- Bailey, Vernon—Animal Life of the Carlsbad Cavern, 1928.
- Bourke, John G.—Medicine Men of the Apache, B.A.E. #9, 1887-88.
- Colton, Harold S. and Hargrave, L. L.—Handbook of Northern Arizona Pottery Types, MNA, 1937.
- Cosgrove, C. B.—Caves of the Upper Gila and Hueco Areas in New Mexico and Texas, Papers of the Peabody Museum, 1947.
- Dodge, Natt N.—Flowers of the Southwest Deserts, SMA, 1952.
- Ferdon, Edwin N., Jr.—An Excavation of Hermit’s Cave, New Mexico, 1946.
- Fewkes, J. W.—Casa Grande Arizona, Antiquities of the Upper Verde River and Walnut Creek, Arizona, B.A.E. #28, 1906-07.
- Gale, Bennett T.—Historical Sketch Carlsbad Caverns National Park, manuscript, 1952.
- Carlsbad Caverns—An Interpretation of Their Origin and Development, manuscript.
- Gifford, E. W.—Culture Element Distributions: XII Apache-Pueblo, Anthropological Records, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1940.
- Hawley, Florence M.—Field Manual of Prehistoric Southwestern Pottery Types, U. of N. M., 1936.
- Henshaw, Henry W.—Animal Carvings from the Mounds of the Mississippi Valley, B.A.E. #2, 1880-81.
- Howard, E. B.—Caves Along the Slopes of the Guadalupe Mountains, Bul. Texas Arch. and Pal. Soc., Vol. 4, 1932.
- Jennings, J. D.—A Variation of Southwestern Pueblo Culture, Lab. of Anth., Tech. Series, Bul. #10, 1940.
- Lehmer, Donald J.—The Jornada Branch of the Mogollon, U. of Ariz. SS Bul. #17, 1948.
- Mallery, Garrick—Picture Writing of the American Indians, B.A.E. #10, 1888-89.
- McGee, W. J.—The Seri Indians, B.A.E. #17, Part 2, 1895-96.
- Mera, H. P.—An Outline of Ceramic Developments in Southern and Southeastern New Mexico, Lab. of Anth., Tech. Series, Bul. #11.
- Reconnaissance and Excavation in Southeastern New Mexico, AAA Memoir #51, 1938.
- Mooney, James—Myths of the Cherokee, B.A.E. #19, 1897-98.
- The Ghost Dance Religion, B.A.E. #14, 1892-93.
- Calendar History of the Kiowa Indians, B.A.E. #17, 1895-96.
- Neumann, George—Analysis of the Skeletal Material, Lab. of Anth., Tech. Series, Bul. #10, 1940.
- Opler, Morris Edward—An Apache Life-Way, 1941.
- Pearce, Dr. J. E.—Kitchen Middens, Bul. Texas Arch. and Pal. Soc., Vol. 4, 1932—See also Victor J. Smith.
- Reed, Erik—Historical Narrative and Archaeological Values, Interpretive Section, Master Plan, Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
- Roth, W. E.—Animism and Folklore of Guiana Indians, B.A.E. #30, 1908-09.
- Schmitt, Martin F. and Brown, Dee—Fighting Indians of the West, 1948.
- Swanton, John R.—The Indian Tribes of North America, B.A.E. Bul. 145, 1952.
- Thomas, Alfred Barnaby—The Plains Indians and New Mexico 1751-1778, 1940.
- Wallace, Ernest and Hoebel, E. Adamson—The Comanches, U. of Okla., 1952.
- Williams, Jack R.—Papago, manuscript, 1952.