
Names of characters in fiction are printed in italics.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W.

ABRANTÈS, Duchesse d', 71
Alton-Shee, see Aulnis, Duc d'
AmpÈre, Jean-Jacques, 36, 37, 51
Amusements of BohÈme, 176-178, 182-186, 198-200, 214, 215, 252-281
Ancelot, Madame, 71, 72, 95
Anglemont, Privat d', 224-228, 262, 278, 279, 280
Anglomania in Paris, 87, 88
Arsouille, Milord, see Battut, Charles de la
Arthez, Daniel d', 14, 15, 127-129, 298
Artois, Comte d', 23
Arvers, FÉlix, 102
Asselineau, Charles, 56, 58, 59, 61, 109
Aulnis, Duc d', 70, 78, 79, 80, 91, 275
Bal Bullier, 279, 280
Mabille, 280
Bal Musard, 270, 276
Balzac, HonorÉ de, 44, 45, 67, 71, 72, 73, 78, 81, 99, 129, 164, 165, 258, 285, 286, 302
characters in the novels of, 14, 15, 16, 49, 59-61, 62, 67-69, 75, 76, 78, 80-86, 99, 102, 111-114, 127-129, 163-165, 256, 261, 262, 264, 268, 271, 274, 290, 292, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299
Banville, ThÉodore de, 33, 73, 104, 109, 226, 227, 233, 277
Barbara, Charles, 248-250, 265, 269
Barbemuche, Carolus, see Barbara, Charles
BarriÈre d'Enfer, Bohemian colony at the, 239-243
BarriÈre, ThÉodore, 244
Bastide, Jules, 36, 37
Battut, Charles de la, 90, 91, 275, 276
Baudelaire, Charles, 13, 15, 33, 57, 61, 66, 230-233, 261
Beauvoir, Roger de, 13, 44, 73, 76, 93-97, 101, 102, 106, 168, 169, 177, 186, 187, 212, 255, 256, 259, 273, 284, 302
Belgiojoso, Prince, 71, 93, 102
Princess, 13, 71, 86
BÉquet, 101, 106
BÉranger, 23, 24
Berlioz, Hector, 73, 122, 269
Berry, assassination of the Duc de, 23
Bisson, the brothers, 236, 237
Bixiou, 82, 84-86, 99
Blanche, Doctor, 190
Boeuf EnragÉ, Cabaret du, 227
BohÈme, La, meaning of the term, 1-12
its place and period, 12-20
rise and fall, 1830-1848, 21-34
general characteristics of, 111-129
Romanticism of, 25, 26, 29-31, 40-50, 56-64, 131-159, 200-204, 272
its place in Parisian society, 65-68, 73, 76, 77, 110
amusements of, 176-178, 182-186, 198-200, 214, 215, 252-281
drama in, 132-136, 140, 141, 175, 176, 272-274
life of, 126-251
love in, 173-176, 178-182, 213-218, 246-248
music in, 249, 250
BohÈme, La, the Paris of, 282-302
smoking in, 151, 152 See also CÉnacle, the Second: BohÈme Galante; Buveurs d'Eau; Gautier; Murger, &c.
Galante, La, 158-193, 194, 203, 205, 206, 207, 210, 216, 221
see DoyennÉ, Impasse du
Boissard, 231
Borel, PÉtrus, 15, 41, 43, 57, 58, 61, 133, 135, 136-140, 144, 149-155, 169, 177, 201, 298
Bouchardy, Joseph, 136, 140, 152, 155, 156, 218, 272
BouffÉ, 101
Bouginier's nose, 223, 224
Bouilhet, Louis, 230
Boulevard des Italiens, 74, 112, 121, 288, 292, 293
"Bousingots," 55, 62, 144
Briffaut, 101, 106
