The last day of school rolled round. The pupils of the Beaver Creek School were in a state of pleasant excitement. They smoothed their feathers or brushed their fur until they were as sleek as could be. All the civilized animals for miles around were present. Mr. Owl, looking wiser and more serious than ever, was the first visitor to arrive. Miss Hare, with earrings hanging from her long ears and a wreath of white blossoms on her head, greeted him warmly. Soon after, Mother Goose, the most beloved fowl in Animal Kingdom, waddled into the main building in good time. Sammy Rabbit’s relatives followed her, also Puss Snowball’s mother and aunt. Billy Beaver and his friends had erected a platform in the creek, and upon its smooth surface had built a green bower. The messenger pigeons had adorned this bower with beautiful flowers, and the pupils had filled in the rough places of the floor with pretty shells and pebbles. On the shady bank across the way, the larger animals of the wood had gathered. Tiny could see them plainly as he sat in his room, brushing out his long tail. There were Mr. Goat, of the great department store, and his daughter, Miss Nannie; While awaiting the signal of Billy Beaver, Tiny was visited by Shifty Woodchuck, who carried a soiled composition. “Won’t you please help me?” whined Shifty, as he thrust the composition between Tiny’s forepaws. “You know I was to graduate with your class, but Miss Hare will not let me.” “WON’T YOU PLEASE HELP ME?” WHINED SHIFTY. “Pupils that fail should not blame their teachers. It is entirely your own fault,” said Tiny, looking over the careless manuscript. “I wish I hadn’t slept so much last winter,” continued Shifty, ruefully. “However, I believe that if Miss Hare will let me read my composition, I will get the prize. Miss Hare says I cannot read it properly, because it is carelessly written. Please tell me what is the matter with it. To me it looks “If you ever intend to write a good composition, you will have to work longer than an hour,” said Tiny. “You will have to read things that will help you, and you must exercise great care. Moreover, you must not postpone your work until the last minute.” Tiny, with great difficulty, read Shifty’s composition, which was as follows:
“What is wrong with it?” inquired Shifty, when the red squirrel had finished reading. “I am sure that it is as well written as the others, for I am a good speller and have learned not to use bad grammar.” “Everything is wrong with it,” said Tiny, frankly, although he was too polite to make fun of Shifty’s ignorance. At that moment Billy Beaver began thumping with his long tail. “Read it over very carefully many times, and perhaps you may be able to find your mistakes,” said Tiny, as he hastened out into the sunlit air. From the top of the bower over the platform a chorus of goldfinches, swallows, robins, and wrens began singing “Hail to Spring.” At the same time Miss Hare, followed by the graduating class, came out of the schoolroom, and, with great dignity, made her way to the platform. Miss Hare seated herself upon a mossy cushion, while the graduating class sat near her, forming a semicircle. The graduates were Susie Goose, Sammy Rabbit, Winkie Weasel, Puss Snowball, Rover Canine, Reynard Redfox, and Tiny Redsquirrel. At the close of the song, which was followed by loud cries of applause, Mr. Owl, who sat upon a branch in front of the platform, said that the class would proceed to deliver their compositions. He added that a prize would be given to the one who had the best theme, and that Miss Hare, Mother Goose, and he would be judges. When this announcement was made, Mother Goose rose from her comfortable seat by the side of the Misses Pea Fowl and Guinea, and flew to a seat beside Mr. Owl. The audience cheered again more loudly than before. SAMMY RABBIT WAS THE FIRST OF THE CLASS TO SPEAK. Sammy Rabbit was the first of the class to speak. Leaping to the front of the platform, he faced his audience, and, with a profound bow, read as follows:
Sammy’s composition was much appreciated. He had chosen a simple, familiar subject and kept it plainly in mind. Winkie Weasel met with less favor, for he had undertaken to write about something that was beyond his understanding. One can imagine how much a little weasel would know about “The Growth of Intellectual Perspicuity.” He stumbled over the long words in a way that made all the little prairie dogs in the front row titter in a very impolite manner. Weenie Mouse became so much frightened that he scampered away, long before it was time for him to recite, and caused quite a panic amongst the members of the Hen family. The other compositions were well written, although Puss Snowball’s was spoiled by a singsong delivery. Occasionally, the frog orchestra, from their TINY REDSQUIRREL WAS THE LAST OF HIS CLASS TO APPEAR BEFORE THE AUDIENCE. Tiny Redsquirrel was the last of his class to appear before the audience. With becoming modesty, he rose, saluted the judges and his hearers, and recited in a loud, clear voice: HAPPINESS EVERYWHERE. There is a spell in every flower, A sweetness in each spray; And every single bird has power To please us with its lay. And there is music on the breeze That sports along the glade; The crystal dewdrops on the trees Are gems by fancy made. Oh, there is joy and happiness In everything we see! But greatest joys we shall possess Through truth and purity. When he had finished, all the animals near and far gave vent to tremendous applause, for animal audiences are not so hard to please as those composed of human beings. Mr. Opossum became so enthusiastic that he shouted at the top of his voice: “Hurrah for Mr. Redsquirrel! One cannot Miss Hare joined the other two judges, and for a few moments they held an earnest conversation among themselves, while the audience sat in breathless expectation. Finally, Mother Goose descended from her perch and waddled to the front of the platform, where she faced the eager listeners and said in a shrill, but kindly voice: “Animals of the forest, the judges have decided that the prize should go to Mr. Tiny Redsquirrel of Squirreltown!” Turning to the embarrassed but happy little squirrel, she pulled from her wing a quill, which she gave him with a low bow, saying: This quill was taken from my wing. “This quill was taken from my wing. No creature is more respected by the human race and all other animals than I am. Anyone who receives a quill pen made from one of my feathers will be famous ever after. Accept this reward for your excellent poem and your good scholarship; but bear in mind that every achievement is but a camping place for the night.” |