As he flew through the air in the clutches of the owl, Tiny realized what a small, helpless creature he was. Not a word was spoken till they stopped at the bank of a creek, which looked to him like a great river. It was filled, in one place, with branches of willows, beeches, poplars, and other trees. His heart beat sluggishly, for the scene was very dismal, indeed. “Have no fear,” said the owl prophet, not so gruffly as usual. “I have promised the queen bee to help you. A great many creatures do not like to go to school, but in after years they always regret it if they have quit school before completing the course.” Not a sound could be heard except the babbling of the brook and the tinkling of a waterfall several rods away. Tiny shuddered, but said nothing. “These buildings were built by beavers,” explained the owl, although it was so dark Tiny could not see them at all. “When they moved away, Miss Hare started her school here. Only one of the beavers remained. He is a skilled carpenter and janitor, and he keeps the building in good repair. You no doubt have heard that he mixes mortar with his forepaws, and uses his broad tail for a trowel. “THE BUILDINGS WERE BUILT BY BEAVERS,” EXPLAINED THE OWL. “I am glad that I came,” said Tiny, although he looked into the owl’s yellow eyes with some distrust. He still feared that the wise prophet might suddenly pounce upon him and eat him. “Hoot! hoot! hoot! Is everybody asleep?” cried the wise owl. “I can’t see why creatures want to Soon there was a splashing in the water, and in a few moments a queer animal approached them. “It is the janitor,” explained the owl, somewhat annoyed by the delay. “I fear he is getting lazy. He surely is not overworked, for all he does is to look after the buildings, play, sleep, and eat the bark of trees and the roots of water lilies.” “I beg pardon for keeping you waiting so long,” said the beaver. “As soon as I heard you, I rose to find out your wish.” “I have brought a pupil to Miss Hare,” said the owl. “Please see that he has a comfortable room for the night. Tell Miss Hare that I will write her a letter soon.” The owl prophet flew away, leaving Tiny with the beaver, who moved sleepily back along the willow boughs to a group of quaint houses made of mud, stones, and sticks. Their dome-shaped roofs were several feet above the level of the water. Suddenly, from the front window of one of the houses, a gleam of light shot forth and an odd-looking animal thrust out its head. Tiny, who by this time was accustomed to surprises, looked up to behold Miss Hare gazing down upon him. She looked very comical in her white nightcap. “Well, well, well, what is the matter?” she cried “Mr. Owl has brought another pupil,” said the beaver, politely. “I do not know where to put him.” “MR. OWL HAS BROUGHT ANOTHER PUPIL,” SAID THE BEAVER, POLITELY. “Let him stay with Reynard Redfox to-night,” replied Miss Hare, looking searchingly at Tiny. “What a frail little creature you are! You must belong to the Rat family.” Tiny did not like Miss Hare’s frank way of “I am Tiny Redsquirrel of Squirreltown. I desire very much to get an education.” “I will let you stay if you will obey the rules,” said Miss Hare, severely. “I have always heard that red squirrels are very mischievous animals. You must know that I will not permit any foolishness. Not long ago Mr. Owl brought a pupil here who was so very saucy and naughty that I was glad to get rid of him. Although I taught him the lessons of kindness and charity, he bit Weenie Mouse and hit Winkie Weasel with an acorn. One day he tore out one of Katie Goose’s feathers and frightened the poor fowl almost to death. I never before saw such a bad creature. He looked very much like you. Do you know Chatty Chipmunk?” “Yes, ma’am,” replied Tiny, heartily ashamed of his youthful companion. “Is he at this school?” “No, he forsook us before he had been here three days,” answered Miss Hare. “I think he must have been drowned. I will give you a trial; but if you prove unworthy of my school I will never receive any more pupils brought to me by Mr. Owl. Good-night.” “Come on,” said the beaver. “I will take you to meet your roommate.” “Oh, I cannot room with a red fox!” protested Tiny, much alarmed. “He will eat me during his sleep.” “You need have no fear,” said the beaver assuringly. Tiny did not feel very comfortable when the beaver opened the door of one of the buildings and told him to enter. Three or four fireflies, whose duty it was to carry lanterns, flew about the room, making it very light. Reynard Redfox, who was very large compared with Tiny, rose and shook out his stiff, long-haired “MR. REDFOX, THIS IS MR. REDSQUIRREL,” SAID THE BEAVER. “Mr. Redfox, this is Mr. Redsquirrel,” said the beaver. “Mr. Redsquirrel is a new scholar and Miss Hare said he should share your room to-night.” “He is most welcome,” said Reynard with a smile that made Tiny tremble all over. “I always was fond of squirrels. I fancy we shall get along famously together, as he takes up so little room.” “I assure you I shall occupy as little space as possible,” replied Tiny, politely. “I shall sleep here by the door, and, if I annoy you during the night, all you have to do is to make a noise and I will jump into the creek.” “You are quite safe,” assured the fox, settling himself for a nap. “Since I have been at this school I have learned how cowardly it is to injure creatures smaller and weaker than myself. I hope you will like our school.” “I hope so, too,” said Tiny, faintly. “Of course, it will take time to get acquainted with all the strange animals I shall meet. I have seen little of the world.” “Just be kind and unselfish, and you will make friends,” said the red fox. “When you see another animal that doesn’t please you, don’t stare at him as you did at me, but be as agreeable as you can. Remember that it would be a very monotonous world if all animals should look and act alike.” “Miss Hare must be a very nice creature,” ventured Tiny. “She is very wise and talented,” said the fox with enthusiasm. “Some of the most aristocratic families in Animal Kingdom are represented in her school. I have heard that she belongs to the nobility. You know she is a Belgian Hare, and I believe I heard some one say that her father was a Welsh Rabbit.” At that moment a terrible thumping sound was heard. “What is that!” exclaimed Tiny, unconsciously drawing nearer to Reynard for protection. “It is a warning for us to keep quiet,” said the fox. “Billy Beaver, the janitor, makes that noise with his tail whenever we become boisterous at night. You know that whenever a beaver wishes to warn his companions that danger is near, he makes a thumping sound with his tail. Really, the only clever thing about a beaver is his tail.” The fireflies settled down to rest, leaving the roommates in darkness. Although Reynard slept soundly, Tiny did not close his eyes until he was so exhausted that he could keep them open no longer. |