Brot, Alphonse, 136, 137
Bullier, 279
Bal, 279, 280
Burnett, George, 17
Buveurs d'Eau, SociÉtÉ des, 212, 233-242, 266-268
Byron, Lord, influence of on BohÈme, 35-37, 64, 125, 134, 151
CABANON, Emile, 9 7, 101, 102, 106
Cabaret du Boeuf EnragÉ, 227
Cabaret Dinochan, 261, 262
of MÈre Cadet, 263
of MÈre Saguet, 129, 130
Cabot, 237, 238
Cadet, Cabaret of MÈre, 263
CafÉ Anglais, 91, 96, 259, 260
Hardy, 96, 259, 260
Momus, 198, 204, 246, 248, 265-268
de l'OdÉon, 261
d'Orsay, 181
de Paris, 79, 86, 87, 91, 169, 259, 260
Riche, 259, 260
Tortoni, 13, 86, 259
Camp, Maxime du, 40-42, 94, 95, 132, 134, 142, 150, 153, 154, 156, 222, 228-230, 284
Cancan, The, 80, 91, 275, 276
Carnaud, 278, 279
Carnival, 80, 89-91, 274-276
CÉnacle, the first, 129-132
the second, 126-157, 158, 159, 203, 271, 272, 298
of the Rue des Quatre Vents, 127-129
Cercle des Étrangers, 269
Chahut, The, 162, 164-173, 177-180, 183-189, 193, 194, 201, 207, 212, 218, 253, 269, 272, 282, 287-289, 302
Gavarni, 13, 169, 256, 259
Gay, Delphine, 72, 73, 93
Sophie, 72, 73
Gigoux, Jean, 61
Gilbert, 53
Girardin, Delphine de, see Gay, Delphine
Emile de, 30, 103
Goncourt, the brothers de, 201
Graziano's Restaurant, 136, 147, 148
Grisettes, 216-218, 250, 258-259, 274, 277-280
Guichardet, 262, 263
Guigard, Joannis, 267
Guilbert, 237
Guizot, 200
Hardy, CafÉ, 95, 259, 260
Haricots, HÔtel des, 279
Heine, Heinrich, 275
"Hernani," performance of in 1830, 25, 26, 28, 132-136, 201, 221, 255, 272
Hill's Tavern, 261
Houssaye, ArsÈne, 76, 116, 158, 160-163, 168-175, 177-189, 194, 207, 244, 256, 261, 269, 272, 298
Hugo, Madame, Victor, 13, 25, 28, 31, 32, 45-48, 55, 62, 72, 73, 122, 129-132, 144, 201, 285, 297
worshipped in BohÈme, 25, 45-48, 52, 122, 132-136, 148, 152, 153, 156, 158, 184, 201, 244
IMPASSE du DoyennÉ, see DoyennÉ
JANIN, Jules, 189, 196, 203, 273
"Jeune-France" section of Romanticists, the, 45, 57, 58, 61, 94, 95, 139, 142, 150-153
Johnson, Samuel, 10
Jonson, Ben, 10
Jouy, de, 236
KARR, Alphonse, 238, 280
Kock, Paul de, 285, 287
Lamartine, 52, 53, 55, 73
Lamb, Charles, 11, 17, 173, 174
Lassailly, 44
Lautour-MÉzÉray, 103
Leconte de l'Isle, 233
Legendre, Madame, 222, 223
Leleux, Adolphe, 184
Lelioux, 235, 240
Le Poitevin, 230
Louis, XVIII, 23
Louis Philippe, 13, 22, 24, 26, 27, 59, 79, 200, 201
Love in BohÈme, 173-176, 178-182, 213-218, 246-248
Lucas, Le Petit, 261
MABILLE, Bal, 280
Mackeat, Augustus, 136, 141, 155, 272
Magny's Restaurant, 263
Maison d'Or, La, 96
"Mal du SiÈcle," Le, 35-64, 252, 253, 255
"Mal Romantique," see "Mal du SiÈcle"
Malitourne, Armand, 101, 106
Maquet, Augustus, see Mackeat
Marcel, 15, 16, 21, 119, 120, 126, 198-218, 244, 248, 250, 254, 265-267, 271, 277, 280, 282
