Contributors, and Editorial Revisers. PART IV. ISRAEL ISRAEL AS A WORLD INFLUENCE PART V. PHOENICIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Individuality of PART VI. WESTERN ASIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page The Position of PART VII. ANCIENT INDIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Indian History PART VIII. ANCIENT PERSIA TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Persian Transcriber’s Note: As a result of editorial shortcomings in the original, some reference letters in the text don’t have matching entries in the reference-lists, and vice versa. THE HISTORIANS’ HISTORY OF THE WORLDCHEYNE THE HISTORIANS’ A comprehensive narrative of the rise and development of nations (decorative, publisher’s mark) PRIUS PLACENDUM QUAM DOCENDUM IN TWENTY-FIVE VOLUMES The Outlook Company The History Association 1905 Copyright, 1904, All rights reserved. THE TROW PRESS |