Bahaism and Its Claims / A Study of the Religion Promulgated by Baha Ullah and Abdul Baha |
Introduction I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Bibliography Index
Bahaism and Its Claims By SAMUEL G. WILSON, M.A., D.D. Bahaism and Its Claims. A Study of the Religions Promulgated by Baha Ullah and Abdul Baha. 8vo, cloth, net $1.50. Bahaism is a revolt from the fold of Islam which in recent years has been bidding vigorously for the support of Occidental minds. Many of its principles are culled from the Christian religion which it insidiously seeks to supplant. What this Oriental cult is, what it stands for, and what it aims at, is told in a volume which forms a notable addition to the History of Comparative Religions. Persian Life and Customs. With Incidents of Residence and Travel in the Land of the Lion and the Sun. With a map and other illustrations, and an index. 8vo, cloth, net, $1.25. "Not only a valuable contribution to the missionary literature of modern times, but is, in addition, a volume rich in the facts it contains in regard to that historic country. The American people generally should read this book, and thereby acquire much needed information about the Persians."—Religious Telescope. Bahaism and Its Claims A Study of the Religion Promulgated by Baha Ullah and Abdul Baha By SAMUEL GRAHAM WILSON, D. D. Thirty-two Years Resident in Persia Author of "Persian Life and Customs," etc. decoration New York Chicago Toronto Fleming H. Revell Company London and Edinburgh Copyright, 1915, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 125 North Wabash Ave. Toronto: 25 Richmond Street, W. London: 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: 100 Princes Street To my Wife whose love and appreciation are a constant inspiration in our far-away home
Contents | Introduction | 11 | I. | Historical Sketch | 17 | | The East productive of religions—Imamat—Shiahism, its sects—Sheikhiism—The Bab-Subh i Azal—Baha Ullah—His policy—His haram—Abdul Baha—Journey to Occident—Education—Number of Bahais. | II. | The General Claims of Bahaism | 29 | | (I) New religion needed—(II) Bahaism that new religion—To supersede Christianity—Doctrines—Baha God—His Revelation—The Akdas—Conditions of discipleship—Position of Abdul Baha—(III) Claims superiority to former religions—In founder, books and doctrines—Not superlative—(IV) To be a universal religion—Defects in rites, regulations, calendar, civil government—House of Justice—Alphabet—Universal language. | III. | Its Specific Claims | 61 | | Unification of Mankind—Divisions in Persia—Of Bahais—Compulsory uniformity—One Language—Peace Movement—History of—Abdul Baha on war—Bahaism dogmatic and boastful. | IV. | Bahaism and Christianity | 81 | | Antagonistic—Makes Christianity one among many—Abrogates it—Dethrones Christ—Presumes to be Christ's Second Coming—And the fulfillment of prophecy—Bahai meeting in Chicago—Method of interpretation—The "Ikan"—Dishonours and belittles the historic Christ. | V. | Bahaism and Christianity (Continued) | 109 | | Immortality and sin—Faith in Baha—Bahai Scriptures—Its worship—Hierarchy—Substitutes for Baptism and Lord's Supper—Christ's words imitated—Rites—Ablution—Fast—Prayer—Pilgrimage—Acca Shrines—Festivals—Era—Propaganda anti-Christian. | VI. | Bahaism and the State (Continued) | 131 | | Babism political Mahdiism—Hostile to Shah—Insurrections—Bahaism opportunism—Sought reconciliation—Tolerated—Indifferent to Constitutional struggle—Aided reactionary Shah—Rewarded by him Its political scheme—Houses of Justice—Dangerous to liberty. | VII. | Bahaism and Woman | 149 | | Abdul Baha teaches equality of sexes—Baha does not—Education of girls neglected—Marriage enjoined—Bigamy allowed—And practiced—Polygamy of Baha—His family—Loose divorce—Intermarriage of races—Aims at amelioration of woman—Moslem efforts—Babi Kurrat ul Ayn—No successor to—Baha's haram—Men only to be rulers—Women secluded.
| VIII. | Its Record as to Morals | 177 | | Claim superior conduct—Falsification of religious history—Suppression of facts—Changing sacred Writings—Surat ul Maluk—Lawh i Basharat—Forging quotations—Perversion of political history—Of Shahs—Of plot to assassinate—False claim to Martyrs—Double view of Abdul Hamid—Fact about imprisonment of Baha—Tagiya—Dissimulation—Orient Occident Unity—Pretense regarding Azal's succession—Maskin Kalam. | IX. | ITS RECORD AS TO MORALS (Continued) | 207 | | Boast of Love—Hatred for Shiahs—For Persecutors—For Mullahs—Abusive language—Vindictiveness—Addiction to alcohol and opium—Testimonies. | X. | Religious Assassination | 219 | | Strife between Baha and Azal in Bagdad—Baha goes to Kurdistan—Dissension at Adrianople—Testimony of an eye-witness—Attempted assassinations—Plots and counter plots—Bahais assassinate Azalis at Acca—Other assassinations—In Bagdad, in Persia—Attitude towards taking of life—Suicide commended—Psychological attestation—Traditional custom—Assassination practiced in Islam—Testimonies—Azali hatred. | XI. | The Quarrel Over the Succession | 247 | | Claim to love refuted—Death of Baha—Titles of sons—Quarrel over will—Abbas assumes Pontiffship—Brothers protest—Bitter schism—Boycott, anathema—Appeal to Turkish government—Results in restriction of liberty—Quarrel and schism in Persia—In America. | XII. | Bahaism in America | 263 | | First notices of—Kheiralla—His converts—Writings—An American Azali—Pilgrims to Acca—Quarrel and schism—Abdul Karim—Abul Fazl—Methods of propaganda—Publications—Orient Occident Unity—Abdul Baha visits America—Press agents—Photographs, movies—Addresses—Attitude of public—Communion service of Bahais—Bahai Temple, Mashrak ul Azkar—Memorial vase—Influence in America—Chicago congregation—Number in U. S. A. exaggerated—Statistics of other religious fads—Christian liberalism excessive. | | Bibliography | 287 | | Index | 291 |