“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” —John xii. 32. O Saviour throned in peace above Reveal Thy piercÈd side, And let the vision of Thy love Stay war’s remorseless tide; Risen Saviour, hear! For white, for black, alike didst Thou Low bow Thy fainting head; For all of ev’ry clime and hue, Didst Thou thy heart’s blood shed. Suffering Saviour, hear! Behold fair Afric’s sunny lands With reeking carnage strewed, See God-made man with rigid hands In brother’s blood imbrued; Sorrowing Saviour, hear! O hear the Briton’s dying groan, The Zulu’s piercing wail; O hear the famished orphan’s moan, The widow’s sobbing tale; Pitying Saviour, hear! In mercy stay the quiv’ring spear; Avert the death-winged ball; Pour balm for ev’ry scalding tear, And breathe Thy peace o’er all. Mighty Saviour, hear! Draw weary warriors round Thy feet By love’s constraining cord; There let the scattered nations meet, And hail Thee Sov’reign Lord. Gracious Saviour, hear! William Selwyn. Port Elizabeth, February 9, 1879. [Image of decorative bar not available.] |