Marilhat, 169, 185
Maurier, George Du, 7-9
MediÆvalism, worship of by French Romantics, 43-46, 94, 95, 134, 141, 142, 150-153, 201, 210, 211, 221, 224
Mercoeur, Elisa, 29
Meyerbeer, 175, 176, 270
Mimi, 213-218, 246-248, 258, 259, 277, 281
Mogador, CÉleste, 280
Momus, CafÉ, 198, 204, 246, 248, 265-268
Monnier, Henri, 97-101, 275
Monselet, Charles, 226, 233, 262
Montmartre, 67, 216, 288-290, 296, 297
Moreau, HÉgÉsippe, 29, 53, 261
Murger, Henry, 15, 16, 33, 194-197, 232-251, 256, 261, 262, 266-268, 269, 272, 277, 280, 290, 296, 298
"ScÈnes de la Vie de BohÈme," 1, 11, 12, 15, 16, 21, 33, 34, 119, 120, 126, 147, 159, 160, 194-218, 219, 237, 238, 241-249, 254, 263, 265-267, 272, 273, 277, 298
Bohemian generation of, 64, 200-251, 263, 266-268, 270, 271, 277-281
Musard, 14, 269, 270, 276
Bal, 270, 276
Musette, 213-218, 246, 247, 254, 258, 259, 277, 281
Music in BohÈme, 249, 250
in Paris, 13, 14, 71, 73, 269-271
Musset, Alfred de, 13, 17, 48, 71, 76, 92, 93, 102, 106, 115, 184, 202, 244, 302
NADAR, 233, 235, 237, 238, 242, 262, 266-268
Nanteuil, CÉlestin, 133, 136, 141, 142, 149, 155, 169, 184
Nerval, GÉrard de, 13, 16, 18, 133-136, 143-146, 148, 149, 154, 155, 160, 162-193, 207, 212, 227, 253, 272, 295, 302
Nodier, 42, 72, 73
Noel, 235, 237, 238
O'Neddy, PhilothÉe, 40, 56, 124, 125, 136, 137, 141, 150-153, 155
OpÉra, 79, 96, 97, 104, 270, 271, 293
Bal de l', 204, 245, 274, 276
Ourliac, Edmond, 76, 169-172, 177, 186, 187, 272, 275
PALAIS Royal, 268, 289
PalfÈrine, Comte de la, 14, 102, 111-114, 262
Paphos, 269
Paris, 11, 12-15, 24, 27, 66, 67, 105, 116, 282-302
balls in, 155, 177, 178, 181-185, 204, 225, 270, 274-281
CafÉ de, 79, 86, 87, 91, 169, 259, 260
drama in, 265-268, 271, 280, 281, 302
Seigneur, Jehan du, 136, 137, 139-141, 148-153, 155
SÉnancour, 37
Seymour, Lord, 79, 88-90
Shakespeare, 10
Smoking in BohÈme, 151, 152
StaËl, Madame de, 37
Steele, Richard, 17
Students, life of Parisian, 221-225, 231
Sue, EugÈne, 70, 285
TABAR, 237
Tattet, Alfred, 102, 103, 106
Thackeray, 264
ThÉÂtre Bobino, 263, 271
FranÇais, 133-136
du Luxembourg, see ThÉÂtre Bobino
Montparnasse, 263
des VariÉtÉs, ball at, 274
Thom, NapolÉon, 136
Tolstoi, Monsieur de, 236, 240
Tortoni's CafÉ, 13, 86, 259
Tournachon, F., see Nadar
"Tout Paris," Le, 73-76
"Trilby," 7, 8
Trois FrÈres ProvenÇaux, Les, 121, 169
VABRE, Jules, 56, 133, 136-138, 140, 155
Vastine, 237
Vauquer, La Maison, 14, 16, 81, 298, 299
Vernet, Horace, 203
VÉron, Doctor, 103, 104
Vigny, Alfred de, 17, 28, 52, 53, 55, 73
Villain, 237
Villiers de l'Isle Adam, 233
Vincent, Charles, 241, 242
Viot's Restaurant, 263
238, 250, 266-268
Wattier, 185, 193


