Miss Hare’s school was a very studious place during the fall; but when winter set in, some of the pupils began to lose interest in their work. The woodchuck, who was the dullest pupil in the language class, went to his bed of dried clover one night and forgot to wake up until spring had returned. Tiny, himself, felt very sleepy at times, but he sat close to the fireplace in the schoolroom and studied as hard as he could, determined to get a good education. He did his work well. At recess-time he would run out upon the pile of branches that surrounded the school building, and play until Miss Hare rang the bell. Sometimes he would run a race with Winkie Weasel, but, as he always came out ahead, he soon wearied of the pastime. SOMETIMES HE WOULD RUN A RACE WITH WINKIE WEASEL. At dusk he would go to his cozy room, and for an hour or more he and Reynard would talk over their lessons and their plans for the future. There were One cold night they heard a knock. Reynard, who was feeling homesick, opened the door. There stood Puss Snowball, the cat, looking very beautiful against the pure white background of ice and snow, upon which the moon shone brightly. “Good evening, Snowball,” said Reynard, kindly. “Will you not come in?” “I thought I would run over and have a little chat with you,” said Snowball, nestling down in the coziest corner of the room. “My, isn’t it cold! I believe I have frozen my whiskers and the tip of my nose.” “Cold weather doesn’t last always,” said Tiny, cheerily. “Reynard and I do our work quite as well in cold weather as in warm weather. If it were not for the ice and snow, we would not take so much delight in the green grass and the spring rains.” “I suppose not,” said Snowball, his teeth chattering, “but I shouldn’t mind the cold weather if I had a more agreeable companion. I can’t understand why Miss Hare insists upon my rooming with Rover. You know cats and dogs never get along well.” “If you were too happy together, perhaps you would forget to study,” suggested Reynard. “You “Oh, Rover is very mannerly in some ways, but he growls and barks too much,” complained Snowball, with a sigh. “They say it is natural for a dog to bark, although I can’t see why he need be so noisy about it. He frightens me almost to death when he barks, and he is very unreasonable. To-night he has done many things to tease me. The other night he told me that my constant purring was very trying to his nerves. You know that a cat never purs unless he is happy, so I suppose that my good nature makes him cross. How peculiar some animals are!” Tiny said that every creature has its peculiarities, and it is best to overlook things that do not please us, since we all have disagreeable traits of our own. “We wanted to organize a singing class,” continued Snowball, changing the subject, “but when we called in Katie Goose to talk it over with us, Billy Beaver thrust his nose through the door and said that Miss Hare would never permit us to sing after night. He added that a cat, a dog, a goose, and a number of other creatures, would not make a very tuneful chorus, however fine we might be as soloists.” “Billy Beaver can’t sing,” said Reynard. “I can see his reason for objecting to a students’ chorus.” “He is very rude,” said Snowball, severely. “I shall not forget how horrid he made me feel the night that Weenie Mouse was missing. I am sure that he thought I might have eaten him. I was very glad, indeed, when they found Weenie hiding in Miss Hare’s room, nibbling at an ear of corn.” “Recite the poem about the kitten that went to sleep when her mother had visitors,” begged Tiny. “I am sure that Reynard would like to hear it.” Without waiting for Reynard to insist, Snowball recited, in his pretty purring manner, the following poem, which is said to amuse kittens even to the present day: TABBY AND PRUE. Quoth Dame Tabby Cat to her daughter, Miss Prue, “I shall teach you a lesson, my dear, For I am so very much older than you, And very much wiser, I fear. “I felt more ashamed than I ever can tell, When you slept while my callers were here. If you do it again, I will punish you well; I will teach you some manners, my dear.” “Shall I sit wide awake while your busy tongues fly? Can I keep my eyes open so long?” “You can, Prudy dear, if you only will try, But you think it is smart to do wrong.” The anger of Tabby Cat grew quite intense, When Prue said, “Please listen, I pray. May I speak a few words in my own self-defense?” And Tabby Cat answered, “You may.” “I ought not to sleep till your friends go away. Such an act is a sorry mishap; Yet you taught me to do it, for only to-day You talked yourself into a nap.” “My friends stayed so long that I hardly could peep,” Said Tabby Cat, heaving a sigh; “But, nevertheless, you must not fall fast asleep, For you are much younger than I.” “It is a capital story,” laughed Reynard, when Snowball had finished. “I saw Tiny laughing many times.” Before the squirrel could thank the cat for his kindness, Billy Beaver pounded at the door, and in another moment stood before them. “I overheard you talking about me, Mr. Snowball; also about Rover and others,” he said, turning to the cat, who, in the moonlight, looked very pale and frightened. “Did I understand you to say that you were eavesdropping?” Snowball finally inquired, with a show of dignity. “It is no worse to eavesdrop than it is to gossip about one’s closest friends,” replied the beaver. “How terrible!” exclaimed Puss, greatly shocked. “I shall be under restraint all the time. Poor Rover! Perhaps he has had his hard times, too. What if I should get vexed at Weenie and swallow him?” “Miss Hare says that you will never do that, because her pupils are too strong to yield to temptation,” said the beaver, seriously. “But why does Miss Hare punish poor Weenie by making him room with a cat?” gasped Puss. “Because Weenie was found in Miss Hare’s pantry again, helping himself to corn and other dainties,” replied Billy Beaver. “Miss Hare wishes you to room with Weenie so that you can restrain each other. The best way to cure two disturbers who dislike each other is to make them live together.” PANTRY |