- A
- Abduction of children by Gilles de Retz, chap.iv., 64–71, 106, 195
- Aids, assistants, and familiars of Gilles, 71–75
- Allegiance to Duke of Brittany, 11
- Ancient buildings, description of, 46, 47;
- inscriptions on, 47
- Appendix A, Mother Goose publications, 188
- Appendix B, Bluebeard stories, 186
- Appendix C, Mystery of the Siege of Orleans, 189
- Appendix D, Depositions in Civil Court against Gilles, 195
- Army service of Gilles, in histories of France, 22, 23
- Arrest of Gilles, 84–90
- Attack and capture of Rainefort, 17
- B
- Beaumanoir, duel with Tournemine, 169
- Bishop of Nantes, 80–84, 93–95, 100–116, 122, 127, 139
- Blouyn, Jean, Vice-Inquisitor, 95, 100, 102, 105, 140
- Bluebeard, an infantile classic, ix., xiv.;
- stories of, Appendix B, 186
- “Bonne Vierge de CrÉÉ-Lait,” niche and statue of, 179
- Bouffay, Palais de Justice, 169;
- duel between Beaumanoir and Tournemine in courtyard of, 169
- C
- Cathedral of Nantes, 45
- ChÂteau of Champtoceaux captured and John V. released, 11
- ChÂteau of Malicorne captured, 17
- ChÂteau de Clisson transferred to Gilles, 12
- ChÂteau de Nantes, 90–92 (frontispiece);
- Edict of Nantes signed by Henry IV. in, 91;
- prisoners in: Cardinal of Retz, Minister FouchÉ, Madam SevignÉ, and Duchess of Berry, 92
- Citation to Gilles, 82–84
- Confession of Gilles, 135–159
- Coronation of the King, 20;
- Gilles guard for the Sainte Ampoule at, 20
- Court, officers of, 94–97, 130;
- opening of, 100;
- presided over by Bishop of Nantes and assistants, 93;
- records of, 98–101, 105–108;
- Appendix D, 195
- Craon, Marie de, mother of Gilles, 3
- Crimes of Gilles, chap.iv., 64–93
- Criminal law in France and other countries, history of, 17
- Spendthrift, 53
- Submits to arrest, 86, 89, 100
- Theatre, love for, and indulgence in, 33–50
- Trial and execution of, x., chaps.v.–vii., 93–182
- Before Ecclesiastical Tribunal, chap.v., 93–166
- Before Civil Court, chap, v., 167
- Depositions, Ecclesiastical Court, 105;
- Civil Court, Appendix D, 195
- Jean Blouyn, Vice-Inquisitor and aid to Bishop, commission of, 102, 103
- Officers of court, 94, 95, 97, 130
- Opening of court, 100
- Presided over by Bishop of Nantes and assistants, 93
- Records of, 98–101, 105–108, Appendix D, 195
- Guard of honour at coronation of King, 20
- I
- Infamy, declaration of, against Gilles, 80–82
- J
- Joan of Arc, ix., 19, 21–23
- L
- La Hire, prayer of, before assault on Montargis, 18
- Laval, original family name, changed to Rais by will of Joan la Sage, 3
- M
- Machecoul, chÂteau of, 1, 2, 5, 29
- Magic, resort of Gilles to, to aid his failing fortunes, 61–63
- Maison de la Suze, Nantes, 46;
- decoration of, 55
- Marshal of France, Gilles made, 19
- MÉmoires des HÉritiers, 28
- Gives lists of Gilles’s lands and from what family inherited, 28, 29
- Inaugurated by his brother and cousin, 28, 29
- Interdiction of sale or transfer by the King, 55–61
- Sales and transfers of property by Gilles, 30–32
- Sentence of the King under, 55–61
- Value of his property estimated in, 30, 39, 41, 50, 53, 55, 56, 60
- Montargis, siege of, 18
- Mother Goose publications, 183
- Music, Gilles’s fondness for, 27
- Mystery of the Siege of Orleans,