Deeper and deeper Tiny wandered into the heart of the jungle. It was very damp and chilly as well as ghostly. His hunting bag was heavy, but he did not lose heart. He had heard that fairy princesses with torches often came to the aid of good squirrels that were in trouble. He wished that they would come to help him. But the dark trees and bushes looked like frightful hiding places for foxes and other mischievous animals. He grew more and more alarmed. Finally he halted at the foot of a pine tree. “I will spend the night here,” he said to himself. “I shall be out of danger in this great tree. What a lonesome place it is! This is one of the gloomiest valleys I ever saw. I’ll hide my acorns under the tree and find a place in which to rest.” Hardly had he spoken these words, when a terrible growl fell upon his ears. At the same time a great black object rose between himself and the tree. It was the largest creature Tiny had ever seen. “It is the black giant that Mr. Owl told me about,” chattered Tiny, dropping his hunting bag. “Oh, what shall I do?” The giant, which was really a black bear, growled louder than before and tried to strike Tiny with his great paw. The red squirrel, quick as a flash, attacked the giant with his dart, but only broke it into several pieces. Then, as fast as his legs could carry him, he scurried up the pine tree. The bear, shaking with rage, attempted to climb the tree, too, but he was so heavy that a bough gave way, and he fell clumsily to the ground. HE WAS SO HEAVY THAT A BRANCH GAVE WAY AND HE FELL CLUMSILY TO THE GROUND. “You may be a great fighter on the ground, but you can’t climb trees,” laughed Tiny in spite of his recent fright. “You shall stay in that tree till your beard turns gray,” growled the bear, “for I intend to see that you do not escape.” Tiny hid himself in one of the thick branches and remained quiet for a long time. He feared to go to sleep, lest he might fall upon Mr. Bruin’s upturned nose. In the meantime, the bear fell into a deep slumber. Finally the thought struck Tiny that he might be close to Squirreltown. He quickly ascended to the topmost branch and looked all about him. Less than two miles away he saw a wonderful sight. It seemed to him that millions of bright stars clustered together over the top of a tall tree in the east. They circled briskly about, sparkling and flashing like diamonds in an immense crown. “The good owl prophet has told me the truth from first to last,” said Tiny, his heart almost bursting from joy. “I recognize the dear old oak He hastened down to the lowest branch of the tree, but Bruin was still sleeping, with his head against its massive trunk. Tiny, whose mother had taught him the lesson of prudence, did not dare to venture down, lest the big black bear should seize him. So he went back to his resting place, and soon fell asleep. In the early gray dawn, he awoke and peeped from his cozy shelter. The birds were leaving their green roofs to find food for their families. The daisies in the woods and valleys were beginning to spread their white and crimson-tipped stars. The leaves trembled in the early breezes. Old Bruin was not far from the tree. He had found a hollow stump, and was rooting around it with his long nose. Soon there was a buzzing sound that swelled into an angry roar. Old Bruin, in trying to steal some honey, had gotten into trouble with the bees. The swarm was very angry. Hundreds of bees poured from the stump and alighted on his head, in his eyes, ears, and nostrils. CRAZED WITH PAIN THE BEAR DASHED AWAY. Crazed with pain, the bear dashed away, bellowing at the top of his voice. Tiny, although Tiny scurried down the tree to find his hunting bag, and what was his delight to find other delicacies that would make his winter store complete. “What a glorious jungle this is!” he cried. “I am glad I followed the advice of the owl prophet, for no squirrel has ever before been so fortunate. The ground is covered with pine cones, the seeds of which are delicious. Across the way is a large quantity of beech-nuts, and all around me are blackberry bushes. There is nothing else so delicious as dried blackberries.” In the midst of his joy, the queen bee that he had rescued from the brook lit upon a purple crow-foot growing by the stump, and cried out: “Good morning, my four-legged friend. You are the squirrel that saved my life.” “I am glad to see you again, your majesty,” said Tiny with his polite bow. “I wish you had happened to come sooner, for that dreadful black giant made me stay in yonder pine tree all night long.” “The impudent creature tried to get into our new home in the stump,” said the queen. “My soldiers will chase him and his companions so far away that they will never find their way back here.” “You have done me a great service,” said Tiny, with a second bow. “I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” “A kind act always brings its reward,” said the queen cheerfully. “But how can a tiny bee scare such a monstrous creature as a bear?” asked the squirrel. “One bee couldn’t scare anything,” laughed the queen. “You must remember that bees work together. When hundreds and hundreds of bees attack a bear, he is sure to make good use of his legs.” “Isn’t it rather unpleasant to live in a stump, after having been queen of the City Wonderful?” asked Tiny, after a moment of silence. “No, I rather enjoy the change,” returned the queen bee, with a merry buzz. “I hear that my oldest daughter, the princess, is now queen of the City Wonderful, but that she is uneasy all the time, as her next younger sister is almost ready to leave her nursery and fight for the crown. Occasionally there is strife in the City Wonderful, for as soon as a princess leaves her nursery, she wants to rule. I “I wish you much happiness,” said Tiny, with still another bow. “Thank you,” replied the queen, testing her gauzy wings. “I learned yesterday from one of my workers that Squirreltown is but a short distance away. Follow the path leading eastward, and you will be there in time for dinner.” “And what a dinner I shall take to my good mother!” exclaimed Tiny, looking about him. There was his hunting bag filled with choice acorns. Fully two bushels of beech-nuts and three barrels of pine cones were scattered over the ground. On the blackberry bushes, some of which were five feet high, were at least a dozen gallons of dried berries. “I warn you that all is not well at Squirreltown,” continued the queen. “They are having a dreadful famine there, and your poor mother may have starved by this time. Fear, want, and anxiety are terrible companions with which to live.” “What caused the famine?” asked Tiny in alarm. “Acorns and all the other queer food that squirrels eat are very scarce in Squirreltown just now,” explained the queen; “and, to make it all the worse, the squirrels there were annoyed by a host of bears that took up their abode in the city. As a result, “Are there many bears about here?” asked Tiny. “Quite a number of them came to the jungle, because there are so many acorns. They intended to hibernate here. I remembered how kind you had been to me, so I sent messengers to all the bees for miles around to drive the bears out of Squirreltown. We intend to keep them out of this jungle. We will watch your city every day and woe betide the bear that enters! Should one attempt to pass the city limits, an alarm will be sent out, and at least a thousand bees will chase him until he falls down exhausted. Bears, deer, and buffaloes are cowards. However, they do look very dreadful to small creatures like us.” “I can never repay you for your courtesies,” said Tiny, this time bowing so low that his bushy tail looked like a canopy over his head. “Now run along home before my army returns,” continued the queen. “All the citizens of Squirreltown know that you are coming, and that you are their deliverer. I will send a few of my messengers to guide you, and to conduct your friends back to the jungle where they can eat all they want, and store things for winter use. Goodby.” The queen bee flew back into the stump, buzzing happily. Tiny laughed, cried, chattered, and sang for joy. After helping himself to a few berries and pine cones, he picked up his bunting bag and trudged along to Squirreltown, as happy as a king. |