommutatorScrape all insulation off the ends of the wire. Bend the bare ends back and forth as shown. Lay them flat over the taped shaft-one on each side of the shaft. Hold the commutator down with narrow strips of tape. Wrap tightly near the core and at the opposite end. Step No. 3-FieldMake the core by bending two 4" nails in the middle at right angles. Space the heads about 3" apart to form a horseshoe. Wrap together with two layers of tape. Wind about 400 turns of wire around the center. Leave 4" of spare wire at start and finish. Attach to wood base with staples at each end of the wire. Small brads, bent over, will do just as well. Step No. 4—Armature Supports and BrushesScrape the insulation from the ends of two 6" pieces of wire. Tack them to the base and bend them as shown to make brushes. Drive two pairs of 3" brads into the base about 3-1/4" apart and in a line midway between the field poles. Wrap wire around the supports to form armature bearings. Scrape insulation off ends of wire from the field. Connect one end to a brush wire. Assemble As Shown Adjust the position of commutator and tension of brushes against it for best operation. Take the armature off the motor and connect the commutator wires to a dry cell battery. Test the polarity of each end of the armature with a compass. Switch the connections on the commutator and test again. See how the compass needle changes direction? With the armature still off, connect the field coil directly to the dry cell. Test the polarity of each end of the field with the compass. How can you reverse the polarity? Try it. It's easy. Reassemble the motor again and start it. Push the field poles slightly out of alignment with the turning armature. What happens to the motor's speed? Can you tell why? This time, push the field poles completely out of the way. Test the polarity of the armature as you slowly turn it by hand. Do you see what happens and why it does? Try to reverse the direction of rotation of your motor by reversing the connections at the battery. What happens? Can you explain why? Demonstrations You Can GiveMake a display board showing the parts of the toy motor and explain how each part works compared with the parts of a commercial motor. For Further InformationThere are several other types of toy motors you can build. Your club leader or power supplier can help you find information about them. 1. Did your toy motor run? 2. Did your motor speed up or slow down when you pushed the field poles out of line? Why? 3. What happens to the magnetic polarity of the armature when you turn it slowly by hand and check it with a compass? 4. How can you reverse the direction of rotation of your toy motor? Is there another way too? What is it? |