The following typographical errors were corrected by the etext transcriber:
CÉlestin Nauteuil=>CÉlestin Nanteuil {8}
Les Champs ElisÉes=>Les Champs ElysÉes
Gerard de Nerval=>GÉrard de Nerval
"Les Jeune France."=>"Les Jeunes France."
Elie Wildmannstadius=>Elie Wildman-stadius
decorated thus because a lew louis d'or=>decorated thus because a few louis d'or
nor ne'er-do-weels=>nor ne'er-do-wells
Charles Mouselet says in his preface to "Paris Anecdote,"=>Charles Monselet says in his preface to "Paris Anecdote,"
Pimodan, Hotel, 231=>Pimodan, HÔtel, 231


[1] "Les Enfants Perdus de Romantisme."

[2] A. Cassagne: "La ThÉorie de l'art pour l'art en France chez les derniers romantiques et les premiers rÉalistes."

[3] "Essais de Psychologie contemporaine," the chapter on Flaubert.

[4] PhilothÉe O'Neddy: "Feu et Flamme."

[5] See RenÉ Canat: "Du Sentiment de la Solitude morale chez les romantiques et les parnassiens."

[6] See Chapter VII.

[7] Asselineau: "Bibliographie Romantique."

[8] "Causeries sur les artistes de mon temps."

[9] Mrs. Trollope: "Paris and the Parisians in 1835."

[10] "Derniers Jours de BohÈme."

[11] "Les Salons de Paris."

[12] Challamel: "Souvenirs d'un HugolÂtre."

[13] "Paris in 1829 and 1830."

[14] Major Fraser's name appears in many memoirs of the time, but I owe the above account to "An Englishman in Paris," by A. D. Vandam.

[15] "Vignettes Romantiques."

[16] LÉon SÉchÉ tells his story in "La Jeunesse DorÉe sous Louis Philippe."

[17] "Histoire du Romantisme."

[18] Jules Claretie: "PÉtrus Borel."

[19] Maxime du Camp: "ThÉophile Gautier."

[20] "GÉrard de Nerval."

[21] "Portraits contemporains." The article on the artist Marilhat.

[22] "La BohÈme Galante."

[23] ArsÈne Houssaye: "Les Confessions."

[24] GÉrard, to be precise, quotes an earlier and more cruel version:

...La reine du Sabbat
Qui, depuis deux hivers, dans vos bras se dÉbat,
Vous Échapperait-elle ainsi qu'une chimÈre ...

[25] See Chapter xi for a further account of Bohemia's amusements.

[26] In a preface to GÉrard de Nerval's "Œuvres."

[27] "Les Confessions."

[28] The following account combines much of the information given in three books: Champfleury's "Souvenirs et Portraits de Jeunesse"; "Henri Murger et la BohÈme," by A. Delvau; and the curious little "Histoire de Murger pour servir À l'histoire de la Vraie BohÈme," par trois Buveurs d'Eau, the anonymous authors of which are known to be his friends, Lelioux, Nadar, and Noel. It is in the last named that some of Murger's letters are given. There is a certain amount of conflict between the dates given in these different books, but since they are all equally likely to be inaccurate, I have chosen to ignore the discrepancies, which are not very important.

[29] This appears in Charles Monselet's diary printed in the memoir by A. Monselet.

[30] "Histoire anecdotique des CafÉs et Cabarets de Paris."

[31] In the summer they took place in the Champs ElysÉes.

[32] M. Henri d'AlmÉras in "La Vie Parisienne sous Louis Philippe," from whose book other details of these balls are taken.

[33] The popular term for the prison in which refractory members of the Garde Nationale were confined.

[34] Now printed in his "Portraits Contemporains."

[35] The preface to George Cain's "Coins de Paris."

[36] See "Les ComÉdiens sans le savoir."

[37] Sanderson: "Paris in 1835."


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